Sunday 9 December 2012

feeling the love

I'm feeling the love and lovin' it!

Remember how I asked Santa for my final star for the Blog of the Year 2012 award?  It was just the other day when I asked.  Well, that Santa is speedy, speedy, speedy.  Speedier than a comet streakin' through the sky.  Actually, they move kinda slow from my perspective here on earth so that's probably a bad example.  Okay, speedier than a rocket ship hurtlin' through space on its way to the space station.  That's a better example!  And since the topic of the space station just happened to come up and all, if anyone out there knows any of the astronauts livin' up there, would you please ask them to read my blog?  I'm still looking for astronauts to read my blog from the space station.  Been a whole year and I'm STILL LOOKING!  I should have asked Santa for that.

'Nuff said.  Back to the love.

The moment Santa read my letter last Wednesday, he got right on the ol' ringer and rang up those wonderful seven blogging cats at Kwee Cats.  They answered Santa's call as speedily as he had made the call in the first place.  The next thing I knew, I had been awarded my sixth star.   Yes, SIX STARS!  You can count 'em all on the brand spankin' new award I'm posting on this post.  Beautiful, isn't it? 

But the love didn't stop there.  I don't know if Santa made multiple calls or what but I was gettin' stars from all over the place.  There were stars from here and stars from there and stars from pretty much everywhere.  It was like a beautiful starry night.  Perhaps a starry night being viewed from up on the space station.  Not that I would know...  'cause none of those astronauts up there have been reading my blog!  But I digress...

I've got some major, major thanks to give.  I don't have an award to show off that has more than six stars but I still want to thank each and every one of you who sent them.  If I've left anyone out, please forgive me.  There were just so many!  But more to the point, I asked the peep to take notes for me on this but...  well...  you know peeps.  You should see the chicken scratch I'm tryin' to work with here.  Did I say chicken scratch?  A chicken could better, I should think.  But what I do know is this...  I appreciate them all.  Yes sirree I do.  Every single one of those stars.  I love 'em all!

Okay, so let the thankin' begin.  Simba over at Simba's Antics sent me one and I love it.  Thank you Simba.  Speedy from Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny sent me another and I love it, too.  And his Royal Majesty King Spittola over at Spitty Speaks sent one and guess what?  I love that one as well.  And I mustn't forget those tabbies over at Trout Talkin' Tabbies 'cause they also sent me one and I love it as much as all of the rest.  Sure do hope I didn't leave anyone out.  If I did, really...  it's all the peep's fault!  I can practically guarantee it.

This is probably my last chance to pass the beautiful Blogger of the Year 2012 award on and there are five more blogs for which I'd really like to do so.  I wanna give the award to Maxwell, Faraday & Allie over at A Tonk's Tale...  err, Tail 'cause they have the best tweets and just in case we miss 'em on twitter, they put their favourites on their blog every week.  And I wanna give one to Sierra at Fur Everywhere.  Last I heard, this blog hadn't received the award yet and that's wrong...  just so wrong...  'cause it's a super-duper good blog.  The lads over at Felix and Jasper Blogalot will need one 'cause it's cold where they live and starry awards are warming.  And Patchy at The Five Cats Chronicles 'cause she makes super-duper great movies and posts them on her blog.  And, of course, my good pal Mario over at Mario's Meowsings 'cause he often uses his blog to get the word out when there are anipals in need and that's a great thing to do.

Now remember, there are rules attached to this award and you can find those rules at  You've gotta check out this site.  Firstly, 'cause of those rules but secondly, 'cause it's an interestin' site and all.

And last but not least, I must give a special shout out to Nellie over at Cat from Hell 'cause she made me feel so super-duper loved when she made me a very special star.  Just look at how handsome she made me look in this picture.  I LOVE IT!  Thanks so much Nellie.

So, I think that's most of the lovin' I've been lovin' as of late.  I'm gonna give my peep #1 extra cuddles tonight, I think.  Make her feel loved and all, too.  Might even sit on her lap or something.  Maybe...  Or maybe I'll sit on the couch next to her.  Maybe...  Or maybe I'll sit in the family room with her or something.  We'll see what kind of mood I'm in when tonight arrives.  Yeah... that sounds like a plan.


