Wednesday, 16 January 2013

the man in the hat

Remember the man in the hat?  The man who dragged that big ol' pine tree branch down our street and dumped it in my garden?  Well, he still has the same hat.  I see him all the time.  I know it's him 'cause I recognise the hat.

Anywho...  a little while ago, that man in that hat could have been almost no more.  Don't worry too much though.  He's still around.  I saw his hat and yes...  he was still in it.

Here's what happened....

A couple of weeks ago or so, someone was comin' over to our house to visit.  Along the way, that someone encountered the man in the hat.  The hat was walkin' down the road.  I'm thinkin' the hat must have been in charge 'cause you'd expect the man to know better than to not be walkin' at the side of the road.  You're supposed to walk along the side of the road so as not to be in the path of the traffic.  I'm not even allowed on the road and even I know that.  I'm sure the man knows it, too, but perhaps the hat does not.

So this someone who was comin' to our house comes along behind the man in the hat.  At first, the man didn't hear the car approaching.  Now, listening for cars would have been the man's responsibility.  Hats don't have ears so it's not like they can hear anything.  The man had ears - likely still does!  The man should have been usin' his ears to listen for cars and whatnot, especially since his hat was makin' him walk so far into the middle of the road.

The car was almost upon the man in the hat when the man finally heard its approach.  The noise must have startled him or something 'cause the next thing our visitor knew was that the man and the hat jumped and kind of turned and moved further into the road and - get this - into the path of the approaching car!  Luckily for our visitor and the man and the hat, an accident was avoided.  But like I said, the man in the hat almost was no more.

Apparently, the man wasn't wearing just the hat.  He was also wearing some kind of ear thingies.  Listening to music, most likely.  That's probably why he didn't hear the car approaching.  I wonder how many other things he didn't hear that day.  I wonder how many other dangers were drowned out by the sound comin' from those thing-a-ma-gigs plugging up his ears.

I'm told that peeps do this kind of thing all the time.  They walk around all over the place with thingies in their ears.  The very concept mystifies me.  As a cat, I have excellent hearing and I'm super-duper proud of it.  We cats hear things peeps can only dream about hearing.  Yeah, our hearing is that good.  Why would I ever want to impede my sense of hearing?

Okay...  I know...  I would like to plug up my ears when the peep starts up with her caterwauling but that's what you call a special circumstance.  An equally special circumstance would be if the neighbours took up the bagpipes.  You get my drift, I am sure.

But caterwauling and bagpiping aside, using your ears to listen for approaching dangers is a very wise and cat-like thing to do.  Pluggin' your ears up and then walkin' down the middle of the road is neither wise nor cat-like.  It's kind of foolish, if you ask me.  The fact that peeps do this sort of thing on a regular basis makes me wonder just why-oh-why the peeps get to be in control of the can openers.  They are not the superior race.  Not by a long shot.  This kind of behaviour is proof positive of that!

I'm wondering if the man in the hat learnt a lesson that day, after almost being run over by a car 'cause he didn't hear it coming 'cause he had plugged up his ears listening to loud music.  I'm thinking not.  Peeps often don't learn lessons well.  It usually takes them a couple tries to get it right.

Plus, you all know the saying peeps have 'bout stuff goin' in one ear and then coming right out of the other.  Well, that's about listening and learning stuff...  or rather it's about not learning the stuff.  The idea is that the knowledge goes in the first ear but before it has a chance to inform the brain, it goes right out the other.  Well...  since the man in the hat has plugged up his ears with the ear thingies, any knowledge that happens to come his way won't be able to enter that first ear.  That means, the knowledge won't just by-pass his brain.  It will by-pass his whole head!  I don't think you can learn stuff that way.  I think that would be next to impossible.  That's why I'm thinkin' the man in the hat probably has not learnt his lesson.  Bet he doesn't even know there was a lesson to be learnt.  MOUSES!


  1. You are probably so right Nerissa. He probably didn't learn his lesson. That is kind of scary but it is scary when people keep their ears all plugged up. We like this story. Take care.

  2. Mommy is often baffled at how so many people wear those ear thingies when they are walking on the road. That man in the hat was very lucky to still be able to be walking around with his hat!

