Sunday, 20 January 2013

the real McCoy

Do you remember my brother Seville?  He's one of the marmalade boys.  Yeah...  I have two marmalade brothers.  Seville is the short-haired one.  Anywho...

Seville hasn't been feelin' so great as of late.  He has been havin' some pee-peep problems.  There was a blockage.  This has happened to him once before.  Almost exactly a year ago, in fact.  The doctor said she has been seein' a lot of this.  Not 'cause it's contagious or anything.  Has to do with the weather and whatnot, she thought.  Some cats prefer to do their business outside but when it's super-duper cold, they don't wanna go out so then they hold it in and that can start problems. 

Personally, I think this massive epidemic - we're talking 'bout my brother here so that makes it as important as an epidemic - might have something to do with the lack of puddles.  Not sun puddles...  puddle puddles.  You see...  my brother is a real connoisseur of the puddle water.  I am, too.  We know our puddles.  Puddle water is the best water for drinking.  Better than stuff that comes out of bottles or the tap or even from springs.  You can't beat a good puddle.  Peeps have tried and peeps have failed.  Like I said, puddle water is the best.

The problem is that all of our puddles are frozen.  Could you believe it?  It's true...  every single one of them.  There's not a puddle in sight.  The rain has turned into snow and the snow is lying on the ground like a big ol' lazy blanket and not a single flake of it is doin' the right thing and meltin' so that we cats can have our puddles.  There's not a drop of puddle to drink for miles and miles and miles around.  Okay...  maybe not miles.  But we cats have to stay in our own yard so what happens elsewhere is irrelevant.  If there are no puddles in our yard, that's the equivalent of no puddles on the whole entire planet, as far as I'm concerned.

Sure...  the peeps give us water but it's not as good.  It's not as tasty.  It doesn't come from puddles.  It's just not the same...

Because of this world-wide puddle shortage, Seville had to spend two whole nights in the hospital.  He didn't like it one bit.  Not even a teeny-tiny bit.  He was ever so happy to get back home but it took well over a week for him to get back to bein' his old self.  The crystals were all gone but it still hurt when he went to do his business.  His private parts were kind of raw from what the doctor had to do to get rid of all those crystals.  But it was important that she did 'cause left untreated, these blockage conditions are fatal, you know.

Seville was sent home with a big ol' bag of special dry food and several tins of the soft.  He quite likes the dry.  Actually, we all do and my brother has had to fend us off a couple of times 'cause we all wanted a nibble or two.  The soft, however, is a lost cause.  He says it's yucky and I believe him.  I'm not even gonna try that stuff.  I'll take Seville's word for it.

The peep told our doctor all 'bout how Seville wasn't willing to eat the soft stuff and I thought my brother was gonna be in big time trouble for sure.  But instead, do you know what the doctor said?  She said "try him with tinned salmon and tuna as they don't contain the minerals that cause the crystals to form."  Could you believe it?  He's gettin' human food!

As you probably know, I've got a couple of veggie peeps on my paws.  They never eat meat or poultry or fish so there is never any of the good stuff in the house.  Our meaty food all comes out of bags and tins.  But now...  now...  now my brother Seville is gettin' the good stuff.  He can't eat the regular cat food so the peeps are buyin' him tins of flaked tuna and red salmon.  Unbelievable!  MOUSES!!!  I've never tasted human tuna in my whole entire life and now Seville is gettin' it on a daily basis.  He's getting the real McCoy!

You know...  that McCoy fellow was a doctor on the Starship Enterprise.  I wonder if he ever prescribed tuna for Captain Kirk.  Hmmm...   something to ponder whilst I lie awake, dreaming of chowing down on dolphin-friendly flaked tuna.  I'd go drown my sorrows in a puddle but the puddles are all frozen.  MOUSES!


  1. Oh Nissy sorry to hear about Seville's pee problems. NOT FUN. The only good that came from that whole thing was how he gets THE GOOD STUFF! Tuna - salmon - peep food....well, seems only fair considering what he has to go through with that crystal blockage thing. I'm with you about puddles though - NOTHING as yummy tasting as puddle water. Thankfully ours thaw during the day after being frozen all night. Hopefully there will be some puddles in your near future!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  2. Poor Seville. We are glad the vet was able to help him. What would the vet say to wetting the special kibble food? Audrey sometimes gets her dry foods wetted down.

