Sunday 2 December 2012


FINALLY!  I was beginning to worry, you know.  Beginning to think no one loved me or my blog anymore.  And I was feeling super-duper left out.  Left out of the bling.  And you do know that bling is my middle name, right?  Have I not mentioned that?  Well...  it is 'cause...  I LOVE THE BLING!

Anywho...   the good - no, GREAT, news is that my three pals over at Feline Purr-spective gave me the lovely, stupendous and beautiful Blogger of the Year award.  Oohhh...  I'm so happy.  So very thrilled.  So honoured.  Thank you Sherlock, Traveler & Ash.  I shall cherish it always.

Of course, there are some rules involved with this Blogger of the Year award and we recipients aren't supposed to change 'em or anything so I'm gonna do just what Sherlock, Traveler & Ash did and provide you with a link for the rules.  It's best that way, I think.  Then I won't accidentally screw anything up or anything.  Okay?  Now, here's the link...  It's a pretty neat place to visit and whatnot so you'll wanna check it out, for sure.  Also, there's stuff at this link 'bout the stars you can collect if given the award more than once.  A must read.  Absolutely!

Now here comes the fun part.  I get to pass along the Blog of the Year award for 2012 to other bloggers.  There were so many from whom to choose...  What to do...  What to do...  I finally managed to narrow it down to seven.  Here goes...

- Sherlock, Traveler & Ash at Feline Purr-spective
  It's a great blog and this way, they'll collect another star.
- Savannah at Savannah's Paw Tracks
  Love the interviews she does with other rescued kitties.  So
  very interestin'.
- the peep at God's Little People
  This peep does incredible work with ferals in Greece.  She
  saves so many!
- Herman at It's a Wonderpurr Life
  My BFF does amazing interviews of our pals on twitter and
  now, his sister is gettin' in on the act too.  Cooking wif Gidget is fantastic!
- Sammy at onespoiledcat
  Think my pal here might need one more star to complete his collection.  Plus, everyone loves
  his Tuesday Teasers.  He's practically famous for them.
- Callie & Sassy at Troublin' Times
  Oohhh...  the stories they tell.  Amazing!
- Nellie at Cat from Hell
  Nellie has her fair share of adventures, too.  Great Stuff!

And just when you thought the award ceremonies were over, you find out they're not!  You see...  way back in November or something...  I was given the Seven Things About Me award not once, not twice but three times.  You know what they say...  Third time's the charm!  So yes, I am finally accepting this lovely award officially

I was given this beautiful award by none other than Sammy over at the world-famous blog, onespoiledcat.  He writes a great blog, enjoyed by many.  Then Speedy from Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny gave me the award.  That's right!  Speedy is a blogging bunny.  Neat, huh?  And my pals Sherlock, Traveler & Ash from Feline Purr-spective gave me this one, too.  They're such thoughtful kitties, you know.  All three of these blogs are WONDERFUL and really, if you haven't read them yet, you should.  You won't be disappointed.  I promise.

For this award, I need to tell you seven things about myself so here they are..

- I am a boy kitty with a girls' name.  Not my fault.  All the peep's fault, of course.
- Tobias likes me to licka-da-top-o-her-head but I'm not too fond of doing that anymore.  I could get
  fur balls, you know.
- Since seeing my sister Mason enjoying the cuddles, I am beginning to allow peep #1 to cuddle me
  in her arms more.  In fact, the other night, I fell asleep there.  So did the peep's arm!  hehehe...
- I never lie on my back, exposin' my tummy...  even though it's a super-duper cute tummy.
- I make the peep work hard for every single picture she gets of me.  She gets lots of pictures of the
  top of my head and the back of my back, I think.  hehehe...
- I will NOT eat trout or duck.  Yucky, yucky, yucky...  so NOT for my tummy.
- Even though there are twelve of us cats (not including nosey neighbour cat and the cat who came
  back), I am one of only four cats allowed in my office unattended.  Firstly, it's MY office where I
  write MY blog so I have to get in there.  But secondly, I'm a good kitty - unlike the other eight (or
  ten) - who might do naughty things if left in there without the watchful eye of a peep.

And now I get to pass this award on to seven more bloggers.  So...  the winners are...

