Sunday 30 June 2013

50,000 big ones!

I have been neglectful in my duties.  My duties of passing on the bling.  Well, actually...  I wasn't the one bein' neglectful.  Ol' peepers has made a few disparaging remarks, implying that the neglect was mine but we all know that it was all her fault.  We know this because it's always her fault.  You know what they say...  when in doubt, blame the peep!  Everyone says it so it has gotta be true and that's a fact.

You all know my pal Basil, right?  He writes the amazing blog, Basil the Bionic Cat's Blog.  Well, a while back, Basil honoured me with the Bestest Kitty Blogger in the Cosmos Award.  What a neat name, huh?  You get this award and boom!  Bam!  You're one of the bestest kitties in the whole wide cosmos.  That's like the universe or something.  Neat!  Thank you so much Basil.  What a great pal you are.

When one receives the Bestest Kitty Blogger in the Cosmos Award, one has to do only one thing and that thing is to pass the award along to at least five other bloggers.  Basil created this award so that we would all "share the love across the interwebs."  Those are his words, not mine, but boy are they ever good ones.  So I am officially passing the Bestest Kitty Blogger in the Cosmos Award to...

And the winners are...
- Pillster @ Pillster's Pages
- Patchy Meow @ The Five Cats Chronicles
- Dash @ Dash Kitten
- Purrla @ Singapore Kitty
- Angel @ angelswhisper2011
- Felix & Jasper @ Felix and Jasper Blogalot

Next thing I knew, my pal Pillster, over at the fantastic blog Pillster's Pages presented me with the Inspiring Blog Award.  Does that mean that he finds my blog inspiring?  I hope so.  Pillster, I am honoured.  Thank you so much.

In accepting the Inspiring Blog Award, all one must do is pass it along.  That's right, just pass it along to deserving recipients.  Pillster didn't say how many or anything so I'm gonna choose six.

And the winners are...
- Sushi @ Sushi's Diary
- Texas @ Texas, a Cat in New York
- Selina @ One Eye on the Future
- Bumpy @ Mr Bumpy's Cat
- Brian @ Brian's Home
- Pasha @ Pasha

But Pillster didn't stop there.  He also awarded me with the Purrime Ministerette of Planet Purrth Award.  What a fancy schmancy name for a fancy schmancy award.  Now, there are some rules that go with this award and, unfortunately, I'm not quite sure I understand them all.  It's a little embarrassing to admit but I just don't.  I'm not entirely to blame for this however because firstly, when I received the award, I believe I was still on pain meds for my knee.  You remember what happened to my knee, right?  And secondly, if anyone is to blame, all paws should be pointed at the peep.  Remember, when in doubt, blame the peep!  Works every time.

My pal Pillster writes, "In their infinite wisdom, the Purrime Ministerettes have made seven rules with which we have to comply to formally accept the award:"

1.  Bow for your Purrime Ministerettes and confirm on your blog
     you have done so.
2.  Show a picture of you watching Purrime Ministerette movies.
     Pictures or it didn't happen.
3.  Tell Planet Purrth that it needs a change and explain what kind
     of change you have in mind.
4.  Ask your Purrime Ministerettes what you never dared to ask
5.  Bow again for your purrime Ministerettes and confirm on your blog you have done so.
6.  Forward the Purrime Ministerette of Planet purrth Award to at least 3 other blogging anipals.
7.  Do not chance the rules without explicit written Purrime Ministerette purrmission.

Well, you read 'em just as I read 'em.  Hope you can do a better job than I but here goes...

Firstly, I bowed.  Yes, I bowed and I'm confirming that now.  Secondly, I'm supposed to watch a movie but I don't think Stephen Harper has done any movies.  That's why I couldn't take a picture.  Sorry 'bout that.  Thirdly, I've gotta tell Planet Purrth that it needs to change something.  Hmmm...  I know!  I think Planet Purrth needs to change the rule 'bout not changin' these rules 'cause I'm trying not to do so but I have a sneaky suspicion that I'm screwin' something up here.  Sorry 'bout that but...  you know...  stuff happens.  Fourthly, I'm gonna ask what I have never dared to ask before.  Okay, I'm gonna ask the Purrime Ministerettes how it was that a senator was appointed to represent a province who didn't really live in the province he was supposed to represent.  Actually, I'd really appreciate an answer on that one.  I just bowed again.  That takes care of rule number five.  I'll skip down to rule number seven and apologise again if I messed up the rules.  And now back to rule number six.

