Wednesday, 18 June 2014

a mouse in the house!

BREAKING NEWS...   We interrupt our previously scheduled blog post to bring you this late-breaking news.


Uh actually...  no.  It was a chipmunk. MOUSES!

Sit back, put your paws up and let me tell you what happened, at my house, yesterday afternoon.

Glancing over into the family room as I entered the house through the little kitchen window the peeps so thoughtfully leave open for us cats in the summer, I saw my two peeps enjoyin' some tea while watchin' somethin' on the news.  I'm assuming it was tea.  Perhaps nip tea but I don't know for sure. But probably not.  Probably just the plain ol' regular stuff.  They like it with milk.  I personally like the milk but will pass on the tea.

Anywho...  I know that Peep #1 saw me comin' inside as I heard her sigh loudly sayin', "Oh no..."  I smiled to myself.  YES!  She must see what I am carryin' in my mouth.

I suppose I shouldn't have smiled 'cause that was what likely caused Mr. Chippy to fall from my mouth, onto the floor.  Next thing I knew, Mr. Chippy was racin' into the family room to tell the peeps on me.

"Too late!" I cried to Mr. Chippy.  "Peeps already know 'bout you.  First peep saw me bringing you inside."

Apparently however, Ol' Peepers did NOT know 'bout how Mr. Chippy was still alive.  That would be about the time when all you-know-what broke loose.  You-know-what brought to you by the letters 'h' and 'e' along with a couple of hockey sticks.

The first peep was up like a flash and barkin' instructions to Peep #2.  "I need the bathroom waste paper basket...  EMPTY!" she hollared as she raced into the kitchen to grab a couple of paper towels.  Back she came into the family room, paper towels in paw.  I stood guard at the family room entrance way, makin' sure Mr. Chippy didn't get out.

Mr. Chippy was EVERYWHERE.  Did you know that chipmunks can climb walls?  Apparently, they can.  They can jump pretty high, too.  I watched as Mr. Chippy climbed up onto the big chair, ran across the windowsills, ran over the couch, investigated the whole area around the fireplace, inspected the plants around said fireplace, checked out my kitty condo next to the television and then repeated this entire routine at least one more time.  I watched as the peep hopelessly tried to catch Mr. Chippy but quite frankly, she is just not as quick on her feet as I on my paws.

Twice, I thought she almost had him.  While over by the fireplace, Peep #1 had Mr. Chippy cornered. I thought she was gonna get him for sure but he jumped up onto her arm, ran up it and over her shoulder and then leapt onto the chesterfield, causin' the peep to spin 'round madly like a spinnin' top that was out of control.

Over by the kitty condo, he was runnin' along the windowsill and this time, I figured the peep would get him for sure. The windowsill isn't all that long and the peep can easily reach from one end to the other so really, how could she not catch him?  Fact is, chippies are quick. Too quick for peeps.  Mr. Chippy again jumped onto the peep's arm and used it like a divin' board before soarin' across the room to freedom.  MOUSES!

At this point, Peep #1 was thinkin' that the second peep was takin' an awfully long time gettin' that waste paper basket so she went to do it herself but at that moment, Peep #2 was in fact returnin' with said basket.  Peep #1 snatched the basket from the second peep's paw.

I continued to stand guard by the family room entrance but I must have looked away for just a moment 'cause when Peep #1 returned, Mr. Chippy was nowhere in sight.

Peep #1 looked high and low for Mr. Chippy but to no avail.  She even asked me if I could find him so I motioned to her to look over by the bathroom.  That's when she saw my seventeen-year-old Auntie Primrose standin' by the bathroom door, gettin' ready to pounce.  MOUSES!

The first peep was there in a flash.  She shooed Auntie Primrose away from the door and closed it behind her.  Surely in such tight quarters, the peep would be able to catch that ol' chippy chipmunk. I had my paws crossed for the peep but to tell you the truth, it could have gone either way.  Peeps just aren't that great at catchin' chippies, you know?

I did not witness the actual goings on in the bathroom however, I am told that durin' the ten minutes or so in which the peep was in there with the chipmunk, Mr. Chippy ran across our litter box numerous times, ran around the toilet, attempted to hide in the radiator thingies that heat the room and caused the peep to once again, spin madly 'round like a spinnin' top out of control.

After waitin' for what seemed like an eternity, I watched as Peep #1 finally emerged from the bathroom.  She was victorious.  Inside the waste paper basket was the chipmunk.

