Sunday, 1 April 2012

birthday number fifteen!

Yesterday was a very special day at our house.  My Aunties Blossom, Primrose and Snowdrop all celebrated their fifteenth - yeah, I said fifteenth - birthday.  WOW!  Fifteen years old.  INCREDIBLE!  They look really good for their age, too.  Not a grey hair in sight.  Unlike the peep...

Fifteen years ago yesterday, my aunties were born...  in a closet, in Nova Scotia.  But what makes this is even more amazing is that my aunties' mama wasn't Nova Scotian.  She wasn't even Canadian.  Nope!  She was a landed immigrant, originally from Venezuela.  Here's the story...

The peeps - I should mention that they weren't known as peeps way back then as I, Nerissa the cat, came up with that moniker for them - were on vacation for two weeks in a country far, far away...  on a whole other continent in a whole other hemisphere.  That would be the country known as Venezuela.  The very first night they were there, a little black and white kitty showed up at the door to their villa.  There were lots of kitties on the resort and many of them were thin and hungry.  The peeps wanted to help them all - of course! - but one can only do so much, right?  As this little girl came to the peeps, the peeps thought they had better help her in particular.

The restaurants on the resort were all closed for the night so peep #1 headed down the beach, money in hand.  A little while later, she returned to the villa with a chicken sandwich...  no condiments or lettuce or anything silly like that...  just chicken and bread.  The little black and white kitty was ravenous and ate the meat all up.  From then on in, she remembered two things...  the mini refrigerator and the peeps.  Or maybe that's three things...  'cause there are two peeps.

The peeps began to call the little black and white kitty Alicia.  She would stay close to the villa every day and spend the nights inside, asleep on one of their beds.  The peeps tried very hard not to let the resort staff know what was going on but by the end of their two week stay, EVERYBODY knew.  Couldn't be helped, I guess.

The peeps went to visit a special man in the city.  A minister of some sort.  Not the religious kind.  This was a government official.   He filled out a form allowing Alicia to leave the country.  Alicia was taken by taxi to a doctor who gave her the vaccinations she would need to enter Canada.  The doctor's name was Jesus.  Dr. Jesus...  I like that.  A carrier was purchased as was a ticket for a trip on an airplane.  It wasn't the plane my peeps were on 'cause that stupid metal bird wouldn't allow cats but it was another plane that left for Canada the very same day the peeps did.

Little Alicia had to spend the whole trip alone on the plane but she wasn't really, you know...   The airplane had a very special cargo that was Alicia but Alicia had a very special cargo, too.  That's right...  four kittens!  She was never alone 'cause my aunties were there with her, every step of the way.

Alicia spent a weekend in Toronto and then flew to Halifax where peep #2 picked her up, Monday morning.  A month later, on the 31st of March 1997, my aunties were born.  Snowdrop & Primrose were tortie and Blossom & Sweet Pea were calico.  Sweet Pea went to live with a very special friend of peep #1's.  There was no one else good enough to have any of the other kittens so that's why I've got three aunties livin' here with me.  Auntie Sweet Pea now goes by the name of Sarah but I'm sure she still remembers her sisters.

Anyway...  that's the story of my aunties.  There are many, many more stories of them to tell and someday soon, I'll get around to those on my blog.

In the meantime, I just want to wish them all a very happy fifteenth birthday.  They had a great day.  There were treat temptations and fancy feast and cream and even a special packet of chicken breast from the grocery store...  my aunties' favourite.  We all had some.  Yum.  Ooh...  it really was extra delicious.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNTIES!  You're four in a million!


  1. What a sweet story. We're sending all the best of birthday wishes to your aunties!

    Critter Alley

    What a sweet story about how they ended up being Canadians instead of Venesuelians :)

  3. That is a very lovely story and oh whatt a happy ending that the sweet kitty found your peeps and thhat meant she found her loving forever home for her and her babies. thats special. Happy Birthday to your aunties.. Hugs GJ xx

  4. OMC - that is a fascinating story. happy Birthday to your three aunties. Can't wait to hear more of your stories.

  5. Oh that is another Best Stry Ever. You tells a lot of Best Stories Ever and we cannot really choose our favorites. But Alicia's story is right up there in the Top Ten ;) Feliz cumpleanos a las tias!!