And the winners are...
- Spitty @ Spitty Speaks
- Sammy @ onespoiledcat
- Felix & Jasper @ Felix and Jasper Blogalot

Now, I have one more award to present.  It's a very special award.  It's a brand spankin' new award.  I would like to introduce to the world-wide blogosphere, the MY FAVOURITE THINGS AWARD.

The MY FAVOURITE THINGS AWARD was created by yours truly to celebrate a milestone of mine.  That milestone would be fifty thousand hits to my blog.  That's right...  fifty thousand big ones!  Yoo-hoo!  YOO-HOO!!!

There are some things one must do in acceptin' this award but they're pretty simple things.  All one must do is thank the blogger who gave you the award and put in a little linky to their blog, on yours.  Then post the award on your blog and tell all your readers what your six favourite things are.  And finally, pass the award on to as many bloggers as you would like.  It could be just a couple or lots and lots.  Whatever tickles your whiskers.

As I'm startin' this off, I'll tell you all what my six favourite things are.
1.  Nip.  Bet you knew that, right?
2.  My peeps.
3.  My pals.
4.  My fur family.
5.  Playin' in my garden.
6.  My all-fixed-up knee.

Now I'm gonna pass the award on and the winners are...
- Herman @ It's a Wonderpurr Life
- Spitty @ Spitty Speaks
- Savvy @ Savannah's Paw Tracks
- Sammy @ onespoiledcat
- Katie @ Katie Isabella
- Katie & Waffles Too @ GLOGIRLY
- Nellie @ Cat from Hell
- Mario @ Mario's Meowsings
- Speedy @ Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny
- Basil @ Basil the Bionic Cats Blog
- Simba @ Simba's Antics

So there you have it, my friends.  Four awards bein' handed out to some pretty amazing bloggers.  CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE WINNERS!

And I just wanna add that I would have liked to have handed out the MY FAVOURITE THINGS AWARD to many, many more blogs.  But I figured that if I gave it to everyone, then there would be no one left to give it to.  Know what I mean?  I sure do hope all the recipients pass it around the blogosphere so that everyone gets their paws on it and gets to add it to their blogs.


  1. I am deeply honored Nerissa! Thanks so much!!!

  2. Wow, that is a lot of awards. Well done Nissy. And we love the one that you made up. That is so pretty. Hope you have a great day.

  3. Thank you SO much, Nissy!!!
    We are very honored to receive such a special award!
    ...and it's so pretty too!
    Katie & Waffles TOO

  4. Congarats on all your awards and on 50,000+ page views! Thank you for passing the Favorite Things award on to me. It sure is a pretty one.

  5. Hi Nissy !
    Sorry for not have been visiting you for a looong time.
    Can you beleive it´s NOT my humans fault ?!
    It´s our phone/internet companys fault that can´t manege to fix the broken wires.
    We have been without phone , internet and TV for 15 days tomorrow :(
    How we can surf ??
    I use mom´s smartphone as a modem to the BIG PC.
    Psst , don´t tell her ;-)

  6. Me again :)
    I just miaowing on about me and my troubles ....
    ConCATulations to all your blogawards and ConCATulations to all that got them from you !
    BIG ConCATulations to 50.000 visitors on your bloggie !
    Me I need 4745 moore visitors to get there :)

  7. That's a bunch of awards! Congratulations, Nissy! :)

  8. Now THAT is a ton of BLING!!! Thanks for honoring mes with some of it!

  9. OMC - I'm so surprised. Thanks for the award Nissy. Congratulations to you on all of your awards. You rock buddy!

  10. WooHoo!Congratulations Nissy you're the Mancat Dude!And thanks for giving your new award to me I am truely honored,xx Speedy

  11. ConCatulations on all of those great awards!!!
    The Florida Furkids

  12. Thank you Nissy, so much for the awardie. And thank you on hebalf of baby Doll for posting her plight. xoxoxox

  13. I love especially that Baby Doll has so much exposure than she had from those of us who read her plight.

    I will post the awardie tomorrow or later today and thank you bunches. xoxox

  14. concatulations on so many many awards Nissy...and especially thank you for passing your new one to me. You know I love flowers...all kinds...and I will certainly post about it and pass it along...purrrs, Savannah

  15. Nissy, you sure know how to hand 'em out!!! ConCATS on all your various and sundry awards.

    pee ess: your glasses are on crooked!