- Felix & Jasper at Felix and Jasper Blogalot
- Patchy Meow at The Five Cats Chronicles
- Trouble & Mischief at DeccaCats
- the crew at Colehouse Cats
- Molly at Doggymolly's Blog
- Pernille at My Little Cat World
- Moe & Mindy at Team Tabby

And last but certainly not least...  there's one more award.  It's the Family of Bloggers award and it's for any and every blogger out there that's part of this wonderful blogging community.  So if you don't already have it, grab it!  Stick it on your blog and count yourself a part of the Blogosphere family!  At least, that's what I did. 


  1. Goodness, Nerissa, look at all those awards. well done. Hoe you get all those stars. And congrats on the awards. That is just wonderful. Hope you have a great week end.

  2. congratulation Nerissa you deserve these awards!xxSpeedy
    p.s don't for get my Christmas count down

    1. Hi Nerissa,please come by I have given you an award another star,xx Speedy

    2. Oh wow! Oh wow!! OH WOW!!! Thanks so very, very much my pal. That's star number five for me now. I'm gonna accept 'em all on Wednesday's post, I think. Wonder if I might have six by then... Don't know. We'll see.

      I haven't forgotten 'bout your countdown but the peep seems to have forgotten 'bout the decorating. MY TREE IS NOT YET UP. MOUSES!!!

  3. Nerissa, we ALSO had nimonated you for the Seven Things Award!! I guess you overlooked our nomination :-(

    You deserve lots of awardies. Your blog is great!!

    1. Simba... I'M SO SORRY! I really and truly am. I'm sorry, sorry, sorry beyond belief. How did I miss that? Honestly, it was a mistake. I didn't intend to overlook you or anything. I really, really didn't. Can you forgive me? Please??? purrs

  4. Yo Nerissa,
    Whoa! You've collected heaps of blings....errr....awards there. CongCATulations pal!!! purrr....meow!

  5. Concatulations on all of your awards, Nerissa. I believe I will take the one about the family of bloggers because we are indeed a family. xox

  6. Well of course you are loved!!! Congrats on the nice awards!!!

  7. Oh Wow! Concatulations to yous Nerissa for all your awards! And me learned even more about wonderful yous! Me is so furry happy that yous gived me my 5th Star! Wowzers! And me will gives it back to yous so yous can has another one!

    1. Thanks! Thanks so much, Nellie!!! And Sherlock, Traveler & Ash gave me another so now I have... THREE! Oohhh... I feel another starry post coming on... purrs

  8. NISSY!!!! You are bestest ever furriend!!! I was honored in mid Nov by Princess Zena giving me this new award, then I passed it to 7 others who were the first commenters when I started blogging and NEVER got it back again from anyone. I was pretty bummed about that and was gonna take it down...but now I have TWO STARS!!1 WOOT WOOT! do I add a star to my you know??? just hoping for some help here...paw pats, Savannah

    1. Yup. I think I do. I hope I do 'cause I'm gonna be posting in a few days with my additional stars.

      You know that link on my blog post? The one for the Thought Palette? Well, if you click on there, you'll find all the rules for the award. There are also the badges for the various levels... one star, two stars, three stars, etc... Just grab the appropriate one from there to post.


  9. Congratualtions - always so very well deserved! Nerissa, not only are you VERY handsome, but you are so very kind-hearted as well. Once again I thank you so very humbly for thinking of GLP and the Greek kitties. This award comes on a day where I have been so very concerned for my beautiful dumpster cats (those cats living by the dumpster that I feed morning and evening). Normally they are there like clock-work - they always wait for me. But today there was NO kitties... only after calling and calling one came and she was shivering. I worry they might have been exposed to rat poison but of course pray that it's a fluke and that they'll all be there tomorrow morning. But I'm concerned as it was the same this evening. Anyhow... always busy with those kitties. A mighty hug to you Nerissa (and your furry family) and please tell your peep that you and her do some pretty darn amazing things for kitties on fb! Hugs coming the whole way from Greece.

    1. I sure do hope your dumpster babies are okay. Maybe they just got scared by something and are in hiding for a bit. purrs

  10. We got the blog of the year award too...but our mean ole Mommy is too lazy to post it! SO, take another star from us, and CONCATS!

