Sunday, 16 September 2012

conked on the old noggin

So, it's September.  In some places, September means fall and I guess that's sort of true here in Nova Scotia.  There are a few leaves turning colour but not a lot yet.  Just little patches of red and yellow, here and there.  The trees will be much more colourful in a few weeks, I should think.

The days are still warm but nice and breezy.  In fact, I was lying out in the sun yesterday, and it was down right hot!  Of course, I was below the level of the breezes.  When I lie down, I'm only a few inches high, you know.

The nights are cool now but not quite chilly yet and we haven't had any frost.  Whenever there is impending frost, that ol' peep of mine starts frantically bringing in all the tender plants like the fuchsias and whatnot.  I haven't seen her running around like a crazy person yet so I don't think we're due for frost for a bit.  Thank goodness for that!  My peep does crazy, really really well, you know.  Hehehe...

My garden is slowing way down but the one plant that's blooming like mad is the goldenrod.  Some people think of it as a weed but really, here in Canada, it's a wild flower.  Here in my garden, it's a garden flower.  I like it.  So does the peep.  She actually grows the stuff on purpose.  Yeah, it's that nice.  The bees like it a lot, too.  And the peep likes to plant stuff for those bees, you know.  Trying to be environmentally friendly and all that stuff.  There's nothing much prettier than bright goldenrod in full bloom against a blue sky with a smattering of fluffy white clouds.  Those people who don't appreciate the beauty of the goldenrod probably have never gazed at it from my vantage point.  You see, being low down to the ground as we cats are, I can easily gaze up at the goldenrod and the blue sky is automatically in the background.  Very nice, I think.  Peeps are just too big and tall to be able to fully appreciate the beauty of this plant.

The turquoise berries are just starting to turn colour.  They're awfully pretty when they do.  And so are the birds who come to dine upon them.  The vines are bigger and taller this year and there are lots and lots of berries.  I'm in for excellent Bird TV, for sure.  One channel will broadcast the antics at the turquoise berry vines and another will be, live, at the Russian olive.  It's absolutely loaded with bright red berries.  What great TV will be available in the next few weeks.

And then there are the acorns.  They're everywhere!  Quite literally...  they're all over the driveway and everything.  They've been falling for a few weeks now and when they hit the pavement, they bounce right back up into the air.  They bounce so high, in fact, that I was able to enjoy some particularly entertaining entertainment the other day.

I was lazing about on the driveway, enjoying the warmth of the sun on my back and the radiant heat from the driveway on my tummy, when there was a particularly strong gust of wind.  All of a sudden, there was a rustling of leaves and a noisy commotion from above and then...  a whole whack of acorns came tumbling down to the earth.  The peep was out and about and...  yup...  you guessed it.  Conked right on the old noggin by an acorn.  It was pretty funny.  Of course, I wouldn't have enjoyed being conked on the head myself but then, I know better than to hang out underneath an oak tree when it's dropping its acorns.  Silly peep.  Doesn't she know about the laws of gravity and whatnot?

Hmmm...  you know....  Acorns fall from the trees in the fall.  They fall in the fall.  Hmmm....  I wonder...   Another one of these rampantly occurring cowinkeydinks of which I wrote in my last post?  Or, do you think that's why we call it the fall?  'Cause that's when stuff falls.  Could be, you know.  I must investigate this further, I do believe.  Yes, it definitely warrants further investigation.  And who better to do an investigation than I, Nerissa the cat, investigative reporter.  Hmmm...  I'll get back to you on this one.

And speaking of newsworthy investigations...  Just you wait for my upcoming blog post on how Blogger was being such a booger this morning with my spacing and alignment and whatnot.  Just look at that big old space at the top of this post!  Totally unacceptable.  And that was after I removed all the pictures, re-typed most of my post and then put the pictures back in again.  Good thing I can type speedily using all my claws.  I'm gonna blog about this unacceptable behaviour, for sure!!!


  1. We have golden rod here but it is a weed. Those berries are really pretty. We don't have the color of the leaves change for at least another month. It is nice to have the cooler weather. Take care.

  2. Pretty pictures! Yep, I think you got it about the name Fall. Maybe more to do with falling leaves than acorns, but it all works. Last Fall we had No acorns. Nada. This fall it seems there are some. The squirrels and deer etc need them for food, so hopefully there will be a just right quantity.

  3. I like calling it fall better than autumn cause everything falls! But that's just me..
    Someone should put a warning under those acorn trees so your human doesnt get konked over and over!

