Sunday, 11 March 2012

oh those silly peeps!

The peeps have been saying all week long that they were gonna lose an hour.  I thought this was weird.  But then, lots of things peeps do are.  You get used to it after a while.

When I first heard about this impending loss, I thought to myself, "If you know you're gonna lose something, why don't you take extra special care with it so that it doesn't get lost?"  I mean, really.  That's what I would do.  If I thought I was about to lose something, I'd be extra careful with it.  Like I am with my nip when other cats are about.  That's the smart thing to do.

I saw peep #1 looking in the calendar for this missing hour.  Couldn't believe my eyes.  How's an hour gonna fit in a calendar?  Now to be honest, I don't know exactly how big an hour is but...  well...  I figure it's too big to fit between two sheets of paper.  Most things are.
So while the silly peeps were doing their silly search through the pages of the calendar for this supposedly lost hour thingy, I decided to look outside in the yard.  Far more likely to be there, I thought.  Things get lost outside all the time.  I looked behind bushes and peeked under some leaves.  I even gazed way, way up in the trees.  (He he...  that rhymes!)  Not finding this hour in the garden, I came back inside and checked all over the house...  in cupboards and closets and everything.  I didn't bother with the peep's purse 'cause I know that things get lost in there all the time, never to be found again.  If this missing hour was in her purse, it was a goner.  That's pretty much a sure thing.

I was really stumped.  How the mouses do you lose and hour?  And just where the mouses could it be?  I had pretty much gone over the entire house by this time and was beginning to think that it was, in fact, in the peep's purse...  also known as the 'black hole' although actually...   the purse is grey.  Silly peep.

Then, I hear peep #2 say something about getting the hour back in November.  Arrrgh!  If the peeps know the hour will be back in November, then they must know where it is.  If you know where something is, it can't really be lost!  My gosh peeps are frustrating.  I suppose it should be expected though...  after all...  they're only peeps.

Something else odd happened this week.  Usually, I'm up before the peeps.  Sometimes I even have to get them up.  But this morning, I slept in.  My breakfast was served about an hour early today.  That's a bit of coincidence...  don't you think?  I mean, the thing about it being about 'an hour' early.  'Cause we were just talking about hours and things.  Kink of weird.   Just like my peeps.


  1. I looked for it in my Tunnel, cause that's where time and stuff gets really tricky, but it wasn't there. Here's the thing: How do they "save" daylight when they "lost" an hour??? That's makes no sense at all to me. Humans.

    1. That's right... I forgot that you had that worm hole thingy. It's probably a lot like that black hole of a purse peep #1 has. And yes, this saving and losing business with the peeps really is confusing. Like I said, they're pretty silly.

  2. weird indeed. it's easy to find the lost mousie, just gotta sniff it out. maybe you could volunteer your good nose to find that lost hour.

  3. All we know is that our Mommy was super extra cranky going to work this morning!
    What a grump.

  4. Weird indeed with that lost hour !!
    Here in Sweden we dont lose it for another couple of weeks :)

  5. Those humans really are weird, the same thing happened here! I will help them find it after my nap!

  6. We lost an hour here too! Imagine that. No idea in the world where it is though, but like many others, I hear it will be back late in the year. xoxoxo

  7. Ugh. That's way too wierd. We're glad we don't lose any hour where we are. :)

  8. I heard some peeps even have heart attacks looking for the lost hour. Can you believe that? Their priorities are all in a mess.

  9. Bah! This whole losing/gaining an hour thing is for the birds! So I have no idea why humans are so fixated on it.

  10. Funny that! We also lose one of those hour thingies in about a couple of weeks. I’m trying not to stress unduly!

    Brill post :))

  11. Yeah, that is weird. My Mommie always says she is about lose her "patience" when I very nicely beg for my breakfast in the morning - can I help it if she doesn't like getting up at 3:00 a.m.?

  12. Our mom was complaining all day about losing this hour. Sheesh, it's only an's not like losing a nip toy or my milk ring.


  13. Ohhh - that is downright spooky. We lost an hour too, according to what the peeps were saying this morning. Oomanss sure are strange and do strange things.

  14. Rule of thumb here: Always look under the fridge. Anything lost will always end up there.

  15. Nerissa that's strange we didn't lose an hour but Mum says we will lose one hour next week - which hour keeps getting lost it's very careless!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  16. That lost hour is very strange. Mum said we are going to lose one in 2 weeks time. If she knows she is going to lose it then, she should put it under lock and key now.

  17. I don't see why humans insist on some of the silly things they do...including this time change thing. Makes no sense to me! I do have to say that you certainly tried VERY hard to help them fine the hour they lost though. A very selfless thing - so typical of our felinicity!!

    Kitty Hugs

  18. We think its all very strange!!!

  19. I agree with Eric and Flynn because we know we are going to lose our hour in two weeks so why dont we lock it up now.. Sheesh.. Humans are strange.. Hugs GJ xx

  20. We agree completely, peeps are soooooo strange. There's just NO figuring them out!

  21. Hi Nerissa, Just dropping by to see if you'd found that hour yet?

  22. those are some pretty deep thoughts. I have to agree with you, if you know you are getting the hour back in can it be lost? Love your philosophical thinking!

  23. well they did lose an hour, but they gained 24 a few weeks ago. You'd think they'd be happy :)

  24. ha haa... we want to employ you to hour search for us! you have it sorted and will be much better than us at explaining it to our Peeps (we are liking that term). Love Darcy and Bingley xxx

  25. Hello darling! Hope all is well at Casa Nerissa! XOXOXO

  26. This whole spring forward an hour thingie has Mom Julie looking around for it, too. Getting it back in November is a stupid promise. Look at all that's happening in November. Do you think we'll even notice? hehe


  27. lol, funny.Hi Thanks for following.We are Kitsa, Kit and Lawrence of Arabia.We are now following you too!

  28. Oh theese one is a good one! Some excellent points have been made for sure. All I know is that the lost hour has messed with my Num-Nums schedule...


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