  3. We are sorry Seville has been having pee problems but glad the blockage has gone. We like puddles too. Mum has new and unused litter boxes out in the garden for the rain water to go in. They are all frozen too so she has to go out and break the ice with a hammer.


  4. Sorry to hear about Seville's problems. You are the second cat in two days that has had this problem. I bet it does have to do with the water. I know the cats outside her love to drink out of the bucket that gathers rain water. Good thinking. Take care.

  5. Go on sweetie, pee like you mean it!

  6. Poor Seville - so sorry he has to have these problems. Hope he can continue to eat the right diet and drink enough water so he doesn't get the crystals back again.

  7. I'm glad that Seville is better now. And oh Dog! That is my kinda diet! woo woo woo!

  8. why doesn't you peeps melt some snow for you it should taste like puddle water and put that in you bowls,xx Speedy

  9. Oh my, those pee problems are no fun at all, but I sure am glad Seville is doing better. I don't think I've ever had puddle water, but Puddles will be on my blog with Mr. Pip tomorrow.

  10. Ouch! I know all about those horrible blockages. I had 2 of my own. Yuck. But why is it that I DON'T get those yummy canned tuna and salmon? WHY!


  11. Wow, that is some awesome diet Seville gets to eat! Bummer what he had to go through to get it, though. I am glad he's better!

  12. Good grief! What lengths to go to to get human food!! mol Poor Seville. That is no fun :( xx

  13. Our Grayce had to have two stones removed, so we know all about pee fun! Could your peeps leave a shallow pan out and make a fake puddle to drink from? Oh, and being TOLD to eat tuna and salmon is a dream come TRUE.

  14. Being told to eat Salmon AND Tuna must be heaven for any cat :)
    Tell your peep´s to let you drink water directly from the tap !

  15. Howdy Nerissa, we've popped over from Molly the Wally's blog to say Hi! Sorry your brother Seville had the pee problems and hope he's getting better. Maybe your mum and dad could get an extension lead, plug it to the hair dryer and heat up some puddles for him hehe. Our sissy cat Penny won't drink from anything but the kitchen tap (ewwww) unless of course mum keeps a jug filled with water under it and then she drinks that. Or, sometimes we have caught her drinking toilet water, double ewwwwwwwwwww! Take care all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  16. Will send lots of purrrs and good thoughts your way that your bro will get back to his ole self. If your bro wants to join the club we would love to have him. Just send a photo and I will put the mom to work on making his badge. Keep us posted on what is going on.

  17. Purrs to Seville and to all. We sure hope he feels better soon!

  18. Poor Seville! We're purring for him.

  19. We read about Seville's problems on the TCC and wanted to come by and say we hope he's feeling better soon.

    The Florida Furkids

  20. We're sorry your brother Seville has been having pee problems. We hope he is on the road to recovery now.

  21. Purrs for you from us and Snowball - having blockage sucks!

  22. Wow Nerissa--I bet he doesn't share either, does he? Well, on the other hand, he went through a lot of suffering to get the good stuff and frankly I don't think it's much of a trade-off. I hope he's feeling tons better and I hope soon you'll have your puddle water back! Purrs to Seville!

  23. Nerissa, don't your peeps even let you taste some of that Salmon and tuna?? I hope Seville is doing fine now. You know, I have the same problem, not with the crystals, but since it's snowing here in the Netherlands, I don't get out to do my things and I refuse to do it on the cat box. Granny told me that it will cost trouble, but I'm still not listening. I miss my puddle water, I like it the most when it's a few days old :)

  24. WE cat are very fussy about our drinking water, so we can understand the problem. My sisfur Blackie likes her water straight from the outside tap,or even out of a bucket; drinking water out from a bowl, no way. My brofur Sooty loves puddle water too; don't get many of them in the summer though.

    I hope poor Seville is OK now, sending him more healing purrs.

    Hugs, love and purrs
    Patchy xxxx

  25. Good to see you keep everything in perspective BOL!! i think it is shocking that you don't get a bit - could you stage a protest??!

