Wednesday, 12 September 2012

what a cowinkeydink!

The peep says I shouldn't make up words to use on my blog.  I say, the peep should keep her opinions to herself.  I also say, regarding these made up words, if I make 'em peeps will use 'em.  And I have empirical evidence to back that up!

You're probably wondering what the big cowinkeydink was.  By the way, that is pronounced co-wing-key-dink.  Emphasis on the second syllable, wing.  Got it?  Good.

As you know, my peep #2 went to Scotland for a couple of weeks.  Well, when the two peeps were at the airport, you'll never believe whom they met!  The peeps had just finished putting peep #2's luggage through when they turned around and...  lo and behold...  there was one of my doctors!  That's right.  Dr Teresa was there, waiting to put her luggage through and...  she was going to be flying on the very same flight as my peep!  Now, that's a cowinkeydink for sure.  Don't you agree?

Dr. Teresa's husband was gonna be on the same flight, too.  He's a doctor as well, I am told, but I've never met him 'cause he looks after big animals like cows and horses and whatnot.  Not little cats like me.  Hmmm...  a thought just crossed my mind.  If someone brought a lion to my hospital, who would look after him?  I mean, he's a cat, like me but he's big like a cow.  I should ask Dr. Teresa the next time I see her.  Hope I remember 'cause I don't think I'm due for my annual check-up and vaccinations for quite some time.  I'll ask the peep to remind me.  Better yet, I'll just jot down a little note to myself.  Yeah, that's a good idea.

But now that I think about it some more...  I think my Dr. Teresa would look after a lion.  After all, she looks after my brother Rushton and Rushy sure does look like a lion.  He has the same colouring, I think, and a bit of a mane going on there.  He's big, too.  He weighs like...  twenty pounds or something.  I know, that's not quite as big as an actual lion but I imagine it's about as close as most of us domesticated cats get.  Rushy can stand up on his hind legs and put his front paws on my peep's waist and the peep isn't that short.  He does this trick when he wants attention and stuff or when the peep is opening a tin of food.  The peep goes all oohy and ahhy when he does that.  Such a showman is my brother, Rushton. 

Plus, Rushton has a middle name and it's Tapio.  It was peep #1's daddy's middle name.  I think it means 'King of the Forest' in Finnish or something like that.  Well, lions are supposed to be kings of the jungle, right?  Hey, that's another cowinkeydink!

You know...  peep #2 was in the UK at the same time that lion was spotted in Essex.  Do you think it could have been my brother Rushy?  Do you think he could have travelled there with the second peep?  You never know...  Or maybe is was just another of these cowinkeydinks.  There appears to be an epidemic of them these days.

Anywho...  back to the first cowinkeydink.  The peeps didn't even know my Dr. Teresa was going on holiday and then there she was...  getting on the very same plane as my peep #2.  I think that's pretty neat. 

My peep and my doctor didn't sit together or anything, though.  Peep #2 got bumped up to first class or business class or the whatever they call it class 'cause the plane was a little overbooked.  At least that's what they said.  I imagine it had more to do with the fact that peep #2 was one of my peeps.  I'm pretty famous these days with my blog and all.  And fame gets you places, you know.  And apparently, it can get my peeps places, too.


  1. WOW - your brother is a lion - well maybe a baby lion anyway. He is one hsndsome dude. M is kinda wondering what breed he is - what mixture he is if it's a mix. Very handsome mancat. Well, M think's so anyway. I think he's more stiff competition with the ladycats for me - if you get my drift!

    1. We think he might have a little Maine Coon in him but really... he's the best breed of all... RESCUED! One day in December a few years ago, the peep was calling for my sister Beatrice. It was already dark and time for her to come in. Every time she called Bea's name, she heard a little whirr. And that's how Rushy came to live with us! One of his ears is docked and he came already neutered so the peeps are pretty sure he went through a TNR program but he definately wasn't feral as he was way too friendly for that. We think he might have been a barn cat or something where he had contact with other peeps, growing up. Maybe there was a colony living in a barn and they altered the whole lot of 'em? He's a pretty good brother. I love him.

