Firstly, the parcel was NOT a box. Boxes are good. Almost all boxes are good. Very rarely does one ever come across a box that isn't good. Sure, it can happen but it doesn't happen very often. Boxes are just made to be good, I think. Yup... just made good. But as I said, this parcel was not a box. Strike number one.
Secondly, on the front of the parcel, was a name... and it wasn't Nerissa! Could you believe it? You'd think that with my having this blog and all, once in a while, someone might send a parcel to me! But oh no... this parcel - as usual - was for the peep. Had her name on the front of it and everything. Strike number two.
Thirdly, when the peep opened up her parcel... her padded envelope - yeah, envelope as in not a box - out came a book. The peep was all excited and whatnot. She didn't jump up in the air and do a three-sixty before landing, like I do when I'm really excited, but I could tell she was pretty pleased to receive this particular book. You might even say she was pleased as punch. Nip punch, perhaps.
Anywho... I took a closer look at this book and said to myself, "Oh no! Not another cookbook! Not another one of those Gooseberry Patch cookbooks!" You see, the peep just loves her Gooseberry Patch cookbooks. I'm not allowed to sit on them or anything. Other books, I'm allowed to sit upon, lie upon, pretty much do anything I want upon but Gooseberry Patch cookbooks? If I should happen to breath upon one of them, the peep will freak. I'm not a cat who appreciates such limitations being placed upon me. Nope, I don't appreciate limitations one bit. And I could just tell that with this book being a Gooseberry Patch cookbook, there would be limitations coming my way. Strike number three.

Anywho, the next thing is that I'm hearing all about how in this The Christmas Table cookbook there is not one, but two of the peep's recipes. For crying out loud! I'm probably gonna be hearing about this for a mouse's age. Life isn't fair, you know? It really isn't. And just to add insult to injury - and I'm pretty sure the peep did this on purpose, the recipes are for veggies! That's right, not an ounce of meat in either one. Nothing to interest a cat whatsoever. One recipe is for Mushroom Pizza and the other is for some kind of Mediterranean Soup. No chicken, no beef, no fish... no nothing... I bet they both have onions in them, though. Yeah, the peep just loves cooking with those onions. CATS CAN'T EAT ONIONS! They would make me sick! Does the peep never think about me in these matters? Apparently not.
Oh, and one final little issue... no, it's a big issue, I think. Just who in the mouses does this peep o' mine think she is? I'm the author in this family! I'm the one with the award-winning blog and all. Sure, she's published a few short stories and whatnot but she still hasn't finished that stupid old mystery of hers. Haven't seen it published or anything... unlike my blog which I manage to publish twice a week... EVERY WEEK! Hmmph! She's trying to hone in on my territory, I think. And you know how we cats feel about our territories. I'm gonna have to do something about this. Gonna have to do something mighty quick.
Peep #1, you're on notice... three strikes and you're out!
My Mommie has never seen these cookbooks, I will have to send her over to Amazon.
ReplyDeleteHow exciting fur your mom! Of corrss I duzn't hear abowt any meats in thoze recipees but Iz sure they iz delishush fur they hoomans. Purrs, Pandy
ReplyDeleteOh Nerissa - I feel sorry for you. Your ooman is clearly out of control. You'd better rein her in before it's too late (which it might already be if she's already published her short stories.
ReplyDeleteEven though my mom was all, mmmm, mushroom pizza! I think this is all too much for you, Nerissa! You deserve one or nine new toys for this nonsense!
ReplyDelete(Congrats to your mom! My mom made me add this.)
geeze, with all that celebrating she's doing you'd think she would at least bring you home a box.. and offer you a little nip punch!!
ReplyDelete*whisper* congrats on being published
Heck with the onions.Srooms are almost as good as hammm!!!
ReplyDeleteThat does look like a good book. But you should definitely be allowed to sit on it. What can it hurt?? We love mysteries so let us know when the Mom gets hers done. Good for her to do that.
ReplyDeleteNO MEAT? And its called a "cook" book"? Mebbe it levels a wobbly table...
ReplyDeletenever mind Nerissa!
ReplyDeleteRecipes for the Christmas table that has NO MEAT? No TURKEY? No HAM? That's not right!
ReplyDeleteNo Meat! you say ???
ReplyDeleteOh Dear,,,, dis iz Not good!,fur you at least ^..^ maybe dere'z cheeze ...... ^..^ on da pizza.....
We sure feelz sorry fur you Nerissa ^..^
Nerissa, you run a taut ship and you have laid out clear rules and consequences. There will be no farther indiscretions!
