Wednesday 4 March 2015

Anderson's story

It had snowed overnight. Not a lot.  Just a dusting, really, but the piercingly cold wind had blown snow under the spruce tree where he had taken shelter, covering him in the icy white particles. People talked about snow being like a blanket. A blanket of snow might protect some things but for a cat, it was simply cold. Anderson shivered, pulling himself up into a tight ball, tucking his nose into his chest for warmth.

Oh how he longed for the days of his kittenhood when he had had a warm home and a family who loved him.  There had been comfortable places to sleep at night and always plenty of food to eat. He had been happy.

But then one day long, long ago, it had all come to an end.  He was put in a carrier and then into the car.  Eventually the car had stopped.  He was removed from the carrier and dumped on the side of the road, left to watch his people driving away.  He didn't know why they were leaving him behind but was positive it was some sort of mistake.  It had to be.  He patiently waited for them to return. He had waited all day and into the night but never saw them again.  They had forgotten all about him, sitting there, by the side of the road.

Andy's stomach growled with hunger.  When had he eaten last?  Yesterday?  No, it was the day before or perhaps even the day before that.  It had been too long.  He needed to find something to eat.

Emerging from under the spruce tree, Anderson discovered a clear, blue sky.  The sun shone brightly although its warming rays couldn't overcome the cold, icy wind.  The snow that had fallen overnight was light and easily picked up by that wind.  Snowflakes smacked him in the face.  They hurt.  He needed to find some shelter but first, he needed food.

He gave himself a good shake and started walking toward the house.  The house...  It wasn't his house.  It belonged to several other cats and, from what he had been able to observe, two people. The cats were okay, he thought.  They didn't chase him or pick fights.  Most of the time they simply ignored him.

As for the people, he avoided them at all costs.  People were dangerous.  He had learned that early on, in his life on his own.  People would yell at you to chase you away.  If yelling didn't work, they might hit or even kick you.  People were not only dangerous but they were cruel, too.

Anderson still remembered the day he had been hit with a broom.  He would never forget it.  He couldn't forget it.  It had hurt so terribly.

He had only been trying to get a little something to eat.  He was only trying to survive.  He hadn't meant to do any harm.  The food was in the garbage.  It had been thrown out.  He hadn't thought anyone would mind his rummaging through a garbage bin and the aroma of something edible had been so enticing.  How could a person begrudge a starving a cat a morsel or two of food?  The only thing that made sense was that people were mean.  Mean and dangerous.  He knew he must remember that, always and from that day on, he did.

After being hit he had run far, far away.  So far he could never find his way back again even if he were to try.  He was on his own now.  All alone, living off the land as best as he could do.

He thought about the house.  The people living there had never hurt him but he wasn't prepared to take any chances.  He kept his distance as much as possible but sometimes he simply had to venture closer.  Today was a day he would need to do exactly that.

His tummy growled again, reminding him to pick up his pace.  He knew that if the people living in the house saw him, they would put out food.  They had done so before and he was sure they would do so again.  Once in the driveway, he sat down.  The wind was strong and icy cold, forcing him to turn so that his left side was shielded from it.  Earlier that winter, he had lost all the fur on that side.  The mats had become so tangled that with the longer days brought by late January and February, he had begun to shed and the mats of fur had simply peeled off, exposing bare skin to the bitter weather.  Out of the wind it was still cold but didn't hurt quite so much.

He heard the unmistakable sound of a door opening and closing.  He froze in terror, not daring to move even a whisker.  Did that sound mean that someone was bringing him something to eat or did it mean danger?

Waiting another minute or two to make sure that the person was gone, Anderson gingerly walked up the path leading to the house.  There was no one there but on the veranda were three bowls of food. Soft food, dry and even a bowl of water.  He dashed towards the bowls and ate voraciously.  As soon as he was done, he slowly backed away, disappearing around the corner.

At the back of the house was a deck.  Most of it was covered in snow but there were patches of bare wood, here and there.  And with the sun shining down upon it, he knew it would be warm.  The cold wind didn't seem to bother one when on that deck.  He headed for it and squeezing through two wooden planks, he settled down in the sunshine, allowing it to warm his fur.  The warmth felt heavenly.

Over time, the days became longer and more importantly, warmer.  The fur on his side began to grow back and his tummy no longer ached from hunger.  Anderson learned that the people living in the house would give him food whenever he appeared and not once did they do anything to harm him.  He was sure that at least one of them was eager to befriend him but he was having nothing to do with that.  He fully intended to keep a safe distance at all times.