  6. What a lovely story! Happy birthday to Aunties Blossom, Primrose, Snowdrop and Sarah! What happened to Alicia?

    1. Although Alicia was little when she came to live in Canada, the doctor here said she wasn't very young. She had a few more really good years with her babies and my peeps but in 2002, she went to live in Heaven. That's where my mama is now so I think that maybe they live there together.

  7. That was a wonderful, beautiful, loving story. You all have truly special humans. A very happy birthday, one day late, to Blossom, Primrose, and Snowdrop!

  8. What a lovely story! We wish all your Aunties a very happy 15th birthday.

  9. What a good story! Lovely caring peeps, and a very happy ending for everyone.

  10. What a precious loving story about your Aunties and happy birthday to them all..with lots of love and purrs from me and even my mom who eyes leaked a little bit reading the sweetness. xoxoxoxo

  11. What an awesome story! Happy birthday to Blossom, Primrose and Snowdrop! I am sure it is only due to your humans that they have had long, happy lives.

  12. What a sweet story. Happy birthday to your Aunties, Nerissa xox

  13. Happy Birthday to your Auntie! They are all so special and that was quite a story!

  14. Rescue kitty with rescue kittens enclosed. We like that.
    We love the story of your aunties.
    We love rescue kitties, too. Rescue beans rock.

  15. Your Aunties HAVE to be special because they share a birthday with me!! (CODY!!!)

    We loved reading their story and we agree, they ARE "four in a million!"

  16. Nerissa,
    We're all teary eyed here at your beautiful story. What special peeps you have, and special aunties too!
    Happy Bday to them all. And thanks for warming our hearts and making us smile.
    xo Glogirly

  17. What a wonderful way to come together :) Happy Birthdays!!

  18. Mommy is in floods of happy tears! Your peeps ROCK.

    Happy Birthday, Aunties!

  19. What a wonderful story! Happy Birthday to your Aunties! We're so glad they had such a great day!!

  20. What a great Gotcha story! Happy birthday to all the Aunties! We wish them the best, and many more happy years to come!

  21. Awesome story, Nerissa! A happy birthday to your aunties from the kids at the Casa!

  22. Such a beautiful, heart warming story! Happy Birthday Aunties!

  23. What an amazing story Nerissa and what a wonderful Mum and Dad you have too. We wish your aunties a Happy Birthday and hope they live happy lives.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  24. Happy Fifteenth to your Aunties...what a milestone...we hope they get lots of Fancy Feast tonight
    Madi and Mom

  25. I loved how your peeps rescued Alicia. Wonderpurr peeps you haz. Great story. Concatulations to your aunties.

  26. Bonjour Nerissa!

    Thank you for visiting us!
    We have been bugging LP to come for a visit and she has FINALLY succumbed to our prodding! That was a great story! Your Peeps sound truly wonderful! Did they know Alicia was expecting? Or was it a surprise! Happy birthday to your three lucky aunties :)

    the critters in The Cottage xo

    1. They didn't know the first couple of days but then... after she was getting food regularly... it became obvious that Alicia was gonna have babies. They knew she was preggers before bringing her here to Canada.

  27. what a sweet story nerissa. happy 15th b/day to your aunties.

    thanks for dropping by on my gotcha day,
    Emma and Buster

  28. Just dropping by to say Hi Nerissa. XOXOXO Hope you are having a happy day!

  29. What an exciting story of your aunties. Their mom must have been a very special kitty. A belated Happy Birthday to all 4 of them, even though Sarah doesn't live with you.

  30. MOWZERS! You got AUNTIES! We only gots silly siblings. PFFT! You lucky!

  31. A happy birthday to all of them ! My cats too are so happy to know cats from all over the world. Unfortunately now China cat !


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