  1. Congrats! Of course you are stars every ssingle day!

  2. Good for you and Santa too for getting you all those stars. That is just so exciting. Well done. Hope you have a super Sunday.

  3. You deserve it all nerissa and much more. Concats on your stars. We are happy to know you and live your blog

  4. Now that's what I call Christmas spirit all round!

  5. I likes ur blog too! Congrajumashuns. :)

  6. Concatulations Nissy and well done Santa, what an early delivery. Wow a Blog Of The Year award thank you so much, *Happy Dance*

    Purrs and Hugs X

  7. I LOVE that start that Nellie made you!

  8. Hi Nerissa glad you're feeling the love,xx Speedy

  9. whee Nerissa well done I love your blogs and think you are of course worth a thousand stars as I've not doubt so do your peeps!

  10. Concats on your awards and paws up for passing it along to other worthy cat bloggers!

  11. Congrats, Nissy! KingMoo, PrincessPuff, SirSammy, LadyDaisy & BabyTwo are really happy for you. They have been purring & doing a happy dance just for you.

  12. You're a star wif me, Niss! Concatulations! Yay!

  13. oh MOWZERS Nerissa! You're blingy enough now for even Allie (MOL!!)

    Wait, we gotsta go run get our shades cuz the light is blinding!
    Um, and cuz the shades make us look cool, but we digress.

    Thank YOU SOOOO MUCH for the star! We's got 2 already so this is our third! WOO!!

  14. (*whispers* of course, now we gotta hold mommy's FEET to the fire so's we can blog about it. Humans! sheeesh!)

  15. Thanks for the shout-out, Pal! You know what? I think you should curb that urge to snuggle up with your Peep. You know why? Because really, all you snugglers are startin' to make me look bad over here.

    The Human actually picked me up today and carried me into the living room and sat in the big chair and put me across her chest and said, Why, Spitty? Why won't you purr? Why won't you snuggle? Me, I just waited patiently till she was finished yapping and then I jumped down. I didn't HURT her or nuffing. But honestly--she needs to just GIVE UP. I sleep in close proximity to her, I love the pets and the brushies. I purr for her all the damn time. And you know what? That's going to have to be good enough.

  16. Can't remember if we stopped by earlier to welcome you to the Tabby Cat Club. If we didn't, a belated welcome. If we did, this comment will auto delete. :)

  17. Narissa, yous is a real star!

  18. How exciting ... you are a real star now !!!

  19. Nerissa, Congratulations on your very well deserved All Stars. Wow, you're purple Star, I like that and I like your glasses :)

  20. Surprise! You have been nominated for the Super Sweet Blogging Award. You can pick it up at Feline Funnies ( today. Just copy the award picture from the post titled “Sweet Surprise” and paste it into your blog. The remaining directions for acceptance are outlined within the post.

  21. Oh how your stars are shining brightly now! Concats!! Purrs...

  22. GREAT that you got all the 6 stars in your award , Nerissa !

  23. Wow, look at all those shining stars, congratulations! We totally agree, ALL cats should have a home for Christmas....I am so happy Mommy adopted me last year, Thomas=^Y^=

  24. So maybe one of these days I'll motor on over to the other side of Canada and we'll go barhopping, eh? ;-)

    1. I'll ask around to find someplace that serves the nip.

  25. U can has elebenty bleen stars from me. :)

  26. YAY Nissy! Feeling the love is always nice and you have a bazillion stars for your Blog of the Year award now so you're REEEEEAAAAALLLLY feelin' it now! I also love love love that badge our Nellie did for you - VERY special coming from her for sure! Tis the season to spread happiness, hugs, and stars.

    Holiday Hugs and concatulations!

  27. Nissy, I am appalled! I left a comment and it did not record. I did it from my new sorry, I am so purrleased you are feeling the love you being sent from all over. And here is a big nose rub from me, you are a 'never miss' blogger, just sayin'...Savannah


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.