Sunday 5 February 2012

getting my act together... finally!

So, the other day (actually, it was more than a week ago but I'm only now, finally, getting my act together) my friend Mario at Mario's Meowsings gave me an award...  The Liebster Award.  I was thrilled and felt so privileged.  Now it's time for me to make my own nominations.  

Let me tell you....  it was hard.  There are so many blogs out there.  And so many of them are really, really wonderful.  I've been doing a whole lot of reading these last few days.  Choosing only five was almost next to impossible.  I have to say 'almost' because, well...  I was able to pick just five in the end.  But it was really hard.  And I wish I could have chosen more.  I wish I could have chosen way, way more.  There are some amazing animal blogs.  Simply, amazing.

So, here are the five I have chosen...  I do hope everybody will check them out.  They're ALL great! 
1.  Purrchance to Dream 
     'Cause my peep loves her Shakespeare...  whatever that is.
2.  Pandafur
     Met her on twitter and she's really nice.  So is her husband  Petie.
3.  Tiger Lily's Pad
      'Cause I like tigers and the peep likes the lilies.  Remember, lilies are toxic for cats so whatever
       you do...  don't eat them!  Not even a nibble!!!
 4.  Katie Isabella
      Katie... you remind me of my mama and I miss her.  She was beautiful, too.
 5.  Kattonic Cats
      I'm told I had an Auntie Sadie whom I never met.  I'm sure she was wonderful.  Just like the
      Sadie here at Kattonic Cats.

Now, each of you who were nominated can nominate five more blogs.  Ooohhhh....  the fun is only beginning.  Then you need to follow these steps...  sorry Mario, but I'm gonna quote you pretty much word for word on this one.  Hope you don't mind.  But you did it so well, I really couldn't do any better.

1.  Link back to the blogger who gave it.
2.  Paste the award on your blog.
3.  Choose 5 blogs to pass the award along to.  These
     should have fewer than 200 followers each.
4.  Let recipients know about their nomination by leaving a
     comment on their blogs.

Let the games begin!


  1. Congratulations on your award! We're going to visit the 5 blogs you chose.

  2. Congrats on your lovely award.. You made lovely choices.. Well done and you look great in that photo... Hugs GJ xx

  3. Good job Nerissa. I did go over and say hello to a couple of those on your list and will visit more on my way out the door. Mario Smooches.

  4. Congratulations on your wonderful award. Very deserving... that's for sure

    Have a great day.

    pawhugs, Max

  5. Congrats on your award!! We've received a couple the last few weeks...we gotta get our act together too and post them!!

  6. Thanks you furry muches fur this award an concats to you! Mai hooman iz going to haz to get bizy an werk on mai bloggy! *purrrrr*

  7. Fanks you so muches for this awardie. I got one a few days ago and yours and mine must have come about the same time. xoxoxoxo So I may just ask others on my bloggie to take it for themselves if they don't have one.

    Love and huggles

  8. Lovely. And you are very sweet and deserving!

  9. Congratulations on your award, and well deserved too.

  10. Mieow Nerissa ^..^ Concatz on your Awardie :))),,
    and Fankz fur stopping by and "Following" us ^..^ we lookin forward to comin ofur and viziting you :) Purrz ~

  11. Hi there, thanks for visiting our blog today. We're following you now and look forward to reading more of your adventures :-)

  12. Concats on your award - we look forward to meeting you again soon.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  13. Congrats on your award!

    Purrs Lars and Odin

  14. Congrats on the very nice award, y'all are very special!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.