Wednesday, 21 March 2012

oh grey-haired one

I don't often sleep with peep #1.  That's my sister Constance's job.  Occasionally my sister Tobias or my Auntie Blossom will sleep with her, too.  Sometimes though, I'll lie on the floor next to her.  I figure, it's the least I can do.

The other night, I noticed that Tobias had hopped up next to the peep.  Instead of curling up by her head, like she sometimes does, Toby was sniffing around at her hair.  Hmmm...  I thought to myself.  I wonder what that's all about.

Apparently, Tobias had noticed some grey hairs on the peep's head.  Actually, the word some is a bit of an understatement, I think.  Just what is this peep up to?  One has to wonder.  I mean...  well..  you know what I mean...  don't you?

As you all know, I'm a silver tabby.  No...  sorry...  I'm a sterling silver tabby.  Sounds so much better, don't you think?  Tobias is a sterling silver tabby, too.  We tabbies with the sterling silver hair are beautiful.  Everyone tells us so, so it must be true, right?  And people are always commenting on our ticking.  No, it has nothing to do with those awful Lyme disease carrying insect thingies.  Rather, it has to do with how each individual strand of hair on our backs has multiple colours.  At least I think that's what it's about.  Whatever it is though...  it's a good thing.  I'm sure of that!  I'm thinking that maybe the peep thinks that she can become a sterling silver tabby just like us.  But you know, it doesn't really work that way.  It's not like she's a cat or anything.  She's just a peep.

On me, the combination of charcoal grey, sterling silver and sparkling white is really quite stunning.  On the peep...  not so much.  Actually...  not at all.

She's gonna have to do something about this hair of hers.  I know that sometimes she uses these bottles of really stinky stuff to fix her hair up.  It's never gonna look as good as my fur but I'm pretty sure it will look better than what she's got going at the moment.  Better than what it has been looking like the last couple of weeks.  It's a little embarrassing you know...  having a peep walking around lookin' like she's trying to go all silver tabby on you.  And everyone knows she really can't.  Cause she's just a peep.  I'm just saying...


  1. Kizzie says: My mum always colours any grey bits too, as she says she doesn't want people thinking she's the little bean's grandma.

  2. Oh yeh, silver iz teh mowst bewtiful furz of them all, az of corss I iz silver too!

  3. But don't you know that silver can look really good on a human too!?! You shouldn't make her feel bad if she doesn't cover them up, as she might actually like them.


    1. I don't think she does like 'em... it's not like she's Anderson Cooper or anything... it's just that she hates the bottles of stinky stuff more than the grey & silver, I think.

  4. yep - our mom has that same problem. we don't have any pretty silver tabbies here, but we have notice it is time for mom to shape up!!

  5. My Dad says he would like any color hair as long as it was hair!

  6. My mom wanted to frost her hair when she was a teenager but her peeps wouldn't let her. So now she says she has natural frosting and it's free.
    Hugs Madi

  7. Mum has sworn us to secrecy over the colour of her hair!!
    What does that tell you??!!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  8. Aww. We're sure your Peep's hair is lovely in silver...even if she's just a peep. ;)

  9. MY mom has bottles of that stinky stuff too. No silver tabby HER! Oh no.

  10. Our mom is getting her roots done soon lol.its all good just so its in the roots ha.Have a purrrrrfect day!Thanks for visitng me too,also love to see more furry critters;)

  11. Oh we love that you described yourself as sterling -- we like that. Maybe we're platinum at least Mr Jinx is. He is a solid tabby. His tabby stripes are errr....platinum too, just a bit darker. We know we don't want our Mom to be platinum though. LOL


  12. I would say, Nerissa sweetie, that your peep was trying to look like you. And you know what they say about imitation …? Just go with the flow :) xox

  13. We hope she doesn't try to use that stinky bottle stuff on you!! Heehee!!

  14. My Human gived up a long time ago on trying to fix up that silver. Actually, she wishes it WERE silver--it's more like dull gray mixed with mousy brown. NUFFING like my luxurious thick and shiny black furz!

  15. Our mom is rather vain about her hair. Most peeps her age have lots of silver and she doesn't have any yet. But it still doesn't look as good as our furs. That's why she steals them.

  16. haha! So funny, Nerissa. We love your take on the peep's hair. Glogirly has the same problem. Once a month, she stinks up her pillow. It's really a pain. I mean it's pretty hard for me to fur it up for her and all.
    ; ) Katie

  17. You can try your best with her, but you know humans never look as good as we do!
    Mr Bumpy,

  18. My dad's on his way to being sterling too! Just on the sides, though... for now.

  19. I'm thinking your peep just wants to look like you with your Mom does a similar thing (well, she hasn't in a while but she USED to) with wanting to be RED like me! She'd put that stinky stuff on her hair and a little while later - voila - she had the ginger tabby look! I guess we should be flattered - on the other hand, Mom says she "earned" all the gray thanks to my Dad and me so maybe your Mom earned hers too?

    Kitty Hugs

  20. Your peep figures if you look so nice with your sterling silver, maybe she could look just as snazzy! Plus, you know how stinky that dye is when she puts it in her hair? Yuck!

  21. The Humans would ALL look better with furz, don't you think?

  22. HaHaMeow! Our Mommy looks like she is tryin to imitate a skunk!

  23. The problem with peeps is, they just don't understand: It is better to smell natural than to look any which way or the other. And I'm not talking about a peep smelling like a natural skunk. If you know what I mean. --Bugs

  24. Our mum has a few of those silver furrs starting to show too. We don't know what she is playing at because we don't have any silver. Yikes!!! You don't think she will try turning ginger and white do you?
    We saw you asking on Samantha and Clemmie's blog about Carnival of the Cats. Just leave the url from any post you have done this week or the new one you are doing on Sunday and they will add it to the carnival.

    1. You know something? I think those bottles of stinky stuff DO come in shades of ginger so... well... you never know, huh? And thanks so much for your help with the Carnival. See you there!

  25. Oh my Cat! YOUR peeps have that stinky bottle thing too? What is it with humans these days anyway? *mystified look*

  26. Just saying -- Hope your Caturday is better than mine, Furiend. I haz invaders.

  27. Peeps with sterling or silver hair are just way more valuable!

  28. Our house just rumbled.... I think your purrs made it ;)


  29. I've never met a cat before! How is a cat different from a dog or a human? All I know are dogs (puppies actually) and humans. Anyway, I am glad to have a cat friend so thanks for coming by our blog!

    1. Uhhh.... hate to tell you this, but... the cats are IN CHARGE of the humans. At least that's how it works at my house!

  30. You never know what peeps are up to. If they want to be like us, I think we should be flattered, maybe??


  31. I thinks you should be flattered that your peep wants to look just like you. I would like my Human to match me exactly but she's not going for the gray hair stuff, I don't know why,it is the best color after all...


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.