Wednesday, 28 March 2012

playing the slots at the fountain

Remember the fountain?  You know...  the one the peeps bought for us when my brother Seville had his pee-pee problems.  He had to drink more water so we all got a fountain!

Now, our fountain is gravity powered.  And gravity is pretty powerful stuff, let me tell you.  Did you know that when a jet plane or a space shuttle or a rocket ship tries to lift off from the ground, what stands in its way is gravity?  Can you imagine?  Something like a jet engine, that's got all that power, can be out-powered by gravity.  The very same power source that's in our fountain.  Boy oh boy...  the peeps found us a super-duper extra-special, especially strong fountain, if you ask me.

Well, we've found that every now and then, our fountain gurgles.  Yeah...  gurgles.  I'm pretty sure it has something to do with how the water in the fountain interacts with the power source...  that would be the gravity... remember?

At first we were all kind of scared of the gurgle but over the last few weeks, we've come to know and love it.  In fact, we've sort of turned it into a game.  We get points if we get the gurgle.  It's fun!

This is how the game works...  First you approach the fountain and take aim for drinking up the goodness that is the water.  Then, you drink and drink and drink...  and even drink a little more if you can.  If you drink enough of the watery goodness, you get the gurgle.  Then, you go into the family room or the living room or out into the garden or wherever all the cats are hangin' out at that moment and brag about getting the gurgle.  This is important as otherwise no one knows you scored some points.  We call these points, braggin' rights.  My sister Mason keeps score for everybody 'cause she's got those extra toes for counting.

But sometimes, no matter how much of the water you drink, there's no gurgle.  It can be a bit of a gamble you know.  That's okay though 'cause the gambling part is what keeps the game exciting.  Sometimes, you walk away from the fountain empty pawed.  Not a gurgle in sight.  This is very sad.  But then, a brother or sister or an auntie, or even your dad will come along and take like one teeny-tiny mouse-sized sip from the fountain and the next thing you hear is...  you guessed it...  gurgle, GURGLE, GURGLE!  Oh, the frustration that comes when you prime the fountain up for the gurgle and someone else comes along and takes all the winnings.  Oh, the agony.  The inhumanity of it all.  But then, as I said before, that's what makes the game exciting.

I've never been to one of those casino places myself but I've seen them on television.  Sometimes, they show these things called slot machines.  They're a lot like our fountain.  Only, I think maybe our fountain is better.  I mean, our fountain gives us water to drink and drinking lots of water is really, really important...  especially for my brother Seville.  Plus, our fountain is gravity powered, remember?  And gravity is oh-so-very powerful.  Those slot machine thingies seem to be electrical.  Electricity and water DO NOT mix.  This, I know, also from watching the television.   And finally, even when a family member comes along and steals the spoils of the fountain, at least it all stays in the family.  That's got to be good, right?

I've heard, there are lots of those casinos in a place called Las Vegas.  I've also heard that at those casinos, they have shows.  You know...  my brother Seville - yes, and he would be the reason we got our fountain in the first place - does a mean rendition of his poem, "Easy Peasy."  You remember his poem, don't you?  If not, check back to my post from February 15th.  You can read it there.  Anyway...  I was just thinking...  Seville could probably do a show in Las Vegas...  and at the same time, he could check out the slot machines...  and just maybe, he could introduce the people of Las Vegas to the idea of playing the slots at a fountain...  a fountain just like ours.  I bet lots of people there would be really interested in our game.  It really is oh-so-much fun.  Really, it is.


  1. I'm VERY interested in your games. I learned the rules and I'l like to teleport over and play too? I'd even let you have the points, you or anyone there if you have primed the fountain and I got the gurgle. xoxox

    1. You're welcome anytime you like, Katie. I'd love to play with you!

  2. that does sound like has thought about getting us a fountain, but she is afraid we might decided to take up swimming and make a mess....

  3. Mum got us a fountain - guess what??? we wouldn't even take one sip from it - she had to send it to a charity.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. Mommy got US a fountain after Cosmo's second hospitalisation for blockage. We, Cosmo and Ling, refused to drink from it. So the fountain ended up being a home to moss. Mommy said maintenance of the fountain was very frustrating.

  5. Our fountain doesn't make that sound, but I will go drink some more and see if I can get it to gurgle!

  6. Sounds like much fun with a fontain slotmachine :)
    To bad we have a VERY long way to Vegas :(

  7. I think Austin would be afraid of the gurgle! Anyways, I don't let him gambol .... only in the garden lol

  8. I gots one of those fountain things too as a very dear friend sent me one. I like the water from it, but I'm driving M crazy trying to find the right place to put it. you see, I like drinking out of the bathroom sink. M can't put it in the bathroom because there is no outlet for electricity where she wants to put it. She's put it in hte kitchen on one of the counters, and I will jump up there now and then, but I'm still wanting it in the bathroom sink. I just can't help it - that's where I like to drink water.

  9. what a fun game!! You didn't mention who was winning..

    1. Uh... yeah... that's 'cause Mason keep losing track of the points. Girls!

  10. We've never seen a fountain controlled by gravity. Yours sure sounds like fun!!

  11. Ok, Glogirly....shut your years.
    *I* prefer the porcelain fountain.

  12. Oh Nerissa, You should write a book is what my Human thinks, yes she does. This was SUCH a good story. The Human sometimes thinks about getting me a fountain, but she know how much of a ::shhhh:: cowardfraidycat I am and she thinks I would be too skeered to use it.

    1. You know what? I SHOULD write a book. The peep is working on one but it's taking her, like, FOREVER to complete it. I bet I could get one done in half the time. Don't you think?

  13. What a coincidence! We was just placin bets on a tussle at Katnip Lounge! Now, we find you kittehz playin the fountain. This is better than Vegas!

  14. Hmm...a fountain slot machine...sounds like it might be fun! I might even make an exception to my dislike of mysterious noises if I had a gurgling fountain. I'll have to discuss that with Mom ASAP. I saw where your sister Mason is a polydactyl kitty like ME! YAY!


  15. Most interesting game! Makes us want to go out and replace our (dead) fountain!

  16. Sounds like fun! I have a fountain, but it doesn't make much noise.

  17. Everyone drinking more water and having fun at the same time. Bonus!

    Critter Alley

  18. It's good that you have a fountain that doesn't flush....
    We would like to see a slot machine where water would squirt out!

  19. looks like you put the kabosh on me ever getting a fountain!

    BTW THANK YOU for now offering the option of subscribing to you via email!

    I have been so busy that I haven't been able to come around to all of the blogs, EXCEPT for those that offer the subscribe by email option. Those I read ALL the time because they are right there!

    1. Cody, thanks so much for subscribing to my blog by e-mail. And thanks even more for reading it! I read yours, too. That's how I know that somebody has a birthday coming up.... Yoo-hoo! Party time!!!

  20. It sounds like a great game!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  21. Reminds me of Three Coins in the Fountain, somehow!
    We don't have one, but are more interested now that we know about yours and its personality!!


  22. FaRADaY: MOWZERS, you too??? We noticed the Very Same Thing! We never thought of it as slots. sorry, gotta run...upstairs, to the fountain. And sit and wait for the gurgle! ME FIRST!

  23. The Human should abandon her book (like she's really gonna get it done this century anyway, right?) and instead help YOU with YOURS. Now THAT's a book I would like to read. You could have a whole CHAPTER on the Gurgle Fountain.


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