Sunday, 25 March 2012

spring has sprung

Then it went away and hid.  Yup.  At least, that's what it feels like.

Here in Nova Scotia, last Wednesday and Thursday were days filled with pure, blissful, unadulterated joy.  Oh, what wonderful days those were.

I spent Wednesday afternoon sniffing the air.  It was soft and warm and full of smells I haven't smelled since before the snow came last year.  In the garden, I discovered my daffodils were starting to pop up all over the place.  And the daphne bushes - well, they're more like sticks with a couple of side sticks stuck on for good measure than bushes...  but we won't tell the peep that 'cause she's really quite proud of them, I think - had flower buds already showing some colour.  The biggest surprise of all was the primrose.  I've got a whole bed of them that I share with the peep.  Only one has flowered so far but it was the first flower of spring so was pretty special.

Wednesday night was very mild.  My fur family and I all stayed out really late, enjoying the night air.  When peep #1 arrived home from her caterwauling practise, it was way past nine and already dark.  She drove into the driveway to be greeted by my dad Jacob, my brother Seville and myself...  of course.  Oh, and that Carson cat who has been hanging around our house a lot lately, too.  We boys all came in with the peep but my sisters Constance, Beatrice and Tess stayed out for at least another hour.  Girls! 

Thursday was garbage day so peep #1 had to take the garbage bags - the vast majority of which are filled with our used kitty litter - down to the end of the driveway.  I always supervise this job of the peep's...  make sure she's taking the old litter and not the new...  that sort of thing...  but what fun it was this week.  There were birds up in the trees and they were singing the most beautiful of songs.  Way better than what went on at caterwauling practise the night before, I bet.  I guess the birds were happy to see the arrival of spring, too.  I hadn't had breakfast yet so I was salivating just a bit...  you know, 'cause of all those birds and all...  but I was a good boy.  I waited 'till we were all inside and enjoyed a good ol' brekkie out of a tin with a little dry on the side.

But those days were forever ago.  By Friday, it had turned much cooler and today...  well...  it's darn tootin' cold!  Could you believe it?  Where's my spring?  That's what I want to know.  To where did it sprung?  I want to know that, too!  Hope it remembers to come back soon.  It had better not think it can disappear 'till next year.  The peep says it will be back in a week or two.  If ever there was a time for the peep to be right about something, this would be it.  Oh, I hope to goodness she's right about the return of my spring.  I've got all four paws crossed.  Eyes, too!


  1. Sounds like here in the states.It was gorgeous for 2 weeks now its a bit colder with clouds and rain.Wishing you a purrrrrfect new week ahead.

  2. I hopes you gets spring soon, it cud be bizy at owr howse but Iz won't uze it all up I pawmiss.

  3. To have such joys and then they are taken from you! Criminal. We have no plants here yet but it has been sunny and the snows are melting. We are enjoying time on the catio and waiting for spring.

  4. We know what you mean Nerissa!!!!
    One minute we were baking on the porch and then back to snoozing on our sleeping bag!!!!!!! WE like the heat better!!!!!
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure and JJ

  5. Thanks for popping by for a visit Nerissa. Did you enjoy sleeping in the sunny spots like our cat Shadow did? Shadow loves to go hunting for the catnip plants that are already growing in our garden. Want me to send you some?

    1. This year, my peep #1 has promised me a catnip garden and I'm so-oh-very-excited 'bout it. If you look way back in my posts, you'll see two entitled "the cage" and you can read about how she's gonna grow them. You see, my fur-family & I have a bit of a nip problem. But the peep thinks she has figured this one out. We'll see....

      Thanks so much for the offer of some nip seed but I think she's got that part in control. It's us cats she can't seem to control. heheheh...

  6. We love spring, but the summer season has arrived least for a while! Happy whiffin everyone!

  7. Um, don't you guys have like 32 paws or sumfing? Get crossing, Kitties!

    1. Uhh... actually, forty-eight! Fifty-two if you include that Carson cat who has been hanging around lately.

  8. We're glad to hear you have had some spring weather - purrhaps the spring will come back in a few days and stay longer next time. We have had lovely weather (unseasonably warm hooray) and it has been here about 10 days and they say we'll have another week of this. Of course when the peeps go on holiday in the summer it will probably be freezing cold and wet!!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. Think you might want to uncross the eyes or you might not be able to see Spring return! We sure could do with some of your cold. It's been unbearably hot Hot HOT!

  10. Sorry to hear that the cold air is back. Maybe it won't stay to long. If it does come see the boys in Florida...

    pawhugs, Max

  11. We really hope your spring comes back and pronto! Doesn't Mother Nature know it's not polite to tease kitties like that? Hope y'all are having an easy Sunday!

  12. Naughty spring has run away at our house, too! We need to put our claws in him the next time he shows up.

  13. Sorry your spring teased you. I think it will come back tho - although you may have to wait a few more days.

  14. We had some great weather last week, too...unusually warm for this time of year!! Everything is turning green and starting to bloom! But now it's getting cold again!! We hope the cold doesn't stay around very long!!

  15. Yeah, the weather out here in BC has been cruddy too! ut we did not has any really warm days yet....

  16. Hang in there, spring will return, just like the peep promised.

    Pee Ess - good idea to snoopervise the disposal of used litter. I'll do the same.

  17. If you are in Nova Scotia, we must be more or less on the same latitude! It is very springlike here today in the UK. So I think you will get spring proper soon :)

  18. Same story in Maine...after a gorgeous week last week and one where I raked my yard on Saturday, today is a closed window day.... my kitties aren't thrilled about the return of the coldness either...

  19. Guess what Nerissa....we're having the SAME problem here in Virginia! Yep - for two weeks we had temperatures in the 70s and 80s and today - all of a sudden - it's in the low 50s AND a freeze warning for tonight! NOT FAIR! Don't tease me with warm stuff then throw cold stuff at me. I'm going to pout the rest of the day in's the LEAST I can do.

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  20. Oh Honey, we got the same ything here. I was enjoying the TV outside the full glass storm door because the regular heavy door was open and the temperature was 86 degrees F. with hot hot sun to bake in. Then, it started to rain again a few days ago and the temperature got to 45 degrees F at night. I asked mommy to please open the door and she said was too cold. By the time it warmed up barely enough..high 50's low 60's, it was late afternoon but she allowed me to bask in the cool sunshine then.

  21. Nerissa
    One thing is for certain each day brings us a different day of weather. You can never tell what it will be ,but you watch it won't be long before your spring will be here for good and leave the cold behind. Gorgeous picture we love it.

  22. we are waiting for the return of our Spring too! Just like Sammy above, we had temps in the 70s and 80s here in Michigan (unheard of!) and today it was in the 40s...crazy, crazy weather!

  23. Oh Nerissa! 48 or 52--really??? That's impressive! And how many toes? and tails? and Tms! Ha ha meow. Maybe you'd like to come live wif me??

  24. We just hope we don't pay for it next winter!

  25. Yep, Nerissa, even down here in B'more spring teased us and then took it back. Darn Mother Nature! Every critter at the Casa was miffed when the windows closed again.

  26. Typical spring! Especially at night there can be such a range of temperatures. Soon be summer, though.

  27. Caterwauling practice, LOL!


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