You know, I'll NEVER understand peeps.  After puttin' in all that effort to catch Mr. Chippy in the first place, Peep #1 then took him outside - still in the basket - and let him go.  MOUSES!  She says she heard him squeak out a cry of gratitude as he ran from the basket and up a tree but really, I'm thinkin' it was more likely to have been a cry of relief after experiencin' the craziness of my peeps.

Anywho...  About an hour later, the peep was sittin' in MY office, borrowin' MY computer when she looked up and saw me headin' up the driveway with a chipmunk hangin' from my mouth.  Can we all say, Groundhog Day?  MOUSES!

I was intercepted outside, never gettin' the chance to bring Mr. Chippy II indoors.  I took him over to the ladybug hedge and sat down with him.  I wanted to explain how I would bring him inside as soon as the peeps weren't watchin' and then introduce him to the family.  Seville and Mason arrived on the scene and I began to make introductions but then...

Then the next thing I knew it was rainin' although the rain was extremely localised and it was highly likely that said rain had somethin' to do with the garden hose bein' held in Peep #1's paws.  Mr. Chippy took that very moment to make his exit and before I knew it he was climbin' up a maple tree to freedom.

Word on the street is that all the chippies have been talkin' about the craziness of my peeps.  How they'll catch you in a waste paper basket only to let you go later on and then make it rain on you, causin' your tail to get wet along with the tails belongin' to certain kitties such as myself.

Those chippies are also sayin' that my peeps are super rude on account that I had invited Mr. Chippy over for dinner but Mr. Chippy was never even served a snack, never mind a meal and what's more, he was never truly welcomed by the peeps.  Clearly, I've got a couple of pretty rude peeps on my paws.  Crazy, I knew about.  The rudeness aspect however, was news to me.  In fact, it was BREAKING NEWS, if you know what I mean.  MOUSES!


  1. What an adventure, Nerissa! How sad that you did not get to keep either chipmunk, though. I hear they taste like squirrel.

    1. We have the Chipmunk Channel on our BirdTV and it's PAWESOME. (Especially when mommy catches them EATING HER STRAWBERRIES. Mowzers, such LANGUAGE!)

  2. OMG - Nissy - Belle is prancing around the house meowing - yep that MY pal Nissy - I, on the other hand am sorry you had to be hosed, but perhaps next time....

    1. NEXT time I catch a chippy, I am so NOT gonna show the peep! purrs

  3. No, no, Sparkle is wrong...I heard they taste more like tuna tuna...I asked Nylablue...she thinks everything tastes like tuna tuna. However, your point is taken that peeps are rude to Chippies...while I do not go outside to pursue our Squirrels, I surely would enjoy invitin' one inside for just a bit but the rude peeps live here to...funny how that works

  4. Oh my Ceiling Cat! What adventure y'all have had today!

  5. Nerissa, what a fun adventure. I remember a few years ago a squirrel got in our house...on it's own, but our dog Tino helped us find him and get him out! I'm sure those chippies will forgive your rude peeps eventually and then you can reintroduce them.

  6. LOL, yes, we know they can climb almost anything. Our person once had one escape from a live trap in her car while she was driving it! EEeiekkk!

  7. This post had Mommy laughing away! We've got to find a way to invite one or two of those tree shrews that play in the trees at the house behind ours. No, not so much to invite them for dinner but to have them spin Mommy like a top too! MOL.

    1. Tree shrews? Never heard tell of those. Wonder where they're hidin'....

  8. Two chippies in one day. That's pretty amazing. Sorry your humans were so rude. Ours are exactly the same way. We don't have chippies in our yard...just squirties and mice. The humans always take the mice away as soon as they see them. We have never tried to bring a squirty inside. Better luck next time. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  9. dood...we iz crackin up !!! ♥♥ two bad ya dinna haza mewvie camera in paw....thiz wooda been a you tube gone viral in like 5 minitz !! sorree yur snax getted a way ~~

  10. Oh Nerissa what an adventure! MOUSES indeed!!

  11. Ya think wif all da effort to catch him, they woulda let ya eat him and play wif him.

  12. WOW! That adventure would make a great Made for TV movie!

  13. You would have thought peeps would appreciate your hunting skills!

  14. Oh goodness! At my house, the dogs catch the chipmunks and squirrels and the cats catch the mouses!

    --Purrs (and wags) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  15. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, and I am so sorry about how much this has stressed you out, Neriisa. It is very visible in the first picture of you. Well, that is if it works the same for kitties as it does for puppies. Okay, I'm not sure if it works like that for even puppies. For the peep that told me that puppies show being stressed by sticking their tongue out of their mouth like you were doing in that first picture, and there is definitely something wrong with her!

