Sunday, 13 January 2013

work it baby!

My sister Constance is such a little suck up.  She really, really is.

For those of you who don't know, Connie is my sister sister.  No, I'm not repeatin' myself there.  You see...  Tobias, Tess and Mason are my sisters 'cause we all have the same peeps but Constance and Beatrice and I not only have the same peeps but also the same mama and dad.  In fact, we were all litter mates.  Yup, it's true.  We were all born in the same wood pile at the very same time.  Well...  my peeps say there might have been an hour or so in between each birth but they weren't there to witness it so I think they're just guessin' or something.  There were no peeps there, to witness our birth, at all.  We were born feral.

So anyway...  back to Constance.  She really is the suck up of the family.  She has that peep #1 wrapped around her little claw, I tell you.  Connie can do no wrong in the eyes of peep #1.  Peep #2 is on to her but peep #1 is as blind as a bat when it comes to my sister and her suck-uppedness.  Hmmm....  suck-uppedness...  is that a word?  Well, it is now!

As you probably all know, I enjoy watching a little television with my peep #1.  Really, I do.  I'll curl up next to her for snuggles during The Big Bang Theory and whatnot.  I especially like watching The Big Bang Theory with her 'cause I know that you all know how I have a little theory of my own 'bout that show.  I'm absolutely positive that that cat Sheldon really is a cat.  Way too smart to be a peep.  I'm sure he's a cat is disguise.

Anywho...  I'll be all snuggled up next to my peep #1 waiting for our show to start, when my sister Constance will arrive on the scene.  Up onto the couch she'll jump.  She thinks nothing of walkin' right over the peep's lap and then wriggling in between the peep and me.  Talk about nerve!  You'd think she owns the joint or somethin'.  I'm pretty sure she thinks she does.  Next thing I know, I'm snuggled up to the peep and my sister Constance.  I end up having to share the peep.  Even worse...  I end up having to share the snuggles!  Happens all the time.

Now, you might be wondering just how Connie manages to get away with this kind of behaviour.  Well, you see...  It's her job to sleep with the peep.  We all took a vote and Constance lost.  Yup, that's just how it happened.  But Constance, being super-duper smart and all - partly 'cause she's my sister and partly 'cause she's a cat - decided to take advantage of the situation.  She has managed to convince peep #1 that she actually likes sleeping with her at night.  What a little actor is my sister.  If I didn't know better, I'd think she liked it, too.

Constance usually sleeps right on top of my peep.  Uses her as a mattress, I'm afraid.  Even if the peep sleeps on her side, Connie still sleeps right on top of her.  She manages to balance herself on the peep's hip.  The peep thinks it's cute.  Silly peep.

Anywho...  the other night, Constance decided to go for a behaviour modification upgrade.  Instead of sleeping on top of the peep, my sister crept up next to the peep's face.  The peep wasn't even aware of what was happening until she woke up and found Connie lying with her head on the pillow and a paw stretched out, touching her face.  And what do you suppose woke the peep up in the first place?  Purring, of course.  Connie was purrin' up a storm like there was no tomorrow.  She was purring and purring and purring.  It was practically deafening, I am told.

Personally, I would find this kind of behaviour to be an intrusion of my personal space but the peep...  well, the peep...  the peep thought it was adorable!  The whole next day, all I heard, over and over and over again, was 'bout how cute Connie had been the night before...  sleepin' just like a person would with her head on the pillow.  The phrase fur baby was used.  I believe I heard fur angel, too.  I'm tellin' you...  that sister of mine sure does know how to work it.  What a little suck-up.

It's not that I don't understand the power of the sleeping cat pose.  Oh, I get that, all right.  I get it loud and clear!  The pose of a sleeping cat is one of the most powerful forces in the universe...  guaranteed to elicit oohs and ahhs from any and all nearby peeps.  The thing is, these sleeping poses must be used with the utmost of care.  They must be doled out in moderation.  If cats go around doin' these cute poses all over the place, peeps are gonna expect the cute poses all the time.  They're gonna want sleeping cat poses twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.  We cats are already sleeping eighteen to twenty hours a day.  We can't possibly give up the rest of the hours!  There are patrols to be made, there is washing to be done, food to be eaten and nip to be nipped. 

Connie isn't lookin' at the big picture here.  She doesn't see the precedent she is setting.  She's cute and she knows it.  She's way too cute for her own good.  Certainly too cute for mine.  Oh, MOUSES!  Connie, my sister, I give up.  I see the writing on the wall and I can read it, too.  Just go for it.  Work it baby!


  1. well you could always cuddle up with Connie too

  2. Nissy, all I can say is SISTERS!

  3. Looks like Connie is a calico and we have a calico here too that is the official sleeper with the Mom. It is a mess when every one wants the peeps attention. We were all ferals too and were born in a wood pile. Must be a good place to be born. Take care.

  4. M think's she's the cutest little thing too! Dang humans. She's setting standard for the rest of us that I don't approve of. YOu have to stop her pal!

  5. I bet it's fun to play with her! :)

  6. Let me tell you. Admiral had my mom all adoring and all because she too would tretch out a paw and touch mom's face..lay on the pillow and put her head into the palm of mom's hand. Purr up a storm..hold HANDS with mom! Gees, there was no END to it and me..she's lucky I plaster myself to her back when I do. None of that lovey dovey stuff.

