Wednesday 7 August 2013

it's really not nice to lie

It's not, you know.  It just isn't.  It's really not nice to lie.

Personally, I never lie.  Never.  Not even once have I lied.  Never even thought about it.

What's that peep?  You say I have lied?  No...  I'm pretty sure you're mistaken 'bout that.  Yes, yes...  I know...  I have been known to be naughty.  Yeah, yeah...  I know...  just the other day...  But hey, I didn't lie about it.  I admitted everything.  I admitted that I had been naughty.  I even bragged about it.  That's right...  I bragged about my naughtiness.  You had full disclosure and I NEVER LIED.

You see, this is where peeps go wrong.  They do something they shouldn't do and then they lie about it.  Usually what they've done is bad and I suppose that that is why they wanna cover it up.  They wanna cover up their badness or at least, their bad behaviour.  I guess they're ashamed of it or something.

What peeps need to understand is that when they lie about doin' whatever they shouldn't have done, it makes everything worse.  I think they think their lies will be believable and no one will question them.  I think liars think all the other peeps are really stupid.  The liars seem to think they're smarter than everyone else.  It just goes to show you, people who lie, lie to themselves the most.

But you know what they say.  They say, two wrongs don't make a right.  And if two wrongs don't make a right, what about three wrongs?  Or four?  Or even five?

'Cause that's what happens, you see.  One lie leads to another and then another and then one more.  The lies never end.  The lies pile up like fleas on a red carpet. 

Lying peeps try to use even more lies to dig themselves out of the holes made from the original lies but the thing is, lies aren't for diggin'.  If you wanna dig yourself out of a hole, you need a shovel and some good strong bracin' material and the stamina to dig yourself a tunnel with a gradual incline.  Lies don't help with any of that!  If anything, lies are gonna 'cause your tunnel to cave in.  Yup, the weight of all those lies will cause everything to collapse like a house of cards because you see, lies are really heavy.

Lies weigh everything down.  They even weigh down the shoulders of the peeps telling 'em.  Lies are so heavy that peeps telling 'em are likely to be walking around all slouched and whatnot.  They can't hold their heads up in public anymore 'cause the lies are weighin' so heavily upon their shoulders.  They can barely even lift their eyes.  Have you ever noticed that when peeps lie, they won't look straight at you?  Yup.  A sure sign of a liar, that.

Sometimes you'll find a rogue liar but more often than naught, you'll find them congregatin' like fleas in a circus.  When I first noticed this phenomena I thought that perhaps the liars were simply attracted to one another however, with further study I realised that this could not be the case.  I mean...  with all those lies floatin' around the liosphere, how would the liars ever be able to keep track of which liar was tellin' which lie?  That would lead to chaos, for sure.  Chaos of parliamentary proportions.  No...  these congregating liars must all be party to the same lie. 

You see, lying is contagious.  It's true.  The lie originates in the mind and heart of the primary instigator and then spreads throughout the ranks of the liars like mist on a moor.  Secondary and tertiary peeps are forced to create new lies to cover the tracks of the primary liar, protecting his or her reputation, in order to avoid scandal.  When discrepancies are discovered in the first lie, the ranks close in with more lies tryin' to seal those cracks before anyone notices.  It's a never-ending cycle and the lies and number of liars grow, exponentially.  Not to mention their noses.

It can all be very confusing however, eventually, the truth surfaces.  The truth always surfaces.  Truth is light, you see.  The truth finds its way up through the cracks of the lies and floats to the surface, revealing all.  And once the truth is out, it shines down upon the lies and the liars, exposing them to the world.

So the question must be asked.  If one does one thing that's a little naughty, is it not best to simply admit the naughtiness right there and then?  Come clean, so to speak?  Sure, you did a bad thing and you might even be punished for it but if you try to cover it up with lies, you end up doin' even more bad things.  Lying is bad, you see.  Lying is naughty.  You're not supposed to lie.

You know, other peeps might even forgive the naughty peep for the original bad behaviour but they'll never forgive him for the lies.  They'll never forget.  They'll never forget those lies.  The act of lying sticks to you like sap from a tree and take it from me, tree sap is almost impossible to get out of your fur.  I try to avoid such stickiness at all costs.

We cats understand that lying is an unacceptable form of behaviour and that's why we don't do it.  On the other paw, we don't really need to.  I mean...  if I do something naughty, it almost always comes across as cute.  Cats are cuteness, personified, you see.  Peeps just aren't.  They don't even come close.  Guess that's why some of them think they have to lie.  I guess they think that the only things that will cover up their bad behaviour are lies.  Hmmm...  Could be. 

When I wanna cover up my bad behaviour, all I need do is twitch my whiskers or touch my nose with my tail or even just sit there in my house, looking adorable.  Peeps just can't pull that kind of cuteness off.  That must be why they lie.  They shouldn't, though.  They really shouldn't 'cause...  it's really not nice to lie.