  16. I bow to your skillz, Niss. Two chippies in one day. Proud of you, my furend.

  17. highly localized rain is the WORST. -Crepes.

  18. We're impressed with your catching skills. We'd love to see a movie of your peeps running around!

  19. Wow, theese was very exciting huh, Nissy?! Uh we can only imagine the sights you and chippy witnessed with the peeps running around!

  20. OMD!!!!!! You have the craziest adventures Niss!!!
    A chipmunk! It's almost like he was mocking you! How dare he!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  21. Whoa, Nissy, your street cred is just oozing away by the paragraph--you lost TWO chippies in an hour? Dude, you need a refresher course? Maybe you should start observing your Peep #1 more carefully--she seems very resourceful in using the tools at hand.

    1. Seriously. That peep is RUINING my reputation. MOUSES!

  22. Well I never, although when you first mentioned a mouse in the house I thought it would be sat on your stairs in clogs. Slightly disappointed now :0(

  23. Bwa! Haa!! Haaa!!! Peeps trying tto catch chippies! You made coffee comes out my Mommy's nose!

  24. You are a great hunter Nissy.
    Humans are really … bad ! It’s not polite to steal our “friends” from us.
    I have the same problem as you do. Loustiquette and me, we cannot invite friends in our house !

    We have no chipmunk around here. Nat à Chat said that your friend looks a lot like a squirrel.

    1. We have squirrels here, too. Big grey ones (mostly light grey but some are super dark) and smaller red ones. The red ones look a lot like the chippies but they're a little bigger and have more floof on the tails. purrs

  25. that is quite rude Nissy even if I am glad he gets to live another day!xx Speedy

  26. MOUSES! CHIPPIES! What?! Nissy, what a crazy day and to not even give him a proper meal...or *make* him a proper meal shall we say ;-)

  27. Oh Meez Catness Nissy what fun. Meez nevew seen a chipmunk afuw. Sounds like ya'll had lots of fun. MOL

    Luv ya'


  28. Great story! Hee hee...I like what Coccolino said. Goodness, what a day you had!

  29. OMC MOL MOL! Nissy how rude of your peeps to ruin the capture of two chippies! I am sure they will start to stay away from your house to avoid the crazed peeps. MOUSES! Maybe a nice garter snake would make them change their minds :)

    1. Snakes! We have those, too. I've CAUGHT those, too. MOUSES! Peep rescues the snakes as well. I have GOT to get myself some better peeps. Peepers 2.0 or somethin'. Anyone know where you can get those?

  30. What an adventure ! We never saw or taste a chipmunk, but your beans are pretty rude not to let you invite friends indoor ! Purrs


    Mommy about wet her pants laughing, reading this. We, on the other paw, were SCANDALIZED about the "mis-handling" of Sir Chip...

  32. Oh my stars! We were on the edge of our seats with this one!! You didn't hear it from us, but our human is glad the Chippies got away!

  33. Nerissa, this post had me ROFLMTO!!!!!! So sorry the peeps took your dinner guest/playmate!! That was indeed rude of them. Oh well, I guess I can understand. . . Enjoy!!

  34. Chipmunks?! Are they like squirrels?! I like chasing squirrels but I haff never seen a are kind to bring them inside for the humins to play chase wiv....

  35. I hate to admit it, but I have eaten chipmunk. They taste like the red dot!!

  36. Mousi iz rite Nerissa me can eemagin how bad ya flet fer nott beein able to serve da Chipmunk a snack eben!!
    Our 2 chipmunkz: Cheekz n Bobbie are allwayz tryin to get into da place to bizit Mum butt she won't let dem....yah ourz WANT to come weerd...Cheekz lubz to tun thru me Condo when me iz in it too! Dey are such guud companee n ya iz rite; dey can REELLY move fast!
    Me n Mum had a laff 'bout yer "Groundhog Day' commint...dat waz what we were finkin!! MOL..
    Oh Nerissa phankz fer such an entertainin bloggie :)
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum too x0x0x0


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.