  7. The peeps never learn and are just suckers for this kind of behavour.. I say just go with the flow.. Hugs GJ xx

  8. Aw man, Nerissa - Constance sounds just like Binga! Gotta figure, she's a calico (or tortie-and-white - she's not quite as splotchy as most calicos), and those multi-colored kitties can drive any other cat up a wall.

  9. I'm trying to be sympathetic, Nerissa... but I'm a push over for a cuddling cat!

  10. Connie is just doing what comes naturally and I am sure that you do's a cat's birthright to look "cute" when they sleep.....that's a nutshell.

  11. You're a boy named Nerissa, and one of your sisters is named Tobias????? Don't your humans check whether you're male or female before naming you? Just teasing, Bro. I know humans aren't very smart, and they can burden us with a lot of things because of it.

    I'm so glad I'm the only cat. I only have to compete with Mr Woof for attention. Oh, and the budgies, but they're confined to a cage because apparently some cat would eat them if they came out, so they're no real competition.

  12. Nerissa, yous needs to do a little more sucking uoping if yous wants to be the number one snuggle bunny. It worked for mes.

  13. All girl cats are like that, Nerissa!

  14. well, now you must first she the younger,older or middle sister? Apparently, that makes some difference to the peeps. Or perhaps you can recall the month of your births??? that also can make a difference to the peeps. just a thought...paw pats, Savvy

    1. I don't remember...

      We were all born on April 15th. The peeps know that 'cause they saw our mama out and about all preggers and whatnot on the the 14th and then when they spotted her on the 15th, she wasn't preggers anymore. But there were no peeps to actually witness the birth so I don't know in what order we were born. Like I said, I don't remember myself. It was almost ten years ago now!

      The peeps know we were born in a wood pile 'cause one of the neighbours 'mentioned' there were kittens livin' in her wood pile. That was us.


  15. I'm letting the cat side down too *sorry easrs* as I lie back to back sharing pillow with huMum and sometimes we spoon and hold paw/hand ... I think I need to go back to kitten school xxx's

  16. My Human had a cat that would start out sleeping near her on the bed, but then during the night would pull the Constance trick. The Human would open her eyes and there would be BooBoo's nose, almost touching hers. You know what? The Human did not think that was cute. Not at all. In fact, it creeped her out. It made her wonder what the heck was going through BooBoo's mind. She wondered if maybe BooBoo wasn't thinking about how to kill her.

  17. Nerissa dear,
    We have a name for that kind of behaviour in this house. We call it "Mama hogger" and the current squeeze, so to speak, is Sebastian. Shameless, I would say. purrr....meow!

  18. Siblings hey, can't live with them can't give them a quick swip around the head with a paw without being told off!

    I feel your pain!

  19. Awwwww Constance is cute and cuddly and she so knows it!! We say play to your strengths and if you've got it, flaunt it! Yay! LOL!! Happy Monday Nerissa and family! Take care

  20. Nerissa, my brofur, Peppers, does that to MomKatt when he sleeps with her at night. Now, Morticia is the one that's SUPPOSED to sleep with her & she gets COMPLETELY disgusted by this blatant ploy - especially by a male cat who's a big, manly 20 lbs or so. I mean, really! MOL!

    Morticia just shrugs it off, however. She KNOWS she's MomKatt's "teddy bear cat". Me? Sleep with the hoomans? Naw. I'm way too active!


  21. Nissy, I got 3 girls & 2 boys and the girls are very jealous of each other, especially LadyDaisy. If she sees PrincessPuff on my lap or hears me talk to her she will run as fast as she can to get on my lap to root Puff out. Daisy also likes to bitch-slap BabyTwo every chance she gets. With me, she sleeps with me, stretches her little paws out & purrs.

  22. Goodness! Definitely sounds like too much for her own good! We wouldn't like the snuggling between you and your peep either. Gonna have to watch that one...

  23. Only Ling snuggles up to Mommy on the bed. She even tucks herself neatly between Mommy's chin and shoulder then PURR PURR PURR!
    And of course Sheldon's a cat. Why else will he have a kitty bedtime song!?

  24. I feel for you, Niss. Connie is definitely pulling the wool over somebody's eyes, but I bet its yours. I think she really likes sharing bed wif your peep. Grrrls can be sneaky, Niss. My sisfur, Peaches, has only lived wif us for a couple years, but she's all comfy curled up in my Mom's lap like she was born there. I curl up at Mom's feet on our chair...but Peaches pushes past me and takes the lap like she's entitled. That's grrrls for ya!

  25. Well what do you expect from "wimmin" eh, Nissy? They know how to work the system!!! Now if you try it, what will happen? …. ok, go on try it and see!! mol ;)

  26. I understand Nerissa... my little girl Nikita sleeps on my hip and I love it too. She does take away mommy time from the other 2 cats though. Maybe you have to ramp up the cuddles!

  27. Hey, when ya got it, ya got it!!!!!

  28. Sharing a lap is not really anny of our ideas of comfy either...

  29. Nerissa, seriously, I understand, but I think we can all learn a little from your sister ;-)


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.