    1. Awww... THANKS SO MUCH! That's star number four! Yoo-hoo! YOO-HOO!!! I appreciate it tonnes and tonnes. I really, really do! purrs

  11. The award is soooo well deserved Nerissa - Your blog is pawsome. Fanks you for passing on award to my @TattleCat - his intermews are the best

  12. Oh My Pawsssssss Fanks woo Nerissa I not never won anyfink before dat is so so so kind! I am is very honoured Mummy finks its highly unfair as I only done one blog and she's done loads before me but as I is always tellings her Nerissa its not quantity its quality and of course who you know bahahahaha I'm so honoured fank woo so much!

  13. Its me again. Me now has gots all my stars, so me wants to thanks yous for giving me a star. If yous goes to my post today ( ) you can download a special star for yous!
    Kissies Nellie

  14. Concatulations on your latest award.

  15. Wow, Nerissa, you got LOTS of awards!! Congrats!!

  16. Wow, look at all those awards! Great job, Nerissa!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  17. Concatulations on your awards, Nerissa! I know how hard it can be to get around to posting about them - I've been so busy that I haven't had time yet either!

  18. Nerissa--We is soul-mates! These two things you mentioned ("I never lie on my back, exposin' my tummy" and "I make the peep work hard for every single picture she gets of me") are 100% Spitty-approved. I nefur but nefur expose my glorious tum to anyone. Uh-uh. No way, Jose!

    Your post reminds us that we still have a couple awards languishing in our draft folder. Hey, Human! Snap to it!!!

  19. Wow you a multi award winner Nissy, well done your blog is fab. Thank you so much for my award. Many hugs and Purrs.
    Patchy XXXXX

  20. WOW about BLING - you've got it! Well deserved bling too I might add. Guess what....with you awarding me a star for the Blog of the Year Award I now have SIX STARS on my award.....As soon as I get my old "post-holiday-theme" back on my blog, I'll be able to show all my own bling including my SIX STARS so thank you my friend for're the best and major major concatulations....

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  21. Nerissa, we're so sorry we haven't visited in awhile! Slack MomKatt! Concats on your well-deserved award. We LOVE your blog! And promise to visit more often.


  22. conga ratz nerissa on yur way kewl awesum awards N cash winnings !!! R mom beez a pansy N is still tryin ta figures out hoo ta gives R awards two; coz her doez knot want any one feelin left out....

  23. That's quite a collection of awards, Nerissa. Congratulations!

  24. Thank you for sharing your 7 Things award with us! We're so excited, it's hard to think of our 7 things! You know what babbler mouths we already are. And what's this about thinking no one liked you or your blog anymore? Nothing could be farther from the truth. Extra Purrs...

  25. Congrats on your award, Nissy!! It was fun to read your seven things : )
    big purrs,
    Katie, Glogirly & Waffles TOO

  26. Nerissa, dood! You've got some serious BLING going on fur sure! Concats!!

  27. What a nice collection of awards! Concats!! AND ... welcome to the Tabby Cat Club, too. It's a fantastic place! =)

    Grace & Company
    (and their secretary!)

  28. Congrats on your award and welcome to the Tabby Cat Club. ~Socks

  29. Congrats on your award, Nissy! And we hear you've joined the Tabby club too. So did we!

  30. Hmmm, I was just thinking about that cuddle-allowing dealio. I've been a tad bit friendlier since The Tutoring I think, though I am suspicious by nature. You will have to report occasionally on how that's going for ya.

  31. Concats on your stars and wonderful awards!
    Thank you for passing stars onto us!! We are so thankful and are sending hugs xoxo
    Sherlock,Ash and Traveler

  32. Welcome to the Tabby Cat Club! So looking forward to getting to know you better and doing lots of fun things at the club.

  33. Yay for u with the star!! Ur blog is neat. :)

  34. Thank you for visiting us and congrats on your award! Purrs!

  35. As always, Niss, you make me leaky eye'd wif pride. Thankew for yet another wonderpurr award. You are my bestest pal and I sincerely love your blog. Much hugs, love and purrs!

  36. Nissy,
    Thank you for the award. We are very sorry that we did not come to get it until now. Mommie has been sick with something called "sinuses". We don't know what that is, but apparently it has something that requires the human to lie in bed and whine....ALOT!

  37. Oh, thank you so much for giving us an award! we enjoyed your list, now we have to share our list wif everyone. Stay tuned.



I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.