Just look at what Google+ did to the Christmas card Ol' Peepers made for me. Isn't it amazin'? I woke up one mornin' and found some of my pictures all blingafied by Google+ with twinklin' lights and fallin' snow. It was like an early Christmas present, just for me. Lovely.
Anywho... this blingafying of the pictures is called auto-awesome and although I haven't figured out everythin' about it, I will.
If you haven't yet received a Christmas card from me or, if you received the un-blingafied version but like this one with the twinklin' lights better, please feel free to grab it. It's there for the taking.
Okay... time to get down to business. It seems that I have received a few awards, as of late, that I have not yet officially accepted. Better get on with that accepting now 'cause if I don't, I'll end up accepting them in the New Year and then they'll be really late. They'll be like a year late! Mustn't have that. Time to get on with the show.
Let's start with the Dragon's Loyalty Award. My pal Tex over at Texas, a Cat in NY first gave me this super neat award and then, my pal Speedy, from Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny gave it to me, too. Thank you Tex and thank you Speedy. I hadn't yet received this award and it's such a nice one. Quite an honour to receive it from both of you.

Lastly, I must post seven interestin' things about myself. Okay, here goes...
- I have a bionic knee.
- I hate duck and trout food. Won't touch either one.
- I live with nine other cats 'cause recently, my Auntie Snowdrop and my dad, Jacob, went to
- Peep #1 depends upon me to supervise her in the garden.
- I actually enjoy grammar and find it a worthwhile subject to study.
- When it comes to grammar, I sometimes break the rules on purpose.
- I am addicted to the nip.

I had, in fact, received this one before but this must be a new, modernised version 'cause the graphics are different so I figured I should accept it again.
In acceptin' the Sunshine Award, I have to share eleven random facts about myself. Hmmm... Well, I shared seven up above with the first award so I'll just share four now. Okay? Okay.
- I live with a technologically impaired duffer of a peep.
- I enjoy inventing words.
- I get more e-mail than both my peeps combined.
- I don't like it when the peep calls me a nip-head.
I also must answer eleven questions.
1. Have you ever owned a Ragdoll cat?
- I have never lived with a Ragdoll cat.
2. If you could have one wish (and it actually came true) what would it be?
- Peace on Earth and good will to cats.
3. If you ever won $1000, what would you do with it?
- Buy a nip farm.
4. What is your favourite state in North America?

have. Peep #1 loves Washington DC so I'm gonna answer with
that even though it's not an actual state.
5. Would you ever be interested in breeding any animals?
- Nope, I have been neutered.
6. What's your favourite movie?
- Anythin' I can watch at home while snuggling with the peeps.
7. Where are you from?
- Canada. I'm a Canadian kitty!
8. What's your favourite colour?
- Hmmm... Icy blue shows off my sterling silver - some say
platinum - tabby coat.
9. What's your favourite animal?
- Guess I had better answer cats since I am one.
10. For how long have you been blogging?
- Just a little over two years.
11. Do you like cats more than dogs?
- I should think so!
Now I'm supposed to present this award to eleven bloggers who deserve some recognition and a little bloggin' love. Keep readin' and you'll find out how I'm gonna do that. I'm also supposed to pose eleven questions for those bloggers but I think I'll use the questions the girls gave me 'cause they're really quite good questions.
That brings us to award number three... the Because You're Fantabulous Award. My dear friend Savvy over at Savannah's Paw Tracks had this on her blog one day and said that anyone who wanted it should take it so I did 'cause I liked it a lot. It's a real beauty!
In acceptin' the Because You're Fantabulous Award I must do... NOTHIN'. There are no requirements for acceptin' this lovely award. Thank you Savvy!
I sure was happy when I was awarded the Blog of the Year 2013 Award. For a while, I was thinkin' I might be shut out of the Blog of the Year Award this year. Then Savvy of Savannah's Paw Tracks came to my rescue and I had my first star. Next thing I knew, Angel from angelswhisper2011 was givin' me star number two. Yoo-hoo! YOO-HOO!!!
In acceptin' the Blog of the Year award, there are some requirements and they may be found at the site of the award's creators, The Thought Palette.
You're probably all wonderin' to whom I will award stars for the Blog of the Year 2013 award. Just hang in there for a little longer. There isn't long to wait now.
I do want to mention that Cinco and Manna from Playful Kitty gave me the Super Sweet Blogger Award. This award, I had received before with the very same graphics but I want thank Cinco and Manna, from the bottom of my heart, for thinkin' of me. I really do appreciate it whenever someone gives me the bling.

