Wednesday, 4 June 2014

we're gonna have nip!

MOUSES!  I spend a day in the tropical island paradise of the Turks and Caicos Islands, lookin' for plumies and whatnot and ol' Mother Nature starts messin' around with the weather up here in Canada.  It's true.  You'll never guess what happened last week.

Seville and I had our little tropical adventure last Wednesday, arrivin' home late Wednesday night.  Then on Thursday mornin' we awoke to... FROST!  Yes, you heard that correctly. Sometime overnight, Ol' Jack Frost made his presence known and left frosty white frost, all over the place.

Oohhh...  the peep was upset.  Awakening to frost on the 29th of May is a very upsettin' thing for a peep.  Me?  I wasn't too concerned although it did interfere with my nappin' abilities.  Hard to nap with all that huffin' and puffin' and stompin' around of a peep who is that upset and believe you me... Peep #1 was THAT upset.

Actually, some of the frost was kind of pretty.  The violets in the so-called lawn that has more violets than grass were all outlined with white.  The leaves were all sparkly and whatnot.  And there's a giant thistle in the backyard that looked spectacular.  Could have made a Christmas ornament with it's leaves all frosty like that.  Kind of looked a little bit like holly, last Thursday mornin'.

Ummm...   You're probably wonderin' why there's a giant thistle in the backyard.  Well...  we had a thistle growin' near there last year and I guess it set seed.  I have been monitoring this new thistle's growth since it first appeared a few weeks ago.  I didn't say anything to the peep about it though on account of the likelihood of her gettin' rid of it had she known it was there.  It's in the lawn, you see... amongst the violets.  But I don't want her to get rid of it 'cause goldfinches like thistle seed and fluff and I like watchin' goldfinches.  Hmmm...  I think it's the goldfinches that like the thistles. Someone does.  I know that for sure.  I also know that I will enjoy watchin' whoever it is that likes 'em.  Gotta keep that thistle growin'.  Gotta keep the peep away from it.  I know that, too.

But back to the frost.  It was everywhere!  You should have seen the car.  When I first saw it, I thought I had miscalculated my return teleportation from the Turks and Caicos Islands and somehow arrived home in January or somethin'.  MOUSES!

The peonies were all droopy and the peep wondered if the buds would ever open.  They have since recovered and things are lookin' good on that front.  The lilies all looked dead.  They, too, are on the mend.

There weren't many blossoms on the peach tree this year but those that were there are...   well... toast comes to mind.  Burnt toast, if you know what I mean.  The blossoms on one cherry tree seem okay but the second tree is servin' burnt toast just like the peach.

Thankfully, the blossoms on the big crab apple tree hadn't really blossomed yet and were spared any damage.  I was quite concerned about those blossoms.  Sure, they're pretty and all and I know the peeps really like sniffin' the air when they're bloomin' but I was concerned that if the blossoms were killed, there would be no little crab apples for the birds to eat in the winter.  That would really interfere with the January programming of Bird TV, if you know what I mean.  Can't have that.

And speakin' of peeps sniffin' the air when the crab apple tree is in bloom.  Anyone know if anybody makes bottles of stink that smell like apple blossoms?  Peep #1 just goes crazy for that smell.  I prefer nip - of course - but the peep has weird taste and obviously, an even weirder sense of smell.  I kind of think she'd like it if I gave her a bottle of stink that smelled like apple blossoms.

And speakin' of stinky stuff.  The lilacs and lilies-of-the-valley completely escaped the wrath of Mother Nature and Jack Frost.  They're bloomin' now and even I have to admit that they're fillin' the air with nice smells.  Not as nice as the delicious scent of a field of nip but really and truly, pretty nice, indeed.

Hmmm...  I wonder if they make bottles of stink that smell like lilacs or lilies of the valley.  Anyone know?

Better yet, does anyone know if they make bottles of stink that smell of nip?  Wow!  If Peep #1 were to wear nip perfume...  IT WOULD BE HEAVENLY.

And speakin' of the nip.  I have good news on the nip front.  You know the seeds the peep planted a few weeks ago?  They all have true leaves now.  They're lookin' pretty good, actually.  And just yesterday I was sniffin' around the cage in which she planted nip seeds before.  You remember.  It was the time when she failed miserably in her nip-growin' attempts on account of the nip seed not germinating.  Well...  I FOUND NIP!  Just three little plants and they are really little.  Just an inch high or so but...  they're nip!  There's hope for Ol' Peepers yet.

Let me tell you, findin' those nip plants yesterday was like findin' a long-lost treasure.  It was like findin' the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.  It made my day.  It made my week. My gosh...  it made my year!  Glory be...  we're gonna have nip!  FINALLY, the peep has managed to do somethin' right and when that somethin' is growin' nip, it's a very good thing, indeed.


  1. No frost in Singapore. We have flowers all year around here!

  2. Yay for the Nip! its wet and cold here Nissy so no so good,xx Speedy

  3. There's no frost here Nerissa however we do have rain, rain and more rain - in fact it was raining when we got up and it's now early evening and it's still raining. Yes that's it Summer has arrived!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. Paws up for your nip! Ours is still struggling a bit.

