So way back when, in old and ancient times now appearin' in the latest of the history books, the peep promised to make me an award to celebrate my reaching twenty-five thousand hits on my blog. Well... that was three thousand hits ago! MOUSES!!!
Now finally... FINALLY... she has the award all ready for presentation. Turns out the timing is kind of appropriate 'cause the award is about love and this is February and all and Valentine's Day is next week. But let me assure you - under no uncertain terms - this was not the peep's plan all along. This is simply what one calls a fortuitous coincidence. I know... some cats and peeps don't believe in coincidences and whatnot but again, I assure you, this was not part of the ol' peep's plan. The original plan was that I present the first recipients of this award, with this award, three thousand hits ago!!!
So without any further delays, let me tell you all about the Why I Love Thee award. In acceptin' this award, one must do the following four things. Firstly, you've gotta thank the cat who gave it to you and link back to their blog. Secondly, you need to post the award somewhere - anywhere will do - on your blog. Thirdly, you need to tell us all why you love your peep. Now, this is part that get just a teensy bit complicated. What if you are a peep? Well, in that case, tell us all why you love your cat... or dog... or bunny... or... well, you get the picture, right? But you've gotta tell us why you love somebody 'cause this award is all about the love. And last, but not least, you need to pass the award along. You can pass it along to one blog or fifteen blogs or any number of blogs in-between. Pretty easy stuff, right? Yeah... easy peasy.
The more I drink,
the more I pee.
I more I pee,
the easier it be.
Easy peasy...
That's the key!
Yeah... the rest of us cats gave peep #1 a little red rose bush last year. Seville wrote her a poem and then so helpfully demonstrated by peein' on her. That's right. For Valentine's Day, he peed on the peep! What a character. But I digress...
Back to the award. Well, since I'm startin' us all off I guess I don't need to thank anyone or link back to their blog. Although I could thank the peep for finally gettin' her act together and makin' the award presentable. Okay, I'll officially thank Peep #1 and link back to her blog, The Peep's Cheeps. Think she might even have a new story on it today. Who knows? She's not a prolific writer like me. And I do need to explain why I love the peep. Hmmm... let's see... I think I love the peep most 'cause whenever I'm sad or scared or even just a little nervous, I can go over to the peep and she'll pick me up and kiss the top of my head and cuddle me and all my worries disappear like magic. I can just melt into her arms and feel safe and loved 'cause I know she loves me lots and lots. Plus, she knows how to open the tins of Fancy Feast. Never mind that... she knows the way to the grocery store to buy the Fancy Feast in the first place! You've gotta love a peep who supplies the Fancy Feast.
Now, I need to pass the award along. The nominees are....
- Herman at It's a Wonderpurr Life
- Savannah at Savannah's Paw Tracks

- Sammy at onespoiledcat
- Katie at GLOGIRLY
- Speedy at Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny
- Sherlock, Traveller & Ash at Feline Purr-spective
- Patchy Meow at The Five Cats Chronicles
- Felix & Jasper at Felix and Jasper Blogalot
- Mario at Mario's Meowsings
- Katie at Katie Isabella
- Nellie at Cat from Hell
- Basil at Basil the Bionic Cat's Blog
- Texas at Texas, a Cat in New York
- Molly at Molly the Wally
Well, there you have it folks... a brand new award goin' to fifteen very deservin' blogs. And since there are lots and lots more deservin' blogs out there, I sure am hoping this award will be hopping all over the blogosphere in no time at all. Got all four paws crossed on that one. But don't worry... I'm sittin' down so as not to fall or anythin'. Standing with all four paws crossed at once can be quite the balancing act!
LOL, we like your Valentine's Day poem.
ReplyDeleteWhat a pawsome award and thank you so much. We will pop it in our post and onto our awards page. Nice one and we appreciate it. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes Molly
Fanks you for the pawesome awardie, Nerissa. That should be easy to do. I sure love my mom. Xox
ReplyDeleteThank you so very much for the award pal. So very kind of you and such a nice surprise.
ReplyDeleteseville...dood...ewe rock :)
ReplyDeletenerissa...dood..ewe rock az well N conga rats two ewe on 289,540 page vizits N oooopz a if we getted de numburrz a bit back werds....
oh, N if ya ever wanna lurn ta drive yur self ta de store ta get sum fancy feast. ...let uz noe, we conduct drivin lessons 8.6.09-4 in trout towne !!
How awesome that you have your very own award, Nerissa! Paws up!
ReplyDeleteWow, Nissy... thank you SO much for sharing this cool award with us!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd it's PINK!!! : )
...hey, we really LOVE your easy-peasy poem too!
Katie & Glogirly
Wow! Congratulations! And it sounds like you have a great peep too! Purrs...
