Sunday 2 June 2013

I won? I won! I WON!!!

I can hardly believe it but...  I WON! 

...and it's all official now and everything.

That's right...  I won the 2013 Nose-to-Nose Best Blog Writing Award

It was two weeks ago, yesterday, when the winners were announced.  I wasn't there, of course.  I was still bein' held hostage in the livin' room because of recent knee surgery.  I was recuperating.  I was bein' held against my will!  MOUSES!

Peep #1 said I could watch the awards ceremony on the computer 'cause BlogPaws was live-streaming it.  I'm not quite sure what live-streaming means but I'm thinkin' it has something to do with salmon or something, swimmin' upstream.  So, due to the upcoming salmon convention, I made sure ol' peepers had plenty of salmon treats on paw.  They were delicious.

About fifteen minutes before the ceremonies were due to start, the peep turned on the computer.  Just as she was headin' over to the salmon stream from facebook, I heard the news.  All over the place, cats were saying, "Nerissa's Life won!"

I was a little confused 'cause according to ol' peeper's time calculations, the ceremony had not yet begun.  I quickly did my own time travelling mathematical calculations and realized that, of course, the peep had screwed it all up.  I gave her a good ol' stink-eye before reminding her that, "time travellin' is for cats, not peeps."  You see, time travellin' is complicated enough, as it is.  Throw in a couple of time zone differentials tossed about with a daylight savings versus standarized time equation and you've got some pretty complex mathematical calculations.  Generally speaking, peeps can't handle the math.  So, as I said...  time travellin' is for cats, not peeps.  Never have any truer words been said.

I immediately went into a state of shock.  Not 'cause ol' peepers had screwed up the math.  No, I'm used to the peep screwing stuff like that up.  That doesn't shock me in the least.  Not anymore, anyway.  No, I was shocked 'bout the possibility that I had won the award...  the award I had wanted to win so much...  the 2013 Nose-to-Nose Best Blog Writing Award.  Even though twitter and facebook were all abuzz 'bout my having won, I could hardly believe it.  It just seemed so...  so...  so unbelievable.

But it was true!  It was absolutely true.  WOW.

As I mentioned before, I wasn't at the big BlogPaws conference.  Earlier in the week, I had asked my dear and wonderful friend, Savannah, if her mom would consider representin' me if I should happen to win.  Savannah is the author of the world-famous blog, Savannah's Paw Tracks.  You have heard of it, I am sure.  If - by some remote chance - you have not, you need to head on over right away.  It's a great blog and Savvy is an amazing author. 

Anywho...  I knew that Savvy's mom was goin' to the conference and hoped she wouldn't mind helpin' me out.  I also hoped that Savvy wouldn't mind my borrowing her mom for the occasion.  I was so very pleased and honoured when Savvy's mom agreed to represent me and Savvy signed off on the deal.

Savvy's mom immediately went on a search for Plush Nissy.  Every cat has a plush version of themselves, you know.  These plush kitties are like our twins, or something.  Savvy's mom had already discovered Savvy's twin so, obviously, she has a knack for such things.  She went on a world-wide search and before anyone knew it, Plush Nissy had been found!  I must say, the resemblance is amazing.  Remarkable, in fact.  Peeps can hardly tell us apart.  Is it Nissy?  Is it Plush Nissy?  Is it Plush Nissy?  No, I think it's Nissy.  Yup, that's what they're saying.  Peeps, that is.  We cats can usually tell the difference.  We're kind of smart that way.

Luckily for me, the peeps running the BlogPaws conference had anticipated the time travellin' calculation screw-up of Peep #1.  They got the whole awards ceremony on tape.  Thank goodness someone was thinkin' ahead.  I got to watch the whole thing.  It was fantastic.  I actually watched it more than once.  Yes sirree...  it was that good.

