Sunday 5 August 2012

to the moon, baby... to the moon!

Er-hem...  It has recently been brought to my attention that this Houston, of whom I have written in a previous post, is not a real person.  According to my peeps, he is a place.  I do not believe this.  I do not believe that he is not real nor do I believe that he is a place.

Firstly, let me address this idea that he is a place.  This is not a reasonable idea, I think.  People say, "Houston, we have a problem."  Now, why would people say this if Houston were not a person?  People don't go around talking to places.  People talk to people.  Am I not correct?  I can assure you, I have never gone into my back yard and yelled out, "Hey, back yard!"  Nor have I gone into the kitchen and cried, "Hey there you kitchen!"  I have never done this in my entire life.  Not even in any of my entire nine lives.  Never, ever, ever.  In fact, if I were to do that, people would think I was crazy.  Would they not?

I believe my peeps may be confused because there is in fact a place called Houston.  I looked it up on the map.  Yes, it's there all right.  But there is no reason to believe that this place called Houston is the same as the person called Houston.  Peeps name their baby peeps after places all the time.  There are peeps out there named Dallas, Paris, London and what have you.  And by the way, they don't always stop at places.  Peeps name baby peeps after other things, too.  Things like months of the year, gemstones and fruit.  Yes, even fruit.  Peeps do this.  It's a fact. 

So now that we're all in agreement that this Houston is in fact a person, let me address the part about his not being real.  I have heard peeps say, "Houston we have a problem."  I have heard it many a time.  I have heard it on the television.  I have heard it on different channels on the television.  If I spent more time going for rides in the car, where my peeps tend to listen to the radio, I'm sure I would hear it there, too.  If I spent more time at local coffee and doughnut shops, where I've heard that various peeps tend to gather in order to drink, eat and gossip, I'm sure I would hear it there, as well.  If I spent more time at political functions and whatnot, where peeps go to blather on and on and on for no reason I can possibly fathom, I'm sure I would hear them blathering on and on and on about this Houston fellow.  I'm quite sure of these things.  I'm as sure of this as I am of the whiskers on my face.  Everyone - and I mean everyone - tells this Houston they've got problems.

So if we were to believe that this Houston was not a real person, the peeps of this planet must all be suffering from some sort of a mass hallucination, I think.  This is the only reasonable theory available to me.  And to be perfectly honest, it's really not all that reasonable.  It's far more reasonable to believe that he is, in fact, real.  Is it not?  Yes, it is.  I'm so glad you agree with me.

Now that we have this matter settled.  It's time to discuss something far more important.

I still have a problem.  And even though I told this guy Houston all about it, my problem has not yet been solved.  There's still no one living up in the space station, reading my blog!  Houston, I repeat, we have a problem!!!

Thankfully my dear friend Sammy, author of the world famous blog onespoiledcat, has presented me with this incredible space suit.  I look very dapper in it, do I not?  Yes, I believe I do.  I am now prepared to go up to the space station myself and see what is the matter with the astronauts living there.  To ask them, for myself, why they are not reading my blog.  And let me tell you, they had better come up with some darned good answers.  I'm not going to accept any talk of mass hallucinations.  And once I discover the problem, I will inform this guy named Houston of it.  And if Houston doesn't come up with an appropriate solution...  well...  then for Houston, it's to the moon, baby...  to the moon!


  1. Oh we are so glad that you have a Space suit so you can get this Houston thing straightened out. Plus they do need to be reading your blog. Keep us updated as to how it all goes.

  2. *MOL*
    My mom is also talking that Houston like a place , so I guess that mass hallucinations is worldwide :)

  3. OMG Nerissa! What a cute suit! Thats just what you needed to get the job done.

  4. are funny Nerissa,any ways I did some digging on mum's laptop and found out some interesting things for you Houston is indeed a place and that is where one of the NASA flight control centres is.Also one of the old missions that went to the moon Apollo 13 I think developed a major problem and the astronauts said to the flight control centre "Houston we have a Problem".So when you said it was a person you were sort of right Houston was a group of people and when the peeps say it a place the peeps are also right to ....There everybody is rght!Anyway good luck on your mission to the space station Nerissa.Nose bonks Speedy

  5. Sokay Nerissa old chap, I have met Houston and he told me to tell you "no problem" kay?

  6. I just know that Houston is real and I know you will convince the world!

  7. I hope you get the answers you are looking for. :)

  8. In my human's world, Houston is a stop on the 1 train. And it's pronounced HOW-ston. Sorry if that makes things even more confusing.

  9. MOL. MOL.
    Mommy said you are right. Does Houston have a first name, or is that his only name? Is he related to Whitney Houston?
    She also said there was a street named Houston in New York, but they pronounce it kinda "poncy".

  10. Of course Houston is a person! I’ve met him. No problem!

  11. Well, if the astronauts are not reading your bloggie, then it can only be because the lack of oxygen has fried their brains!

  12. Yo Nerissa,
    Hurry up and get this prob solved. Or is it an urban myth? Anyway, my Mama had lived in Houston. At some place called Rice University. Dunno...I don't see the connection....rice? Houston? confused now. har har har *evil laughs*

  13. Hey! I have a space suit like that! Let's go show that Houston a thing or two!

  14. make sure that suit has a built in litter box...would hate to see turds flying in space :)

  15. Nessie, we sure hope you can get some answers from those, we mean astronauts...or do we???

  16. If you go to the moon and you find people there, what are they called? Moonies, Mooners, Moonarians....
    Kozmo at the Cat From Hell

  17. The Human said when she was growing up there was man named Ed Houston who lived across the street from her family. Do you think maybe everyone might be talking to Ed? You know, probably Ed is dead now since the Human is soooooo old and Ed was kinda an oldish guy when the Human was just a little girl, but I bet people might not even know that and so they are still talking to him. Ed? Ed? Houston, we have a problem!

  18. Well now, if you are planning to live in a space station, you had best hope you are right, that Houston is a person, who could assist you with any space station living problems.

  19. Houston must be a cat. Only a cat would be intelligent enough to solve all those problems. I mean, NASA spend millions of dollars to land a very big and heavy space thingy on a candy bar. All they've done is squash it (if the heat of the landing rockets didn't melt it).

  20. MOL!! :) Don't worry Nissy, hoomins are constantly confusing themselves.. (look at mine for example!) I'm not sure either what or who Houston is but I'm purrfectly positive you'll find out! Afterall, your a cat! Us cats are smart! love your blog!!

  21. Gee Nerissa you certainly do look swell in your space suit. I don't see how those space guys could possibly ignore your plea to become faithful readers of your blog. It just makes sense....! Good luck in your mission - if anyone can succeed it's YOU buddy!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  22. Meeeeoooowwww! Nerissa

    I love your space suit. You're really going to the space station? How awesome is that?

    Will you be OK up there? Do they have Friskies in space? You are a very brave cat.

    Good luck Astronaut Nerissa. Boldly go where no cat has gone before.

    Mr Bumpy,
    Supreme Feline Overlord

  23. P.S. You look ultra-spiffy in your suit. Does it have a special extension for your all-impawtant tail? I hope so--a boy can't really spacewalk with his tail all squished up.

  24. Do treats float in space like when tossed by Beins here on Earth?

  25. Hey Nissy??? I'm thinking you are way too smart for your spacesuit! You may have figured out the REAL TRUTH about 'Houston' is not a place or is an...ummm...Oh CAT!! Is Houston an ALIEN??!! there, I've said it...paw pats, Savannah

  26. oh Nissy! I left a great comment and the blog didn't keep it...sorry...I was just wondering if Houston might be an Alien??? paw pats, Savannah


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