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Gracie, Benjamin Bunny, and I are so happy for you. Enjoy every minute of your celebration!!
ReplyDeleteWow, that's cool!
ReplyDeleteHi Nissy, you always honor me by passing a new award to me. I just luvluvluv that about you. And I will post it Friday or Saturday and pass it forward for sure. I can't wait to write my "why I love thee" message, I'm gonna do it to my DAD!!
ReplyDeleteHaha! We love Seville's poem! And that's a cool award! Congrats!!
ReplyDeleteAwww Nerissa, I am SO honored to be on your list of nominees! This is such a wonderful award and a very special one too because it comes directly from a furriend! Thank you SO very much!
ReplyDeleteI will make sure my human helps me give it back to other furriends!
Thank you and concatulations on the 25,000 (28,000!) milestone!
lol :D Congratulations on your huge number of hits, Nerissa. The poem of Seville is awesome :D
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely award, and going to some great blogs wello done you!
ReplyDeleteHi Nissy! I'm finally getting around to cruising by your bloggy to see what surprise yo have for me and VOILA! A brand new award with a beautiful rose from your garden on it. I'm so honored you chose me as one of your 15 "first recipients" - I have lots of reasons why I love my peep so it will be easy to comply with the rules......Thanks so much Nissy - you're a really good friend! My Mom visited your peep's "Cheeps" this morning and LOVED the story. My Mom and I hope both have a COZY and love-filled day!
ReplyDeleteKitty Hugs, Sammy
Congrats! And congrats to the winners!
ReplyDeleteOink oink,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig
What can I say Nissy, but thank you very much to you and your peep. Do you know I had the very same idea to celebrate the 1st anniversary of my blog. Now as my peep has been hogging the PC all the time this week; writing a book or some such nonsense! I have had to postpone my blog post this week. She has assured me that I will have my turn tomorrow. So do check out my blog Nissy *winks*
ReplyDeleteI must say a beautiful award too,I am most grateful.
Hugs and Purrs XX Patchy
Did you get my comment Nissy, the comment page went a bit strange when I tried to publish it????
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely award - congrats!
ReplyDeleteNiss, I'm not only honored by your wonderpurr award, I'm very touched. You are my bestie, and you make every day better just by being my furnend. Warm paw hugs!
ReplyDeleteWhoa Buddy! Thanks for the Pawsome Award! Sorry I was not here yesterday--my Stoopy Human has taken to staying out till all hours and then telling me, "It's okay, Spitty, we'll go visiting tomorrow" just like THAT! Just like my needs are nuffing!!! Humans. MOUSES!
ReplyDeleteThat is such a beautiful award.
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous award! And me is so furry honoured to bes part of the list of winners of it!! Niss - yous is the bestest!
ReplyDeleteThanks yous and Rock on!
PS Me has been remiss in getting back to thanks yous as Daddy has been sick this week and wes nots been posting or visiting.
Mowzers, a new awardie and EFURRYthing! How cool is that! (We sure enjoyed the story of Seville peeing on the peep - *snicker*)
ReplyDeleteOh Nerissa, We just readed Katie Isabella's blog post about this award and I'm afraid my Human is not going to be happy with me AT ALL. I'm in trouble here, Buddy.
ReplyDeleteWell, see, K-I wrote a paean of adoration to her Mommy describing all the wondrous things she loves about her. Now, you KNOW my Human readed that, and she felt all warm and gooshy inside, and then she glared at me and said, "And what are YOU going to write about ME, Spitty? Huh? Huh?"
ReplyDeleteI mean, you know I barely tolerate her, Nerissa. And now I'm going to have to come up with a whole, like, paragraph or something about how great she is.
NOW do you see my problem?????
Oh yes, yes... I see... I see...
DeleteHmmm... I would just explain to your mom how you're a boy kitty and Katie is a girl kitty. Girls tend to get all gushy and whatnot. We mancats are more manly, you know? Problem solved!
May the purrs be with you.
That is awesome. :)
ReplyDeleteDearest Hotest Man Cat!
ReplyDeleteMe blogged abouts the award yous gived me today!
Thanks yous!
What a fantastic award idea! woo woo!
ReplyDeleteOkay, Valentine's Day is coming up and I know the Human thinks I'm going to have some nice things to say about her by then....but I dunno. The well is kinda dry. Somehow, "I don't loathe you as much as I used to" just isn't going to cut it.
ReplyDeleteUmmm... yeah.... 'Bout that...
DeleteThank mew furry much my bestest wunderpurr pal!!!
ReplyDeleteMew are the greatest effur!
Basil xoxox
Oh Thanks Nerrisa you are the greatest pal a bunny could have! I shall do a post this week as I have another award to do so I'll do them together,xxxx Speedy