Wednesday, 13 June 2012

they were doing her a favour!

The weather here hasn't been all that great.  Not great at all.  Well, today is looking pretty decent and yesterday and the day before were kind of nice but on the weekend?  Well, let's just say that the weekend was pretty icky.

I didn't find a single sun puddle last weekend.  Nope, not a single one.  I looked and looked and looked but all my looking was in vain.  The sun was shy or something 'cause he was refusing to show his face, here, in these parts.  I don't know about you, but I find this to be pretty unacceptable behaviour on the the part of the sun.

The peep on the other hand was complaining 'cause it wasn't raining.  Complaining 'cause it wasn't raining?  That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.  Who wants it to rain?  MOUSES!  Only a peep could come up with that one.  There was my peep wandering around, head up in some weird position as she stared at the sky, saying stuff like, "it looks like it's going to rain" and "it feels like it's going to rain" and my personal favourite, "didn't the weatherman say it was going to rain?"  Hehehe...  believing what the weatherman on television says.  When will peeps ever learn?

The peep did have a point though.  It did kind of look like rain.  It was cloudy all weekend.  And a little bit of the wet stuff did fall from the sky but not enough to call it rain.  Not enough to give the garden a drink.  I imagine the wet stuff pretty much just evaporated on contact with the ground.  Oh well, time for the garden hose.  Luckily, I don't have to deal with that sort of thing.  I didn't even have to supervise.  No, just pushed the peep out the door and said, "go water my garden!"  She dealt with dragging the hose around and whatnot.

So that was my weekend weather update:  lots of clouds,  no rain and most importantly and most upsetting...  NO SUN PUDDLES!

But then on Monday, it cleared up and the sun decided to show his face...  FINALLY!  It wasn't very hot but we cats had been pretty much cooped up in the house for the whole weekend - due to the threat of wet stuff - so we decided to take advantage of the situation.

That evening, when it was time for the sun to head off to bed, we cats didn't feel much like coming inside.  By midnight, the peep had managed to entice everyone in but my sister Beatrice and my brother Rushton.  There was no sign of either of them so out the peep headed in her nightgown, carrying a flashlight.  It was a pretty funny sight.  Oh, who am I kidding?  It was hilarious!  I have to wonder what the neighbours think 'bout my peep's nightly constitutionals.  Yes, constitutionals as in plural.  This has happened before.  This was the first time this year but you've gotta start somewhere.  It's still early in the summer.  By mid-summer, she'll be having these little outings in her nightgown two, maybe three times a week.  I wonder if the neighbours stay up late just to see the sight.  Could be...  like I said...  it's pretty funny.

Of course, the peep doesn't consider this stuff to be funny.  She gets all huffy and annoyed 'bout the whole situation.  I really don't know why 'cause it gives her a chance to get out and get some fresh air and stuff and that's a good thing, if you ask me. 

And the best part is this.  The other night...  when the peep headed out into the great dark unknown...  she smelled the most delightful scent.  As she walked along the path leading from my front door, the scent of superb pinks hit her like a tonne of bricks.  But it was the good kind of tonne of bricks.  The kind that you want to have hit you right smack dab in the middle of your nose.  Right where you have all those olfactory sense thingies.  Superb pinks smell delightful.  Even us cats think so.  And I know the peep loves the scent 'cause that's why she grows the things in the first place.  I also know that they smell best at night.  So, if the peep hadn't been wandering about aimlessly in her nightie in the middle of the night looking for Beatrice and Rushton, she would never have experienced the wonderful scent of the pinks.  In a way..  you could say...  they were doing her a favour!


  1. That sun is very naughty sometimes which is not good. Glad it finally came for you to have one of those wonderful sun puddles. Our person hates it too, when we don't come home. Hope all of you have a terrific day.

  2. If you ever find rain, M wants to know if you could send some to us cuz we need it too. She was going to do a rain dance, but she's not too good at that and didn't want to scare it away.

  3. Oh Nerissa, when mom had kitties who were allowed out before me and the Admiral, she too would make these midnight excursions (or earlier actually) looking for Robin who was naughty and usually hiding under the car where mom couldn't see her, enjoying the show mom put on while looking for her, Robin. Robin wasn't allowed out at nightfall. She was black and she was IN the HOUSE by 5 pm if mom could get her.

