Wednesday, 11 November 2020




So it looks like I'm gettin' a siblin'.


Peepers has already named her, Saffron.

Now, I say her, on account of Peepers thinkin' she's a girl, but you know the peep: she's not very good at that sort of thing.  Might I remind you 'bout my brothers Nerissa, Desdemona, and Calista?  Not to mention my sisters Mason and Tobias.


So here's the deal: a few weeks ago, while out on a walk, Peepers met up with a charcoal grey kitty a couple blocks away.  Said kitty was sittin' pretty in someone's front lawn and Peepers thought for sure she lived at that house.  New peeps had recently moved in, you see, and she figured she belonged there.  Plus, she looked pretty confident.  Confident like a kitty looks while out and about patrollin' their own property.

A few days later, Peepers saw the same kitty on the lawn across the street but hey, maybe the kitty was wantin' to meet her new neighbours?

But then three weeks ago or so, Peepers met up with a charcoal grey kitty sittin' in a ditch on a totally different street, 'bout halfway between our - I mean, MY - house and the first house I mentioned.  Now this kitty was far more timid than the one she first saw, and when Peepers said hello, the kitty ran away, which is odd on account of Peepers talkin' to birdies and rocky raccoons and even skunks on a regular basis and NONE OF 'EM EVER run away.

I'm surprised some of 'em haven't followed her home.


But I digress.

Well about two weeks ago, Peepers saw a charcoal kitty on our - again, I mean, MY - veranda, watchin' the birdies.  Now this kitty looked an awful lot like the kitty or kitties she saw before, but THIS kitty was super scared.  When Peepers opened the front door, the kitty ran off at top speed like a bat out of you-know-where.

But not one to be daunted...

Not one to be daunted, Peepers started puttin' some food - MY food, and don't even think I don't know it - out on the veranda every mornin' and sure enough, the little charcoal grey kitty has been coming every single day for brekkies.  She eats everythin' Peepers gives her so she's definitely hungry, but when Peepers puts out a second serving in the afternoon, she'll leave some of that on the plate.  Clearly she's not a feline vacuum like my late brother Andy.

But she's still scared.  Super duper scared, if you know what I mean.  She won't let Peepers anywhere near her.

Of course, she might just be practicin' public health protocols and be really good 'bout social distancin' and that sort of thing.


And now...

And now, gosh darn it, Peepers has gone and named her.  And you know what they say.  They say, once you name a kitty, said kitty is yours.


Peepers is sure Saffron is not feral.  Probably abandoned, and maybe that first day when she saw her, Saffron had only recently been abandoned but over time, she has become more and more scared of people.  Peepers is hopin' that day by day, she'll be able to gain more and more of Saffron's trust and then we can get her inside.  And then, my friends, I'll have a new sister.

Or brother.

That's still to be determined.


Peepers really needs to stop namin' kitties from afar, you know?  Gives kitties a complex when manly mancats have girly-girl names, and the lovely ladycats' names are all butch.

But hey, Peepers name is PEEPERS - HAHAHAHAHAAAA... - and that's about as weird as a name can possibly get.


Of course I am right.



And remember:



Continue to practice SOCIAL DISTANCIN' measures



Remember to mask up, too.


  1. Oh this is great news. We thought you must be lonely, Seville. Not only that but Saffron will give you new material for your blogs. Ohhhh! We can hardly wait for them. Hope the Peep will get photos of this little darling.

  2. We sure hope it all works out and we get to meet your new addition Seville!

  3. Seville, if this comes to pass, then you must make it clear to the little interloper that YOU ARE KING OF THE CASTLE! Wait at least one hour before curling up with the rascal for napping...

  4. Poor kitty. It sounds like she needs a good home. I hope she overcomes being scared.

  5. I hope Saffron decides to move in and that you Seville like her or him.

  6. Your peeper is a good peeper, Sivvers. We sure hope it all works out well, and that Saffron becomes a part of your family verys oon.

  7. Oh, Seville, We do so hope it is true and that the new little kitty will come to live with you and you can keep each other company.
    As for the name - Why would anyone name a charcoal grey kitty "Saffron", for Cod's sake?

  8. dood we think thiz iz awesum N blessingz two peeperz for helpin de wee kitteh out. sure it will take a few, but we just noe saffron will lurn yur mom iz ay oh kay.... may bee a bed ta chillax in, KNOT YUR bed, on de verandaz will help two ??!! ☺☺♥♥

  9. Whoa! No pics? Do you want a sib? Maybe Peepers should have grabbed her/him sooner. Can she put the veranda breakfast in a trap? Perhaps he's getting dinner somewhere else? And, yeah, TW used to give MY food to outdoor cats but now she gives it to a local TNR. Sigh.

  10. We thought with a name like Saffron the kitty might be a sort of yellow-ish-orangey color, but Mama knows best, Gray kitties are pretty swell too. We have some of each.

  11. Saffron eh Seville. Well it could be worse, she could go around naming Skunks or Wildebeests or the like. And by the by, who taught the peeps who named said Beests to spell?

  12. Awww...I know you will love her. I hope Saffron gets brave soon.

  13. Oh my Seville what pawsome need!! A new fur sib! Mouses but that’s just grand.

  14. Oh that would be so cool, I mean to have a new sister/brother. Maybe Saffron has some kin of his or her own that she is eating for too? Anyways, we awaits with baited breath to find out how it all pans out as it were. Maybe Saffron is a keen gardener, skilled at the nip growing? Just think of all the fun you both could have advising the peep as to the best way to plant grow and mature the nip ;)
    Lots of purrs

  15. Yep, I bet that kitty will be moving in with you, Severs, before xmas. Mom started feeding a black kitty at our porch back in February when the girl kitty showed up evening with the other one Mom's been feeding for two years. The next thing you know Mom gave the girl kitty a name. And not too long after that Mom brought her inside; by that time she had birthed 4 kittens! Well, the kittens got homes when they were old enough, but Esmay is here for good. That's how I got one of my sisters. Tee hee hee.


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.