Eventually he found that he could venture as close as the path while waiting for the people to deliver his meals.  He didn't even have to run away when they appeared.  They seemed to know better than to try to approach him.  And by mid-summer he found that not only could he speak to the people from the house, but they appeared to quite enjoy hearing him do so.  They would even speak back although truth be told, it all sounded like gibberish to him.

By late summer, the days had begun to get shorter and the nights, although not cold, were definitely chilly.  Anderson was reminded of the cold and icy winter he had lived through only a few months before.  He knew it would return again.  The thought made him shiver.

He was now venturing right onto the veranda when the people came out of the house to give him his food.  A couple of times he had accidentally touched their hands with his nose when they took too long to spoon the food into the bowl.  Of course, whenever that happened, he would immediately hiss at them, reminding them that he was still in control of the situation and that they shouldn't read too much into it.  They didn't appear to mind the occasional hiss.  Once or twice, he thought he even detected a hint of a smile from the person he now knew to be the first peep.

Then one day in late September, it happened.  Anderson had come around to the back door in the early evening.  The sun was beginning to set and the air was quite cool.  Peep #1 was standing by the door, speaking to him and encouraging him to approach.  He did.  He placed one paw in front of the other.  Then a few more steps were made.  Before he knew it, Andy was inside a small room at the back of the house.

Never before had he seen a person move so quickly but that back door was shut in a flash.  Anderson was trapped. He raced through the house and with desperation, headed up a flight of stairs.  He found no means of escape up there but instead, found something else.  Something much better.  He found a room with a soft bed upon which to sleep in comfort and warmth. It reminded him of his life as a kitten when he had enjoyed the love of a family.  Where his tummy always had food and where he never went hungry. He found...  a home.

Anderson could never have known that the house would eventually become his new home but his home, it did become.  And the people living in the house would become his new family along with the cats who already resided there.  Never again would Andy be lonely or scared.  Never again would he feel the bitter cold.  And never again would his tummy ache from hunger.  From that day on, Anderson had a home filled with warmth, comfort and most importantly, love.


  1. It was a long road to home for Anderson, but he made it. Lucky him!

    1. Yup, took a while but he has a FOREVER home now. purrs

  2. (っ´∀`)っ Cheeto is ma homie!

    1. Andy says he wants to try some of these Cheetos. They're cheesy, no? Maybe he'll dream of Mouseland with me. purrs

  3. I love that big-cheeked ginger boy! How someone could dump him like garbage boggles my mind. All's well that ends well though...

    1. Our doctor and nurses are all fascinated with Andy's cheeks, too. Apparently, they don't see that many with such big ones. Who knew? purrs

  4. Andy, we are sorry for all the cold and suffering you went through, but we are SO glad your new family were so kind and patient with you. You struck gold, sweet kitty.

    1. Yup, the peeps tried for MONTHS to get Andy and finally... SUCCESS. purrs

  5. while the middle part is sad, the ending is awesome!

    1. And now he's practically takin' over the joint! MOUSES!!! purrs

  6. Oh wow that made me sad & true but wonderful...purrs

    1. It is super wonderful that Andy has his home now with us. I was born feral, myself, but never EVER suffered as Anderson did. I was lucky. purrs

  7. dood...even boomer who had time of it ...iz wipin tearz frum upon hiz cheex....we iz MEGA happee ya final lee finded yur for evers... wear ya haz been livin large & in charge....ever sinz....

    a paws...a paws...a paws ...yur gotcha day storee iz one for de books♥♥♥♥♥ loves two ewe~~~~~

    1. And he HAS been livin' large and in charge. He has practically taken over! purrs

    2. Aww, Andy, welcome home at last! *wipes away onion tears*

    3. He has settled in so well 'cept for a 'marmie' incident, or two. purrs

  8. So glad Anderson got a pawsome home!

  9. Orange goodness and determination! Such a great story and hooray for Anderson!

    1. Andy is super scared of brooms and winter boots and is absolutely terrified of the carriers. Perhaps with time, he'll get over those fears. purrs

  10. Whooppeee for Anderson. And I certainly know his reason for being scared of any peep with a broom in their paws. And men's feet with big shoes on...simply terrifying. Glad you came in from the cold buddy

    1. Can you imagine how nasty a person must be to hit a cat with a broom? Rotten person, for sure. purrs

  11. That was a heartbreaking story. Why does life have to be so rough for cats?? But we're very glad y'all found each other.

