Sunday, 3 April 2022


Tomorrow's the big day.  Yup, tomorrow is Saffron's BIG day, for sure.  Tomorrow is the day that my brother Saffy Saffron Saffers Sassafras - yeah, I call him that sometimes - goes in for his uh...


Well, you know...


*wink wink*


And let me tell you somethin', my friends, tomorrow can't come soon enough.


I know, I know...  I know what you're thinkin'.  You're thinkin', didn't I, Seville the Cat, blog 'bout Saffy's big day before?

You know somethin', my friends?   You're right!  I did.  I, Seville the Cat, DID blog 'bout Saffy's big day before, but...

But before when I blogged 'bout his big day, his big day was off in the far and distant future.  NOW his big day is tomorrow.


Peepers and I have our paws crossed we won't get too much snow tomorrow like the weatherpeeps are sayin' we might.  We're purrin' and prayin' we don't get so much snow that Saffy's appointment will have to be rescheduled.  We're purrin' and...

What's that you're asking 'bout now?

Oh, that.  Yeah, THAT.  Yup, Ol' Mother Nature is havin' mood swings again so EVEN THOUGH IT'S APRIL ALREADY, we're expectin' a snowstorm tomorrow.  Ten centimetres, they say.  Maybe more!  I'm tellin' ya, it's as disgustin' as disgustin' can get.  DISGUSTIN'!

Although to tell you the truth...

To tell you the truth, these mood swings of Mother Nature's are not unlike the cryin' and howlin' Saffry Saffron Saffers Sassafras has been doin' at four in the mornin' before the sun has even THOUGHT about gettin' up.  Before ANYONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND has thought about gettin' up, to be sure.

Thus, the need for the snip-snip to happen tomorrow.

And after the snip-snip, I'm hopin' I'll get a chance to sleep in.  'Cause a cat like me NEEDS his beauty sleep, you see.

Well, truth be told, I'D be beautiful - HANDSOME, I mean - whether I got my beauty sleep or not.  I mean, just look at this face.  How could this face NOT be as beautiful and handsome as can be?

However, it's a totally different situation with the peep.  Let's just say, Peepers needs her sleep.  Yup, Peepers needs her beauty sleep, for sure.  I'm tellin' ya, if Peepers doesn't start gettin' a good night's sleep on a regular basis, other peeps in the neighbourhood are gonna start leavin' crates of night creams and serums and gels and all sorts of stuff along with gift cards and certificates for local plastic surgeons on our doorstep just so they don't have to look at her harried, harassed, and haggard ol' face, and...

What's that?  What's that, Peepers?  What's that you're babblin' on about now?

What am I tellin' my readers, you ask?



Nothin'.  Nothin' at all.  Just casually mentionin' that tomorrow is the Day of the Snip.



And remember:



Continue to practice SOCIAL DISTANCIN' measures



Remember to mask up, too.


  1. Poor Saffy. Does he even have a clue about what awaits him tomorrow?
    Be nice to him, Seville...

    1. Nope. Never saw it coming 'til Peepers got the ol' crate out and ready. Then he was like, I'M NOT GOIN' IN THERE!!! But Peepers is crafty, she is, and got him in tail first. MOUSES!

  2. All our best to Saffron, we hope all is easy and okay!

    1. Doctor T just called and he's out of surgery. Peepers is pickin' him up around four. purrs

  3. Thank goodness Saffron is getting that snip taken care of. Hope he isn't too shocked when he wakes up, na' mean???

    1. Yup, it's for the best all round. Peepers called to make an appointment way back when in January but they were so backed up at the hospital, first appointment she could book was for today. MOUSES!

  4. Poor Saffy, and poor you and your Peeps, too, Sivvers! We have our paws crossed that all goes well tomorrow with Saffy's snip snip. XO

    1. He's out of surgery. Groggy, I bet, but other than that Doctor T says he's fine. purrs

  5. Good luck Saffy! It's really not that big of a deal . . .

    1. Yup, it's somethin' we ALL have to do, right? That's what I'm gonna tell him once he's home, anyway. purrs

  6. Paws crossed that the weather behaves and Saffron gets his neuter appointment completed!

    1. It's done! Peepers had to clear a couple inches of wet snow off the car before takin' him this mornin' and it's still snowin' now, but the snow is meltin' as soon as it hits the pavement so she should be fine for pickin' him up. purrs

  7. Poor Saffy, but everyone will be happier after. Even he will be after he has had time to forget about it.

    1. I sure do hope so. And I REALLY HOPE the howlin' and yowlin' will stop. Gotta calm that cat down. MOUSES!

  8. Saffy won't even notice the difference, Seville.
    And Sweetie has been very restless at night; I think it's the amount of critters outside that she sees, even though Winter and Spring are still fighting each other for control of the weather.

    1. This mornin' I read there was a coyote spotted in the subdivision a couple streets down. Hope he doesn't come 'round here. LAST thing I need is Peepers and a coyote in some kinda caterwaulin' / singin' / howlin' competition, you know? MOUSES!

  9. Getting anyone into the bad box for a visit to the V.E.T. is like planning an Olympics or an awards banquet after pawty. It requires lots of planning and replanning, and maybe even a before-event trial run. So very happy to hear Saffy is now nootered and vetted. Purrs, Dori


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.