  1. Your right it isn't!! Thanks for going by my blog yesterday!!:-) ps:cute blog!!:-) hope you can swing by mine today!!:-) happy WW!!:-)

  2. Wow, u are right. Lying is not good. I'd rather have a tummy pat. :)

  3. Oh Nissy, you are so right. We do not like liars either. They are not nice people that lie to further themselves. And we kitties can just look cute or do something cute and all is forgiven. Aren't we the lucky ones. Take care.

  4. Lying is not good. We think our people do it too often. Lee and Phod - 2 honest dogs

  5. Well I would appreciate'z it if youz tell Alfie , telling lie'z iz bad.. He need'z to fezz up about my ball..Bawahhwawaa xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. Nissy this is a very good essay. And we believe you would never lie. What would be in it for you after all?

  7. We blogged about being authentic today at our other blog Boomer Muse. Cats are always 100% real and true.

  8. Honey, you must have run into a not nice peep somewhere. Here's a HUG.

  9. Mommy can't stand people who lie. We agree that we cats don't need to lie. :)

  10. Did you hear that my cat Star is going to be on the Ladies of Autumn?!?! MOL I can't wait! Have a great day!

  11. Wow... Powerful meows there Nissy. We don't like the liers one little bit in the Tomcat home. Our Dad says that is a sure was to cause hurt and that cats are naturally more honest.
    We agree

  12. Binga lies all the time - when one human feeds her, she always tries to tell the other human that she is starving to death!

  13. we feel bad coz we iz all wayz lion...we bee lion on de floor, de table top, de kitshun counter, de sofa, R food serviss purrson's bed, sum times de chair N everee once in a while on de toy let lid

    ~~~~~~~~~~ ;)

    1. It's okay... Different kind of lying. purrs

    2. Your so right about lying it is very bad!! Hope to see ya soon! Come on over to Life with Ragdolls my dear friend,XOXO!!!:-) love Ragdoll mommy! And the babies !:-)

  14. You are wise beyond your cat years!! Some hoomins live to be 90 and they still don't "get" why lying is not nice.

  15. Our peeps lie ALL the time...'We'll only be gone five minutes...we'll only be gone a big five minutes"etc. Not only do they lie,but they can't count either!
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx

  16. Nerissa you are unquestionably right about lies. They always surface, it may take a long time but the truth does prevail.

  17. Nerissa! Yous is MORE profound than Budda!
    Can me be a Nerissaite?

  18. You are so right pal, and that's no lie!

  19. Lying is TERRIBLE....Nissy sounds like you really needed to get that off of your chest eh?

  20. You are so right!Even though I'm a peep I know know it's really bad to lie. I've been lied to & never forgot it & never will! It destroys trust forever!!!

  21. We agree lying is not right and LOL like fleas they congregate and multiply. We do the avoidance thing and just try and look darn cute. Have a tremendous Thursday Nissy.
    Best wishes Molly

  22. I know efurrything about lying humans too !
    My human lied about that it is her that writes on MY blog in the Swedish Birman Society Magazine*sigh*

  23. Ok I have to ask - what did you do?

    1. Wasn't me. Wasn't any of my fur-family or either of my peeps. It was somebody else...

    2. Thanks for comin' by my blog yesterday!!:-) purrs

  24. Absolutely! Telling lies is NOT a good idea.....they always catch up to you eventually and bite you in the bum! Yep - NEVER lie. Period. Wise post Nissy.....

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  25. you're such a zenful kitty Nissy,xx Speedy

  26. MOUSES!! Nissy, you got down right serious on this one buddy...and rightly so if I can say. You see I think it is about the karma...lies build bad karma..wouldn't wanna be standing next to someone when that karma comes back to give them the bitey bite in the tocks...know what I mean??? And telling it how it is, being real, well...that's the 'good' karma creation and that always comes back in unexpected good ways...just my observations...paw pats, Savannah

  27. Telling lies is never okay! Ever ever ever. Good thing you are completly honest, Nissy! Love ya :)

  28. Love it! Please come by n see us at life with Ragdolls!:-)

  29. The Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them are weak and stupid and they ALWAYS but ALWAYS get caught. That's why the Human and I are not much for the Conspiracy Theories. That's because we figure there would have to be SO MANY good Liars who NEVER get caught that the whole thing would fall apart in about 2 days. Just sayin'.

  30. Nissy! Come see the award I gived you. But mommy has to publish yet..a few minutes. xoxox

  31. That was quite a lesson on ethics and morals. We never lie, but we won't tell on each other either. We just keep our lips sealed and look innocent. Sounds the same as your approach, Nissy. We're just wondering what your peeps have been lying to you about to cause such a discourse. Keep being such a good boy. We find that good kitties get more treats. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  32. Telling lies is not nice and the truth will come out after all. Fair Pawkisses, Little Binky :)


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.