Sunday, 27 April 2014

this is gonna be great

Looks like Bird TV is expandin'.  This is gonna be great.

The other day, Peep #1 was putterin' around in the garden, not doin' much but makin' a mess, really, when she finally made somethin' worthwhile. She made a discovery.

Nestled in and around the big multiflora rose in my bark yard, were a whole bunch of baby multiflora roses.  Only, they weren't really babies.  They were actually quite big.

You see, this particular rose bush, arches.  Yeah...  it makes arches.  Its branches or whatever grow up and then out and then arch right over and down until the tips of those branches touch the earth. This bush is one of the many sources of my faerie bowers about which I blogged a couple of summers ago.  Those branches arch over like a bridge but the rose isn't that big so peeps can't cross that particular bridge.  Neither can cats.  We're too heavy.  A squirrel might make it over. Maybe one of those little red squirrels but not the big monstrous grey ones.  Perfect sized bridge for faeries though, I should think.  But I digress...

We were talkin' about how the branches arched over and how the tips of those branches touched the earth or in this case, lawn or somethin' tryin' to pass itself off as a lawn.  Anywho...  the peep discovered that in a whole bunch of places where the tips of those branches had touched the ground, they had sprouted roots!

These baby roses probably took root last summer and fall, says the peep, but she never noticed 'cause of all the leaves and flowers and whatnot on the bushes.  Not to mention the faeries.

So after makin' her great discovery, Peep #1 got out the spade and some plant pots and potted up a whole whack of those rose bushes.  About a dozen of 'em, I believe.  Some will be donated to the plant sale for the animal shelter but five of them are gonna be used in the design of a new set right here in my garden.  That's right...  Bird TV is gettin' a new and improved set for its 2015 season.  Yoo-hoo!  YOO-HOO!

You see, those multiflora roses - or Rosa multiflora for those who wish to use their botanical name - are of great interest to the wildlife livin' in my garden as well as the peeps livin' in my house.  In early summer, the bushes are covered in flowers with a most heavenly, honey-like scent.  Peep #1 walks about with her snoot in the air, breathin' in the delicious scent of the roses and the bees come for the pollen, in droves.  Those bees pollinate the flowers so that in the fall, little rose hips form.  The birds love 'em.

Once, I think I saw a pheasant over by the big mama bush but I'm not sure that he was actually after the rose hips.  Might have been after somethin' else.  And yes, the rose bush is now a mama on account of her havin' all those babies and whatnot.

But the Robin Channel!  The robins who star in the Robin Show over on the Robin Channel....  they LOVE those little rose hips.

Okay, I'm not actually sure that they're robins.  Everyone 'round here calls 'em robins except for my second peep who calls 'em North American thrushes.  They do have red breasts like robins but it's quite possible they're actually thrushes in costume or somethin'.  Those Bird TV make-up artists might have put some blusher on their breasts or whatever.  Who knows?  Could Peep #2 be right about this? Stranger things have happened...

But whether they're robins or thrushes disguised as robins, they love the little rose hips that grow on those bushes. Earlier this year, I watched 'em absolutely devour every single rose hip on the multiflora rose in the back yard and the one in the front, too.

The Robin Show was extremely excitin' this year on account of all the robins, or whatever they're callin' themselves these days, eatin' those rose hips and then flyin' up to the old oak tree which does not have a yellow ribbon on it and then flying back down for more hips.

MOUSES!  I just had a thought.  Maybe...  Maybe the Robin Show is starrin' North American thrushes pretendin' to be robins.  They're actors.  Actors do that kind of thing all the time, right?  I mean, did William Shatner really fly around in space in a starship or was he just actin'?  And how 'bout that Garfield?  Did he really eat all that lasagna or did he really just act the part?  You decide. Oh, and how 'bout those peeps starrin' in the Senate scandal?  You know, that show filmed in Ottawa.  Wait a minute, those peeps weren't actors.  Those peeps were politicians.  Silly me.

Anywho...  back to the Robin Show on Bird TV.  Looks like they're gonna have a super-duper nicely expanded set for upcoming seasons with all those new rose bushes goin' in. Bet they'll expand the cast and everything.  Bet they'll expand the season!  Oohhh....  I can't wait.  Bet it's gonna win an Emmy, for sure.


  1. Sounds exciting! Maybe we can talk mom into doing something about our bird TV here. All we seem to have is sparrow TV and that is pretty boring! Going to have to do some research on that.

  2. We love the Robin Show, but when Batman shows up we go under the bed!

  3. My human NEVER does anything to enhance our Bird TV! She was talking about putting up a hummingbird feeder near one of our windows... we'll see when/if that happens!

