Sunday, 1 March 2015

flyin' fryin' pans

So I was listenin' to the news the other day when all of a sudden, what was bein' reported sunk in and I said to myself - and anyone else in the room who happened to be listening - MOUSES!  I had best get crackin' on workin' on that.

Sometimes I just kinda listen to the news. Sometimes I don't really pay it a whole lot of attention but instead, just keep an ear out for anythin' related to the really important stuff. You know, like nip.  Not a lot of nip news though, I'm afraid.  MOUSES!

And of course I'm always listenin' for news regardin' the Senate, too.  I still intend on becoming Canada's first feline Senator so I've always got my other ear out, listenin' for Senate updates.

It's a good thing I have two ears, for sure.

But the other day, even though the newspeeps weren't talkin' about nip or the Senate, I listened in anyway.  Sometimes I do that.  Sometimes I'm truly interested in what they're reportin' and other times, I'm just lookin' for fodder for my blog.

Not quite sure why I was listenin' in on this particular report 'bout submarines but, knowin' how my mind sometimes works, I'm thinkin' that all the submarine talk reminded me of submarine sandwiches which would be good for snackin' if my peeps weren't veggies but nevertheless are still shaped like cigars which some peeps out there smoke just like some peeps - NOT mine - smoke marijuana that gives 'em a high like catnip does for me and so you see, the whole news report obviously reminded me 'bout nip so clearly, I had to listen in.

How's that for a run-on sentence, huh?  I'm thinkin' that might be a contender for the run-on sentence Olympics, for sure.

Anywho...  Turned out the newspeeps were talkin' about submarines and not nip.  MOUSES!

But I'm glad I paid attention anyway 'cause it was pretty important stuff.

Way back in 1998, the then Government of Canada bought four Victoria-class submarines for the bargain price of under a billion dollars from the United Kingdom.  Now for the first time in seventeen years, three of those four subs are in workin' order - all at the SAME time - and available for operations.  Makes you wonder if there should be lemon laws for subs, huh?  Again I must say, MOUSES!

But 'nough about that.  The important thing to remember in all this is that I have a fleet of flyin' fryin' pans to consider.

As you all know, my brother Seville and I are the world's leading experts in eggbeater-whisk time travellin'-teleportation technology.  The eggbeaters and whisks power the technology.  The actual vehicle is a fryin' pan.

Truth be told, eggbeater technology will power any vehicle but the bigger and heavier said vehicle is, the more eggbeaters that you require and eggbeaters don't come cheap.  Believe me, I know.

That's why Seville and I like to use our trusty ol' fryin' pan.  Only one eggbeater is required.

But all this talk on the news 'bout Canada havin' bought second-hand citrus fruit - sorry, I mean submarines - got me to thinkin'.   What would Seville and I do if somethin' bad happened to our fryin' pan?  What if it rusted or somethin'?  Gosh, we couldn't have that.  We needed to have a replacement on order, for sure.  MOUSES!

Actually, Seville and I really should have a whole fleet of fryin' pans at our disposal.  If not a fleet, at least one backup or maybe two.

So I began my on-line search for fryin' pans.  There were so many options.  Did I want to order 'em up for construction or buy somethin' already built.

I came across a couple slimy sales pitches but mosied right on by.  Fryin' pans only used by little old ladies to fry up Sunday brunches after church.  How stupid did they think I was?  I wasn't fallin' for that.

And the used fryin' pans bein' sold "as is."  As if is more like it.  I watch Judge Judy.  I know what that means.  MOUSES!

No, I knew I didn't want anythin' used.  There would be no second-hand fryin' pans for me.  Seville once bought refurbished eggbeaters from the Weasel Syndicate and they proved to be nothin' but trouble, for sure.  So I decided to avoid any fryin' pan sources affiliated with the Weasel Syndicate along with all those that made mention of bargain basements, lemonade stands and refurbishment. Seemed like a wise precaution considerin' all things submarine, if you know what I mean.  Of course you do.

There were definitely some deals that sounded way too good to be true.  You can't buy a fryin' pan for pennies.  Even I know that.  Gosh, we don't even have pennies here in Canada any more. MOUSES!