  5. Mommy actually managed to get some catnip to germinate and actually grow big enough to harvest. It's a miracle! Those harvested nip is now drying in the dehydrator as Mommy types out this comment. She says hanging them upside down probably will only get them all moldy since our weather is so humid.

  6. Hooray for the nip! That Jack Frost should quit nippin' at your nip door!

  7. dood....forget de jack azz burdz....N ya gotta watch out for thistle buddy.....itz az vizshuz az it haz like KNIVES on itz self....a BUNCH....eeeeeeeooooooowwww

    glad ta heer ole jack dinna mess up two much in yur gardin N WAY happee ya haz sum nip growin thiz yeer...come august ....ewe will be buzzed up 24/7


  8. Congratulations about the nip!!!There's a lovely apple blossom perfume by Helena Rubinstein you could get for the peep I'm sure she'd love it!I prefer lily-of-the-valley myself.Sorry you are having problems with FB again.Love and purrsXXX

  9. Woohooooo bring on da nip!!!!
    Canada is really god for surprising us with frost just when you think the summer weather is upon us!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  10. I thought we had a late frost in Michigan. Enjoy your nip.

  11. Yikes, I hope the frost left your nip alone. I keep telling M she has to plant some real nip for me. She has a plant called "cat mint" and like that one too, but it's not the real thing.

  12. You can buy liquid nip. Maybe you could get some and your peep can dap a little behind her ears. ;)

    1. Liquid nip? MOUSES!

      Oh Peepers... Guess what you're gettin' for your birthday this year. purrs

  13. Glad that the frost did not get those little nip plants. You should have a bumper crop by summer. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  14. Jack Frost really needs to go on a long vacation! So happy that you're gonna have nip!

  15. Frost?? It are in da 90s here!

  16. It must be exciting to be growing your own nip! I just bought a nip plant for Cinco and Manna, but we live in an apartment so it has to grow in a pot. That limits our nip growing potential. Oh well, at least we got a little bit!

  17. We can't believe you got frost, that is just crazy, you have had harsh weather this year for sure, Nissy! Thank Cod, the nip survived, that is most important!

  18. Mom had nip in the planter last year, but this year it's forget-me-nots. I must say I'm a little disappointed, but I suppose I can't complain because it is Keaton's memorial planter and the forget-me-nots do smells nice. Though their not big enough to flower yet. Purrs, friend! -Winchester Feline >^.^<

  19. Glad the frost didn't destroy everything. We once had snow in June although it didn't stay around for long.

  20. Wow, brrr. So glad the nip survived, couldn't imagine if it didn't make it through the frost!

  21. Woo hoo! Nip for the biggest nip head in the blogosphere! Bwwaaahahahaha Bet it isn't as good as that stuff that remains ever elusive from you, me and'mean.

  22. Frost? What? This is impawsible....this is horrible....this is devastating - this is SO WRONG! Frost in June is forbidden (I thought). Glad to hear the nip made it through this tragic event but let's hope frost is NO MORE!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Frost was a week ago today so still in May but still... May 28th? Frost? MOUSES! Peep says we haven't had frost in May for the last three years or so an then it struck, last week. Again I say... MOUSES!

  23. You had frost at the very end of May ? Something is really weird ! Do you live near the north pole Nissy ?
    Poor flowers. And poor bugs.
    Here we had cherries at the beginning of May. I love cherry.
    Your Peep loves the smell of apple trees, mine loves the smell of grapefruit trees. We have 2 big one and they were covered with flowers.

  24. Happy CB Calendar day!!! Love the picture and Laura says it's the best kitty picture she has ever seen!!! Happy weekend to you!

  25. Oh my catness... that really is weird... frost in May... we do hope Mother Nature will get back on the right track where you are! Purrs from the Zee and Zoey Gang!

  26. That really is a late frosty. But ohhhhh that Nip
    Dad promised *Timmy glares at Dad* to plant me some.
    Still waiting!

  27. You did get a really late frost. Concats on your nip plants germinating, that is great! I *ahem* seem to have eaten all of our to a bare nubbin so no more fresh nip here *sigh*

    1. Oh yeah... That happens here, too. Thus, "the cage." purrs

  28. There is nothing better than rolling on the new nip plants! Daddy has putted wire over the ones in Midway to stops Kozmo and Jo-Jo from nibbling and rolling!

  29. Yow Nerissa same fing happened here wif da frost n me had a 'stompin swearin Peep' also!!
    Den we found out da patio iz gonna bee ripped up n reedun n Mum iz fureeuss cause it will pobablee bee when it iz blisterin hot out n we will be stuck inside....PLUS we will lose sum of da wee garden...okayz NOW me iz stompin around too!!
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum too
    ***can bee herd stompin away***

  30. I think I have to come to you for the nip, Nerissa..we had a nipplant, ages ago, but somebody thought it was weed...well, actually it is...anyway no nip to see around at my place anymore...just like the forget-me-nots...but maybe we're lucky and does it come back too. Pawkisses for a Happy Nip :)


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.