Wednesday, 14 March 2012

how dare you!

Today's post is on a more serious note than my usual fare.  You see, last Saturday night, something really horrible happened to peep #1.  She was pretty upset about it but I told her I'd take care of it by doin' a special post, just for her, on my blog.

Many of you know how hard peep #1 has been working on this fund-raiser for her favourite animal shelter.  All week long, she's been selling tickets on that basket and knitted cat to raise funds to feed the little kitties who have no homes.  She met lots & lots of wonderful people there.  People who were really kind and generous.  And the staff at the store where they set up their table were absolutely wonderful.  It was like one big happy family.  It's no wonder I send the peeps there to shop for my food all the time.

But you know how it is, there's always one wack-a-doodle in every crowd.  And this one in particular wasn't just wacky.  He was mean.  Mean like a rabid dog with fleas...  no offence to my doggy friends out there.  I know that none of you are rabid.  As for the fleas...

My peep was just sitting there, minding her own business, reading a book and occasionally looking up to smile at those passing by when this scrawny looking man waltzed up to her.  "Do you remember me?" he asked.  The peep thought she did and said so.  But it wasn't the nice man she thought it was.  As soon as he asked, "did you read what I told you to read?" she remembered him.  He was the man who had been spouting off biblical verses to her, a few days earlier.  Once she remembered exactly who he was, the peep told him that no, she had not read the verses.  "Well, it's true, you know," he claimed.  She answered, "that may be but in the meantime, these animals need our help."

Now, this is where the really horrible part starts...  The nasty old man said, "the best help you can give those animals is a pill yeah big," and he gestured the size with his fingers.  The peep didn't know what he was talking about.  Her quizzical look prompted him to explain.  "A two two he said."  Again, the peep was at a loss.  She's not really up on these things, you know.  "A twenty-two!" the man said.  Then she realised.  The horrible little man was talking about shooting cats and the 'pill' he was referring to was a bullet!

Well, as you can imagine, my peep was shocked and appalled.  I'm surprised she didn't burst into tears right then and there.  I kind of wish she had.  That would have made him feel so very guilty and small.  And rightly so!  Who the mouses does this guy think he is?  Verbally assaulting my peep in this way and makin' her eyes burn is totally unacceptable!!!

I imagine that had my peep been a six foot two football player, he would never have attacked her in this way.  No, this is the kind of human who preys upon the weak.  He thought my peep was weaker than he so he attacked.  He thought she was in a vulnerable position, being a captive audience and all, so he attacked.  He's nothing but a predator.  People talk about us cats being predators but we've nothing on this guy.  It's not in our natures to be nasty and mean like that. 

I gotta hand it to the peep.  She stood up for herself.  She told him that what he was saying was awful...  horrible...  despicable...  and that she didn't want to have this discussion with him.  She told him to stop.  She told him she wanted him to leave.

But he wouldn't leave.  He just stood there, continuing to defend his position.  And as if it wasn't bad enough already, then he started talking about people eating cats in parts of the world.  He spoke in a low voice, always.  Probably trying to not draw too much attention to himself, in case that brought other humans to my peep's rescue.  For me, this proves he knew what he was saying was horrible and that he had no business saying it to my peep.  My poor peep grew more and more horrified with every passing moment.  Finally, she stood and threatened to pack up and leave herself.  That's when he...  finally...  left.  The peep sat down, shaken and sickened.

You know, my peep studied ACTING in university so she does know about some things...  a lot more than she knows about lots of other things like computers and getting my stuff fixed up on my blog, I can tell you that.  Anyway, she said this man was like a bad Shakespearean actor.  He memorises the lines and spews them off on cue but never really understands what any of them mean.  Never really gets the gist of the play.  My peep says she has slept through many such a bad performance.  I only wish, for my peep's sake, she could have slept through this one.

I may talk more about this incident in a future post.  What this man did was wrong.  Very, very wrong.    Obviously, my peep loves animals or she wouldn't be volunteering for an animal shelter.  Who in their right mind would say such nasty things to an animal lover?  NO ONE...  that's who!  I'm not sure I'm prepared to let this issue go.  In the meantime, I'm gonna go have a little cuddle with the peep.  She deserves one, I think.  I'll purr and purr and let her know all is right with the world.


  1. Nerissa
    We are so sorry peep #1 had such a horrible encounter when she was out doing good things.
    Mom says you can judge a person's character by how they treat children, the elderly and animals. What wicked human he is.
    Hugs Madi

  2. I soo sorry for peep. I do hopes you realize he just one nasty in a world of caring animal lovers.

  3. Gasp! Some oomans are just horrible, mean oomans. M says they have no manners! She could say worse things, but this is a public bloggy. She also says everyone is intitled to their own opinion, but this horrible oomaan was infringing on your right to your opinion. Your mom was just sitting there minding her own business. He was the aggressor! There is no hope for someone like him - they are uneducated and horrible people.

