Sunday 15 September 2013

time to get rid of the box

Or better yet, why don't you just give it to me.  You know I love a good box.  Okay, different kind of box. 

You've all heard the sayin', right?  That ol' sayin' that peeps use.  They say to "think outside of the box."  Come on...  you know you've heard it.

Well, my peep #1 absolutely hates that sayin'.  She just can't stand it.  She says that when other peeps use it, she kind of cringes and shudders, inwardly and I have to admit, I sort of agree with her.

First of all, it doesn't even make sense.  I mean...  if you've got a box, you've got a perfect nappin' spot.  And while you're drifting off to sleep for your nap, you're probably thinking.  Thinking about mice and nip and treats and all sorts of wonderful things.  You might even be thinking about numbers while you're counting sheep to lull you to sleep.  And I assure you, my friends, that all this stuff you're thinking about is being thought about while you're IN the box.  'Cause IN the box is where you're gonna be nappin'.  It would be silly to think about all this stuff outside of the box and then have to wake yourself up so that you can climb into the box for your nap.  That, my friends would be counter productive.  Not to mention, a little insane.  MOUSES!

Sometimes, while I'm drifting off to sleep, I'm thinkin' about egg beaters and whisks and time travelling and teleportation.  And if I happen to be driftin' off to sleep in a box, I'm likely thinkin' inside the box, too.  That's just how it is.

Then, of course, we have the litter box.  Some cats do their best thinkin' in the litter box.  At least that's what I've heard.  But what happens in the litter box, stays in the litter box so we won't dwell on that box too much although I should say this...  never pee outside of the box.  It does not bode well with the peeps.  'Nough said.

I know what you're thinking right about now.  You're thinking, "but this saying refers to a different kind of box.  It refers to a metaphorical box."   Yeah, yeah, yeah...  I know what it means.  To think outside of the box means to think unconventionally and be creative. 

I did some research on the subject and apparently, this whole business about the location of boxes while thinkin' was popularised in the mid to late twentieth century and had something to do with a nine dots puzzle.  Peeps were supposed to link all nine of the dots using four straight lines and without lifting their pencil off the paper.  Apparently, this could not be done without extending the lines outside of the supposed - but imaginary - box.

My first suggestion to peeps tryin' to do this puzzle would be to use a pen.  Or a marker or chalk or a piece of charcoal...  Or even a tube of lipstick.  The puzzle specifically said not to lift the pencil off the paper.  It mentioned nothing about lipstick.

I suppose the whole point of the test was for the subjects to break free from the restrictive confines of the box.  The imaginary box.  I say imaginary because let's face it, nine dots do not a box, make.  Perhaps someone was takin' a little creative licence when they came up with that one.

The thing is, this saying has been said so many, many, many times that it has become a cliché.  It has become the cliché of all clichés.  People just say it 'cause they think it sounds good.  You have nothin' better to say?  Well then, toss out a couple of  think outside of the boxes and you'll be good to go.  You'll at least sound like you know something about creativity.

Yeah...  right.  Prove you're creative by usin' a sayin' that has been used by millions before.

You know somethin'?  Half the time when people use this sayin', they probably don't even know what it means.  I, myself, didn't know 'bout those dots until I did my research.

Personally, I don't believe in the box.  I do not recognise the box. 

Oh, I believe in cardboard boxes.  Yes, those exist for sure, and I love every single one of them.  After all, I am a cat.  And I believe in litter boxes, too.  We have several at our house so they must exist.  But I do not believe in the imaginary box that supposedly stifles creativity.

Think inside the box...  Think outside of the box...  Who cares about the box?  As far as I'm concerned, you can think wherever you like as long as your thinking.  I think wherever my mind takes me.  Wherever that may be. 

If my mind wants to take me inside of a box, so be it.  If my mind wants to take me outside of the box, I'm okay with that, too.  Who am I to argue?  And with whom am I gonna argue?  Myself?  'Cause that's what arguing with my mind would be.

Right now, my mind is taking me to the land of the dots.  I'm thinkin' about those dots.  Those nine dots.  And I'm wondering, were they the ancient ancestors of the red dot?  The ever illusive red dot known to drive kitties worldwide just a little crazy?  They could have been.  After all, the puzzle with the nine dots made a lot of peeps a little crazy, I am sure.  I think there may be a connection.  A connection of crazy.  Hmmm....

This may need further investigation.  Luckily I, Nerissa the Cat, am an expert investigator.  I will discover this previously unknown connection between the nine and the red dots and reveal it to the world in a future blog post. 

But first, I think I need a nap.   Hmmm...  should I take my nap in a box?  I think I just might.  And while I'm doin' so, I'm gonna be thinkin'.  Thinkin' inside of the box.  Thinkin' about gettin' rid of that metaphorical box.  'Cause it's just such an uncreative cliché of a box.  MOUSES!


  1. The red dot - does it move? Like those laser dots?
    I think I need to find a box to think inside of. It's the only way.Unless that Schrödinger is about.

  2. Boxes are the very best place for a nap as long as it ISN'T the litter box. We do love our cardboard boxes for sure. Take care.

  3. Boxes are very good places to hide for kitties. And the litter box is the best place to be in winter when it's blowing, snowing, and you have to... You understand ? In both situations : IN the box.

