Wednesday, 25 April 2012

the last of the scotch

So last night, the two peeps were having a little chat and the second peep asked the first peep about something.  I'm not really sure what it was 'cause I wasn't paying that much attention.  They have such boring conversations, those two peeps.  But then I heard peep #1 answer, "No, that's the last of the scotch."

The last of the scotch?  My ears pricked right up when I heard this.  This is terrible, I thought.  No more trips to the human nip store?  What???  This can't be.  The nip store has the very best paper bags on earth!  No one has paper bags like the nip store.  They're the perfect size for getting into and for playing and napping.  And they're super strong, too.  They last a long time.  I think I even did a whole post on them once.  Yes, they're THAT good.

Surely the nip store must have more scotch, I said to my peeps.  Surely you can hop in the car and get some more...  along with a paper bag or two.  Have you run out of money?  Is that why there is no more scotch?  Do you still have money to buy the really important stuff in life like our food and treats and CATNIP?  Is this lack of money why I have yet to experience the bliss that is the silvervine?  I gulped hard before asking, do you need me to get a job?  Do you want me to start putting ads on my blog?

In answer to this, Peep #1 looked down at me kindly and said, "Silly Nissy...  I'm talking about butterscotch."

Ahhh....  then I understood.

You see, every Wednesday night peep #1 goes to caterwauling practise.  The peeps there all claim it's some sort of singing thing but we all know what it really is...  it's caterwauling.  I think I once did a whole post on that, too.  Every week, the peep takes this big jar with her filled with these candy things called butterscotch.  She makes them herself from a recipe she got out of a cookbook published by the nice people at Gooseberry Patch.  It's a bit of a palaver, I think - and it takes her attentions away from ME, which is not good - but the caterwauling peeps all seem to like the candies a lot plus, they pay a quarter for every one they eat and all that money goes to my friends at the Valley Waag Animal Shelter.  Pretty neat stuff...  even if I do lose out on some cuddling time.

Anywho...  around this time every year, caterwauling practise ends for the season.  Thank goodness for that!  My ears can only take so much, you know.  So, as there are no more regular rehearsals, the peep doesn't have to make any more butterscotch until the fall.  This is kind of good for two reasons.  Firstly, now the peep will get to stay home with me on Wednesday nights and spend more time tickling my tummy and giving me kisses and whatnot.  Secondly, I won't have to listen to her caterwaul.  That's the best part, you know.  Ooohhh...  the very best.  Believe me...  if you heard her, you'd agree.


  1. Nerissa do you join in the caterwauling chorus?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

    1. No... NEVER! Couple of my fur family members have been known to play the piano, though...

  2. OMC, our human's relieved that it was BUTTERscotch to which your peeps were referring, and not the drink! :-P

    Hey, extra time spent catering to your wishes and needs will be great!

  3. Caterwauling practice, LOL! One of our peeps has that too.

  4. Just as long as there is no actual shortage of paper bags all will be fine!

  5. I bet if Peep #1 wanted to make scotch and sell it on her blog for a fundraiser she'd make a lot of money for your shelter *wink*

    1. We're talking BUTTER scotch here, right? Can't 'make' the other stuff. Think it might be illegal. hehehe...

  6. I am just glad that you have your supply of paper bags. But surely the catawauling cant be that bad.. Te he... Hugs GJ xx

  7. We're MOL here 'cause our Mom goes to caterwauling practice on Thursday nights! Fortunately, her practice stops in May so we won't have to listen to it any more.

    Those homemade butterscotchs sound nommy! Would your Mom share the recipe???

    The Florida Furkids

    1. Just e-mail me your address, okay? You can find my peep's e-mail on my contact page. I looked up yours but I wasn't sure which e-mail to use...

  8. Soo glad that it was the butterSCOTCH your peep´s where talking about !
    Caterwauling practice = *MOL*

  9. Illegal butterscotch! Now there’s a thing :)

    Paper bags and caterwauling make for an interesting symphony!

  10. haha - M is cracking up here with laughter. Scotch! She says she'd like that kind of Scotch! he he you are so cute and funny.

  11. Well we sure hope you get one of those peeps nip bags soon!

  12. I hate it when humans make those weird noises. Many years ago, when my human had the cat BEFORE the cat before me, she took singing lessons and practiced every day - and that cat complained loudly! I think my human's noisemaking hurt his ears.

  13. I almost lost the Human after that "...last of the Scotch..." line. She moaned a little and I had to fan her back to consciouness.

    She seems okay now though.

  14. Yikes! No wonder you had a panic attack at the mere thought of no more peepnip bags...but as it turned out, that WASN'T the case. Whew! Enjoy your caterwaul-free months because you know they'll be back again before you know it. My Mom couldn't carry a tune if she had a peepnip bag to carry it in either..... :D

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  15. You crack us up, Nerissa! That was quite some panic attack!
    I am not familiar with these scotch bags you speak of.
    Note to self: Add scotch to the girl's list.
    xo Katie

  16. Nerissa you and your peep 1 and 2 have some very in depth discussions.

  17. Oh poor Nerissa, we feelz your pain! ^..^ owr mom catawaulz too and wifowt practising :o Help owr earz!!!!!
    but we are impressed dat she makez treatz, Butterscotch :)herself. WOW! and dat'z really nice dat donationz fur dem goes to help furbabiez ^..^ and we really relieved you still haz your paperbag supplier! ::whew:: and you don't haz to go to work!!! Just hearin all ov dis makez us want to go nap ^..^ Purrz Sweetie Pie :)
    ♥♥xoxo♥♥ ^..^ x6 +1

  18. Mowzers...we sure glad our mommy not into caterwauling *shudder* SERIOUSLY!

  19. What a good story. I laughed - and then I googled silver vine.
    This is sounds like scotch for cats, and not butterscotch!
    Tommie, Grace Lillian, and Mickey Mouser had no idea that they were also poor deprived cats.

  20. LOL, that is a funny story......we are glad homeless kitties benefit from your Mommies scotch=^Y^=

  21. You know one of the teachers who used to work at the Human's school made homemade caramels that were buttery and scotchy and all the other teachers was real sad when she moved to Chicago, MOL!

  22. good man...wonderful to pawty wif you and burp too.

    LOVED the bloggie and it made mommy smile after I put her thru it again with the hairballs. I wish I were at that caterwauling practice. xoxox

  23. You know my Mom sometimes sings in the shower - Sassy and I ALWAYS quickly leave when she starts that! Oh, the weird sounds that come out of her mouth!

  24. Nerissa, hope you find a supply of those awesome paper bags!

  25. Well, it's just a good thing that they will be continuing the trips to get the "real" stuff and hence your purr-fect paper bags...

  26. I actually think the best part is that your peep will still go to the nip store and come home with those bags you like.

    Have a great weekend.

    pawhugs, Max

  27. Organized caterwauling? How interesting!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  28. You know, the *real* tragedy of the Human's being all sick and stuff is that it really cuts into my service!

  29. Gorgeous Nerissa!!! Phew!! Thank heavens your peeps were talking about butterscotch and not the human nip kind! That means more lovely perfect brown bags for you! Yay!! :-)

    Take care


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