Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa...

Well ya big ol' guy in the red and white suit, it's that time of year again.   The time of year when I write my annual letter to you, letting you know what I would really appreciate the most, in the whole wide world, for Christmas.

Now let's get down to business.  Christmas would not be Christmas if there wasn't some nip under the tree.  Nip mice, nip fish, nip biff bags....  it's all good.  As long as the nip is fresh and, if at all possible, grown organically.  That's me doin' my part for the planet, you know...  asking for the organic nip.  And let's face it, the nip is pretty easily grown - apparently for anyone other than my peep - so I don't see why it shouldn't be organic.

We need to talk 'bout the numbers.  I consulted my sister Mason on this one 'cause she has those extra toes just made for calculatin' these complex calculations and whatnot.  Mason did what she always does for such complex work.  She takes all the numbers, puts them in a big ol' bag - kind of like your sack, Santa - stirs them up a bit with her tail and then crunches them with her butt.  Works every time.  Mason has calculated that we will need forty-seven nip-filled toys.  That's three toys each for the twelve of us cats, another three for the cat who came back in case he comes a-visiting, a couple for nosey neighbour cat 'cause he's bound to visit and then six spares.  The spares are necessary 'cause I've got a couple of fur-sibs who like to slobber all over everyone else's nip toys to make them unattractive to the other cats and hog them all for themselves.  I am not one of the cats who does this.  I am most definitely not.  Neither is Mason.

Anywho...  that's the business of the nip taken care of.  Some treats would be much appreciated.  You know our favourties, by now, I am sure.  And some tins of the Fancy Feast along with those fancy-shmancy trays of Whiskas would be most welcome under the tree as well.  Please make sure some of them are of the turkey variety just in case those ol' veggie peeps of mine forget to get us our own turkey since they'll be havin' something veggie for themselves.  We talked 'bout this a couple of years back, remember?  Of course you do.  You're Santa!

The next item is a pretty big one but it's not for me.  Really, it's not.  Santa, there are so many kitties out there in this big ol' world without homes.  Some of them are in shelters while others are livin' out on the streets.  Christmas is not a time to be livin' on the streets.  It just isn't.  I know that if anyone can find a few homes that will fit in your sack, it's you.  So Santa, I'm putting fourteen homes on my wish list.  Including nosey neighbour cat and the cat who came back, there are fourteen of us so...  so I thought...  I thought we could ask for fourteen homes.  Not for us - of course - but rather, for fourteen kitties out there who don't yet have homes.  And if all of my pals out there in the blogosphere and on twitter and FB would ask you for homes for homeless kitties, too...  well then...  we could get all those kitties the families they so desperately need.  What do you think?  Can you handle this request?  Of course you can.  You're Santa!

And last but not least, I need one more star to complete the set for my Blogger of the Year award for 2012.  The peep is sayin' I can't just take the one sittin' on top of the Christmas tree.  Pretty nervy peep, huh?  See what I have to deal with all year?  Gosh you sure are lucky that you don't have to keep track of her naughtiness now that she's all ancient and whatnot.  What a list you'd have.  There isn't enough paper in the whole wide world to keep track of naughtiness like hers.  Anywho, if you could arrange for one more star for my award, it sure would be appreciated.

So that's all from me, Santa, for this year.  Hope you're havin' a good day up at the North Pole.  Remember to wear your extra-warm woollies under your suit on chilly days.  You've gotta stay healthy for your big night later this month, you know.

Love & purrs,

If no one minds, I'm just gonna take a moment to send out a whole bunch of extra-special thank yous to Sherlock, Traveler & Ash at Feline Purr-spective, Nellie at the Cat from Hell, the whole gang at Katnip Lounge and Speedy at Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny for all sending me my second thru fifth stars.  They're all real stars, themselves, you know.  Super stars, I should think.  You should check out their blogs.  Enjoyment at its finest.

And I'm gonna pass the Blog of the Year award along to just a couple more pals 'cause they, too, are super-duper stars and also deserve this special starry award.  I'm givin' one to Simba over at Simba's Antics 'cause he gets into the antics, all right.  And Katie from GLOGIRLY 'cause her blog is such incredible fun as are her movies and now...  there's Waffles Too who is gonna add tonnes and tonnes of even more fun.  And then there are those cats at Trout Talkin' Tabbies who live in Trout Towne.  I simply love how they talk!  Must be a trouty thing, I think.  And last but not least, I'd like to send one to Speedy at Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny 'cause right now, his mom has been decoratin' up a storm and Speedy has been sharing pictures and it's all ever so beautiful. A real treat for the eyes.

Now remember everybody...   the Blog of the Year has rules and ya gotta follow them, okay?  You need to visit  There, you'll find all sorts of interesting stuff including the rules for the award!  Also, that's where you'll pick up the appropriate badge for your blog.  You know...   the one with the correct number of stars.  Congratulations to all!


  1. Spare toys? "Spare" toys? Hmmmm, we're not familiar with "spare" toys. But hey! We gots stars too. If you want another, like maybe that number six one - then here you go - you gots it from us! And en-joy, okay?
    :-) We'll see you later!