  3. We know just what you mean because we encounter that all the time with people plugged into music and walking into the road or eyes down texting and walking in the road.. It is awful and accidents will happen..Silly humans should listen to us cats.. HUgs GJ xx

  4. That man in a hat sounds very foolish. Sounds like he is heading for a fall or worse.

  5. We vote with you Nissa. That man almost got himself run over - no one else was to blame. He was doing everything wrong. I bet he didn't learn a lesson either!

  6. I think cats have much more common sense than humans. We're just all too self-absorbed, and not as observant as you kitties.

    Thanks for dropping by with birthday wishes for Dante.

  7. I bet he didn't learn any lesson at all. Silly man.

  8. My mommy puts thingies in her ears to hear BETTER. Go figure.

  9. dood...we think we haz just hurd of de equivalent .....hay, we due noe sum werds even we dinna think we new.......we think we haz just hurd of de equivalent oh stooooooooooooooooooooooooooopid... as in this purrson...him shoulda been sayin thanx mew ta de visitor for havin quik ree flexez...

  10. My human NEVER puts those things in her ears when she is out walking in the neighborhood, just for this reason! She WILL wear them when she on a treadmill, but then she is not going anywhere then.

  11. So observant and so wise you are! Maybe some day, the hat man will understand and change his silly ways. Purrs...

  12. Humans think they are a superior race than cats just because they have thumbs. Pfffffffff.... I'm sure he didn't understand the lesson. Loupi on Mum's account

  13. We agree with CLL Wendy- us cats have way more sense than those humans!

  14. I agree with you. Likely he has not learned his lesson at all. But he will in hospital one day!

  15. you are right pawrents NEVER wear those thingies over their is so dangerous!

  16. He probably didn't learn his lesson, sadly. Those humans...

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  17. The man in the hat was lucky this time.

  18. My hoomin owns some hats. :)

  19. Me thinks he was probably just mad at the guy driving and did not think he was bat at all!

  20. You know what, Nerissa? Sometimes the Humans with the thingies in their earsies ALSO have their EYES buried in some little machine they carry around with them and about a month ago a 30-something Human with her earsies plugged and her eyes fixed on her little machine stepped off a curb RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE HUMAN'S CAR. Thanksfully, the Human was paying good attention and her car had good brakes but she wanted to get out of the car and grab that Human lady and scream at her DO YOU WANT TO DIE?

  21. My mummy doesn't use those ear thingys unless she is on a bus or at the airport to but she only keeps one in her ear so she can still hear whats going on to amuse her self while she's waiting around, but she never walks around with them in

  22. Maybe he's just stubborn, Nerissa. I stopped by to bring you The Shine On Award, hope you'll accept :)

  23. How very very true, and you are so right about the can opener!! pfft I do hope he has learned something! You are very wise!

  24. Hi Nerrisa I have something for you pop by when you have a minute,xx Speedy

  25. nominated you to guest blog on my Share It Sunday. You won't have to do anything. You can view my share it Sundays in my archive. I am at Just pop over and leave me a comment with the blog post you'd like me to show case and I will do the rest. You then get to nominate the next guest blogger for the next week. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  26. Humans are pretty stupid at times. My mummy left the house for our walk without her gloves!

  27. Those ear thingies are stoopid and the people that wear them in the street are stoopid!!!! That's all I'm saying!! You are very wise Nissy!!!

  28. Just goes ta show how stooopid the hoomans can be at times. We cats will stay as the most intelligent creature in the universe thank you.

  29. Mousies what a dumb human !
    My humans never wear any ear thingies when they are out walking , it´s soo dangerous not to her car´s or other things !!

  30. Mouses! It's wonder their species hasn't died out, eh? Maybe the next Apple product will do the trick? We better learn to open the cans quick.

  31. You are soo right Nerissa. Humans can be so "not intelligent" some times. If you are going to be in the street, you need all your senses to stay safe. It seems like the man in the hat is missing his common sense.

  32. We have a little award for you!

  33. I was about to say the same thing as Spitty: they also have this little machine from which sometimes the ear things are connected... and they don't look what's in front of them!

  34. Some Beins are just "Not Quite There" iffen ya know what we mean... MOL!


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