Wednesday, 25 September 2024

oh dear...

Oh dear...

Oh dearie, dearie me...

Oh dear!

Wait a minute.  Just hold on, there...


Nope, that is not correct.  It's deer.



I know, I know...  I know what you're thinkin'.  You're thinkin' those deer have been munchin' on the peep's roses again.

Well, I'm sure they would if they could, but they can't 'cause they've already eaten all of those.


Yup, we've had deer.  We've probably had deer all spring and all summer long.  First they ate all the tulips.  Then they ate the roses.  Oh, and they ate Peepers' broccolini, too.

Who the mouses wants to eat broccolini?  It tastes kinda like broccoli, you know.  And who the mouses wants to eat THAT?

Apparently, deer do.


But even though those deer were usin' my yard as an all-you-can-eat buffet all summer long...

And even though we found the damage they did, over and over again...

We never once saw any deer.

I had almost convinced the ol' peep it wasn't deer eatin' her stuff, but rather little green aliens from outer space.


I was THIS close to convincin' her of that.

'Til one day last week...


Right there in my backyard!


Yup, a mama and two babies.  Yup, a mama deer and her two babies were right out there in my backyard.

Well, not exactly babies.  Probably the equivalent of teens.

Twin teens.  TWINS!

I bet that mama was sayin' oh dear.


And in other news, Peepers' daffy down dilly bulbs arrived yesterday in the mail.  She's gonna plant 'em where she planted tulips, last fall.

Bet they won't wanna eat those.

The daffies, I mean.

But they sure did enjoy eatin' the tulips.



  1. Oh Jeez Nerissa, I just read that cooked broccoli is safe to feed cats. I'm with you, though. And I'm not even an obligate carnivore. All those flowers and bubs can be poisonous to cats, so maybe the deer thought they would protect you.

  2. Seville, mom had to give up with tulips too These the deer didn't eat, she watched as the squirrels went up and bit the stems to break the tulips in half. AND watched then dig up bulbs. (till she stormed out hollering). She can't feed any birds including her hummingbirds any longer because the squirrels attack the hummer feeder and drink the sector and break the feeders. Deer eat the bird food.

  3. Well, it does sound like a bit of an alien thing!

  4. Deer are majestic creatures and helping to feed them is the Lord's work, but it would make Mommy very mad

  5. Yes, everything seems to leave the daffodils alone. XO

  6. Dang, Sivvers. Those dear sound like omnivores when it comes to stuff planted by your peep. They're like peepplantavores or something. MOUSES!

  7. Maybe plant some onions, away from you cats as they are toxic, but maybe the deer will appreciate the flavour addition to their diet. Or a deer fence, that would work . . . .
    Toodle pips and purrs

  8. Seville, get out there and chase those critters away; it's your backyard!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.