    1. Really? REALLY??? Oh thanks bunches and bunches. That's my sixth star! I've been wantin' and wantin' that one every-so-badly. Did Santa send you with it? Awww... thanks so much. Thanks and thanks again. purrs

  2. 47 toys sounds reasonable to us. :-) And we sure hope that Santa can help with those homes.

  3. The wishes for the homeless kitties is such a great idea. We will do those wishes, too.

  4. Plus, a donation to the local cat shelter.

  5. We totally think you should round up to an even 50. Santa's old, he might forget odd numbers like 47 yanno.

    Concats on getting all yoru stars! WOOO!

  6. 47? A bunch of someones are gonna be extra happy! Thank you for asking for the homeless ones! Purrs...

  7. Yup. We agree you might wanna round up the toys request to 50... :)
    Congratulations on getting all 6 stars!

  8. Just in case a 7th star would help, we are sending the award back to you again!

    Nissy, your wishes for homes for kitties is a wonderful idea. We sure hope Santa can get that accomplished.

  9. Oh thank you Nerissa you are the best!,xx Speedy!

  10. Happee white fish Wednesday N we iz postin de quickest post we haz posted in de en tire time we haz posted posts

    coz as soon as we post this post... R way awesum soooper kewl pal who gived UZ star number 6 can get star number 6 az well sew THANX MEW nerissa who bee heer:

    and reddy set:

    post yur post nerissa bout uz postin posts sew now star 6 bee yurz two

    Phew…we knead sum foodz and yez we copied this post frum R post ta yur post bout R post

    chek it out

    oh N we hopes ewe get 47 nips toyz, 12 pounds oh trout, 87 cases oh fresh leaf nip seeds ta organically grow yur own goods and NOE partridge in pear treez……

  11. We think those are purrfectly reasonable requests. How could Santa not agree? And it's very kind of you to think of disadvantaged kittehs.

  12. I too want nice good homes for all. :)

  13. You forgot to ask for jingle balls! What's a cat's life without jingle balls?

  14. I wish for more homes for kitties who need them every year... every day, in fact!

  15. Concats on your stars!!! xoxo
    Sherlock,Ash and Traveler

  16. Great letter! We are askin Santa for lots of kittehz to find their furever home this December. Happy Wednesday. xoxoxo

  17. I love your letter to Santa, it made my whiskers grin up!

  18. Aaww, Nissy, that was so sweet to ask for homes for kittehs. I'm sure if anyone can help with that, Santa can. I hope you get all your nip toys. Also, congrats on the star. Purrs

  19. We think your wishes for the homeless kitties are the best!!

  20. Nissy, I was gonna give you another star back, but I see you already have all six. I don't have them all yet myself, so I will move on tomorrow and pass that star forward to kitties, doggies, turtles, birdies and others who don't have it yet. And just sayin', well, you like totally ROCK! as a blog furriend! So sorry I got distracted with my Monday and Tuesday posts and did not get you star back to ya pal...purrrrs, Savannah

  21. I sended Sparkle her last star today and I will send you one on my post that should be up in about an hour!!! If you don't have #6 by then, come and git 'er.

    We think your wish for good homes is the best ever. I am going to wish for that too. XOXOXOXO to all of you, even the ManCats.

  22. Hi Nerrisa one wish has been granted please check out yesterdays post,xx Speedy

  23. We would gladly give you a star, but nobody's given us one so we can't.

    We loves catnips, too! We love to throw around our Yeoww bananas and fishes!!

    We also hope and wish that many kitties will find good, loving forever homes as we approach the end of the year. Every kitty deserves to be loved and pampered :)

  24. Nerissa,

    SO very true, your post. *sigh* So many needs homes, it makes us very sad to think of it. And I KNOW that's right about Xmas not being a time to be out on the streets (or, in my case, living near a dumpster!) No kitty should have to endure that kind of horrible. I'm just SOOOOO thankful that I have a warm, loving home & that you do too - we ALL of us are so lucky!

    Happy holiday purrs to you & yours, my furriend!

  25. All awards you receive are justly deserved **whispers** I agree waffles too is gonna be fun

  26. I just want everyone to know that I'm having major issues with my reading list. Blogger 'says' I have no blogs in it and yet, there should be dozens upon dozens. So if I'm not visiting, it's not 'cause I don't want to. IT'S ALL BLOGGER'S FAULT!!!

  27. we share your wishes with the homeless kitties. our mama feeds them but she feels like its not enough.

    emma and buster

  28. Wow, Nissy!!! Thank you SO much for the star! We are so very honored.
    Waffles Too wants to know if it's a star wand toy. ..he doesn't really get the whole award thing.
    ; ) Katie & Glogirly

  29. These are very sincere wish, and we love it!!
    Congratulations on your award!!

  30. Hey Buddy, How's tricks? Still trying to be good for Santa? It can be quite a strain I know. I've kinda given up, myself.

  31. Awww... just awww. Awww. So so so cute!

  32. So cute! Just so so so cute! Awww.

  33. I really hope Santa is listening up, Nerissa, especially about the fourteen forever homes. I also really hope that you get your sixth star. Welcome to the Tabby Cat Club.



I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.