Finally, I decided upon a nice enamel version.  New technology but not so new it was untried. Scratch resistant which is very important considerin' Seville and I have claws.  Rust resistant and even leak proof, too.  Brand new.  Reasonably priced but not so cheap as to be suspicious. Everythin' in workin' order...  GUARANTEED.  Plus, the seller was the manufacturer and not some guys tryin' to pawn off somethin' they themselves no longer wanted 'cause, you know, it was broken or somethin' like that.

A few clicks later and I had my new fleet of flyin' fryin' pans on order.  Both of 'em should be arrivin' any day now.  Once Seville and I install the eggbeaters and whisks, they'll be up and runnin' in no time at all.  SWEET.

And speakin' of sweet things, remind me to tell Peep #1 she needs to buy some sugar this week.  When browsin' for fryin' pans, I found a source for lemons, really cheap.  I ordered her up a case or two.  As a cat, I don't care for lemons but I know that the peeps do.  I figured they might enjoy makin' some lemonade.

And I'm assumin' there are lemon laws for lemons.  But what if there aren't? Nah, that would be silly.  You buy lemons from a lemon salesman, you should definitely be guaranteed to get lemons but if they turn out to be grapefruit or limes, I'll be askin' for my money back, for sure.  MOUSES!


  1. We do like the smell of yummy stuff in the frying pans, but I didn't know your fleet was over this way!

    1. The new ones I've ordered won't be used for fryin', I'm afraid. Just flyin', for sure. purrs

  2. I am really glad you have a couple of backup frying pans now, Nissy and Seville. Now do you need more backup eggbeaters and whisks?

    1. I think we do. Remember the worldwide eggbeater shortage? That was a disaster, for sure. purrs

  3. Back ups are always good as long as you have enough egg beaters,xx Speedy

    1. Yeah, can't risk a shortage of those. Those refurbished ones Seville bought from the Weasel Syndicate kept fallin' apart. MOUSES! purrs

  4. I am embarrassed that UK peeps sold you good folk a pup (or in deed a litter of pups!) A dodgy lemon submarine is as much good as a red herring, and you don't want to be frying one of them that's for sure! purrs.

    1. Wasn't their finest moments on EITHER side, I'm afraid. *sighs* purrs

  5. Well now Nissy weez not sure how yous wuld bweak a fwyin' pan. Ours be made of stainless steel and mommy's dwopped 'em more than a foo times and they still be in gweat shape. But we do wish ya' luck wiff yous new pans. As fur da lemonade...OMC it's still too cold to be finkin' 'bout anyfin' much udder than coffee and hot chocolate. MOL Hav fun. Can't wait to see yous new fleet of flyin' fwyers.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. Metaphorical lemonade can be drunk year round. Summer, winter, spring and fall. Suitable for all occasions, I think. purrs

  6. I am really glad you have a couple of backup frying pans now :)
    About the lemons I say like the Grumpy Cat : If someone gives you lemon , throw them right back on them ;-)


    1. We're gonna need 'em. I'm hopin' to go on an adventure, soon. Need a teleportation device up and runnin', for sure. purrs

  7. *hangs head in shame* so we sold you some lemons that weren't supposed to be lemons!! I'm sure you could get us on the trade descriptions act or sumfin! I never knew lemons could be so costly!! Must be because they have to be adapted for underwater! I dunno! I'm a bit flummoxed! :(

    1. I don't understand it. Peeps put slices of lemon in glasses of water all the time. Never causes a problem for 'em at all. purrs

  8. pawsome Nissy! New flyin' fryin' pans! I ordered up some new teleport tunnels as well. My secret power source is back ordered but will be here soon.

  9. *running for mommy's plastic card* we SO need frying pans and egg beaters. And whisks! We're so missing out over here! But, uh, no refurbished ones. Nope. And we're hoping for no lemons. Even if our mom does like lemonade....

