Sunday, 8 July 2012

ruling nitpickers

Rules are rules, right?  Must always be followed?  Well...  no...  I don't really think so.  I mean, it's pretty easy to say that they should but just think about it for a moment.

Rules are made for reasons...  usually.  Now, I know that some people just make rules for the sake of making rules but those are the stupid people.  There's no need to make a rule unless there's a reason for the rule.  Like...  I'm not supposed to jump up onto the stove 'cause if I did, and it was on, I could get hurt.  That's a good rule 'cause it protects me.  There's a reason for that rule.  But if I jump up on the counter I'm not gonna get hurt.  So a rule about not jumping up onto the counter would be a stupid rule 'cause there's no reason for it.  So that one doesn't need to be followed, I think.  Get my drift?  I think you probably do.

Organisations usually have rules, too.  Those rules are put in place to protect the organisation...  or rather, the peeps who belong to that organisation.  Usually, the group or club or whatever you want to call it has a purpose.  So, the rules protect the peeps who fulfil the purpose.  So...  if there's some sort of event that the group is gonna hold, the peeps doing all the work to make that event be successful for the rest of the group...  well...  they're the peeps needing the protection.  The rules are supposed to protect those peeps.  We're still on the same page, right?

But what do you do if the peeps trying to make the event successful are not protected but rather, find themselves needing protection from those very same rules?  What do you do then?  Who do you call?  Ghost Busters?  Nah...  if you happen to be a peep living in my neck of the woods, you can call me!

So that brings me to the point of this post.  My peep has a problem and that problem is called...  well,  I won't name names but...  well...  I don't really need to name any names 'cause I think the problem has been solved.  I fixed it for her.

The peep told me all about her problem and I gave her a little cuddle to make her feel better.   Then I let her tickle me behind my ears so that she'd feel even more better.  Then, I let her give me a tummy rub so that she'd feel even better than better.  Finally, I gave the peep the best advice I could give.  I told her to take a nap.  And she did!

When she woke up, I enlightened her a little more on the subject.  This is what I told her...  The rules aren't really the problem.  The problem is the people enforcing those rules and the reasons why they do it.  You see, sometimes people wanna enforce rules just 'cause they wanna enforce rules.  Not 'cause the rules are good or 'cause the rules make things better or run more smoothly but just 'cause enforcing rules makes them feel better.  Gives them a little power trip of sorts.  They get high on this power trip.  These are people who should indulge in a little of the nip, I think.  At least then, they wouldn't be bothering my peep.

Let me just say this.  If enforcing a rule screws everyone else up, it's not a good rule!  If an organisation of some sort wants a job done but has a rule that makes it next to impossible to get that job done well...  well then...  I think something needs to be done about that rule.  Don't you?  You've gotta take that rule book and just rip that page out.  It's the only sensible thing to do, I think.  Instead of delighting in the enforcement of the rule, why don't we all work together to find a way to work around the rule to make things work?  That's what we cats would do...  'cause we're cats...  and as cats, we're smart.  So much smarter than peeps!

You're probably all wondering how I fixed this little conundrum for the peep.  Well, I just told her the truth.  There are more important things in life than any stupid ol' organisation.  For instance, there is me.   I need petting and feeding and cuddling and the provision of snacking materials and tummy rubs and cream and scratches behind the ears and the refreshing of water dishes and...  and my list goes on and on and on.  These are all far more important than anything any old organisation can envision.

So, if the peep wants to do something useful with her life, a little more attention directed my way will go a long way to further that purpose.  I'm thinking that next year, she just should not bother with that ol' organisation.  Let the ruling nitpickers do a little of the work for once.  No, let them do it all!  The peep can stay home with me and do something useful for once.  I'll make her a list.  That will help her, I think.  See?  I fixed things.  Yes, I fixed things all up.  Did you ever doubt that I would?


  1. Good job Nerissa helping your Mom through that problem. Some Organizations are just not good and they do have way too many rules and there is always going to be someone that wants that power to enforce the rules. That is when you need to just move on. There are so many good things to do in the world such as paying attention to the kitty. Take care.