Savvy's mom did the most amazing job.  She accepted my award like a real pro.  For a moment there, I thought I was watchin' a movie star acceptin' an Oscar or something.  Then I realized that winnin' the 2013 Nose-to-Nose BlogPaws Best Blog Writing award was better than winning an Oscar and that Savvy's mom was way better than any ol' movie star.  She was a star of stars!  Yup, she really was.  Still is, in fact.  Still is...

And did you know that I got a trophy?  It's true.  Savvy's mom packed it up and sent it to me.  The UPS man arrived a few days later with a parcel that had MY name on it.  That's right...  it was addressed to Nerissa the Cat.  How proud I was to open that box and find my new gorgeous trophy.  I've never had a trophy before, you know.  I got Peep #1 to display it next to the teeny-tiny little trophy she once won for growin' some flowers or something silly like that.  Mine is four or five times the size of hers.  Prettier, too.  Way prettier.  It's a way better trophy, for sure.

And did you know that I got a box?  It's true!  The trophy came in a box.  I've been in it numerous times, now.  It's an excellent box.

And I mustn't forget to mention the cat and dog food.  Two of the BlogPaws sponsors donated two hundred pounds each of cat and dog food to the winners' choice of charities.  That's right, Natural Balance Pet Foods and Petcurean both donated all that needed food.  I chose the Homeless Animal Lifeline, as the recipient for my award.  HAL is based in New Jersey but rescues animals from many other states, as well.  I know that the good peeps at HAL will put all that food to excellent use.  Those peeps work so hard at rescuing animals and do it so incredibly well.  If you've never heard of 'em before, please check out their website where you can read all about 'em some more.  And even if you have heard about HAL, you can still visit their website.  I'm pretty sure they love havin' visitors over at HAL.  Just love 'em, for sure.

So that's my big news.  My big new about BlogPaws and my award and HAL and how Savvy's mom helped me out in such a wonderful way.  Life is good, you know.  It's really, really good.  I'm a blessed kitty cat, for sure.


  1. Congrats on earning the award. Well deserved.! Keep the postings coming!

  2. Wow, Nissy. congrats on that award. That is so well deserved and we are so glad that you won it.
    We hope now that you can get that leg of yours all better. Take care.

  3. and a MASSIVE well done to you! :) :)

    I bet you are so pleased!

    Visit my blogs. To follow my dogs' life and/or my cats' life - enjoy!

    Jessica, the dogs, cats, ferrets and horses :) xxxx

  4. CONCATULATIONS!!! Nissy, you are a very very famous cat! You are so well deserving of your award, too!
    Astounding news couldn't happen to a nicer bloke!
    Three CHEERS!!!
    MEOW!!! MEOW!!! MEOW!!!

  5. Oh Dog! Congratulations Nissy! You rock!

  6. My Dad was there and was sooooo excited when you won and he was ringing that Glogirly cow bell like crazy...but crazy is easy for him. Congrats pal, we are all so proud of you!

  7. Concats on winning, it is very well deserved!

  8. Congratulations, Nerissa! That's a nice trophy. :)

  9. Congratulations! Silly humans and their time calculations! Love Dolly

  10. Concatulations, and yay, the award is finally in your paws!

  11. We love seeing you with your trophy, Nissy. We knew already that you had won, but we loved reading your article about it all. Very well deserved. And also, your plush Nissy is a very good resemblance!

  12. APAWS!! APAWS!! Mom said she almost ran from the room when she saw Nerissa's Life up there on that humongous screen...yup...she was that nervous! Glad she didn't disappoint you Nissy. Dad and I think she is better than she thinks she is...just our opinion

  13. Nissy So many concats to you. You're a kitty of letters for sure. I see your peep is as bad as mine at the old mathematicals! Sheesh! What we have to put up with!!! Anyway rock on old buddy!! :)

  14. Big congrats from us, Nerissa, well done! :-)

  15. Awwwwww WOW!! Look at that MAGNIFICENT award!! Lovely Nerissa!! We are doing a happy dance just for you! We are so ecstatic you won such a brilliant accolade!! Yay!! Well done you!!! And what a brilliant donation too!! Awwwww!! Encore!! Take care

  16. Concatulations again =^.^=
    Lots of purrs

  17. Congratulations Nerissa you are such a good writer we love reading you adventures and hearing bout your peeps and if dat live streamin fing has somfing to do wid salmon we ant some!

