Sunday, 31 December 2017

New Year's Eve, already

Well look at that.  Just LOOK at that.  It's New Year's Eve, already.


Where did the time go?

Did it fly, fly away?

Well...  Well you know what they say.  They say, time flies when you're havin' fun, and fun is what we've been havin' all year, for sure.


And FYI, time also flies when one is usin' an eggbeater teleportation device equipped with time-travellin' whisks, such as my flyin' fryin' pan.


But anyway, like I was sayin', it's already New Year's Eve.

New Year's Eve today; New Year's Day, tomorrow, and we all know what that means.  Right?

It means...

Well it means, first thing tomorrow mornin', peeps all 'round the world will be makin' their New Year's Resolutions.

It also means that by sometime tomorrow afternoon, peeps all 'round the world will be BREAKIN' their New Year's Resolutions, for sure.


I, bein' the smart kitty I am, planned ahead.  That's right!  Yup, I ordered in five dozen boxes of tissues.  I'm all prepared for the sobs and tears of my peeps when they realize they didn't manage to keep their New Year's Resolutions for even one full day, never mind a year.


I also ordered in a couple boxes of disposable diapers.

NO...  The diapers aren't for the peeps.


Nah, they don't need those.



But seriously, folks...   Seriously, I ordered in the diapers for that Baby New Year we always hear about.  A cat can never know when a cryin' Baby New Year might arrive at a cat's front door.


Hmmm....  I wonder if I should have ordered in some baby bottles and formula, too.  The peeps have a couple bottles of liquefied nip, stashed away for tonight, and I, bein' a cat, have a couple of untouched nip mice hangin' about, but babies...  Well babies need formula and milk and things like that, don't they?  I don't think the nip is what they need at all.  Plus, when it comes to my nip toys, I'm really not prepared to share.


But sobbin' peeps...  I mean, babies.  No, I mean peeps.  But my two sobbin' peeps aside, did any of YOU make resolutions for the new year?

And are any of you plannin' on keeping 'em?

My two personal peeps made a couple.  A couple of resolutions, I mean.  But to be honest, I didn't pay too much attention to what they were resolvin'.  I'm sure I'll hear ALL ABOUT IT sometime tomorrow afternoon.  You know, when they realize they've already broken their New Year Resolutions for the year.

Cue the boxes of tissues, puh-lease.


As for myself, I was gonna resolve to stop usin' the expression, "MOUSES!" quite so much.  Then I thought better of that.  No way am I gonna be able to keep that resolution, livin' with the peeps and fur-sibs with whom I live.

Then I considered resolvin' to not get nipped all the time, but I thought better of that resolution, too.  Let me tell you somethin': When livin' with the peeps and fur-sibs with whom I live, a kitty like me NEEDS to get nipped a lot.  And by a lot, I actually mean, all the time.


So finally, I decided to resolve to just keep on bein' me, and that, my friends, is a resolution worth keepin', for sure.


But for now, I think...  Well I think I have just one more thing to say.  Just one more thing, needin' to be said.

And that thing...  That thing I so desperately need to say, is....


Happy New Year.

May 2018 be OUR BEST YEAR YET.



  1. Happy Mew Year!
    ~Vicat, BratCat, Rags, & puppycat Geo

    1. And a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you, too. PURRS.

  2. Happy New Year from the frozen prairies. It is -32 right now so we are all tucked up warm and snuggly. I keep waiting for a wayward homeless kitten to show up on my doorstep but no such luck..

    1. Minus 32? MOUSES! We have snow, here, but it's not nearly that cold. Whew. If there are any kitties needin' homes out there in your neck of the woods, I sure do hope they find their way to your door. PURRS.

  3. Replies
    1. Best kind to make, I think. That way, if they're not kept, it's not YOUR problem. Right? purrs

  4. Replies
    1. Happy New Year Brian! Your mum wearin' her cowl? purrs

  5. Happy New Year! No resolutions are made here, we're all perfect. Hahaha.

  6. Happy New Year to you and your family, Sivvers! We did not make resolutions, per se, but a list of things we are leaving behind in the old year. :)

    Happy New year to you, sweet ones. Hugs!

    1. Sounds like a good plan, to me. HAPPY NEW YEAR! purrs

  7. Wishing all you kitties and your peeps a happy and healthy new year! XO

    1. And a VERY HAPPY & HEALTHY NEW YEAR to all of you, too. purrs

  8. Happy Mew Years Seville and family

    1. Happy New Year Stephen! Happy New Year to you and yours. PURRS

  9. Happy 2018! No resolutions here - just Binga being her usual self!

    1. Well Binga bein' her usual self is a pretty good thing for Binga to be. HAPPY NEW YEAR! purrs

  10. Seville, sounds like you have the BEST resolution....... mine is to read your blog for a healthy dose of fun... Wishing you and all your family and the peeps, a Wonderful Happy Healthy & Prosperous New Year
    Toodle pips and Happy New Year purrs

    1. Awww... You're makin' me blush. HAPPY NEW YEAR ERIN! And a Very Happy New Year to your peep, too. purrs

  11. Happy Mew Year dear friends! Warm wishes and purrs for a great year from the Zee/Zoey gang!

    1. HAPPY NEW YEAR MY PALS! May 2018 be our best year yet. PURRS.

  12. Happy New Year dear dear furriends. You are always one step ahead of the Peeps! Mouses!!!

    1. I find it's ALWAYS BEST to be steppin' ahead of my peeps. A kitty doesn't wanna be downwind of my Peep #1 when she's wearin' one of her bottles of stink. You know? purrs

  13. Seville you are doing a great job on the turning of the year
    Happy Mew Years
    Timmy, Dad and Family

    1. I'm workin' on it. I'm workin' on it, for sure! purrs

  14. That's a great resolution Seville, to be your authentic self! We're certain that is a resolution that won't be broken.

    Happy New Year to you, your fur sibs and your peeps too!

  15. Happy New Year! Being yourself works for us ... we think you're purr-fect, Seville!

  16. AIIIEEEE!!! MOUSES!!!! I know I am late, late, late!! But I am still gonna wish you Sivvers and all your family, with fur and with opposing thumbs, a most joyous 2018!! Cheery paw pats, Savvy and TKS


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.