Wednesday, 26 June 2013

what a mess!

A couple of days ago, I was out relaxing on the driveway, enjoying the evening air.  The peep was doin' stuff in the garden like she does.  I wasn't really supervising her though.  I was taking a break from supervising as it had been a long day.  I thought I could leave her alone, to her own devices, for an hour or two.  Boy was I wrong.  Next thing I know, ol' peepers appears with a ball of string in one hand and scissors in the other.  String?  Scissors??  In the garden???  MOUSES!

She headed over to one of the trees in what I call my little woodland garden.  Curious, I had to get up and see what she was up to.  So did Seville.  The two of us padded over.

The peep started hauling away at a honeysuckle vine.  It was sprawling all over the ground 'cause it had nothing to climb.  Of course, Seville was right in there, chasing the vine.  I thought about doin' that myself but, like I said, it had been a long day and I was tired.  Sure did look like fun, though, until ol' peepers complained to Seville that he should leave the honeysuckle alone.  Seville gave her a look, turned tail and headed out of the garden.  I think he was a little miffed, to be honest.

Next thing I know, the peep is playing with her ball of string, tossing it up into the air, flinging it about this way and that.  What a sight!  I laughed so hard my sides hurt.  She tossed it once and then twice and then a third time.  That last time seemed to do the trick.  She seemed happy with that last toss.  The previous two had produced a few mumbles and grumbles. 

Then the peep tied one end of the string to the very bottom of the honeysuckle plant before cutting the string and tying its other end to the plant, too.  Then she started tying the honeysuckle onto the string.  That was when I realised what she was up to.  She has done this before.  She was tryin' to train the honeysuckle to grow up into the tree.  Personally, I think she should just have sent it to obedience school although I must admit that watching her in the training process was pretty funny.

"Oh peepers...  you do realise that Seville is gonna be in here playing with all that string, don't you?"  She answered with some comment 'bout it bein' twine and not string.  I say, if it looks looks like string and acts like string...  it is string!

The show was over...  or so I thought.  Next thing I know, the peep heads over to another tree.  This one much bigger and taller.  Surely she wasn't thinking 'bout training a honeysuckle up that tree?  How would she ever reach the bottom branch?

She started with her flinging of the string act, again.  This time was even funnier than the first.  She tossed it up and, apparently, there wasn't enough string.  The string didn't get very far but the little reel to which it was attached left the string and flew to safety several feet away.  Hmmm..  the peep said, just before she started searching around the ground lookin' for something.  I thought about pointing out the string's reel's whereabouts but she actually seemed to be lookin' for something else.  Eventually, she found a stick.  Yeah, that's right, a stick.  She tied the end of the string to the stick and started flinging that about.  You should have seen her.

Fourth or fifth try, she got the string and the stick over the branch for which she had been aiming.  Did I say over?  Sorry, I meant on...  stuck to...  still up on it.  The stick must have decided it didn't like being flung about 'cause it got itself stuck in the tree and wasn't coming down.  I figured that was the end of the show but no...  ol' peepers had another ball of string!  So she started the string flinging about business once more.  I had to lie down 'cause I was laughing so hard I thought I might trip over my tail or something if I remained standin' up.  Let's just say, ol' peepers is not likely to be recruited as a baseball pitcher in the near future.

The string flinging went on for quite some time but, eventually, the peep had the string where she wanted it and a few other places, as well.  I looked up at the tree.  It looked like someone had gone crazy with the ol' crazy stringy thingy stuff.  There was string EVERYWHERE!  What a mess, I thought.

"It'll look nice when the vines grow up the twine and bloom," said the peep.
"Am I gonna live long enough to see that?" I asked.
"Yes, Nissy, you will," she answered
"Are you sure?  'Cause let me tell you, you're killing me with this little comedy routine of yours!"

Then, believe it or not, the peep headed over to another tree.  One even taller than the last.  There was no way she was gonna manage stringing this one up.  I was gonna suggest she try using that stick to aid with the flinging of the string but then I realised that no, she couldn't do that.  The stick was still stuck up in the other tree.