ReplyDeleteoh no, veggies, yuck.
ReplyDeleteno box, major sin.
next time, you'll get a box.
emma and buster
You are going to have to keep a very close eye on your peep. Concats to her for getting her recipes published though.
ReplyDeleteHmm. Who eats mushroom pizza and soup for Krissymouse anyway???
ReplyDeleteStill, it is nice that her recipes gotted published. To celebrate, she should get out a nice hunk of salmon or steak or something, and make a nice dinner for the cats. Yep. That's what she should do. If she were a good Mom.
It would be good to see recipes for humans, but which cats could also eat and would like.
ReplyDeleteHuman can't finish?
Share with cat!
I can see you’re underwhelmed by your peep’s fame, Nerissa! Cut her some slack, old chap, she has so little fun ;)
ReplyDeletePS Congrats on being published peep
I think you have made your expectations very clear...keep them in line, don't let up on the staff...just a thought
ReplyDeleteMy human has a few dozen cookbooks and the funny thing is... she almost NEVER cooks! Seriously, she and the microwave are BFFs. Except for when she goes out on the microwave and picks up something from one of the local eateries. So when a package arrives here, it is either for 1) me or 2) her boyfriend. Almost never for her, and generally not a cookbook (she has wised up and stopped buying them).
ReplyDeleteconcats to your peep about the cookbook.......I do have to ask, "two posts a week?" Get crackin'!
ReplyDeleteOur Mommy loves those cookbooks. She isn't published in them, though.
ReplyDeleteWe issue demerits here. During our "bored" meetings. MOL! Our Mommy gets lots of demerits!
Well, that's very exciting for your peep to have her recipes including in a cookbook so TRY to at least LOOK enthused about it! I know how you feel Mom has a published mystery novel, and has published a lot of her other stuff and she gets all excited about that kind of thing while I just stare at her and say "BIG DEAL!!".....After all, I blog every single day and nobody gives me a big pat on the back (head maybe but back no). Sigh. We have it tough don't we? Somehow I think you would have felt better about this whole event if that book had arrived in a nice comfortable BOX - right????
ReplyDeleteKitty Hugs, Sammy
Yup, a box would have helped a whole lot... sighs
DeleteNerissa, I'd love for you to come over! We could hang out and totally complain about our incompetent Humans. DO you have a tunnel or an Ess or something you could use to transport yourself?
ReplyDeleteWe're talking simple teleportation here, right? No time travel necessary... purrs
DeleteInthink that us pretty exciting for yor peep! Now she has no excuse for not cooking you up something yummy!
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain, but I totally love your blog. My peep gets confused about parcels, so she makes sure if it has anything to do with me, my name is on it. You might suggest that to your peep. And it is helpful if UPS knows about it, too! Your friend, Fisher
ReplyDeleteMy brother Setzer was a street cat so boxes became important to him. He would rather sleep in a box than a cushy cat bed! Hey is there gonna be Christmas in July???? You would get a box then Nerissa=^Y^=
ReplyDeletePoor lil Nerissa, you cutie pie.
ReplyDeleteNerissa sweetie, I hope you're not plotting your revenge! It's very nice to be published and I think your peep deserves a paw on the back.
ReplyDeleteYou're so sweet. Happy weekend to you:-)
ReplyDeleteHugs from Pernille
HUGE Concatulations to your meowmy for publishing! I'm so happy for her. Make sure you give her extra purrs for her accomplishment, Nerissa. It's not so bad sharing the limelight with another author.
ReplyDeleteMom Julie has a Gooseberry Patch cookbook!! I think it's something about blue ribbon recipes from diners around the country, blah, blah--not important.
ReplyDeleteWhat is important is that your peep has not one but two recipes published!! Yay! We are definitely going to look up the book next time we're book-looking :)
By the way, Nerissa, I did a bunch of mea culpas for forgetting to acknowledge your award to me. Hope you forgive me.
Tom xx
No need to apologize. Nothing to forgive! purrs
DeleteCongrats on being published! You are all so sweet any my own human has a Gooseberry Patch cookbook, too. -a Christmas one with lots of good human food, she says.
ReplyDeleteWe are happy to hear that your person has two recipes published, congrats to her!!
ReplyDeleteWe hope the next parcel is a nice big box, just for you, Nerissa!
Maybe you should make your Human finish her mystery book? We loves a good mystery!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the cookbook! How exciting! I'm sorry though, Nerissa that there is no meat! :)
ReplyDeleteYou should consider offering your Mom's book for sale on your sidebar! Maybe she'll let you have some commission and you can buy yourself some fancy nip toys!