  26. Poor Seville! Glad he's feeling better. At least the yummy suppers is some consolation.

  27. sending Seville purrs and prayers that he will be ok. My Angel Bobo had a blockage once and it turned out to be SIX kidney stones! you feed him turkey? Our vet once told us NEVER to feed MALE cats turkey (unless it was a tiny bit here and there) he said turkey can cause huge UTI problems for male cats.
    No matter what is the cause we pray that Seville will be feeling better soon ((((hugs))))

    1. Actually, we all eat the turkey. Never the real McCoy turkey 'cause of our veggies for peeps... just turkey from tins.

      Seville is the first of any cats with whom my peeps have ever lived to get crystals. Now that he's had 'em twice, we know he's sensitive to the minerals in cat food. The doctor said he'll have to always avoid regular cat food now and only get the prescription stuff. Tinned people salmon and tuna are fine but the peep asked about people beef and chicken and whatnot and the doctor said no. Only fish was okay... rest has the nasty minerals that cause the crystal formation.

      I have been trackin' down a product from the UK that is supposed to really help cats like my brother but so far, no luck in finding a Canadian supplier. But I'm a cat and I'm smart (well yeah... 'cause I'm a cat) and I'm resourceful. I'll find a supplier yet!


  28. Sorry to read about the pee problems. We just posted some more comments from yesterday. Thank you for being our guest. Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  29. Oh no, we hope Seville is ok. Our cat had this problem too, not fun. Feel better!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  30. Nerissa, you have all of our purrs ramped up for Seville..hope he gets better soon!

    Tom, Mitty, Tinker
    and Anastasia xx

  31. We send purrs to our fellow ginger boy, that he feels better soonest.

  32. Healing purrs for Seville.

    We are sorry your puddles are all frozen, we likes drinking out of puddles too. The next best thing are our water fountains. Do you have a water fountain?

    Hope Seville gets well soon but getting Tuna and Salmon sounds like a good deal. We bet Bones did describe that. We are huge Star Trek fans here.

  33. seville....sendin de blessings oh st francis ta ewe long with a speedin ticket on de road ta ree cover ree....way awesum bout de fish deel two.....we keep sayin, trout a day keeps de vet away...heerez hopin ya feel like a bazillion,

  34. and noe D thanx ta de inter netz connectshun ta day....hizzzzzzzzzzz we wuz tryin ta say hope ya feel like a bazillion flounder which is like total lee awesum cordin ta mccoy !!!!!

  35. Nerissa, this is a very interesting article. I think it should be published in some veterinary journal.

    As for salmon, I think you would like it. My human (the female) always keeps some to give us when she cooks him fresh. The other human (the male) is hopeless as he uses plenty of lemon on it and it spoils everything. But freshly cooked salmon... Mmmmh...


  36. Oh, I do hope Seville is feeling better. I think that Benjamin Bunny would love to drink, play, etc... in puddles also. I would like for you to know that there is an award waiting for you on Feline Funnies latest blog post "REALITY Rocks". :-)

  37. Big hugs for Seville! We hope his new diet helps!! Hope he pees ok soon! Take care

  38. You know, I've been thinking about puddles. I have never even gotten anywhere NEAR a puddle (well, unless it was when I was less than 10 weeks old). I think I might send the Human out to collect some puddle water for me, but I guess I have to wait till it rains again, huh.

  39. I do hope Seville will be all better soon. I am purring for him as hard as I can - and boy, can I purr (says my Mummy).
    I don't really like human food but I strongly feel that all Felines should be given the Food They Like Best!

  40. Hope his new diet helps him. Kzizie isn't keen on "going" outside when it's cold either.

  41. Oh we're crossing ALL paws over here for Seville. Pee problems are NO fun. (Can you score somma dat human food by sitting next to him ya think?)

  42. We know we are so late in adding our purrs to the ones you already received, but we wanted to stop by and purr for Seville too. We hope he is feeling and peeing better now. Its such a scary situation and we hope its his last. Purrs!

  43. Poor Saville!
    My cousin Caesar is having the same problem right now too.

  44. Hey Seville get better Dood!
    We like our water out of our fountain. We have a well. That is not well we have but a well with water so, Well, We have a Well. I better stop now
    Timmy T


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.