Drum roll please...
- Savvy at Savannah's Paw Tracks
- Speedy at Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny
- Angel at angelswhisper
- Cinco & Manna at Playful Kitty
- the girls at Life with Ragdolls
- Tex at Texas, a Cat in NY
- Layla at Cat Wisdom 101
- Jools at Jools in Cork
- Carlos at The Daily Cute
- Winchester Feline at Day to Day with Winchester Feline
- Annie at Lucy's Lounge
- Pickles Picasso at Purrfectly Pickles
- Cory at Cory Cat Blog
- Quinn at Catitude
- Mr Black at The Kittini Boys
- Sarge at Sarge Speaks Out
- Brian at Brian's Home
- Patchy Meow at The Five Cats Chronicles
- Felix & Jasper at Felix and Jasper Blogalot
- Sushi at Sushi's Diary
- Pasha at Pasha

One more thing. Due to the scheduling of Christmas, my next post will be published one day early, on Tuesday December 24th. Here's a sneak peak. Look... IT'S SNOWIN'!
HOLY CATS that's a TONNE of awards, Nissy!! We gotta check out some new bloggers we haven't met now.
ReplyDeleteConcatulations on all your awards ! You really deserve all of them ! Purrs
ReplyDeleteGreat post Nissy! Wow. Good one!! Congratulations on the recognition of your blogging prowess, well deserved!
ReplyDeleteWOW! Concatulations on all those awards, Nerissa! You are truly one award-winning kitty!
ReplyDeleteThat is a nice bunch of awards and thank you so much for sharing with us! Hey, you're gonna need a bigger trophy case!
ReplyDeleteWow, congrats on all your awards, Nissy! It was fun reading your answers to the questions and reading things about you. Thank you so much for passing along to me!
ReplyDeleteYour Christmas card above looks great!
Concatulations on your awards, Nissy. You sure know how to rock the bling.
ReplyDeleteThanks for our awards!
Congratulations to you for getting all those awardies!!!
Carmine, Milita, and Jewel
HELLO NISSY PAL, we wants to fank you MASSIVELY FOR THE AWARD. We are so humbled. We haven't done much bliggin in last few months, mum has been so busy wiv stuff so could not help us much. BUT!!!! We is BACK PAL!! We goin to do a Crimbo message which will be the first of many more bloogy post and excitin bits to come. YAYYYYYYYY! FANKS AGAIN NISSY, YOU ARE DEFFO ONE OF OUR GREATEST HEROES. HOOOOORAY FOR NISSY!!! XXX XXX XXX
ReplyDeleteooooops!!! Sorry Nissy pal we forgot to sign last comment !!! We so excited !! IT BE FELIX & JASPER THE DUDES !!! XXX
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on all your awards, Nissy! We love your blingified Christmas card!
ReplyDeleteGreat award! And I love your Xmas pic!!!! That is just sooo adorable!!!
ReplyDelete((Husky hugz))
"Love is being owned by a husky"
Congrats on the award! Lee and Phod
ReplyDeleteWhew Nissy you have been busy with awards. Congratulations - very well deserved too. I'm going to take your card and post it on my bloggy. Thank you very much for it., It's cool. Merry Christmas in case I not see you before.
ReplyDeleteLove the word "blingified."
ReplyDeleteThanks for thinking of us and including us in the awards list. The lady is worthless when it comes to posting these kind of things. I can barely get her to post a photo of me with a couple words attached. But, we sure like being included!
Concats on all your awards Nissy. I have to get mum to help me with mine, but that probably will be next year.
ReplyDeleteWow, congrats on all those awards. And you well deserve them. We loved hearing more about you and your Christmas card is very pretty. Hope you have a good evening.
ReplyDeleteConcatulations on all those awards! And now let mes gives yous another Star!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou SHOULD has the Blog of the Year Award!
Now that is one grand set of awards my furend! We got some enhanced photos but need a tutor so let us know, when you know, you know, because you're the cats cat, cat.
ReplyDeleteTimmy T