    1. I only wish that each and every cat out there could find his or her forever home. purrs

  12. Found the perfect spot indeed. Making everything all sunny and bright

    1. Yup, all that marmie fur will do that. Bright under every light. purrs

  13. We is so glad that Anderson found "the house" and his forever home with you and the peeps Nerissa. But we knows Anderson must be even gladder!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. He is. He loves snugglin' up to the peeps and lovin' on 'em, now. purrs

  14. What a wonderful way to share one lucky cat's story!


    1. Sometimes I just feel the need to share somethin' more serious, you know? purrs

  15. A story with a wonderfully happy ending! We are so glad that Anderson made his way into your home and your heart!

    1. I'm glad, too and so are the peeps! They're very happy they were able to give Andy a home. purrs

  16. What a happy ending for Anderson. Thank cod.

    1. And this past winter has been so bad. Peeps still talk 'bout how grateful that Andy is inside now and not out in all that snow. purrs

  17. Oh Nissy, *whipes tears away* , this was such a heartfelt story. We are so happy for Anderson and all the other cats that finally find a loving and caring home, just like he did...and he's quite a handsom brother too, isn't he :D Pawkisses for a Happy Ending Week :) <3

    1. He is one good-lookin' boy, for sure. You should have seen the doctors and nurses fawnin' over him when he went in to be neutered. purrs

  18. Mom got leaky eyes reading Anderson's story - we wish that all homeless kitties would be as lucky as he was. Once trust has been broken, it's often almost impossible to repair BUT all we sometimes need is just a gentle reminder that there are humans who DO care and are NOT cruel. Sending Anderson hugs....

    Love, Sam

    1. Too true. At first, the peeps thought that Andy must be feral, for sure. He was so scared. But he came 'round so quickly once inside, they realized he had actually been abandoned and not feral. But scared of peeps enough to behave like a feral, early on. purrs

  19. Wow, thank you Nerissa, I had tears in my eyes right from the start. Andy's story is the story of most, if not all of the cats here at the Sanctuary. Some take a long time, some just a short time to understand I mean them no harm. They are allowed to be who they are with whatever time they need to adjust. In the meantime, they have food, water, shelter and love. Thank you so much for writing Andy's Story.

    1. The kitties at the Sanctuary sure are lucky to have you there for them. They're very lucky, indeed. purrs

  20. I'm so glad that Anderson was able to find a loving new home! Way too many kitties are tossed to the side like they aren't worth anything. I hope that more kitties like him are able to have the same happy ending.

    1. Me too. In a perfect world, EVERY kitty who wants one would have a loving home. purrs

  21. We are so very happy for this happy outcome and sad for the Journey you had to travel Andy.

    1. Sometimes I think Andy still can't quite believe he has a loving home. He'll get up on the chesterfield with the peeps and knead and knead and knead. He takes his kneadin' very seriously, indeed. purrs

  22. **SNIFF, SNIFF** **DABS AT TEARS** Thank goodness Anderson got braver and now has a wonderful home!

    1. Yup and this forever home really will be for forever. purrs

  23. Such a sad story, made even sadder by the fact that so many cats live through it. So, so happy that Anderson found wonderful people to take him in!

    1. It's true. There are other cats out there livin' through the very same fate. If every peep took a moment to help one needy cat, the world would be a much better place, for sure. purrs

  24. What a sad and touching story ! We're very happy it has a happy end ! Purrs

    1. I think Andy's pretty happy 'bout the endin', too. purrs

  25. Mee-you Nerissa fank you fur sharin Anderson'ss storey!! Thiss iss thee storey of mee Mumma an Pappaw an mee Aunty'ss an Unccle'ss inn thee barn....
    They ALL were tossed out like a used up liter an ended up at Lady Mary Ellen'ss farm. Shee could not take them innto thee hose so shee built a condo colony fur them inn thee barn an there are 20 katss there now. Mee an Tyerrone an Tangerine were born inn thee barn an wee all hass good homess now...
    Kallyco mee Mumma iss so feral shee hidess inn thee loft an will not trust anyone :(
    King George mee Pappaw iss berry furendlee an hee meeted LAdyMum last week an snuggled with her.
    So many katss roamin an cold an starvin; makess mee want to MEE-YOU out loud fur them.
    *wipess teerss frum eyess*
    Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum xxxx

