Sunday, 29 September 2024




Oh my mouses, those flowers are awfully pretty.  I'm gonna go tell the peep right now.  I'm gonna go tell her 'bout those flowers, and tell her she should be cutting some and bringing 'em into the house, for me.

'Cause I'd look super duper handsome sittin' next to a big ol' vase of flowers.


Peepers!  PEEPERS!  Peepers, how come you didn't pick any dahlias for me?  I was lookin' forward to sittin' up on the table next to 'em and lookin' ever-so-good.

I mean, it's not like I NEED to sit next to a big bouquet of flowers to look good.  I don't need anythin' next to me in order for me to look good.  You see, lookin' good comes naturally to me.  But a big ol' bouquet of flowers might  make me look even better.

Yeah, I know, Peepers.  It IS hard to believe I could look even better than I do.  But I can.  That's just how I am.


But back to the question at paw: why didn't you bring me in a bouquet of those flowers?

They WHAT?


Gosh darn it, apparently, those flowers are already spoken for.

Those flowers in MY yard.

MY flowers.

Somebody else already called dibs on 'em all.


Well you just march out there, right now, Peepers.  Yup, you had best march right out there with your snips and go snip me some flowers.

Tell those interlopers to buzz off!



I know, I know...  I know what you're thinkin'.  You're thinkin' the deer have come back.

And honestly, you COULD be right.  I mean, they MIGHT have come back.  But neither Peepers nor I have seem 'em.

At least not today.

So who are the interlopers, you ask?


Well, they're bees.  BEES.  Millions and millions AND MILLIONS of bees.

Okay, so maybe more like a couple dozen.

But the point is, those bees are all buzzin' around the dahlia flowers.  MY dahlia flowers in MY garden.  Peepers says, every single flower is sportin' at least one bee.

And I don't want those bees to be sportin' ME!

Yeah, I know that last sentence doesn't make a whole lotta sense.  But it sounds pretty good, to be sure.


But I was really wantin' a nice big bouquet of flowers to sit next to, and I'm not gettin' even a single flower 'CAUSE PEEPERS IS LEAVING 'EM ALL OUTSIDE FOR THOSE BEES.

Those interlopin' bees.


Well then, Peepers, I'm willin' to make a deal.  You paw me over a big ol' handful of treats and open up another tin of the fanciest of the feasts, AND I'LL THINK about forgivin' you for not goin' out there and riskin' gettin' stung whilst gettin' me a big bouquet of those flowers.


Actually, it might take a few more than one handful of treats.

One never knows about these things.

A kitty has gotta play it by ear.



  1. I love dahlias and I would really love a photo of you next to a vase of them. Hopefully the bees will vacate. XO

  2. We love dahlias, Sivvers! It's too bad Peepers isn't going to bring some of them in the house for you (those bees are lucky). But we think your suggestion of some treats -- lots of them -- is a decent substitution. Nom nom nom!

  3. It can be kind of scary when the bees start a buzin' Seville!

  4. Definitely get some flowers, sans bees. Plastic flowers would work too, just so long as they didn't have plastic bees!
    Toodle pips and purrs

  5. Well, if the dahlias come inside, the bees might follow the flowers...yikes!!

    We say the trade off of treats is a great idea!

  6. Yeah, Seville...getting stung is NOT FUN!

  7. The flowers are for perspective. They are pretty but you outshine them.

  8. Seville, they are great visitaters though. You'll get them to yourself soon. xo


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.