  2. Oh yes, fame gets you many things including being bumped up to business class. xox

  3. Perhaps your fame will get you bumped to the top of the queue at the vets Nerissa!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. Oh we haven't met Rusy before now. He is so handsome and has such good looking furs. Good to see you Rusty. Take care.

  5. We definitely see some Maine Coon. He looks like Dante

  6. So maybe YOU are where I got the word from. I have my own spelling. Cowinkydink. But what's an e between friends?
    I like the word. It makes the happening what ever it is more fun.

    1. Do you know what, Brandi? I kind of like it without the e. Hmmm... maybe we could spell it either way? Here in Canada, we add the letter u to stuff all the time. You know, like... neighbour vs. neighbor. Stuff like that. Maybe there are with or without e words, too! purrs

  7. Rushy is new to us as well! So, it is nice to meet you Rushy and we hope you and Nerissa get along - we all do, most of the time.

  8. You are right, Nerissa - the ONLY reason your human got bumped up a class on that flight is because of you! I mean, why ELSE would that happen? And your vet was on that flight because she had nothing to do, with you not having to go in for a check up anytime soon.

    P.S. Are you SURE Rushton is not actually a lion?

  9. We've used that cowinkeydink word! We likes it!

  10. Cowinkeydink, inklamatrink. S'all good! So your peeps were over here!!! I thought I felt a tremor or two!!! ;)

    1. Inklamatrink... I like that!

      Just peep #2 was in Scotland. The first peep had to stay home and look after us cats. But... as you know... that cat who came back broke her. You know... with the cat bite and all. It was a rough couple of weeks.

  11. Wow, what an amazing cowinkeydink that is! Mummy always says it is amazing that she doesn't see other people she knows when she goes on a plane. Once she saw lots of people, but that was because it was a secret surprise for my daddy and all there friends popped up in the back of the plane. Now, we wondered about that lion that was spotted. Essex is just across the river from us. You know Rushton could have walked over the Big Bridge and come and visited us,we would have loved that :)xx

  12. you mean I can move up on a plane because of MY blog too? Hmmm...may have to try that! know who I associate "cowinkydink" (yeah I spelled it differently) with? Curly from the Three Stooges used to say it ALL the time!
    That sure was a you-know-what that Peep #2 was on the same plane as the doctor. Too bad the doctor didn't ride in a PTU! MOL!!
    Love that kitty named "Rusty" he DOES look like a Lion!

    1. You mean I didn't make up the word cowinkeydink? MOUSES! And I thought I had come up with a really good one there. Oh well... back to the drawing board.

  13. Thanks loads Nissy, now my Mom is crying...Rushton looks exactly like her much loved Popcorn, OTRB, Oct 2010...very sad...he was semi feral...but Mom tamed him, like in the book "The Little Prince" and so she was responsible for him for the rest of his life...and she loved him ever so much...sigh...anyways, I think your Vet would look after the Lion...its a cat, right?...just bigger Savannah

  14. Yep, that is a cowinkeydink!! We like that word!!

  15. Wow! He is a big cat! Wes has a mountain lion wandering around (with the bear) in our little village right now. He ated one of the barncats down the road the other day and there are notices to keep cats in at night posted.
    Your brother does not eat cats does he?

    1. Oh no... Rushy eats what the rest of us cats eat. He's a really nice boy. A gentle giant. purrs

      Stay safe from that mountain lion, okay?

  16. Just imagine, Nerissa: If you flew, you're so famous First Class would not be good enough--You'd get to sit in the Pilot's lap, I fink so!

  17. A nice basket for my toys, eh? Hmm. That idea isn't half-bad Nerissa. The Human is making a trip to her favorite store tomorrow (Target, or as we say, "Tar-zhay"). I might SCORE!

  18. Wait a minute! That's not a made up word! Humans are so ridiculous!

  19. Nerissa, if your brother Rushton is a lion, does that make you a lioness?

    (I'm very late I know... sorry... human's fault of course)

  20. DUDE, you gotta figure out how to harness the perks your humans are getting cuz of YOUR fame. Bumped up should surely equal more TREATS, dontcha think?


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.