Sunday, 3 December 2017


What?  WHAT?  What the mousie mousin' mouses...



Peepers, what do you MEAN it's already December?  What do you MEAN you forgot to flip the calendar from November?  What do you MEAN it's not your fault?

Oh for the love of mouses.  Of COURSE it's your fault.


I'm tellin' ya, if I don't remind Peep #1 to do stuff, she never does any of it, at all.  And now, here it is December 3rd, and I'm already like ten weeks behind.  Ten weeks behind for Christmas.


Okay, so maybe it's closer to three days, than ten weeks, but still...


What?  What's that, Peepers?  What's that you're babblin' on about now?

If I didn't know it was already December, what month did I think it was, you ask?  Well November, of course.  Just like the calendar was sayin'.

Peepers, I knew it was Sunday.  I knew it was a postin' day.  What I didn't know was that it was the first postin' day of December.


Here it is December 3rd, and I still have to write my letter to Santa.  I still have to help you decorate the tree.  I still have to finish my post for my December giveaway.  I still have to...

Oh my mouses!  PEEPERS!  Do you have those pictures ready for me to use?



Peepers, do you have those pdf files ready for me to use?



For the love of mouses.  If a cat wants stuff done in this house, a cat has to do all said stuff ALL by himself.


So Peepers, what exactly do you have ready for me?

Uh-huh, uh-huh...  Okay...  At least that's a start, I suppose.  Not a very good start, but a start, nonetheless.  I guess it's the best start I can expect, comin' from a peep like you.


Peepers, do you think you could have those pdf files ready for me to use on Wednesday?

Which Wednesday, you ask?  THIS Wednesday, of course.  Why do you have to make things so difficult?  WHY?

And Peepers, do you think you could haul out the Christmas tree and decorations, tonight, so that we could...

What?  WHAT?  What's that you're babblin' on about now?

Nothin'.  Nothin' at all.  The Christmas tree decoratin' has absolutely nothin' to do with my writin' my blog post for Wednesday.  But a kitty likes to bat around a bauble or two when searchin' for inspiration, you see, and...

On the other paw, never mind about that.  Some things are best kept to oneself, I believe.

Okay, so here's the plan, Peep.  Tonight, I'm gonna write my letter to Santa and stuff.  That could take a while, I suppose.  Then tomorrow, I would be much obliged if you would mail my letter, please.

And right after you take my letter to the post office, I need you takin' those pictures.  You know, the ones I was talkin' about, earlier.  And I need you gettin' those files ready for me to use, too.

Then on Wednesday, I'm GONNA be postin' about part one of my Christmas giveaway.
O-KAY?  That's on Wednesday, Peepers.  Wednesday of this week.  That's only a few days away.  The day after the day after tomorrow, it is.  W E D N E S D A Y.  You got that, ol' peepage of mine?



Okay, even I have to admit that sounds a little off.  Kinda sounds like somethin' that might be septic and seepin', and possibly creepin', and...

Okay, that's not very Christmassy at all.



Okay, so bottom line is this, Peepers.  I need those files ready by Wednesday.  Wednesday of this week.  I need the photos ready, too.  And I need you to...


You know, I wonder...

I wonder if I asked Santa really nicely...  If I asked him really, REALLY nicely, if he would bring me a peep upgrade.  Or an upgraded peep.  Whichever is easiest to find.  A peep who knows how to take pictures, and do up pdf files, and more to the point, a peep who gets things done on time.  And I wonder if he'd bring me my little prezzie, early.  Early as in by Wednesday of this week, and...

Oh my mouses!  If I'm gonna be askin' Santa for that, I'm gonna have to get my letter written to him, lickety-split.  Lickety-split as in like yesterday, for sure.  Or at least by tonight. 



  1. Nerissa, I refuse to believe it's December already! What the hey?!? MOUSES!

  2. You sure don't want our peep Seville. She's be a real down grade for sure. PDF files...what's that she'd say.

    But to be fair the Christmas tree and all the cat toys have been up for over a week. :p

  3. Next thing you know it will be Valentines Day!

    Noodle and crew

  4. WOW, I didn't know peep upgrades were even available MOUSES!

  5. A giveaway? How awesome! No wonder you are so annoyed with your human being lazy about turning over the calendar page.

  6. OK so It's December, but what year? I think I'm still on 2012 on my calendar MOL
    Toodle pip

  7. Seville, thanks for creating a giveaway to distract us from it already being December with Christmas zooming toward us like a deranged sparrow bent on destruction. I was thinking of hibernating under the couch. But a Giveaway gives me hope! Purrrs!

  8. Three days isn't too bad. I missed November completely on one of my calendars!

  9. Seville...I can write letters to Santa? My Mommy did not tell me that!! We do have our tree up, and decorated though. Thanks for letting me know about the letters, I have a TON of stuff I want!

  10. Guess what - my Mom was two days late turning the calendar page too. She also has NOT BOUGHT A SINGLE PACKAGE for under the tree! How am I supposed to rip ribbon off and tear Christmas paper when there's nothing there? Peeps - they seem to be fairly difficult to train......

    Hugs, Teddy

  11. Oh, you are smart to ask Sandy Paws if he'll bring you your "prezzie" early! A human upgrade sounds like something I need, too! My human didn't have her calendar flipped to the current month at work. I don't know how she got any work done! I think I've got her back on track & its sounds like you've got your mom back on track, too. We can't turn our heads even for a minute, can we, or our humans go off on tangents and don't focus like we cats. Hugs!

  12. You look adorable in your Santa hat.


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.