With her first fling, she overshot the intended branch and the ball of string flew over to some evergreen trees.  It was over by the base of 'em.  She went to retrieve it but her hair got stuck in the branches.  Once unstuck, she attempted to retrieve the string again.  This time she got the tree branches stuck up in her hair!  Sure do hope she has some good shampoo on paw 'cause let me tell you, last time I got that tree sap stuck in my fur, I was pickin' it out of my teeth for days.

Eventually, ol' peepers had the string where she wanted it which, to me, appeared to be pretty much everywhere.  I'm pretty sure neighbourhood peeps are gonna be walkin' past the house, staring at my peep's string.  Yes, it's her string.  I'm assuming no responsibility for any of the string.  This is all the peep's doing.  Like I said.  I was on a supervisory break.  Not my fault the peep is incapable of bein' unsupervised.  Not my fault at all.  I'm pretty sure she was born that way.  MOUSES!


  1. snicker...better entertainment than cable....

  2. OMC we wish you could have gotten a video of that. Humans are strange, aren't they?

    The Florida Furkids

  3. In the UK there is a TV programme where people send in videos of other people doing silly things - do you have one of those - just asking!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. That must have been quite the sight!

  5. Well ya just never know what those humans are gonna do!

  6. Humans... they are a constant source of amusement.

  7. ha ha - You have us in stitches over here. M says she'd love to live next door to you., You'd provide good entertainment. he he

  8. dood...yur peeperz iz gonna haza enuff twine on de tree ta play a violin if de stooooooooooooopid rood noizee caca droppin bug infested burds will leeve it a lone N knot steel it for nestin mateerullz ya haza it made in de shade......less de sunz knot out !!!

  9. Now that was really funny. Sounds like something our Person would try to do. But our Person probably would have stabbed herself. Great story.

  10. We're sorry we didn't get to see this! MOL!

  11. Ha! If you had said your human then started chasing the string and rolling around on the ground with it and her feet in the air, we couldn't have laughed more! What a sight that must have been. Do you suppose the neighbors saw? How embarrassing! Purrs...

  12. Sounds like you need to keep a closer eye on your human! LOL thanks for the visit. skipper

  13. Peep is making a permanent Tarzan swing for kitties!

  14. We don't understand this behavior at all; though, we think we would be equally amused watching it. Our mom hates honeysuckle and is always trying to get rid of it. She says that if she turns her back for an hour, it can take over the whole yard. The neighbor planted it some ten or more years ago, and our mom's been trying to get it out of her flower beds ever since. She's very interested in seeing future photos when it starts growing up those tree strings. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  15. Ha Nissy!! Thanks for the laugh! Yes your peep and my peep certainly ARE a pair!
    Ready for this? A couple of summers ago my peep tried to get tomato plants to grow straight on our balcony by tying them to STICKS by using DENTAL FLOSS!!!!
    Told ya my peep is an idiot!!
    Love, Cody

    1. Dental floss! That's even better! Or worse... hmmm.... whatever. That's a good one! purrs

  16. Aw-shucks...wish you had gotten it on video/camera...that would have been a treat!

  17. Dear Cod, Nissy. And I thought my Human was bad. At least when she acts stoopid she does it IN the house so the neighbors can't see. Humans are soooooo embarrassing sometimes. Most of the time.

  18. LOL , chuckle , chuckle , chuckle. Nissy that must have been a great afternoons' entertainment. joking apart we be it will look good eventually. Thanks for the morning laugh. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  19. You peep is very clever to put the string theory into such a good project!

  20. Well Nissy you have to admit - having a peep around for entertainment is fun. They do the wackiest things don't they? I'm sure there was a method to her madness but the BEST part is just watching them from afar!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  21. You do suffer!! Next time can we have a video of the activities that happen when she is unsupervised??

  22. hehehe a pitty you didn't get it on video Nissy,xx Speedy

  23. Ha-ha ha ha! They so funny when they play! Humans and the ideas they come up with. We agree with Rabbit up there, pity you didn't get any video - it'd go viral!

  24. Who needs bird TV or any tv with you around, Nissy!! Mind you, your Peep TV is pretty good!! MOL

  25. You know, it's just possible some snacks, uh--Birds, I mean BIRDS, might get strangled or something and just plummet right to the ground in front of you--just like Take-Out food!

  26. MOUSES!! Nissy you so should have caught that all on video!!...just sayin....snicker, snortle....


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