  4. We are allowed out until about 9 p.m. when Mum pots our cat flap onto inward opening only - then we can't go out again until next day - we aren't best pleased cos we miss the nocturnal rustlings.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. We kitties iz never fully apreeeshyated iz we? Wat a luvly gesture fur your mom. Purrs - Pandy

  6. The sun was HERE! And shining ever so brightly.
    We aren't allowed outside because Mommy would be a wreak if we didn't come home. Boomer used to go outside but Mommy would have sudden panic attacks of him being hurt or chased or bitten or something that she would go outside and start calling for him (which he usually responds to). After he came home with a bloodied foot, she decided to stop letting him roam freely....and introduced him to the horrible harness.

  7. Oh Dear......, no-one allowed owt after dark here ^..^ ,in-fact if da mom had her ditherz, Ana would not go owt At All! She'z Allowed owt in da morning so she can eat her grass, A MUST have, then she'z in. But since she refused to come in one day about 2 weekz ago (it took da beanz ofur 4 get her in) That did it!!!, she hazn't been allowed owt much since! In-fact da dad pickz her grass fur her each morning and bringz it inside, and Get This!! Hand feedz it to her! And she Eatz it !!! ^..^ Beanz sure are Amuzing ain't they ^..^ Purrz~ ♥♥xoxo

  8. If there are no sun puddles, it might as well rain, I say!

  9. I'm an indoor kitteh, but I get to go into yard under supervision. I hunt bugs n stuff, n sometimes a raccoon will try to climb the fence and I will run at him wif my tail shaking wif fury. I'm a sight to behold! Sometimes we get to stay out after dark if the bugs aren't too awful. Mom can still see me if there is moonlight since I glow in the dark. I pretend I'm a stalking panfur and I attack toads and Barney. I wish I could be outside to hunt all the time, except when its dinner and I'm hungry. Then I want back in. Good story, Niss! Yay!

  10. I only get to go out with mum annd dad and never at night. We are having such a lot of rain here too and would love some sunshine. Glad you got a sunpuddle... Hugs GJ xx

  11. Well we have been having your rain lots of rain,its disgusting!

  12. Hey guys gotta be careful hanging around outside...stick in numbers ya know...

  13. I hate it when it is cloudy. Either rain or don't!

  14. I wish you hadded a picture of your Peep out Hunting the Bad Kitties. And speaking of that, is that one of the miscreants in the picture today? The ornj ones are always Bad.

  15. Gettin the Bein OUT is a good thing. They discover things (that they normally ignore) when they are focussed on actally LOOKIN around.

  16. Hope your peep found Rushton and Beatrice!! Hope she enjoyed the fragrant evening too!! Take care

  17. Hope the peep found Beatrice and Rushton! Glad she had the fragrance of the pinks as company in the night! Take care

  18. Oh I agree! Beatrice and Rushton were just wanting your Mom to enjoy the fragrance of the pinks.....the fact she ALSO gave the neighbors a show as she pranced around in her nightie was just frosting on the cake! Tee Hee!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  19. we know what you mean about smells in the great outside.. they can be intoxicating.. Lovely post. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  20. Rushton looks a bit Out of Sorts. Should we send sorts your way?
    Oh and we agrees...if it's not gonna SUN on you it better be RAINING!

  21. LOL @ Rykers Boyz sending “sorts”

    Rushton looks quite grumpy, so maybe he didn’t like the smell so much. But that flashlight in the nightie ploy is one I’ve pulled much to the amusement of the neighbours and the local wildlife population!!!

  22. Glogirly always says the pink ones are the best.
    Words to live by.
    Congratz on coming even closer to your 7000 hits, Nissy!!!
    xoxo I'm SO glad to be done with my staycation!
    ; ) Katie

  23. Rushton, You is verreh handsome. Efun a Manly ManCat such as myself can see that, though it is the Human that wants to pick you up and snorgle your furry tummy. Eeeewwwww!

  24. I know the pain of missing sun puddles. Mine favourite one's failed to turn up every day for a couple of weeks. Mum says it will be back after winter. The problem is, when the sun left, cold came instead. When I asked to go out this morning, Mum said, "You'll freeze your whiskers if I go out there." But I insisted. She opened the door and it was too cold to go out! I want my sun puddles back.


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.