  18. That's so cool! Con-cat-ulations!

  19. Concatulations!!! Very well deserved!

  20. Yippee! Hip-hip-hooray! For you're a jolly good fellow! Concatulations on your well-deserved award. We could not be happier for you. Try not to get too many nose and paw prints on the trophy. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  21. Congratulations. Well deserved! Lee and Phod

  22. Congratulations pal - that is outstanding,. You do deserve it tho, so keep up the good work. We're very happy for you.

  23. Congratulations, Nissy! The mom was there when you won and saw Savvy's mom give your acceptance speech. She really represented you good!

  24. Congrats, Nissy! Glogirly was there too and said that Savvy's mom did a PAWSOME job with your acceptance speech. How cool that you get to donate some food to a shelter!
    : ) Katie & Glogirly

    Please be sure to vote for your favorite logo today in the Pet Blogger Mall Logo Contest! Voting ends tonight (Monday June 3) at midnight, EST. CLICK TO VIEW LOGOS & VOTE

  25. Congratulations on winning the Best Blog Writing Award! You certainly deserve it.

  26. Concatulations! I watched Savannah's mom accept the award on video too, because I wasn't there. Very sweet and great acceptance speech she did!

  27. Congratulations Nissy. Well deserved we say. Bravo. That must have brightened up your enforced confinement. Clap,clap,clap. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  28. Oh no my comment got eaten up so here goes again. Congratulations Nissy. Bravo and well done. Clap,clap,clap. Well deserved and that must have cheered you up during your enforced confinement. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  29. Wow well done you!!! An award and a box - I am so so pleased for you!!!

  30. Nissy we're all EVER so proud of you and your BP award! What a nice way to recover from surgery too - hugging your beautiful award with your plush Nissy keeping you company. It was so nice of Savvy's Mom to accept your award for you - it was in good hands until it made its way to you and your Peep. You keep that award all polished up and shiny now!!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  31. ConCatulations on winning!! We're so proud to say we know you!!

    The Florida Furkids

  32. Big conCatulations on the super duper award :)Thuna all round I say xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  33. Granny and I are so proud of you Nerissa. You are the best! Concatulations. Here comes a zillion ;) pawkisses your way.. :D

  34. I am so happy that you won the award! It is perfect for you and so well deserved. Congratulation!

  35. Fantastic News Nissy,you deserved it*Speedy doing a Happy Bunny Dance* WooHoo...Yippee!!!!!xx Speedy

  36. dood ...DOOD !!!!! way total lee mega happee for ewe that yur badge wented frum final list ta WINNER !!!!! N way kewl oh savvy's mom ta eggs cept yur trofee on yur bee half coz de pizza dood couldna drive ya that far hiz self after ya ordered sum pizza N we noe HAL will loves de foodz doe nation !!!! conga a bazillion times !!

  37. CONCATULATIONS TO YOU AGAIN!!!! Next year new rule.......YOU have to be there in order to get the award!!! (kidding!) DO need to go next year! :)

  38. Well done!!! ConCats!!!!

  39. Congratulations! Lovely award! Well deserved :)

  40. We are so glad you won! Concatulations !!

  41. NO ONE deserves it more, Nerissa. Oh I know Old Peepers will try to claim she helps, but You Know the Truth, Buddy: It's YOUR blog all the way! Woo-hoo! Exciting times. Whew, I think I need to lie down now. XOXOXOXOX

  42. That is really wonderfur! You really are quite the blogger Nerissa! Love Plush Nissy too!
    Timmy T

  43. Congratualtions on your very well deserved Award, Nerissa :) We're so happy for you :) Triple Pawkisses for each one of you :)


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.