Sunday, 11 August 2013

the sweet smell of success

We have a winner!  That's right...  A WINNER!  A winner who won a bag of kitty litter from the good peeps at The World's Best Cat Litter company.  Yoo-hoo!  YOO-HOO!!!

As you might recall, I did a product review of this kitty litter about a week and a half ago.  Now, we had some problems.  I had to extend my initial deadline for entries by a day or so.  Why?  Well apparently, I had been somewhat vague about my timing of the draw.  I said I'd do the draw in a week.  Well the peep came up with this big ol' speech 'bout how my deadline was ambiguous.  Was I gonna do the draw a week after I wrote the post?  After I published the post?  After the feeds and whatnot went out from the post?  MOUSES!  So I extended the deadline until midnight, my time, on Thursday. 

Clear sailin', right?  Wrong.  You cats out there sure did get my peep all frazzled up into a frazzly dazzly mess and I must say...  THANK YOU!  It was quite entertaining and I enjoyed it very much.  Really, I did.  I'm not bein' facetious or anything.  It was almost as good as Bird TV. 

I wanted to make absolutely sure that no one who wanted to be in the draw missed out.  When I went through all the comments on Friday morning, there were a couple cats who didn't say if they lived in the US or not.  Didn't know if they were eligible for the draw.  So I said to the peep, "Peepers!  Prepare my teleportation device."  Then I remembered that my teleportation device is on the fritz.  Has been ever since that whole nipped-up Zealandia adventure.  So then I said, "Peepers!  You figure out where these cats live while I take a nap, okay?"  And the peep got right on it.

However, I did not take that nap.  I pretended to do so but in actuality, I watched the peep gettin' all frazzly dazzly as she tried to figure stuff out.  What fun!  WHAT FUN!  I had a great time watching her doin' research.  You see, she's not good at it like me.  It's not her forte...  OBVIOUSLY.  That's why she got into such a frazzly dazzly state when she tried.  I loved every minute of it.

Finally, we had a list.  There were 56 comments in total and out of those comments, there were 26 entries.  The excitement was mounting.  I thought, who shall draw the winning name?  Who?  WHO???  An owl?  No, silly...  I don't know any owls so owls were out.

I was still pondering who would have the honour of drawin' the winning name when I saw the peep gettin' one of those darned carriers ready with a clean blanket.  Hmmm...  better make my escape, I thought and I made a dash for it.  But as luck would have it, the carrier was for someone else.

That would be 'bout the time peep #1 grabbed my sister Beatrice and gently SHOVED her into the carrier.  Poor Bea.  She never saw it coming.

But all was not lost for I had my answer and I cried, "Peepers!  Have my Doctor Teresa draw the winning name."  What a plan...  WHAT A PLAN!

So all the names were put into a hat.  Nope...  scratch that...  no hat.  All the names were put into a plant pot.  Yeah, I know...  pretty low tech not to mention weird.  I mean, who does draws out of plant pots?  MOUSES!   But anywho...  the plant pot with the names went off to the hospital with the peep and my sister Beatrice.

There, they met up with my doctor, Doctor Teresa.  She looked at my sister and sure enough, Beatrice had a sore leg.  It was all infected and everything.  Ol' peepers had been cleanin' it every day with stuff used for such things but it wasn't gettin' better.  On the contrary, it suddenly got much worse so thus, the appointment with the doctor was made. 

Ol' peepers was feelin' pretty guilty that she hadn't taken my sister to the doctor earlier but other than the sore on her leg, Beatrice wasn't showin' any signs of bein' ill.  She was eatin' and her leg didn't seem to be hurting her.  Dr. Teresa said there was no way for the peeps to have known how bad the sore was - and bad it was 'cause Beatrice came home yesterday with staples and everything.  But still, I think a little guilt on the peeps' part right 'bout now is appropriate, especially if that guilt should happen to lead to extra servings of the Fancy Feast for us all.

We think someone bit Beatrice but she's not tellin' who.  My bet is on Nosey Neighbour Cat but you never know.  I suppose it could have been anyone.  It wasn't me, though.  I can assure you of that.  How could I?  I have no fangs, remember?

