Wednesday 27 June 2012

everything's coming up peonies...

Okay, I know the song talks about roses but here in my garden, the roses are just starting while the peonies are beginning to fade.  Plus, there's not a doubt in my mind that as soon as they're in full bloom, it's gonna rain.  Rain cats and dogs, if you know what I mean.  If I don't talk about the peonies soon, there won't be any left to talk about so...  peonies it is!

Yes, the peonies are blooming.  Have been for a couple of weeks now.  They're kind of pretty, I think.  In fact, too pretty to let the peep take a picture of me with them.  Don't like the competition, as you can imagine.  I will however add a couple of pictures of them to this post strictly for your enjoyment, of course.  But they're not gonna be placed next to any picture of me.  I can assure you of that.

Writing this post and giving it this name has got me purring that song, Everything's Coming up Roses.  Problem is, the word peonies has three syllables and roses has only two.  Bet you didn't realize we cats knew about syllables and whatnot, did you?  Well we do.  We cats are smart.  Way smarter than most people realize.  Sometimes we keep our smartness to ourselves so as not to intimidate the peeps too much.  Also, when we do officially take over the world...  we don't want any peeps to see it coming.

Anywho...  back to the business of syllables.  Here's the thing...  to make the word peonies work in the song, you have got to somehow shorten it so that it sounds like there are only two syllables.  It's a pretty easy thing to do.  Instead of saying pee-oh-nees you say, pee-uh-nees but you make the 'uh' super-duper short.  So short you can barely hear it.  Almost like it doesn't exist.  Placing a really strong emphasis on the first syllable 'pee' helps, too.  Bet you didn't know we cats knew about placing emphases on stuff, either.  Well we do.  Like I said, we cats are super smart.  Super duper smart, I think.

Thing is, when you sing it like that, you really only hear the pee and the nees.  One might even think you're singing about peeing on knees.  And that can happen.  I remember, way back...  must have been a good four, four and a half months ago now...  when my brother Seville had his pee-pee problems.  When he was feeling all better, he wrote a poem and after presenting the peep with his poem for Valentine's Day, he got down from her lap and peed on her.  Yup, that's right.  He peed on the peep.  Now, if I remember correctly, he peed on her leg but you know, the peep's knees are right in the middle of her legs so...  he might have peed on her knees.  Hmmm...  it's like this song was written just for him.  Interesting...

The peeps are just loving the peonies right now.  Have been since they started blooming but peep #1 has one complaint.  She's always looking for sweet smelling things and she says, not all the peonies smell sweet.  Personally I don't pay a whole lot of attention to those kinds of smells.  But the peep is complaining and it's hurting my ears so I'm gonna do a little complaining myself.  I'm gonna complain about her complaining, I think.

The peep says, a couple of these peonies like Red Magic and Festiva Maxima smell just like roses.  Roses?  I thought I had changed the name of this song already.  MOUSES!  She's not complaining about how those ones smell.  She's complaining that some of the others that are supposed to be fragrant have some kind of funny not-so-nice smell.  Hmmm...  I wonder if they smell like our litter boxes if the peep is an hour or two late in the changing of them.  So, maybe...  peeing on the knees is sounding a little more realistic here.  At the least the peeing part, if you get my drift.  Curiouser and curiouser...  Hmmm...

So anyway...  that's it for my little rant on the naming of songs and the smelling of peonies.  I'll just finish up with a couple of pictures.  Like I said, the pictures are purely for your enjoyment.  Certainly not for mine.  And certainly not for the peeps'!   They're all for you.


  1. They peeneez iz gorjush thanks you fur sharing!

  2. what a beautiful cat!
    also lovely flowers:)

    i just followed you!
    follow me too on

  3. Are all those pictures of your peonies? They are beautiful! We have one plant but it stopped blooming a few years ago, and we aren't sure why.

    1. Asked the peep 'bout this and she said, they won't bloom if they're planted too deeply (no more than an inch or two below soil level), or if they don't get enough sun, or if they don't get enough water when they need it or if they have poor drainage. Seems like a lot of don'ts and stuff here. Don't know how much help the peep is. But what can you do with a peep? I'm sort of stuck with her, I guess.

  4. Thank you for sharing! Some peeps don't have gardens (like mine doesn't), so they go crazy over stuff like that.
    Curiously, there are flowers planted all around this building and she doesn't go look at them.

  5. Those are some mighty pretty roses and peonies are gorgeous too. We are more of a rose fan and like the rose song. Anyway, have a super day.

  6. OMC those are gorgeous! Jealous here - our peonies have come and gone already. And you're so right about that rain! Take a long gander and deep whiff of those beauties for us!!

  7. I absolutely ADORE peonies. I've actually got one sitting on my desk right now (I've got seven peony plants in my front garden) and I've got a great shot of Schuster sitting in front of said peony from last week.

    I totally know what you mean about the rain!! While it doesn't prevent it, using tomato cages to keep the blooms up does help quite a bit.

    sadly I learned earlier this year that peonies are actually toxic to kitties.. :( That makes me so sad because I think peonies and kitties are a wonderful combination.

    1. Luckily, peony foliage is so strong & tough, we kitties aren't very interested in munching it. Prefer young, tender greens, if you know what I mean. I don't think tomato cages would work for the peep's peonies 'cause they're so darned big. The plants, themselves, I mean. Have to use just wooden stake thingies, I think. purrs

    2. We have a peony bush, but it usually blooms early in the Spring and is gone by May. Don't know why so early, just hotter weather I guess.

