Wednesday, 11 September 2024

taught him so well

I've taught him so well.


I know, I know...  I know what you're thinkin'.  You're thinkin' I, Seville the Cat, teacher extraordinaire, have taught Saffy Saffron Sassifras a lesson.

And you know somethin', my friends?

You are one hundred percent correct.


But I should explain one thing before goin' any further: When I say I taught him a lesson, I didn't mean I taught him a lesson in a really bad way.  I didn't mean that I taught him a lesson like someone might teach a troublesome kid not to ever, ever do somethin' naughty again.  Nope, I didn't mean that kinda lesson, at all.

I meant...

I meant, I was bein' a teacher and had lessons to teach - like all good teachers do - and I taught Saffron how best to do what I wanted to teach him to do. 

Or somethin' like that.


So anyway...

So anyway, I, Seville the Cat, have taught Saffron how to get Peepers to let him outside.

Okay, so truth be told, he already kinda knew.  Yeah, he already knew how to get Peepers to let him outside by openin' a door or a window or whatever was handy.  But his methods were not as sophisticated as mine.

Basically, he just sat there and stared at the peep 'til she felt so uncomfortable bein' stared at like that, that she got up and followed Saffron to wherever he led.

Okay, so more truths be told, that's really what I always do.


But what Saffy was missin'...

What Saffy didn't used to do...

Where Saffron had previously failed in the leadin' of peeps, was to double-check that the peep he was leadin' was actually bein' led.


But now Saffron gets Peepers to let him out EXACTLY how I have always done.  You do the starin' bit which he already had down pat.  And if by chance she doesn't respond to the stares - 'cause she's like sound asleep or somethin' like that - a good, loud caterwaul usually gets her up off the couch or the bed.

But what I taught Saffy...

What he wasn't doin' before...

What Saffron was previously failin' to do was to keep lookin' back to make sure ol' Peepers was there!

Take three steps; stop; look back; repeat.

THAT'S how a kitty makes sure a peep is followin' their lead.

And that is what Saffy now does.

I taught him that.


Oh sure, it takes a bit longer, what with all that stoppin' and lookin' and stuff; but in the long run, five extra minutes is NOTHIN' compared to a peep gettin' lost between the family room and the front door, forcin' a kitty to do a room by room search of the whole, entire house.



It's happened before.


So you see, in the long run, the extra time it takes to make sure Peepers is still followin' is well worth it in the end.




  1. Wow, Sivvers. That is a very practical thing you taught Saffy. Because yeah, it doesn't take much for peeps to get lost and distracted!

  2. Yup, I wholly agree. The humans need to be led. Well done Seville. I do hope you have a graduation ceremony planned for young Saffy, complete with mortarboard hat and robes, possibly a scroll, too? Hmm, maybe it is the peep that needs one of those on account of achieving a goal?
    Toodle pips and purrs


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.