So Dr. Teresa said that Beatrice would need to spend the night in the hospital.  Poor Bea...  she had no warning.  Dr. Teresa is a super-duper good doctor and everything but still, no one wants to spend the night all alone in hospital, if you know what I mean.

But before Beatrice was carted off into the other room, my doctor agreed to do me the honour of drawing the winning name for the kitty litter.  Bet you were wondering if I was ever gonna get to this part, huh?  Well I wanted to keep you all in suspense.  Did it work? 

Dr. Teresa reached into the plant pot, mixed the names up a bit and pulled out one piece of paper.  She then opened the paper and cried aloud, "Melinda from Texas!" 

So there we have it.  Melinda from Texas is the winner of the bag of the World's Best Cat Litter from the peeps over at the World's Best Cat Litter company.  CONGRATULATIONS MELINDA!  You should be receivin' your kitty litter soon.

I wanna thank everyone who took part in my first ever giveaway.  I had so much fun doin' this and hope to do something similar, again.  It was a huge success for my first giveaway, if I do say so myself.  Mmmm....  the sweet smell of success.  Don't you love it?


  1. Hopefully, Bea is better soon! It sucks to be the hospital. *pawhugs*

  2. Thank you, Nerissa! Moby, Shamu and Bosco can't wait to try the new litter.
    ~Melinda from Texas
    PS - Our thoughts are with your sister, Bea.

  3. Yay, Melinda, congrats on winning the kitty litter. Very exciting for you.
    We sure hope that Bea's leg gets better quickly. We have lots of abscesses around here. They can get pretty bad. Sending Bea lots of purrs etc. Take care.

  4. Congrats to Melinda for being the winner!Hope Bea gets well soon Nissy,xx Speedy

  5. Congrats on the kitty litter!!! Xoxo rm

    1. I have something important on my blog today!!! Please come by!!!

  6. Hooray for Melinda! What a cool way to draw a winner! I don't think it's weird. An actual hat or even a fishbowl is just too passe! Be original, I say!
    Hurry up and heal, sweet Bea!

  7. Congrats to the winner! We hope she enjoys it!

  8. Well done ,Melinda.
    Hope Bea feels really better soon.
    We tried out this litter..the one with corn and plant fibre. The peeps have silly grins,and get this...they keep shoving their noses in the litter trays to sniff!! They are going to be buying this all the time now.
    Thanks for the review!
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx

  9. Concats to the winner! I hope Bea's leg is soon better.

  10. We are sure sending our best purrs and prayers to sweet Bea. Hooray for Melinda!!!

  11. Sending lots of healing purrs to Beatrice and congarats to Melinda from Texas.

  12. Congratulations to the winner. What a great prize. Poor Bea, hope she gets better real soon.

  13. Big ConCats to the winner! You sure made the peep work for that one didn't you Nissy!! Goodonya!! Healing purrs for Beatrice xox

  14. Concatulations to Melinda! I am sending some purrs to Beatrice - I hope she heals up quickly!

  15. Congrats to Melinda for getting the win.
    Purrs for Beatrice to feel all better soon.

  16. Poop! Me was hoping to wins! But me sends concatulations to the winner! And wes is purraying for Beatrice!


  17. Nissy, you definitely have a way of telling a story. You remind us of Edith Bunker. You'll probably need to ask your peeps who that is. Anyway, we are so sorry to hear about Beatrice and hope she's on the mend. Giveaways are fun. We're having one right now that ends Monday night at midnight EDT. You might want to check it out. Have a catabulous week. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  18. Love all the cool preppers strategies hosted by Nerissa;

    Cheers, Meow! Amalia

  19. OMC! That was quite the ordeal just to get a winner picked. Congrats to Melinda...and we purr that Bea is better soon.

  20. Congratulations, Melinda!
    Good to know that Bea is home after some stapling... ;)

  21. Concatulations to Melinda. We hope Bea gets well soon. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  22. Wow that is one way to pick a winner, I liked it.

  23. Concats to the winner! I hope Beatrice recovers quickly from her leg thing - must have been a whopper if she came home with staples! Poor thing - I'm sure you'll take super good care of her like a big bro should right Nissy????