  4. I'll admit it...I would have flipped out... :(

  5. What a dispicable man - we hope he rots in hell and no one will help him. Tell your Mom we think she is great and didn't deserve his mean words and attitude. We think your Mom must be a very special lady.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. kiss the peep for us too!! bad enough that people think this, but it is out of line to come up to someone and spew off like that....

  7. Please take pepper spray with you. You felt threatened by him. If he or anyone like him returns show him the can. Tell him you feel threatened and if he doesn't leave you will use it. And say it at the top of your lungs. He's a bully.

  8. I am a very kind kitty but I would scratch his eyes out in no time!

  9. O.. M... C... did this guy SERIOUSLY quote bible verses to justify to himself that we should KILL cats?? with a gun?!?! I really hate how people can pervert things just to be cruel..

    I'm so sorry he accosted your peep..

    1. Yup... he sure did. Never heard of a more UNchristian type thing to do. Have you?

  10. So people are just plain awful. And this man was one of them. We're sorry your peep had to deal with him, alone. He won't have been so daring had ALL OF US been there, with our claws unsheathed.
    We wish we could do something to help your peep feel better.

  11. Please give your peep a big nose rub from us - she is a hero. And the next time we poo, we are going to think about how much nicer our poo is than that nasty evil ****bag who harrassed her.

  12. Amazing how cruel people can be. It's really sad. What was the point of this man's attack except to abuse. Certainly cruel.

  13. Oh, my human got so mad just reading this! It is a good thing for that ghoul that it wasn't HER he was talking to because when she gets really mad, as in feeling threatened mad, she can't control what she does and she might have caused a scene and maybe even assaulted the guy. Which would not have looked good for the shelter, LOL! Or at the very least she would have had security throw him out. But yeah, what an awful person.

  14. OMC !
    What an awful little man !
    How can he first qoute the bible and then say that you just should pop cat´s with a gun ??!!
    Sorry that your mom had to meet him :(

  15. Whatever that guy was, he wasn’t a Christian! That was just sick. I am so sorry it happened :( I just hope something good will come out of it, I really do x

  16. What a despicable little man. Our mum is very easy going until someone really makes her mad. She would have told him in no uncertain terms what she thought of him and where he should go. We are sorry he upset your peep and we are sending her headbutts.

  17. Holy Carp!! What an Evil Little Lowlife!! ^..^ Dat musta bin soooo Awful..... owr mom would have been torn between tearz at hearin such Awful garbage and puttin a "two two" in Hiz butt! How upseting fur your #1 peep, we sending Immediate Kissez and purrz to your mom ^..^ ♥♥xoxo♥♥

  18. I am so sorry this happened but do you know what? You should have called the police.

    This person doesn't sound as if they were normal at all and you could have had him removed from the area.

    Anyone that speaks of abusing cats (or any other animals) the way that he did is not normal and you could (and should have) had him removed.

    The way I am with my awful mouth and temper, I would have beat the crap out of him and I am NOT kidding

    1. Yes, if it happens again... the police WILL be involved. He was a miserable you-know-what!

  19. What a horrible experience for your peep. That man just isn't right in the head.

  20. Furst, fanks fer stoppin by! Second OMC, who does dat mean piece of flea dirt fink he is? Our mom said she would have told him loud and clear to get lost before we called security or the police. Den again our mom is crazy like dat!! We is sorry yer peep had to endure such a pain in the yoo know what!!


  21. Unfortunately, there are many crazy people like that out in the world. The best way I have found to handle these people is to just picture them standing at the gate to heaven after their death with the Angel saying "Um, before I let you enter, I think I need to hear you explain why exactly you think shooting cats is RIGHT?"

  22. It is good that your peep has you to cuddle with, best medicine against that mean spirited fool who was trying to harass her!


  23. Dere is a lot of crazy peepuls in this world. We think your Human did very good. He sounds real scary and it must really, really, really suck to be him. He'll get his, you know, one way or another.

    Purrs and more purrs to your Mama.

  24. Sounds like he needs a two two. I'd have told him so, and to move on as I don't waste time with trash. Could she have called the manager? What a shame, she's doing good work and has to deal with a wierdo. We hope she doesn't stop because of him. Then he wins.

    1. Unfortunately, as it was Saturday night, the store manager was long gone. But don't worry... the peep won't stop helping the animal shelter. She'll never give in to that radical fanatic! Never ever!!!