    1. You'll wanna stay away from the refurbished eggbeaters, for sure. ESPECIALLY if the Weasel Syndicate is involved. They're nothin' but trouble. Believe me, I know. purrs

  10. All this fryin pan talk made me hungry.

  11. Whatever you do, do NOT purchase a NON-STICK pan...just think of the consequences!

    1. Oh yeah... MOUSES! A cat could slide right out, mid-teleportation. purrs

  12. I have to search for a flyin'fryin'pan..does it really have wings...or am I to nipped now :D Pawkisses for a Happy Week :) <3

    1. Nah, you're not nipped at all. The fryin' pans don't fly 'til you add the eggbeaters. The eggbeaters power the teleportation device. No wings involved. purrs

  13. I believe in you and your senator dreams, Nissy. Maybe you could fight for more nip and delicious stuff in the frying pans,

    1. Oh yes, when I'm appointed to the Senate, EVERY province will have nip-growin' industries, for sure. purrs

  14. Good luck with your new fleet of flyin' fryin' pans Nissy! May they fly straight and true.........

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. I'm SO relieved to have back-ups. Gotta plan for the future and make sure that future is all set. purrs

  15. Don't know much about fryin' pans, but if you're planning to make a run fur the Senate, learning to speak in those run-on sentences is really good practice here ... and the more you run on, and on, and on ... the better it'll be ... oh and remember to change the subject, too ... often and a lot.

    1. Those run-on sentences are kinda my trademark. It's like I was BORN to be Senator or somethin' like that. purrs

  16. Hey Nissy,
    Purrhaps mes and a few of the other Canadian Animal Bloggers should get some frypans and beaters and paint Nerissa for Senate on the bottom and fly over all the cities! That would be a total blast!

    1. I think we should do that for sure! What fun we will have. PURRfect! PURRS

  17. I can't wait to see your new frying pans. You are very smart to plan ahead and have extras. Very sweet of you to order those lemons for the peeps too. I think you visited, but if not, today is the last day to enter our Dr. Seuss giveaway.

    1. I figured it was the least I could since since the peep was payin' for the fryin' pans and all. purrs

  18. haha yeah all those penny sayings and jokes don't work up here anymore. Fry away at your bay

    1. I know! The English language suffered with the loss of the penny, for sure. purrs

  19. We sure hopes you didn't have to pay a billion for those frying pans! Nah, you're not dumb like the politician guys.

    Mom bean says if the Senate were elected, she'd vote for you for sure.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. Nope, I got the fryin' pans for a very reasonable price. Reasonable but not suspiciously cheap. purrs

  20. Sure hope you have some great trips in those frying pans. Also fry up some great food in them. You all have a great day.

    1. I'm wonderin' if Sivvers and I will be goin' on adventure for St. Patrick's Day. We did last year. purrs

  21. In working order?? Well it's about time! haha!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  22. I agree - if you purchase a lemon, it should definitely be lemony. I hope that you get yor spot as a senator. There are a lot of things that humans could learn from cats.

    1. They sure could. After all, cats ARE the superior species. purrs

  23. Hope those new fryin' pans meet your high standards when they arrive. We must assume that you would not purchase anything without a money back guarantee. Happy flying', furiends. Maybe you'll land in our neck of the woods one day. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Oh yes, MY fleet is GUARANTEED. Made sure of that, for sure. purrs

  24. Mee-you Nerissa iss Siddhartha Henry here...
    LadyMum sayss furinallee thee le-moan subss are up an runnin...shee sayss Canada iss a laffin stock to sum of thee werld beecause wee not have propurr stuff like planes; hellycopturss, subss an such ;)
    An why did they do away with penniess anyway??? Aunty Tinkerbelle used to luv battin them about!!!
    Wee hopess yur doin ok inn yur part of snow countree! Wee had more snow today an mee iss fed up...mee has deecided mee NOT like winter!!!
    You say Mousiess an mee sayss PICKERELL!! ;)
    **nose bumpss** Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum xxx

    1. I'm pretty fed up with the ol' winter, too. Bring on spring, I say. Come on... BRING IT! *looks out window* Nope, no sign of spring yet. Awww... PICKEREL! purrs

  25. I wonder about you using a cast iron fryin' pan, they seem like they'd be very sturdy to take you where you and Seville need to go?

    1. Hmmm... I think you're right! I should include at least one of those in my fleet. purrs


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.