  2. well done Nerissa,there are some really stupid peeps out there we are all much better off without those type of peeps,those types cause to much stress in the peep world.Things are so much better in cats or bunnies world.xoxo Speedy

  3. Nerissa dear,
    You are absolutely right. Our humans should get their priorities right. That is, to just stay at home and tend to our needs.....anyway, I think rules are made to be broken. You the counter top thing you mentioned. Or the dining table..... har har har *evil laughs*


  4. *high-paw* you iz an excellent pawblem solver. I duzn't beleeve in roolz.

  5. The wisdom of a cat cannot be denied.
    Beans do it all the time, and see what a mess the world is???

  6. Hi Nerissa.....good for you supporting your Mom. Nitpickers are just people who don't have anything BETTER to do. They need a cat - we can provide all the challenges nitpickers need to keep busy enough NOT to nitpick! Right? Right!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  7. We agree totally. There are some people who enforce Organization rules just because they can, without using whatever little brain they have to think if it makes any sense. We hope your peep is able to tell those nitpickers to, well, you know and stay home and do what she should do...serve you. We're sure you aren't a nitpicker. We mean, why nitpick when you have nip?

  8. We are in full agreement! The sooner the Peeps learn that Cats know Best, the better. Mommy says the worst rules are work have to follow 'em if you want any Cat food money, stupid or no.

  9. So does this mean you can go on the counter now?

  10. Nerrisa, yous one smart cat! now if yous could rule the world, me would be a very happy cat!

  11. We call them “Jobsworths” Nerissa old chap you have your priorities sorted and now you’ve educated your peeps too. Work done! xx

  12. still waiting to hear what organization and rules you helped your peep with Nerissa!

    1. Well... I didn't want to name names 'cause the peep causing all the troubles has been super mean to my peep in the past and probably would be again.

  13. Nerissa, you are so smart! We're glad you solved your peep's problem. And y'know what we say...rules were meant to be broken!!

  14. Rules, smules. We don't follow them anyway. And we don't lose any sleep over it either. Just keep trying to educate your peeps.

    Thanks for visiting us when we had no power. Its good to be back commenting!

  15. Rules, rules, rules! Humans just can't help themselves. They've always got to have rules. (Like no eating anything that lives in a cage - what's the point of that?) I'm with you, Nerissa, serve the cat your overlord, and forget the other things and their rules!

  16. Nerissa, you are SO right. I have to give this reminder to MomKatt quite often, as she deals with some frustrating peeps during her work days. We really ARE the most important priority, aren't we? PLUS, when the peeps address US as the main priority, THEY benefit from OUR gratitude & headbonks & entertaining antics and just ... well, love in general. It's a MUCH better deal than dealing with morons!


  17. Hi Nerissa! Me again! I wanted to stop by to tell you I nominated you for another blog award...yep - I sure did! The Blog On Fire Award..... you can see my post at

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  18. You are one smart kitty Nerissa! Hopefully your mom will remember that advice next year when the time comes.

  19. Nerissa, This was really, really, inneresting although I don't think I really unnerstands it really. Here's my question: Does the organization with the Ruley-Rule Enforcers give your Human munneez efurry month? Cause if they do, sometimes the Humans just have to suck it up and keep going there and stuff even if they has to endure the Ruley-Rulers. But if this is an organization that your Human goes to just because she is nice and wants to help, then she should prolly just take that Ruley-Rule book and, uh, well, do something not-so-very-ladylike with it. Heh heh.

    1. Not a penny. The peep 'volunteers' to take abuse, apparently. And it's really only one person in the organization and it's not an animal cause or anything like that. For that, she would suck it up just like when that horrible mean person accosted her when she was selling tickets for the animal shelter. Nope. Problem is some people in the organization enjoy abusing their power, I think. I really hope the peep takes my advice and gets out as soon as possible. No more event planning for her!

  20. we just loved your advice and guidance and rather think you are a guru! You sum it up so well, this 'rules' thingy and even our Mrs H feels better about the all the rule enforcers in her life! Thanks dear. Love Darcy and Bingley xxxx

  21. hope are previous comment went through.. it did something funny when we pressed publish.... xxx Darcy and Bingley xx


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