    1. But that barn sounds wonderful! Lady Mary Ellen is a WONDERFUL person for makin' a home for those feral kitties, for sure. purrs

    2. Mee-you nerissa thee barn iss luvley inn thee Summertime (when mee was born) an autumn...not sure mee wood have liked it thiss Winter....
      Lady MaryEllen iss a BERRY good woman! There are 20 katss an 6 horsess inn thee barn; 3 katss inn the house an Jade thee doggie...
      Mee iss glad efurryone iss looked aftur an mee knowss mee Brofur Tyerrone iss safe inn thee house! ;)
      **purrss** Siddhartha Henry

    3. Sounds like she has her paws full. Full house and VERY full barn, for sure. purrs

  26. That is one WONDERFUL happily ever after tail!

  27. Pawsome story for Anderson to find his forever family!
    CJ and Mia

    1. It is. He had a rough start but will live with us forever now, for sure. purrs

  28. That was such a sad story and it made mum's eyes leak. I am glad it has a happy ending with you and your family. He is a handsome ginger boy.

    1. He sure is! Quite the lady's man, too, although he has most definitely now been neutered. purrs

  29. I am glad that Anderson had a happy ending. I must admit that it uppset me so I skipped to the end looking for that happy ending.

    1. Anderson has a forever home, forever now. Exactly as it should be for all kitties in this world. purrs

  30. Such a beautiful, touching story!!! And what a gorgeous ginger boy!

    1. And a big one, too! Those marmies sure do grow big. MOUSES! purrs

  31. We don't want to think about how he could have been left to suffer in the cold like that.
    Thank goodness Anderson found your lovely family to take care of him and love him.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  32. Oh Anderson, what a story!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

    1. Andy had a rough time of it there but he's livin' in the lap of luxury now, for sure. And he spends a lot of time ON the laps of peeps, too. purrs

  33. I'm so glad Anderson found your house and family,So sad that he had to go through what he did,mummy is crying about this one,xx Speedy

    1. He had a rough life for a while but rest assured, Anderson is doin' very well now. No more cold or hunger or loneliness ever again. purrs

  34. We are so happy that Anderson found a loving forever home, and that he learned that humans are okay, after all. Purrs and hugs to you all.

  35. Me and the mum person have both got leaky eyes if truth be known!! We are so glad that Anderson found his forever home with you!! xx

    1. I'm glad he found us, too. Even though I was born feral, Andy actually had a much tougher time of it than I. I never had to live through a Canadian winter outdoors, you see. purrs

  36. What a poignant and beautifully written story. Thank you for sharing this treasure. Purrs from Deb and the Zee and Zoey Gang.

    1. I'm just so very, very happy that Andy's story has a happy endin'. purrs

  37. I really liked this story....I want to Apologize to you for the way I talked to you a while back....I really feel bad about that....I was not myself at the time as I was under a lot of stress....I hope you can forgive me....

  38. We loved Anderson's found story! He so much needed the love (which is what your house has lots of). Finding a furever home is awesome, especially with a Nerissa around to tell the story!

    1. Tellin' Andy's story was just one of those things I felt I really needed to do. purrs

  39. Aaaaaaaw Nissy weez so glad Andy found y'all and yous took him in. It's pawful how cwuel sum peeps can be. And we feel fur all da kitties havin' to bwave da cold of winter. Specially those up Norff where winters be hawder and colder. It's not wight, just not wight at all. We fink those hoomans shuld hav to face da same fing those kitties do. Anyways, Andy looks pawsum. Hav a gweat weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. Yeah, if I ever get my paws on the peeps who abandoned Andy... Well let me just say there would be claws involved, for sure. purrs

  40. Wow, what a sad story, our hearts just break for kitties who are dropped off at the side of the road. We are so thankful that Anderson found your amazing family and home and we are so happy that he now has the real love and care that he truly deserves, that is a happy ending.

    1. It happens far too often here in Nova Scotia. Peeps abandon cats in 'the country' thinkin' they can fend for themselves but they can't. Some peeps are really stupid like that. MOUSES! purrs

  41. Mummy's eyes were leaking while she read this story.
    But at least there was a Happy End. If only all such stories could end so happily...


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.