You have a bionic knee!? Awwwww!! Lovely Nerissa! We wish you and your wonderful peeps and amazing family a fabulous and joyous Christmas! Huge congratulations with your amazing awards - they are all well-deserved and we just know you will get many many many more in the New Year! We think 2014 should be known as the Year of the Mouses! LOL! Take care
Congratulations on your awards! We think you must be pretty 'auto-awesome' to get so many :)!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Nissy!
ReplyDeleteWow, you really cleaned up in the award department! BOL/MOL Congrats on all of the fun awards you have received and you are so sweet to pass them on to so many furiends. Thanks so much for thinking of me and I really love that loyal dragon one, so I think I'll swipe that for my blog. That's pawesome. Thanks again!!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Furiend
ConCatulations on those pawsome awards. We still can't figure out the auto awesome thing....
ReplyDeleteThe Florida Furkids
We like your blinged-out card, Nissy! Very flashy! And congrats on all those awards!! They're almost as blingy as your card!
ReplyDeleteThat is the most bling we have seen in one place EVER! Concatulations to you, Nissy, and all your recipients. MEOWY CATMESS. MOL, HO, HO, HO! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
ReplyDeleteThank you for including me! I am honored! Since I'm obviously very important, I have stolen Daddy's chair to honor the occasion. I have banished him to the couch. He can have it back when he receives an award.
ReplyDeleteCripes! I am going to have to learn how to blog more.. That is amazing all the awards!
ReplyDeleteThanks and purrs for naming Cat Wisdom101 one of the winners of all those pawsome prizes!
ReplyDeleteOh Nissy, thank you so very much for giving me another star...I won't pawsibly complete all 6 by year's end...but you have added to my star chart...as you always do...smoochies dear buddy, Savannah
ReplyDeleteConcats on all of your awards! You are really cleaning up these days! Thank you for the nominations. Cinco and Manna have never received so many awards at once! They are very excited. We will be showing of the new bling in the next couple of weeks :)
ReplyDeleteWow! You must have been very busy accepting all those awards! Concatulations!
ReplyDeleteWell done on your awards. Well deserved. Have a marvellous Monday.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes Molly
Hi Nissy! What a great Bling Bonanza you've had lately! Concatulations buddy - all well deserved and all beautifully accepted by you.....as always. I'll be anxious to see your Christmas Eve bloggy tomorrow.....isn't this exciting? Christmas is so much fun..........
ReplyDeleteHoliday Hugs, Sammy
Blimey! I'm exhausted just reading about the awards and all that info about you! But thanks for the mention and erm... I think, did I just get an award from you?
ReplyDeleteWell done on your awards!
ReplyDeleteYou sure did! You were awarded them all!!! purrs
DeleteOMC, thank you for the honor! I hope my secretary knows what to do with the practical stuff, she is a rookie with these things yet. But I will ask her to do this as soon as possible after Christmas!
ReplyDeleteConcats on all the awesome awards!
ReplyDeleteWe wanted to thank you for stopping by and hope you guys all stay safe too, if you're getting what we've had.
A very merry Christmas/happy holiday to you all!
Purrs and peace,
Nicki and Derry
Congrats on your awards. Love your card. Very pretty.
ReplyDeleteSue B
Congrats on the awesome awards, and thank you so much! I think this calls for some extra dinner tonight...... my family *coughservantsinawaycough* will be very happy to see this!
ReplyDeletePurrs from Pickles
Wow thank you so much Nissy, it not just snowing it's snowing bling. Thank you, well looks like my next blog post will be taken care of. Love the twinkling pictures. Have a Happy Christmas.
ReplyDeletePurrs Patchy. X
Congrats Nissy on all the lovely Bling You deserve it pal,and Thank you so much for passing a star on to me too,Merry christmas,xx Speedy