If you remember, a few weeks ago I invented the word autocatphalous. That was my invention for the letter a. It was a very good invention, if I do say so myself. Today, we have another invention for I have now invented a word beginning with the letter b. B is for burgocatster.
Never heard of the word burgocatster before today? Well, that's 'cause I just invented it. But you mark my words... peeps will be usin' the word soon enough. You'll be hearin' burgocatster this and burgocatster that and... and... well... let's just say you'll be hearing a whole lot about the burgocatsters. And if we cats and our peeps use it enough, perhaps the good ol' folks at Webster might use it in their next addition. That would be something for the books, wouldn't it?
The word burgocatster is derived from the pre-existing word, burgomaster, meaning the mayor of a Dutch or Flemish town. Well... I've never been to Holland or anywhere like that and I've never met a mayor. My pal Stan ran for mayor but not in Holland. He ran for mayor in a city right here in Canada. He would have been a paw in, too, had the peeps already runnin' the city bothered to put his name on the ballot. MOUSES! Some peeps...
You know... they say that a cat look at a queen. Not sure if it works the other way around though. I suppose that if Queen Elizabeth came to Canada again and asked if we could meet, I could let her look at me. I think that would be okay. Might be a bit of an honour. Even might be an honour for me.

You know another thing they say? They say that cats rule and dogs drool. Hmmm... My sister Constance sometimes drools and she's a cat. I'm pretty sure she's a cat. She had better be a cat. We had some the same mama! But I digress...
Back to the burgocatsters. A burgocatster is the cat who is in charge of all the other cats in any given area. This could be a town or a city block or a farm or a... a house. Anywhere where there is more than one cat. Now, the burgocatster is in charge of all the other cats. All the cats together are in charge of all the peeps. One of these peeps could, in fact, be a mayor. That's why burgocatsters are more important than mayors. Simple as that.
Believe it or not, I am not the burgocatster of our house. That title falls to my Auntie Primrose. This is why she sometimes gets just a teeny tiny bit cranky. That, and the fact that the peeps are always callin' her the enforcer. She's little but pure muscle. And does she ever have a voice on her... I think she has an extra set of lungs or somethin'.
So there you have it. A new invention. A new word. B is for burgocatster. Let's see how many of us can use it in a sentence today, huh? I'm gonna go use it with the peeps right now. I'll explain to them how our local burgocatster - and that would be Auntie Primrose - wants all of us cats to get extra helpings of the Fancy Feast today. They can't deny the wishes of the burgocatster now. Can they? Hmmm...
Good word, Nerissa. I hope Auntie Primrose is not too stern a burgocatster today.
ReplyDeleteBurgocatster, is quite a word. I guess our person is the burgocatster around here. There are a lot of letters there and hope we can keep them all straight.
ReplyDeleteU are very smart! I like that word. :)
ReplyDeleteBurgocatster almost sounds like something tasty to eat like an Big Mac Feast or something like that :)
ReplyDeleteSince I´m the only cat around here I guess I have to be the Burgocatster around here :)
The resident burgocatster here had better open that pouch of freeze dried salmon NOW. QUICKLY.
ReplyDelete; ) Katie
Like that word. I happen to be the burgocatster in our home. The brofurs cannot get over that little old me can whacky paw them to submission. Mwahahaha
ReplyDeleteTimmy the Top Cat of the Tomcat home
We have a Burgocaster around here too... his name is Eugene and he keeps the other cats in line by frequently trying to 'eat' them :)
ReplyDeleteThat is a mighty fine word, lots of letters, I like that!
ReplyDeleteI'm a burgocatster and I rule (and I drool, but don't tell anyone, kay!) Great new word :)
ReplyDeletehmmm, me thinks me will stick with QUEEN Penelope/ It kind of has a ring to it!
I do like dese words Nerissa! I finks you are very clefur and looks forward to your new words!
I'm the Oueen in my house and Granny (you know, the Angel human) is my servant. So, Savvy, if you want, you can be our burgocatster too... but... the Queen rules ;)
ReplyDeleteSorry, I meant Nerissa of course. *blushing now*
ReplyDeleteThat's okay! Savvy is my pal and I love her very much. It's an honour to be thought of at the same time as her. purrs
DeleteWe say "all hail Auntie Primrose, Burgocatster extraordinaire!"
ReplyDelete:-) Take care
What a fab word, however what if you are a dog like myself? Can we be burgocatsters too or would we be burgodogsters?
ReplyDeleteHmmm... Well, burgocatsters are ALWAYS cats so... I think you'd be a burgodogster or somethin' like that. I check on that! purrs
DeleteCats DO rule! All those peeps we all live with have to be trained and supervised, and we are perfect for the job. :)
Carmine and Milita
I think June Buggie is one of those things too!
ReplyDeleteThat's a great word, Nerissa! Wonder if there are any pig equivalents...
ReplyDeleteOink oink,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig
Hahaha great word!
ReplyDeleteAnything to do with Catster and dogster is cool!=^Y^=
ReplyDeleteWhy, we think we hear that word already this morning on the radio! Boy, your words really get around! Thanks for telling us about your sister's...um....problem. We're sure she'd want us to know. MOL! Purrs and slurps!
ReplyDeleteShoot! I thought burgocatster was some newfangled cat burglar or even better a cat that stole burgers!
ReplyDeleteThose little females are mean, Buddy. The Human used to have one. Fank Ceiling Cat I never knew her. ::shudder::
oh no!! I am an only cat!!! However can I achieve burgocatster status if I am an only cat??? No, no...drops head onto paws...leaky eyes...I so wanna be one of those
ReplyDeleteDon't fret, Savannah. You could be the burgocatster of the neighbourhood. Perhaps you already are! purrs
Deleteoh Nissy, I can't be that either because I am indoor only!! And Nissy, my Mom sent Miss Jennifer, your Mom, and email with a new document...we think it is saved in WORKS. Mom downloaded a converter thingy...purrrlease ask your Mom to try to open ASAP and let my Mom know if it worked, 'Kay??
ReplyDeleteBurgocatster - well we likes that word, we jus dun know who'd get that title here? The mom says Shadow should acuz he dont let the goggie push hims around. MOL
ReplyDeleteHi Nissy.....I like the new word. Every house should have one - here, I get the title by default I suppose! I want to know if that little ploy to get extra Fancy Feast worked - if so, I may have to give it a whirl...
ReplyDeleteKitty hugs, Sammy
FaRADaY: *raises paw* I volunteer to be our burgocatster--
ReplyDeleteAllie: *smacks the back of his head* oh you DO, do you Brat?
Maxwell: Dood, just back away from the Resident Burgocatster slow-w-w-wly....