  16. Wow! Concats on all your awards, Nerissa, all well deserved, and thank you so much for passing an award to us. We're so surprised by this greatest gift. Can't wait to paste it on our blog. Extra Pawkisses for you :)

  17. Concatulations on all your awards, Nerissa! I have to confess, when I get them I am REALLY bad at passing them along.

  18. Mowzers! That's a plethora of awards and winners and...just LOADS of concatulations to spread around! WOOT!

  19. Concats on all your awards and on 50,000 hits.

  20. WOW! Congrats on all the nice awards Nessy and thanks so much for sharing with us! Hey, I think you're gonna need a bigger trophy case!

  21. We wish sparkly sunshine and sensational stars to you lovely Nerissa and to all the amazing winners!!!!! Yay!!! Take care

  22. Wow, those are a lot of winners. Congrats to all! Lee and Phod

  23. Congrats on all those cool awards, Nissy!

  24. Dear Cod, Nerissa! Two awardies??? I am not worthy. No really, I am not--I have like 5 awards in my draft blogger folder that jump up and curse at me every day I don't post about them, ha ha ha! and sadly, it's been a lotta days! Now there are 2 more and pretty soon they're gonna form a tiny and angry army and kill me. Seriously. I'm a goner.

    Thanks though--I am blushingly grateful!

  25. Wow Nissy those are some great awards and we say congratulations and well deserved. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  26. Wow you have done really well!

  27. Nissy! My goodness friend of mine - you certainly have piled on the bling haven't you! And how kind of you to pass a couple more blingy-rings on to yours truly. If I can figure out the rules on that Prime Ministerette one I will (!!!) and the other one will be easy peasy. Thanks my good buddy - you're the BESTEST and I congratulate you for having so many friends who obviously adore you - like me and my Mom do!

    Kitty Hugs, Sam

  28. Awww Nerissa, thank you for the Inspiring Blog Award! That means a great deal & MomKatt says to say she's sorry she has not gotten me by your page much since they returned from their vacation last month. She's resolved to be better - we'll see about this ... MOL

    PURRZ my dear furriend & Happy Monday!


  29. Wow! Congrats to you and all of the winners! Well deserved.

  30. dood...conga ratz on all yur way awesum awardz N wee wanna say manee thanx mewz two ewe for thinkin oh uz for de way soooper kewl my fav o rite thingz award... ewe yur self ROCKS ....thanx buddy.....we haz saved it N iz gonna add it ta R art gal o ree...

    ~~~~~ R mom iz a pantz butt N her will knot let uz play a long with awards any mor...act shoe a lee R mom iz MOR than a pantz butt but we canna type it heer ~~~~


    hay, happee canada day two ewe N yur plentee oh trout N flounder N haza grate day...tahnx mew again X

  31. Thank you so much for thinking of us and passing us an award! Yay!!! We appreciate it :)

  32. OF COURSE I got another breakfast. I am the Human's Special Boy, right? She wouldn't let me STARVE, right?

  33. ConCats Nissy on your multitude of awards!! Sammy just passed the Prime Ministerette one on to me and I am a bit gobsmacked at all the bowing and stuff!! :D I don't really do bowing except I have to every time I see the Queen which is not an awful lot, except we could bump into Kate Middleton in Waitrose - bump being the operative word!!!

  34. That's the motherlode of awards. Concatulations. They are all well deserved, of course. Just don't let that popularity go to your head. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  35. Oooh, P.S. We forgot to say concatulations on your 50,000 hits. That's the biggest deal of all. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.