Wednesday, 11 April 2012

guess what the bunny brought

So, it's Easter morning and I awake to...   coloured eggs, you might think?  No...   How 'bout pretty daffodils & pansies?  No, not that either...  Well, let's just say it was not what I was expecting.

Easter occurs during spring in the northern hemisphere.  Spring.  A time for birth and renewal.  A time for baby chicks and bunnies (not to mention kitties) and flowers.  Primroses & daffodils & tulips & pansies with maybe a few other pretty blossoms thrown in for good measure.  Those are the kinds of things I was expecting this Easter morning.

What was it to which I awoke?  SNOW!  Can you believe it?  I certainly didn't.  I had to look twice!  The weatherman on the television did mention the possibility of the white stuff but I figured that he was just nuts or something.  Snow in April?  Snow on Easter Sunday?  The Easter Bunny doesn't have a sleigh!  He's not prepared for the white stuff!  How's he supposed to hop around in ten to fifteen centimetres - yes, that is what arrived - of snow?  What is the meaning of this???

Well, we were all taken aback by the arrival of the white stuff.  I know we live in Canada and all but hey...  it's not like we live at the North Pole or anything.  It's not like Santa Claus is our next door neighbour!  He doesn't even live in my neighbourhood.

Seville was so shaken by the whole snow thing that he wrote a poem about it.  It's funny from where we writers derive our inspirations, isn't it.  You remember my brother Seville, don't you?  He's quite the little poet.  Actually...  he's quite a big poet weighing in around fifteen pounds or so. Maybe a couple more...   Anyway, here it is...  He calls it, "It Snowed."

There was white stuff here.
There was white stuff there.
There was white stuff pretty much everywhere.
Even though it was Easter,
it snowed.
Even though it was April,
it snowed.
The sky...
well the sky just opened up and it dumped a big old load
and it snowed.

So what do you think?  It's only the second poem Seville has ever written, in his whole life, but he's really very good at this stuff.  Don't you agree?


  1. Purrhaps the Easter Bunny fancied taking Easter Day off this year and sent you snow in the hopes that you'd forget it was Easter!! Anyway we have discovered a new poet called Seville and we think he is very good.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Hahaha. We loved the poem! It made us laugh and laugh.
    Thanks for telling us how you got your name. THAT made us laugh too. :)

  3. Very nice poem. I am glad we did not get snow. I have only seen a light dusting of snow in my whole entire life!

  4. Maybe the Easter Bunny was running a bit behind schedual and called up Santa for a little help.. Maybe you were visited by both the Bunny and The Jolly One.. :)

    and yes Seville is quite talented.

  5. I think snow on Easter is an April Fool's joke!
    Good job, Seville, we enjoyed your poem.

  6. That is a great poem! But the thought of it makes my whiskers shiver!

  7. MOL, we enjoyed that post. That is unreal, to have snow on Easter. The poor Easter bunny had to hop really fast so his feet wouldn't get too cold. Hope all of you have a great day. The poem was excellent too.

  8. I think the poem was very descriptive!

  9. Good poem! That is a big Easter surprise - snow! It would make findin those pesky colored eggs a whole lot easier!

  10. MOWZERS! We gotted like NO snow at all this winter (score!!!). But last year we didz have 12 inches of snow in late march but it melted all away the next morning. *sigh* Is it still there???

    1. It's all gone now. It was very wet when it arrived... and HEAVY... or so says the peep. Hard to believe something one catches on one's nose could be heavy! Anywho... the weather now is much more spring like and yesterday, I saw some primroses blooming. Yoo-hoo!

  11. Here in sweden the weatherforcast said snow for Easter , but it never turned up here = YAY !
    I think the poem written by Seville is great !
    By the way , is Seville named after a Cadillac model ??

    1. That would be neat if he was! But no, Seville is named after those bitter oranges peeps use to make marmalade... 'cause he's a marmalade cat.

    2. I must google for Seville and see what the bitter oranges look like ?

    3. They're called Seville or Bitter oranges and their botanical name is Citrus aurantium. The peep has two growing in pots but they've never bloomed or anything. I don't think she's all that good at the gardening stuff. Pretty sure I could do better!

  12. is it ever to late for snow?! glad you had it and not us! The poem is great, bound to be a classic.

  13. I think Seville has a touch of the Winnie the Poohs about him. :)))

    Reckon the Easter bunny should be taking skiing lessons!!!

  14. Great job Seville!
    You are our poet laureate!

  15. ^..^ Oh No !! Snow!! :( dat sux ^..^
    We wouldn't be too happy 'bout dat either :|
    but we got to see what a great poet Seville iz ;)))))) Good Job Seville!

    Hope you had a good Easter anyway and we sure hopez your snow goez away really soon..... ^..^

  16. Oh my...snow! I read another blog post about snow on Easter. How strange.
    I enjoyed your poem!

  17. My Human the English teacher that is a very fine poem. It has feeling, it's very direct, it has rhymes and makes very good use of repetition. She gives him an A- and hopes that he writes more!

  18. That's a good poem...but we think there should be a law that there's no snow on or after Easter!

  19. Wes lives in canada too and me was so happy we did not get snow that day! (We did the week before though). me is very tired of snow!
    Me wants flowers

  20. that is quite a good poem! I have to tell you, here in Michigan they always say we are never in the clear for no snow until AFTER April 15th.

    I remember when I lived in Ohio there was a BLIZZARD on April 7th one year!

  21. WE ad snow on Easter once..and I hope we never do again. Nerissa..come over here. It is sunny and warmer. xoxoxoxox

  22. Snow on Easter is indeed a low blow (well, you know what I mean). We actually had a 30 second snow "event" yesterday afternoon for some weird reason. There was one big fat gray cloud over the house in the midst of the sunshine and it dumped some snow QUICKLY, then moved on. Not like what you all experienced FOR SURE! Seville did a wonderful job of poetic expression - his "Ode to Snow" is FABULOUS!!!

    Your Friend Sammy (and his Mom)

  23. You definitely look like you could use some warming up. Scoot over here and mama will cuddle with ya.

    Emma and Buster

  24. This spring weather we have been experiencing has been pretty weird.
    I did not know that cats were so darn poetic! Not one of my dogs have ever written a single thing. Now, they are good at sleeping, chewing shoes and barking...hmmm maybe it's time to think about switching to cats!!

  25. Guess what? We are having giant rainstorms with THUNDER! How crazypants is that??? Well, it's not snow or anything, but still!

  26. Hello there, friend!!
    Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!!

  27. Seville's poem is great! All I can manage are silly limericks. We love your line about the Easter bunny not having a sleigh. Poor Mr. Rabbit, doesn't have any skis, either.

    I hope maybe under that snow were some Easter eggs anyway! xxx

    Tom xx

  28. Snow on Easter??!! I hope your Easter Eggs were brightly colored.

  29. It's a perfect poem!!!
    ....Can't believe that's what the Bunny brought though! I would have been hoping for some eggs and ham. ; )

  30. Hi Nerissa and furiends, Hope you are all having a pawesome Caturday! My Human's been slacking on helping me visit. Sigh. Servants are soooo unreliable!

  31. We got snow here 2 weeks ago. The day before it snowed the kids were in the sprinkler. Have a wonderful week!

  32. Happy 9th Birthday Nerissa! We're so sorry we missed your party, but it sounds like it was a real blast.

    You are very fortunate that your peeps found you when you were so young, and that you have grown up in a loving home. What better birthday gift is there?

    Here's to many, many more happy, healthy years ahead with your furmily.


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.