  4. i just put a big bowl of bird feed on my back porch about four days ago...and it's been a nonstop bird circus in my backyard. The little Sparrows bully my dog LOL it's so funny cause she gets so upset and just stands there and glares at them. but i think she enjoys the company in her old age. she isn't able to go for walks as often anymore, so I'm glad the birds keep her company now :)
    also i let my little Nibby (tabby cat) outside on the porch everyday for daily dog visits. They are such good friends. I love multispecies friendships hehehe!

  5. Oh Nissy you sound as if you have a wonderful garden!Your peeps are so kind to the wildlife making it such a friendly place for them to live .Enjoy your bird TV whether they are robins or actors pretending to be robins they are putting on a good show!!As long as they are not politicians!!!lots of love and purrsXXX

  6. Mummy Janey calls our Critter TV, "enrichment".She's full of this sort of talk...we should mention the rose thing...she likes long words...and sniffy stuff (she has a big nose,so it takes a lot of sniff).
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx

  7. Oh are we ever so jealous! We updated the bird seed in the feeder outside our window adn have been anxiously awaiting the new Season of BirdTv to begin - but nothing as of yet...

  8. Beautiful pictures! I love flowers cause they smell good. I hate bees cause they sting my nose when I try to smell the flowers. I love birds cause they taste good...

  9. Our mom is pretty good about keeping our Bird TV going. But what we really like is Squirrel TV!

  10. Bird TV!? That sounds super fun!!!
    Hope you had a great weekend Nissy!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  11. We bet those robins or thrushes pretending to be robins, were pooping out those rose hips while sitting up in the oak tree, and that's why you have more rose bushes this year than last. That's how we got all our sunflowers last year. Enjoy your robin/thrush TV. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth & Calista Jo

  12. Sounds like some good TV. If I were Garfield, I'd eat all dat lasagna, just sayin . . .

  13. Wow, they sound really beautiful and we bet they will making an amazing set for the new and improved Bird TV and attract tons of birdies! Have a great week, kitties!

  14. Meow dat's wunnewful. Meez nevew seen rodehips afuw. Mommy oohed and awwwed ovew dem der roses. Hers wus wishin' shes had a cuttin' or 2. MOL Hav a Pawsum day!! :D

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥


  15. Sounds super exciting!!

  16. Nissy that's wonderful about your Mom discovering the rose bush had babies! I didn't know rose branches would root but hey - you're the gardening expert around here not me! I just think it's wonderful - my Mom can't grow roses to save herself but your Mom obviously has the GREEN THUMB! As for more opportunities for bird TV I should think the more the merrier......Spring has sprung right? At last!

    Hugs, Sammy

  17. That is a bootiful rose bush Nissy. M really likes it. We hope your flooding is over now. That is certainly no fun to go thru. Sorry I've been missing so much, but it's been a really busy time for my peeps.

  18. Robin show sounds fun !
    Here I have dove and ... deer TV.
    You really have fairies in your rose bushes ? You are lucky. I would love to meet fairies !

    PS : Nat à Chat loves your roses. She said that they look like the Centifolia that we have around here.
    Centifolia were used to make perfume. They are also called Rose de Mai.


    PS : Nat à Chat loves your roses. She said that they looks like the Centifolia that we have around here.
    Centifolia are white. They were used to make perfum.

  19. That's wonderful about the rose bush! Did you know we are tuned into bird tv here? I'm most particularly interested in the peanuts those blue jays are cracking open but I guess the goldfinches *can* be pretty to watch.

  20. Wow Nerissa you have a really great bird TV going there. We have to ask Dad to get ours tuned up for the spring line up.

  21. No wonder why you guys go out. You got all sorts of critters out there for exploring. Concats. Thanks for leaving me healing purrz and stuff. I really do appreciate it.

  22. Oh wow! Bird Teevee is the bestest! :)

  23. Hurrah fer new improved Bird TV!!!
    Seemz dat our long hard Winter coupled wif a grey n chilli Spring hardlee any birdz came back!!
    We hz Cutie da Chickadee n Woodstock n Jack Sparrow n a few Divez n a few pidgunz but dat iz all :(
    Da garden iz a mud pit n Mum cleered away broken branchez n it lookz pawfull still...da Ivy iz briken too so we mite have to take it out...*sighz*
    Yer garden iz pluxureeuss compared to ourz!!
    Lub Nylablue =^,,^=

  24. Woohoo for more Bird TV!xx Speedy


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