  4. Oh gawd, yeah, that little red dot is the worst thing imaginable. I've watched poor kitties chasing it and the stupid thing is that you'll never get it! Just when you think it's under the paw it's there on top of the paw! And then it just disappears in an instant. Mind you, it works for humans too! 3:)

  5. Oh, that phrase annoys Mommy too. Hahaha. Will be considered thinking out of the box if we stuck out head outside the box and left our body inside the box?

  6. I have ever know of a box a cat didn't love!!! We have 3 in our livimg room!!!

  7. What if there is no "outside the box"? That could be very frightening if you venture outside the box to find there's nothing there!!! Just saying! ;)

    1. Yeah... What if it's like the edge of the universe or somethin'?

  8. Good thinkin' about that saying!! Our peep had no idea about those dots!
    Our saying is something along the lines "love your boxes - they can make you am entire castle"!! Our home is riddled with boxes and we LOVE them!!!

    1. Turnin' boxes into castles? Now, THAT'S bein' CREATIVE!!!


  9. I don't like to do too much thinking inside or outside of the box. I would rather be out mousie hunting.

  10. Our Dad says he hears this one at the dreaded work, but, only when stuck in those awful creations that get so little done, Creative Meetings. I feel fur the guy.
    Nerissa my furend I do look forward to you giving us the low down on dots.
    We gave up our box fur a nice suitcase, more mobile!

  11. Nah.That saying doesn't really bother me much.I hate it when people say "Anywho"!! I like "Anyway" lol.
    Ragdoll mommy~

    1. Hehehe... I say "anywho..." all the time. purrs

    2. I know you do! LOL.(Laugh out Loud,Is what "lol" stands for,if you were wondering).ANYWAY.But your "King Nerissa"! Lol;-) thanks for coming by:-)

  12. That really is an annoying saying. Why don't peeps say what they mean instead of making up strange phrases? We like being inside the box, both for napping, and for doing our business -- although they are, of course, different boxes!

  13. Only a human would want to think outside the box! I do my best thinking IN a box myself.

  14. MOUSES, never mind boxes,that quite the raspberry you're sporting Nissy :-)

  15. If you are Schrodinger's cat...NEVER go in a box.
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxx

  16. Let's change it to play inside the box! Lee and Phod

  17. The lady and I enjoyed this. She says people love to say that at work, especially a few years ago. LOL & MOL about people saying an expression that everybody else says supposedly about creativity. They just think it makes them sound good. Love these cute pictures. (Would you believe I don't like boxes? The lady says that's just not cat-like.)


  18. I have been thinking OUTSIDE the box almost exclusively BUT inside the bag.

  19. Red Dots * looks thoughtful *

    You know Dash told me about those, well he tried too, I was busy chasing the darned things....

    Miranda Kitten

  20. Mostly I do think inside the box, but I don't like to be boxed in! Hey, I do like a box lunch though!

  21. Yes, nap in the box furr sure! Mama does not like it when I accidentally! pee outside the box either. Me-Ommmmmmm

  22. Nissy, you did so much thinking in this post, you made our heads hurt. We really don't want to think too much. We rather nap. Our Mom says she cringes and wants to pull her hair out when someone says, "It is what it is." Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Lisbeth, Astrid and Calista Jo

    1. It is what it it? What ELSE would it be? Silly peeps! purrs

  23. Well, Nissy, we can say we've never met a box we didn't like. Well, 'cept for that evil PTU which is kinda like a box...with a door....we really hate that thing.

  24. In the box or outta the box, you do more thinking in fifteen minutes than I have in nine years, Nerissa. Just sayin'.

  25. We do check each box carefully as we're a bit leery of that Schroedinger dood.... but we're ALL FOR red dots - we had no idea they were related!

  26. Have a marvellous Monday and box clever.
    Best wishes Molly

  27. Hi Nissy......I purrsonally think better INSIDE the box and not OUTSIDE....gimme a good "thinking" box any old day and I'll occupy it gladly!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  28. And there's always a lot of thinking inside the box: it is impawtant to find the right position to nap and this requires lots of thinking!

  29. I used to like boxes. They were fun to sniff! :)

  30. Mummy hate that saying too she heard that one today !xx Speedy

  31. ummm...Mom Linda used to use those nine dots to teach her executive clients to stop sticking to doing stuff the same way all the time...Mom kind'a liked those dots...but the adage that came from it...nope, she doesn't like that so much...stoopid...most peeps don't know 'bout the nine dots so how can they even know what outside the box means?? But now, if those nine dots were precursors to the ever illusive red we have somethin' worth talking'mean??

  32. If you can grow ginger you can grow Turmeric!!! Yes!!! You can also buy some!!

  33. We all love boxes here, dogs, cats and peoples. We love inside the box, outside the box, on top of the box and all around the box. Those little red dots we have never seen. Hugs and nose kisses

  34. Boxes are the best kind of fun, for all sorts of animals! Try inside :-)

  35. I think i have colds. Too much thinking here. Give me a break! I just turned 1.

  36. Cats are WONDERFUL. We can learn a lot from them.

    “UNO” was the main inspiration for my award winning children's book. She died on August 31, 2013 from a hyperactive thyroid as my wife and I watched. We’d rescued her from the garage we’d parked our car in over12 years ago. Her one eye never stopped her from doing anything.

    We have a few pictures of her and we’ll always have my award winning children’s book I to remember her by.

    The lesson she inspired for the book is the acceptance of others for who they are and not what they are.


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.