Sunday, 18 March 2012

defies all logic and reason

Ever get a splinter in your paw?  It hurts, you know?  And what's more, it can take you totally by surprise.  One day, you're walkin' along a perfectly good piece of wood...  perhaps the railing of a deck or something...  and the next thing you know...  PAIN!  The wood was always good and strong before -  when it stayed in one piece - but for some strange reason, a little piece of it decided to break away and insidiously insert itself in the pad of your paw.  That's the splinter.  And when you get one of those nasty old things, there's nothing for it but to head off to a peep for some first aid.

I've been thinking of splinters a lot these last few days.  Not because I got one in my paw recently.  Haven't had a splinter of wood in my paw for a mouses age.  But for some reason, that nasty old man who verbally attacked peep #1, trying to tell her that the Bible implies cats should be shot and nearly making her cry the other night, reminded me of splinters.  Hmmm...  interesting...

Ever notice how humans think they're always right about everything?  Put two people in a room together with two different opinions, and each still thinks that they are right.  Put ten people in a room together with ten differing opinions and all ten of them think they're right.  How can ten different opinions all about the same thing all be right?  I may be just a cat buy hey, I know that this is simply impossible.  Ridiculous, in fact.  It defies all logic and reason.

And did you ever notice how when you disagree with one of these know-it-all splinter-type people, they're taken by surprise?  Like no one ever disagreed with them before?  Ever?  I find that next to impossible to believe.  I mean, where are their ears?  Did a mouse eat 'em or something?  Or maybe a rat?

People just can't get along with one another.  They just don't seem to know how.

Yeah, we cats usually think we're always right about stuff, too.  But that's different.  Probably because we always are right...  'cause we cats...  and cats are smart.  Way smarter than a whole lot of humans.  Way nicer, too.  For proof of this, see my last post.

Oh, what I would give for opposable thumbs.  Oh, what I would give to know how to spell 'opposable' thumbs.  Spell check just isn't helping me out here.  Neither is the peep!  Anywho...  I've said it before and I'll say it again.  I'm pretty sure that with opposable thumbs, I could take over the world.  Yup...  the whole, entire world.  And let me tell you something...  as the new-found world leader, there would be none of these splinter-type people pontificating and trying to insidiously insert their mean and nasty old opinions into the pads of our paws.  Or the hearts of our peeps, either.  There would be none of that kind of behaviour.  None at all!  I think I'd make a law or something.


  1. You would be a pawsome werld leader, an I will sharpen mai clawz an halp teech those meen peeps a lessen!

  2. If only we cats could run the world....

  3. Yes, I agree with Callie, we need to take over, the humans are messing it up. Remember though, everyone is entitled to their own wrong opinion LOL!!!

  4. I have to agree, I'd be better off if I sat back and obeyed my cats...lots of baths, naps, and treats sounds good to me!
    I think one thing that is inexcusable in ALL people is rudeness. There is NEVER an excuse for it, and I feel so bad that your Mom was subjected to such an awful display.

  5. you have our vote for world domination....we are lucky in that mom seems to roll with it, but she will get riled up when someone threatens one of us or a cat she has saved....and we don't see anything wrong with that. :)

  6. Hey know, as a polydactyl I already HAVE opposable thumbs.....well....sorta....and I have no inclination to rule the world. I'd like to FIX the world (!!) but rule it? All these unruly humans to whip into shape? Maybe when I was younger, but at my age, I'm just hoping to keep my OWN peeps in line!!! That's a full-time job.

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  7. Some oomans are totally impossible to be around - yes, they always think they are right and no one else has an opinion. I say - pffffft - on them. he he

  8. Hope you are feeling better after your splinter incident. The fact that humans are all so different always means that we have different opinions, although there's no reason why we shouldn't get on together in spite of this.