  25. Oh my goodness, your poor peep! What a vile creature to have to put up with. Our mum probably would have cried.

  26. Oh Nerissa that's just awful! There are so many just plain weird and sicko peeps out there - I would say "humans" but people like that guy aren't really "human" in any real sense of that word. He picked on your peep like he probably picks on lots of people AND I don't even want to think about how he must treat animals! Don't worry - there's something out there my Mom calls "karma" and that nasty man will "get his" one of these days. Meanwhile, KITTY HUGS to your peep from me AND my Mom for her efforts for the shelter. Now SHE knows what being human is all about that's for sure!!!!!


  27. Oh noes!!!!!!!!
    It is sad that such mean people exist.
    Maybe in his next life he can be a mouse
    in a house of cats!! heh,heh,heh
    Your Mom is pawsome for helping the shelter :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure and JJ

  28. Oh darling girl and mom..I am so so so sorry you had to go thru this. What a horror of a person. He must be very ill to think...never mind talk like that. I'm so sorry you were targets of his deranged meanderings.

  29. Mom would have been in tears! Me & Mom got very hot under da collar reading dis post. Deranged, Cruel, Mean, Inhumane...and definitely not Christian! We too believe Karma will handle him...and we hope he does return as a mouse in a house full of cats! Me is sending mai bestest softpaw & comforting purrs to yoo Mom. Da kittehs at da shelter loves her so muches for what she does to help them. xoxo Rusty Culver & Mom

  30. Oh my dear. It is scary out there.

  31. Oh my! I sure hope the shelter ensures that no animals are ever adopted to that creepy guy.

    Critter Alley

  32. To think he was trying to pass himself off as a religious man and then to show his true nature of a monster. Well he will have to face that God one day for all the terrible things he must have done in his life to animals. I don't think any of us are prepared for this type of thing, and kudos to your hooman for standing up and giving him the heave ho.

  33. What a horrible experience for you bean. So sorry she had to go through that. But she's doing a wonderful thing, so I hope she can shake it off ad not let it spoil the experience for her.

    I wanted to leave a note today to thank you all for purring for Knuckles. It's so nice to know we have such great friends.

    pawhugs, Max and HH.

  34. This monster pretends to be a Christian ?? He doesn't even know what it is. Fortunately I wasn't there I would have called all people in the shop before telling him what I think of such "humans", and then thrown him out and send him to hell where he belongs too. I just get so furious when I hear about such people !

  35. Hi Nerissa, I hope your Mommy is calmed down and feeling better after dealing with the scary creepy man. Go purr on her some more if she needs it, though. XOXOXO

  36. This man is a horrifying menace and a mental case. Mom Julie had a similar run-in one time and talk about flight or fight..she wanted to do both! Anyway, these people eventually move on to some other victim of their rants. I'm so sorry it had to happen to your peep, especially when what she was doing was so kind.

    Definitely mental issues. Normal people don't act that way.

    Tom & Mom Julie xx

  37. Allie: GASP! Oh that's unspeakably awful! Evil, evil man! I'd pink slap him so fast he wouldn't know what hit him!

    Mother says she was victimized by a man like that once (it only takes once, then NEVER AGAIN!)

    You're exactly right, he IS a predator, the kind that likes to remain hidden.

    Is your peep going back to set up her table again at that grocer? Grrrr, I'll bet you'd have more than a few volunteers to help you knock some sense into him (or arrest him for harassment) if you do!

    1. Yes, she is gonna go back next week (not this coming one but the next) for the entire week. This, of course, will interfere with my cuddle schedule however, it's even more important that she returns now after this horrible, HORRIBLE incident. I understand.

  38. I'm sending your Peep cuddles for that scary incident too! My Human would have been very shaken up if she had been in your Peeps shoes. And speaking of shoes, I have a pair of "cement shoes" for that meanie!

  39. Oh my cat. That was awful. Good of your peep to stand her ground and fight fur what she believes in. She's doing a wonderful thing. God bless her. xoxo

  40. Pee Ess - we is following you now!

  41. What a JERK. I can't believe some people. How could he be reciting Bible verses yet wanting to kill cats with a gun? Not very Christian IMO.

  42. Etude and Rondo MandM's body guard, sumo wrestlers.17 August 2015 at 13:44

    Oh dear. Seville.... Grammy just read this to us. That is one nasty fellow. Let us at him... we'll box his scrawny ears and gnaw on his knees. He's not a true Christian to be talking like that and treating your peep that way. Too bad the store manager didn't have a chance to call him on it.

    1. I have told the peep that if she should EVER meet this 'man' again, she's to notify me immediately so that I can teleport on over to your house and bring you all back to help me deal with him. UNITED WE STAND. purrs


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.