  8. you do makes us giggle Nerissa,but the flowers are pretty!

  9. Mommy thought she had peonies too until she saw the photos then realized hers are actually petunias! Silly Mommy.
    Those peonies are really pretty. We wonder if they'll survive in in OUR garden. MOL.

  10. Peonies are beutiful. But nothing beats a cat! Nosbuff

  11. Ol' smarty pants-- aka Crazy Pants-- mommy was gonna suggest "pee on (your) knees" but she thought that would be too indelicate. She stand corrected after reading your bloggie which she and I found entertaining and also making us both purr and hum "Everything's Coming Up Roses"...Grrrr. But I digree. Mom and I both love seeing flower pictures. You'll never hear us complain..especially seeing that beautiful Ginger face with pink nose and nose freckles along side. xoxox

  12. We have a peony bush with deep pink flowers like your pic! They have finished now (a while ago in fact). I think they were fooled by the hot weather we had in March!!

    Nerissa we appreciate very much you getting to grips with the knotty problem of adapting syllables in songs :D xox

  13. Peonies are our favourite blooms!! They are beautiful and so full and so big and so yummy!! LOL!! Yay!!

    Awwww what a sweet story about Seville - so sorry he peed on your human but he wrote a lovely poem just for her! Yay! Take care

  14. The peonies are lovely, but they take second place to you.

  15. I think it's a good idea for you to talk about the peonies but not actually pose with them - you are already a mancat with a girly type name, so you don't want to confuse the humans reading your blog any more than they are already confused!

  16. Those are such beautiful peonies.


  17. the peonies (no matter where the emphasis is lol) are beautiful!!!!! As for you...I think you might be one sandwich short of a picnic...and I mean that in the NICEST way! lol

    1. As long as the missing sandwich wasn't Fancy Feast Grilled Chicken, I'm okay with that! purrs

  18. These peonies are so beautiful, the song about them doesn't even have to rhyme! Happy WEdnesday, furriends. xoxo

  19. Thanks for showing us your lovely pee-oh-nees they are beautiful. We have two of those plants in our garden - not in bloom. Oh well, there's still hope mombean says.


  20. Beautiful flowers, it is too dry here for flowers etc.

  21. Those peonies are pretty. We used to have lots of peonies in our yard but then the peeps had a new patio built and they had to take all the peonies out. Oh well....

  22. We used to have peonies at our old house. They always had ants, so the mom left them outside. We do love the smell of roses and didn't know some peonies smell like them.

  23. We has those 2 colors too! But our plants is old and don't has that many flowers any more.
    Yours is beauteous!

  24. oh Nerissa, we don't have a garden and I don't go hard for me to even imangine...but I like the name of those flower things

  25. You know what another great word is? Paean! It is usually pronounced "peein'", ha ha ha! So when the Human plays her students a recording of Edgar Allan Poe's poem The Bells, those silly teenagers laff and laff at the "paean of the bells" line which is repeated a few times!

    Maybe someone could write a Paean to Peonies!

  26. Those are so pretty!

    MomKatt has a black thumb. She says she can't grow anything but mold! MOL MOL


  27. Gosh those ARE pretty flowers....our neighbor has peonies but my Mom has tried and failed miserably having them in our garden. The deer eat EVERYTHING in sight. The neighbor has a garden that's way high up on top of a rock wall where the deer can't get to them. My next house I want it to be surrounded with a rock wall so we can have all these super pretty flowers too! By the way, we cats are so gorgeous it doesn't matter WHAT we stand next to - we ALWAYS look better!! Tee Hee

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  28. A peony by any other name...
    Thanks again for the award- I just put up my post about it. Yes, yes, I'm a little slow.

  29. i has neber seed peonies before, how pretteh!

  30. You are very smart, Nerissa. Our peonies have been gone for a couple of weeks now, but my mom person sure loves them!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  31. Those peonies are pretty! Almost as pretty as your kitty ;o)

  32. Thanks for coming to our party! You and your brothers are a bunch of fun and wild mancats, and many ladycats wouldn't have had so much fun if you hadn't come.

  33. We love peoenies, so purretty!

    Hope you are having a lovely day Nerissa!

    BTW Basil's new Blog is up and running at last and today he has a crafty kitty project if you're interested :) feel free to share!

    Meow soon

    Cathrine and Basil

  34. Peonies are pretty flowers , my mom´s parents have pink ones in their garden.
    Of course we cats are smarter than humans !
    Have a great weekend :)

  35. Whoa!!! You iz Briiliant Nerissa, P on da knee hehehehe,,, and we certainly don't need da beanz know when we take ofur,,,,, and Boy!! will da mom be in Trouble den ! ^..^ we thinkz da mom haz been hangin wif your peep on FB & BB what effer dat iz????? All we know iz we haven't had any postz dis week ^..^ Da mom luvz your Peoniez, efurry time owrz bloomz, it pourz rain & they all ofur da ground and ruined :((( But two ov mom'z favorites are Sarah Bernhardt & Bowl ov Beauty. But we not sure if dey grow where you are ??????
    Well, hope you haz a Purrrfect Weekend buddy ^.,^
    Purrz~ ♥♥xoxoxo♥♥

  36. The girl just LOOOOVES peonies!!!
    We don't have them hardly ever though cuz we live in the city and don't have a garden. They are hard to find in the flower store. But she thinks they are SO beautiful. Just like me. heh heh
    xo, Katie

  37. Peonies reminds mom of her childhood, and she says, yours are so beautiful:-)
    Have a nice week:-)
    Hugs from Pernille


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.