Over the next couple of months, we saw more and more of Carson. Yes, the peep even gave him a name. Not that he was ever gonna to come live with us or anything. There are already twelve cats in my house and that's a lot of cat! But she said she couldn't keep on calling him cat or kitty or kit-kat like peep #2 was doing. Kit-kat sounds like a chocolate bar and cats aren't allowed chocolate. What a silly thing to call a cat! Every cat deserves a proper name, she said.
Peep #2 thought Carson should go to the Valley Waag Animal Shelter where they would take very good care of him until he found a forever home. The first peep didn't want to do this 'cause she just wasn't sure he didn't already have a home. Carson was friendly so definitely not feral. He could have been abandoned but she kept saying he was a good weight when he arrived and looked fairly well cared for... although he had NOT been neutered, I'm afraid.
Eventually, Carson was spending most of his days and all of his nights here at my house. It was okay though. He wasn't much trouble. He got along with everyone except for nosy neighbour cat but none of us get along with nosy neighbour cat anyway. Actually, we had a lot in common. I was beginning to think we might be getting a new addition to our family. I suppose thirteen is no more work for the peeps than twelve... not that any of us are work. That's just one of those silly expressions peeps make up. I figured that any day, Carson would be going to the doctors and gettin' himself neutered and needled before coming home to live with us on an official basis.
But I was wrong. Three weeks ago, Carson had a tasty lunch before heading out to play and we never saw him again. That is... until this past Wednesday morning.
Peep #1 heard a sweet little cry and recognised it immediately. She went looking for our friend Carson. Before finding him, she started to hear louder, not-so-sweet cries and growls and then, on the veranda, she spotted nosy neighbour cat sitting in the chair Carson used to consider to be his. Carson was telling nosy neighbour cat, "Hey, I may have been gone for three weeks but that's still my spot!" Next thing she knew, there was fur flying everywhere. Dark grey coloured fur... fawn coloured fur... lots and lots of fur... as I said, FUR EVERYWHERE!
The two of them somehow managed to move away from the veranda and onto the lawn - if you want to call it a lawn 'cause the peep is not very good at growing grass except in her flower beds - and continued the roly-poly fight over there. The peep headed out to break it up. I don't know what was more scary... the yowling of the two cats or the sight of the peep in her nightie out in broad daylight. Thank goodness the school bus didn't arrive just then 'cause I don't think those kids could have handled the sight. Oh, and did I forget to mention 'bout her hair? Never look directly at peep #1's hair first thing in the morning. It'll send shivers down your spine.
The peep managed to get Carson into her arms. She looked down at nosy neighbour cat to see a tuft of fawn coloured fur in his mouth. Hmmph! She brought in my friend and gave him some breakkies.
Anyway, after eating Carson went back out and we haven't seen him since. Peep #1 says she's now sure that he's got a home. Probably got out when his peeps were on holiday or something 'cause peeps here in Canada sometimes go away for weeks on end during the winter. Maybe whomever was supposed to be looking after him couldn't get him back inside. Once he was hanging around our house all the time, they'd never be able to find him. But his peeps must be back now and I guess he just came over the other day to say hello and let us know he was okay... and to give that nosy neighbour cat a piece of his mind... and a chunk of his fur.
Yikes! I hope that's the case. Poor kitty. He certainly has had an adventure. he he we're still giggling at your mom outside in her nightie trying to break up a cat fight. I keep picturing M and what a sight that would be. he hee
ReplyDeleteWe sure hope that Carson has another home. But I don't think he would have left again if he didn't. When the kitties here go off and come back, they usually stay around for a while. He is a cute kitty. Your house sounds like mine with all the cats. Cats in every corner. Our mom would be very funny looking outside first thing in the morning. Fun post.
ReplyDeleteI think you've analyzed that just right. IT sure does sound like Carson does have a good home somewhere. I'm glad peep#1 was there to stop the fight before more fur was lost. Thanks for telling us the story.
ReplyDeleteHave a great day....
pawhugs, Max
we are glad he is safe. If he comes back, maybe put a collar with a note on it on him so his family will let you know he is owned. :)
ReplyDeleteThat's a good idea!
DeleteGood thing that Carson came back in gave that nosy neighbor cat a lesson !!
ReplyDeleteI think you are right, he has a home, but probably gets more attention at your place!
ReplyDeleteHope that Carson has a first home, and now he has a second home to feel safe in. Get that peep to take a photo of Carson and share it with blogland.
ReplyDeleteThe very next time he comes to visit, I'll make sure the peep heads out there right away with the flashy box. Promise!
DeleteI think maybe you are right and he has ahome. Probably just likes it at your place. Mum laughed at your mums morning hair because she knows that well MOl.. Hugs GJ xx
ReplyDeleteWe're glad Carson came back so you know he's ok! ...That must have been quite a sight. Nosy Neighbor better keep his nose on his own side of the fence!
ReplyDeleteSadly though...we agree with Brian. Carson just might wish he DID live with you. Purrs to sweet Carson. : )
xoxo Katie & Glogirly
Bwaa! Haa! Haa! I was laughing so hard, I could not read your post out loud to Queen Penelope!
ReplyDeleteHave a great Day!
We have a feeling this story isn't over. If he has a home, why isn't he neutered, have no ID and left to roam? I think you know the answer. Don't be surprised if Carson shows up again. He might be lucky 13.
ReplyDeleteCarson, I sure hope you DO belong to someone and I am so sorry you got into that ball of fury with the nosy neighbor cat. Here's a kiss to make it better. X
ReplyDeleteBrave Mrs. Peep for rescuing Carson. Stepping into a cat fight can be scary!