  9. I was thinking about that awful man who was a the human splinter! He has to be barmy, yes? People like that give real Christians a very bad name :( I want to be a cat. Austin thinks I am a cat, so that’s ok :)

  10. Just like we say, Cats Should Rule The World. More naps, more outsides, and the world would be your litterbox. MOL!

  11. I know exactly what you mean. Lately, my human and I have been following the Caboodle Ranch story and there are two totally opposing views - humans either think the way the sanctuary was run was endangering the safety and health of the cats there, or they think the whole thing was a set-up and that the sanctuary owner is being persecuted. These two groups hate each other... and the stupid thing is they both want the same thing: for the cats to be happy, healthy and well-taken care of. But somehow, this is getting lost amidst the arguments and hatred. Sad.

    1. Yes, this whole Caboodle Ranch story is very disturbing. In the case of my peep however, the nasty old man didn't like us kitties at all. He thought the kitties should be shot. Yes, that's what he said... "the best help you can give those animals is a ... twenty-two." And, he had the nerve to claim that the Bible told him so. MOUSES!

  12. mommy is never like that and she will be the first to say that you and I and all cats are always right.

    Love and headbonks

  13. Wow, that's some pretty heavy thinking for a Sunday. My head still hurts from all the green nip beer I drank yesterday...kinda like getting a splinter I bet. And I've got opposable thumbs, but I haven't figured out how to use them properly. Do they teach that stuff somewhere??


    1. Hmmm... I was home schooled myself. And my mama didn't have the opposable thumbs so she wouldn't be able to teach 'bout that. Maybe somebody wrote a book on the subject?

  14. If we cats ruled the world, we would make a much better job of it than the Humans. Harmony would reign.

  15. Cats = Right all the time
    Humans = Right when they agree with the Cats

    'Nuff said.

  16. Hi Nerissa, Thanks for dropping by my blog, even if I am a dog. My Vickie and I were very upset when we read about your humans experience with the nasty man.

    It is very nice for us critters to be reminded that there are special humans who love us and will fight in our favor with their hearts and apposable thumbs.

  17. Nerissa,
    We LOVE your analogy. Splinters ARE nasty people. They oughta just go inside their splinter houses, shut their splinter doors and watch their splinter TV's.
    BOO Splinter People!
    xo Katie

  18. This must be why Mommy says she'll rather stay home with us furries. She says she gets the jitters being among animal "activists" as they MUST ALWAYS be right to the point of being scary.
    Glad your paw is better. And we hope your Mommy's feeling better as well.

    1. Oh, but this nasty old splinter of a man wasn't an 'animal' activist... he was a church activist. He was trying to use the Bible to say it was okay to shoot all the homeless kitties. MOUSES!

  19. Hi Nerissa! Thanks for visiting Clarissa's House of Cat! We will be back to visit you!

    Keeping those splinters away from your paws!!!

  20. Nerissa
    IF cats ruled the world, there isn't any doubt things would be better and more efficient and there would a lot less hate.

  21. You tell 'em! You get my vote any day. Splinters are the absolute pits.

  22. Hi sweet furiends, Hope you had a peaceful and lovely day! Purrs.

    1. Yesterday was kind of rough - more on this in a future post - but today, the sun is shining and all is well with the world. Thanks.

  23. That splinter guy sounds like one of those people who TW says live in a bubble where nothing penetrates. They believe what they want, whether there's any truth to it or not. Unfortunately, they can also run for President. Cats should rule the world.

  24. I think cats rule already lol.Meow hugs!Thanks for visiting today and a very Happy Spring.

  25. Mieow Sweet Narissa, we hope your OUIE paw feelz better :( Az fur dat nasty piece ov wurk..... well da mom sayz dat she jus picturez dem az walking talking As.. oh we can't uze dat wurd ...,,,,, Buttholez!! ^..^
    Thinz like dat bother da mom fur a long time too :(
    We vote fur you az Wurld leader ;;;;;;)

    Nope! we don't know what Folia iz????? maybe you can explain Pleaze ^..^
    Purrz & Kissez to you & your #1 peep :))♥xoxoxo♥

  26. Way ahead of you Nerissa, I've been working on plans for world domination for absolutely for ever.

    By the way, my human is a Christian minister, with a master's degree in theology. She says the Bible doesn't say any such thing.

    Mr Bumpy,

    1. That's what the peep & I figured, too. The Bible doesn't say nasty stuff like that. The Bible is a good book, right?


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.