    1. Yeah... 'cause she's a bit of a slow learner, I think. purrs

  4. I wonder if acorns make good cat toys? They seem like they would be fun to bat around on the floor.

    1. Yes, they do! I'm gonna blog about it one day soon. I play with them all the time 'cause when I was little, and feral, my mama taught me how to play with acorns. My mama Madison didn't have much money. You know... being an abandoned cat and all... but she had ingenuity. She gave us acorns for toys. Toys from Heaven, she called them. Nice, huh? purrs

  5. Mom likes the Fall too :) We like anyplace that's warm,heehee
    We think the squirrels hang out in the trees and drop things when humans come around ;)
    We like your garden.Everything here is green.Mom needs Fall flowers and she likes the goldenrod :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie

  6. Mommie loves the fall also. It is soooo hot here in Texas during the summer (usually over 100), that the fall is sweet relief~!

  7. Uh, oh. Mommy's lergic to goldenrod. But, in her defense, she's also lergic to mums and lilacs, so it doesn't matter if se doesn't think of goldenrod as a flower. She doesn't like mums and lilacs, either. And they are pretty, too.

  8. Oh, those turquoise berries are very attractive. I hadn't heard of those before.

  9. Sure glad your human survived the attack of the killer acorns!
    ; ) Katie

  10. You post put us in the mood fur fall! We are so ready fur those cooler temps and fall colors. It comes in mid October fur us. We could just visualize your peep gettin hit on the noggin. How funny! Have a great week, Nerissa. xoxo

  11. Goldenrod is so not a weed!! It's a very hardy very pretty plant!

    Your garden is sounding so lovely - even when it's raining acorns! Take care

  12. WOW - your garden is so pretty. it has WOW factor M says. It's fall here too and about the same as your area.

  13. Hi Nerissa,
    It's time for a last big harvest for the outside critters, birds and chipmunks and squirrels. We have those pretty blue, turquoise, and purple berries here too. I wonder what they are?

  14. We think you're on to something's fall because everything falls! We got lots of goldenrod growing here. You're right, most peeps think it's a weed, but we think it's kinda pretty.

  15. Hmmm, things fall in the Fall. That is a deep thought indeed, Nerissa. I dunno much about etymology but that sure sounds like a reasonable idea to me. And honestly, it's a wonder the Peeps get through their days without our guidance, isn't it?

    P.S. Sometimes the Human screams really bad words at blogger. They hurtz my tender ears, too. She is mostly just inept so it helps to hear the more ept Peeps haz trouble too.

    1. Oh Spitty... if only my peep was inept. She's worse than inept. I've said it before and I'll say it again. My peep is a technologically impaired duffer! And that's on her good days!!!

  16. Me has totally gived up on Blogger and gone to Wordpress! Me hopes it works for yous and quits being so awful. And out here in BC, wes had frost! (early this year)

  17. Meow, pretty plants. I only have one part of garden that I'm especially interested in. That's the part where I grow catnip and cat grass.

  18. Our goldenrods are just beginning ta bloom her too! So it is about Fall now.

  19. I guess one cat's weed is another cat's wedding bouquet! Sall a matter of taste! But sure looks pretty :) Yes, blogger buggers us around too!!! xx

  20. I remember autumn in Nova Scotia. Here in southern Alberta, the leaves are starting to change, and suddenly, but all we get are various shades of yellow. I miss the red. But autumn is nice wherever it is, especially the first part of the season, still warmish, a little wistful, a time of colourful trees and colourful sweaters. Enjoy your week!

  21. konked! I thinks falling in teh fall iz probly rite an even tho its kinda funny I hopes it dint hert to much *softpaw*

  22. My home is surrounded by oak and maple trees with some poplar and hickory so those that makes nuts are going to start being active any time. If you aren't careful here, you'll slip and slide on all the acorns!

  23. We giggled about the Acorn Incident!

  24. actually there are so many acorns this year and the squirrels have been busier than usual. Because of this they are saying we are going to have a horrible winter. We are due since last winter was so mild. Guess the acorn was trying to alert your peep to that fact

  25. Nerissa, Yes, I would like to come to Nova Scotia and watch the crows--from a respectful distance of course as they are rather large, although I don't think they've got, uh, *TALONS*. Nope, I is not going to Finland, Nuh-uh, Nope, No way!!!

  26. You are amazing with your plants. Ouchie to your widdle head!

  27. "Whenever there is impending frost, that ol' peep of mine starts frantically bringing in all the tender plants like the fuchsias and whatnot. I haven't seen her running around like a crazy person yet so I don't think we're due for frost for a bit. Thank goodness for that! My peep does crazy, really really well, you know."

    You mean like the groundhog or the weather frog on a ladder?

  28. Mowzers, our mom really likes the purple berries photo! What *is* that plant?? We'd have laffed too at a good 'conk'-ing!

    1. Peep calls them 'turquoise berries' but can't think of their proper, botanical name off the top of her head. Probably 'cause of that conking she took. Anyway, she'll look it up on myfolia and get back to you, okay? They're related to grapes and they have both male and female plants (so ya have to one of each), she says.

    2. Got the info for you... It's also called Porcelain Vine but the botanical name is Ampelopsis brevipedunculata. What a long-winded name! Whew!!! Could barely type that one out without breaking a claw.


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.