ReplyDeleteDon't you wish you could put a cat cam on his collar?
I like the idea of the note on a collar too. You could be kitty pen pals.
OK so I laughed quite a bit at this (well a lot) - picturing the nightie scene and not looking directly at etc It must be a catlady thing. There’s practically been a luner eclipse when I’ve gone out and bent over the hebe bush where Austin’s been hiding! Really!!!
ReplyDeletePersonally I think a baker’s dozen sounds quite nice :) Yay Carson xx
Carson sounds like a sweet kitty. We hope he has got a home, but if he hasn't, he knows where to come to be cared for.
ReplyDeleteOh we are glad everything worked out so well.
ReplyDeleteBut stepping in between two kitties who are mad at each other is a very brave thing.
I don't know, maybe Carson has another home, but it kind of sounds like his peeps are irresponsible. He is lucky he has you to help him.
ReplyDeleteThat had to be super scary and we're glad Carson was okay. We think Peep#1 is right and he has a home but likes visiting yours too.
ReplyDeleteThe Florida Furkids
That was a lot of excitement for one day! It does sound like Carson has a home - I wonder what THOSE humans call him?
ReplyDeleteI don't know what THEY call him but I know that peep #1 calls him Carson 'cause when he first showed up, she was all into watching that Downton Abbey show on PBS.
DeleteWe hope Carson has a home. And noisy neighbor cat needs to mind his manners!! We like Random Feline's idea about putting a note on him if he comes back.
ReplyDeleteGosh, I woulda paid actual munnee to see the Peep out there in her nightie with her hair flyin' and stuffz. You really should learn to use the camera :-)
ReplyDeleteI should start selling tickets!
DeleteWe hope he has a home, for his sake. You have 12 cats! We had no idea! Can we meet them all one blogging day?
ReplyDeleteI think all my fur family members have had their picture on my blog at least once so far. There's me, Constance, Beatrice, Snowdrop, Primrose, Blossom, Jacob, Tobias, Tess, Mason, Seville & Rushton. I'm sure they'll each make more appearances in the future. Actually, I KNOW they will 'cause they all keep asking to be featured. I kind of love them all so that's okay. I'll share.
DeleteI hate kitty fights! good for you to break it up, nightie and all! I hope Carson does have a good home.
ReplyDeleteNerissa, that post made us a little nervous, I'm telling you! I'm glad Carson was rescued and the nosy cat neighbor got what he/she deserved!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your kind and consoling words when we lost Trapper. Your story of Desdemona and the kitties helped us so much!
They are all angels now. At least the humans know they did everything and were good to them all while they were on this Earth. That's the most important thing. Pawhugs to you for your comments!! :) xxx
Tom, Mom Julie, Mitty, Anastasia and Tinker
Poor Carson but YAY for your Peep braving the great outdoors in her nightie to help him out! We have one of those nasty cat neighbors too - it just sits under OUR tree and hisses and growls at Sam (who's in his OWN yard thank you very much!!!!). Anyway, we hope Carson does have a good home but it's kind of you all to make sure he gets a good meal and shelter if he comes there for a visit.....We have a regular visitor too - she's got a home but I think the gourmet restaurant for cats we have here is appealing to her! HAHAHAHA
ReplyDeleteKitty Hugs, Sammy
I wish you a happy week:-)
ReplyDeleteHugs from Pernille
We really hope Carson has a home. And that his owners would get him neutered as well...
ReplyDeleteYour peep is VERY brave to carry Carson while he was in mid fight. VERY VERY brave, indeed.....the cats could have shredded her nightie as the school bus rumbled past...very lucky indeed. :)
But at least that might distract them from looking at her hair.
DeleteMOwzers, sounds like Carson ended up on the wrong side of that argument! Nosy neighbor cats are just Bad News aren't they!
ReplyDeleteI like what Random Felines suggested. I hope he stays safe.
ReplyDeleteglad that ended with nobody getting too hurt. I also hope that Carson really does have a home. Poor kitty! And......wow.....you have 12 cats??????? How do you handle that?
ReplyDeleteWell... I actually handle it quite well. Since I'M the one with the blog, all the other kitties HAVE to be nice to me. They all want to make guest appearances, you know. As for the peeps... well... multiple litter boxes, frequent trips to the grocery store and an agreement that they never go away for extended periods of time, together, seem to do the trick. We kitties must come first. It's a law or something.
DeleteAh, we came to the comments ta mention a collar with a note, but we see thats been mentioned. Still a good idea though.
ReplyDeleteYou know what?? I had NO IDEA there were 12 of you! That's just....amazing. I myself am an only-kitty, which has its good and bad sides.
ReplyDeleteI will have to scroll back through your blog to find all these kittehs!!
My meowmy adopts evfurrybody too. She is feeding 8 inside and 5 outside plus the rackies. We go through a lot of kibble around here. Good story, Nerissa. Yay!
ReplyDeleteSo you've got TWELVE brothers & sisters, Herman. You're one up on me. You must know how I sometimes feel...
DeleteI think that I tend to be overprotective. The one thing that I think must be hard as a cat owner is letting them outdoors to roam, knowing that they may get into trouble with another cat or on the road, and you might not be there to intercede. Loosing a loved one or having them hurt would be so heartbreaking!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! That sounds like a proper cat-brawl!
ReplyDeleteWe have a girl cat who lives near us that we've been trying to figure out if she has a home or not. It is tricky sometimes!