Wednesday, 25 April 2018

watch out!


Fine.  DON'T listen to me, then.

See if I care.

Just don't come complainin' to me later.  You needn't come complainin' to me, at all!

'Cause seriously, Peepers, you'll get no sympathy from me.  No sympathy, whatsoever.  Not an ounce, nor an iota.  Not a mite, nor a speck, nor a crumb.  Not even a scintilla.


Oh Peepers....

Yeah, you.

Uh Peepers, you happen to notice you've gone and wet your pants, there?


Oh my mouses, that's funny.  Excuse me, Peepers, while I roll over onto my other side and laugh at you some more.


Oh my mouses, I'M KILLIN' IT HERE!

Peepers wet her pants...  Peepers wet her pants...  Peepers wet her pants...


Okay, so the peep didn't wet her pants all by herself.  She had some help.  Yup, she had a little help, for sure.

And that help came from, as you might have guessed, Andy.

So this is why it happened: The peep, bein' a peep, didn't listen to me.

What?  I need to explain more?  REALLY?  'Cause seriously, my friends, I thought my explanation was pretty self-explanatory.  The peep didn't listen to me and, as a result of her not listenin', she went and wet her pants.


Okay, I shall endeavour to elaborate.

Andy was scarfin' down the treats, like only an Andy can do, immediately prior to hoppin' onto the chesterfield in the family room.  Then, due to his scarfin', Andy threw up.  Yup, that long-haired marmie freak of a brother of mine threw up right there on the chesterfield in the ol' family room.


But the thing is, the peep didn't realise Andy had thrown up.  Oh sure, she knew he had coughed a little, but she didn't know he had actually tossed his cookies, so to speak.

And in a way, he hadn't.  Toss his cookies, I mean.  'Cause firstly, he had been eatin' treats, and not cookies, so he had no actual cookies to toss.  And secondly, what he threw up was mostly liquid.  There were some specks of non-liquid sick, but those specks of throw-up were kinda the same colour as the cotton throw on the chesterfield, so...

So the peep didn't see 'em, at all.

Now here comes the important part.  The most important part of this here entire story.  This is the part that is more important than anythin' else, and had the peep been listenin' to me, LIKE SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN DOIN', she would never have gone and wet her pants.


I. TOLD. The peep. To watch. Out.

That's right, my friends.  I. TOLD. THE PEEP. TO WATCH. OUT.

Yup, that's just what I did.  I said to the peep, "WATCH OUT!" and I said it just like that, too.


But did the peep listen to me?  Did the peep listen as peeps always should?

OF COURSE NOT.  After all, she is just a peep.  Apparently, Peep #1 thinks she's too good to listen to a kitty like me.


Well the next thing I knew, Peep #1 had gone and sat down on the chesterfield, right there on the spot where Andy had thrown up.




It just goes to show you, peeps should always listen to us cats.  Yup, they should always listen to us cats, for sure.

Hey Peepers!  You know what?  You really ought to go change those pants.



  1. doodz.....we iz tryin ta think bak heer az ta when de last time waz de food servizz gurl listened ta uz.....N we thinked bak sew far we iz now in dino timez ~~~~~~ { in R mindz eye } ...we hope ta cod at leest de peeperz listened when ya toll her ta change her pantz...and her shuld bee sayin THANX for lettin her noe ta change em, sew her dinna like go OUTSIDE lookin like that...ya noe ! ☺☺♥♥

    1. She did. Thank goodness! Can you imagine how embarrassed I'd be if anyone saw her walkin' about the house wearin' wet pants? MOUSES!

  2. Humans and their funny ways, huh. Mind you it is all part of the grand design whereby them pants need now to be washed and then when dried and folded they create a nice fresh bed for a feline in need of a nap... Thank heavens though it doesn’t happen the other way around is all I can say! Mouses!

    1. You are SO right! Maybe it was all part of a plan to provide me with better sleepin' material. MOUSES!

  3. If your peep didn't listen to you, then it is her own fault she wet her pants! As you said, you did try to warn her.
    I can't remember if I told you, I saw on Basil's blog that you have a puzzle page. I am enjoying doing all your puzzles. Trouble is they are addictive and I keep making my own too.

    1. I do! And you have puzzles, too! I have to say, your puzzles are great. I'm enjoyin' doing them a lot. PURRS

  4. Aycarumba! I've stepped in my share of vomit...but haven't sat in it...yet. I can see my future now...

    1. Don't say that too loudly. Might happen to you next. MOUSES!

      Word to the wise, listen to cats' warnings. purrs

  5. Oh dear Ceiling Cat. Those brofurs of yours do tend to keep things real interestin', don't they ? PS: our people really should listen to us more.

    1. They really should. Do you think they will EVER learn? purrs

  6. The humans never whatever happens to them is their own fault.

    1. That's what I say! Peeps can't complain when they don't listen to our warnings. Right? Right. purrs

  7. Pity the Peep did not listen to you, Sivvers. Sat right in it, eh? MOUSES!

  8. MOL - my human said, "EWWWW!" so loud, I bet you could hear it all the way over at your house!

  9. Well you tried to warn her but she didn't listen and the result was truly WET PANTS and not just wet but ICKY WET! Oh well....all we can do is try to help.

    Hugs, Teddy

    1. I know. Icky as icky can be. It was pretty gross. MOUSES!

  10. Yeowzers! Peep #1 is losin' her marbles if she isn't gonna listen to you Seville. Not much you can do with a peep who won't listen ' cept take her back to peep training 101

    1. Losin' her marbles? Oh, those are LONG gone. She's onto losin' her plastic beads now, too. MOUSES!

  11. I have learned to always look where I step and where I sit :)

    1. You have? How come? Did you sit in someone's sick, too? purrs

  12. Well Seville you did your best to try and warn her I can just picture you rolling about laughing.😻🐾🐾

    1. I have to say, I have had LOTS of practice rollin' around on the floor laughin' at my peeps. MOUSES!

  13. Hilarious and Ewwww at the same time! I have stepped on my fair share of upchuck, (and even slept next to it without knowing) but I don't think I have ever sat in it.

    1. Yup, hilarious for me, and ewww for the peep. LOVE IT! purrs

  14. Why don't peepers listen to us? At least you tried to tell her. That must have been pretty yucky, though!

    1. It was. For her. For me it wasn't so bad. Kinda funny, actually. MOUSES!

  15. It's important to listen to the cat! That gave me a laugh since I started out the day stepping on a BIG GROSS hairball my Persian upchucked.

  16. * helpless giggles * OH my CAT Seville, you really can tell a good tail er... tale!!

    I am sat here grinning!!!

    1. Oh, this is no tale, my dear friend. This is THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH, for sure. MOUSES!

  17. I am laughing so much here, thanks for the laugh too HA HA HA

    1. My pleasure! Maybe the peep will sit on somethin' even grosser for a blog post next week! purrs

  18. I'm sorry for her, but your version of the story is pretty funny! Hopefully, Andy is okay too.

  19. Eww! Pukey pants! Well, your peep can't say you didn't warn her. She should've listened. I find that my humans aren't all that good of listeners either. I warn Mom when I'm about to burp, but she still ends up stepping in the ick. Tee hee hee!

    1. Yeah, for the nine lives of me, I don't know WHAT their problem is. Listen to the cat. LISTEN TO THE CAT. They need to have that drilled into 'em. MOUSES!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.