    Kitty hugs, Sammy

  24. Thanks for comin' by my blog! Oh and hey! I'm goin' tell ya about the thing I was/am going to tell you on the 14 but i"ll tell you tomorrow k?

  25. Um I HATE to ask you this Nissy but your a boy cat?!?!?! By the way this is Star:)

    1. Yup. I'm a boy cat with a girls' name. The peep went and gave me a girls' name. Could you believe it? I have GOT to get myself some new peeps. MOUSES!

    2. Oh! were a ...girl. Lol sorry!:-( Well your name is very PRETTY!!! Even if your a boy!!:-)

    3. Why did they name you a girl's name? It's OKAY! I had a cat who was a boy but I wanted him to be a girl lol so I named him "Snow ball" because he was whole white.I thank Snowball is a girly name;) xoxo to Nissy!:-)

    4. Well... I was a feral kitty. Yup. Born in a neighbours' woodpile. The peeps couldn't get close enough to me or my siblings to tell one way or the other so... they went with all girls' names. Constance and Beatrice lucked out 'cause they were girls. Desdemona and I, however, did not fare so well. purrs

    5. Oh then!:-) how old are you Nissy? What state were you born in? What year were you born in?

    6. I was born in a province... Nova Scotia. Turned ten in April.

    7. Hey Nerisa I just wanted to let you know this do you know that When someone gives you a comment and on the "Time/date" it was posted it says the wrong time? Like when I give you a comment it says sometimes like 14.90

    8. Time looks right to me. You just left this comment and it says, 23:28. Well... it's 11:30 here in Nova Scotia. Remember, we're an hour ahead of you. You're in Florida, right? That's eastern time? I'm atlantic. purrs

    9. Oh just checkin' yeah I'm in Florida:-) oh then I guess your a VERY long way away from me!!!!

    10. Wow 10 huh? My Ragdoll cat Anya&Nico are only 4 oh right how could I forget?! Almost 5 years old! And my two mixed-breed cats Star&Saphira are 7 years old!

  26. Aw, Nerissa! I hope Sister Bea is doing well now! Do you think you could bring yourself to give her a little head butt and kissie from me? Cause I would really appreciate that. Sorry we has been kinda scarce--my Human has been lazy and rebellious the past few days because (shhhhhhhhhh) she has to go back to school Wednesday and she would like to have another month of vacation. XOXOXO

  27. As an English cat I couldn't enter the draw but congrats to Melinda!

    Get well soon, Bea!

    Purrs x

  28. Love your blog Nerissa! Your doing a good job on it!! Hope you can come by mine!!:)

    1. Hey Nerissa remember when I told you that I have something very very very important going on on my blog?! And you said to reminded me and I'll put it on Facebook and Twitter for me? Well l tomorrow is the BIG day so I figured that I would tell you today so you wouldn't forget it.XOXO to My dear friend NISSY!!!!!:-)

  29. We hope Bea gets better real soon, I dont'z use litter coz I poops in the garden. Have a wonderful day xx00xxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  30. Congratulations Melissa :) Hope Bea will be alright, Nerissa. Sending healing Pawkisses :)

  31. Nissy, You'll give us a Bea update soon, right?? What is it with you kids this year hurting your sweet little leggies???

  32. Poor Bea! I hope she feels better fast. My cousin Apollo is indoor kitteh but fell out window at night accidentally on purpose. He got into cat fight but never mentioned it. So he had scary bad wound on chest hidden by his long fur. His peeps didn't find out until they noticed he hiding under sofa. And peed on himself. OMC! They called my mom who got with my new mom in law, Belle's mom, and they said get Apollo to vet ASAP. Good thing cuz wound was septic. Why do we cats hide our boo boos? We hurting. Why not announce it to our peeps and get it fixed so we can then get on with our lives? I know the answer but I'm not saying. Cats must keep Mystery & Intrigue first place. Give Bea my regards.

  33. Just to put everyone's minds at ease...

    Beatrice is doin' very well. She finished up her pain meds yesterday but she says her leg isn't really hurting, anymore. The staples are still there and will have to be removed by the doctor in a week or so. No one is mentionin' to her that she'll have to go back in for a check-up, though, so it's probably best we don't tell her. She wasn't overly happy 'bout that last hospital visit, if you know what I mean.



I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.