Wednesday, 2 August 2017

what to do

What to do, what to do...


Oh hello there, my friends.  It's Seville the Cat here, wonderin' just what I should do.


You see...

You see, I've already kicked some litter out of the litter box today.  I did that this mornin'.

And I've already scooped some water out of a water dish, spillin' it all over the floor.  I did that this afternoon.

And in between those two things, I scattered some kibble about, deposited a goodly amount of gorgeous ginger fur on a livin' room chair, and meowed at the peeps to let me out.

Pardon me?  There's nothin' wrong with meowin' at the peeps, you say?

True.  Meowin' at the peeps wasn't mischievous or anythin'. It wasn't mischievous at all.

Of course, my NOT GOIN' OUT after meowin' at the peeps, and gettin' Peep #1 to get up off her lazy ol' tail and open the door for me, well...

Well that might be construed as mischievous, for sure.


Not that the peep has a tail.

I mean, not that I'm claiming the peep has a tail.

Yeah, I know.  I have to add that.  I have to add that the peep does not, never has had, and probably never will have, a tail.

I have to add that because...

Because a couple weeks back, the peep made me sign a contract stating that when bloggin', I would no longer imply she was sportin' a tail.




So anyway...

So anyway, here I am, just sittin' here doin' nothin', wonderin' what kinda mischief I can get into now.

Should I rip apart a nip heart, scatterin' catnip about?  Should I knock some stuff off the table or counter, makin' a mess on the floor?  Should I dig up one of the plants in the sunroom and then traipse pottin' soil throughout the house?


Or should I use the pink chair as a scratchin' post again, even though there's a scratchin' post sittin' right next to it?  Or should I make a point of poopin' on the wrong side of the box, then push the poopies into the middle of the floor and hope that THIS TIME will be the time someone walks through 'em?  Or should I hop onto the counter and plunk my bum down on the dishes the peep is plannin' to use at dinner?


Or should I go diggin' in the peep's knittin' bag and tear apart her knittin'?  Or should I gorge myself on kibble and toss my cookies on the floor?  Or should I smack one of my fur-sibs real hard, then run to the peeps sayin' said fur-sib is chasin' after me for no good reason, and get him into trouble?


Or should I...


I'm kinda likin' that last option.

Oh Andy...



  1. Those are all options, Pal, to be sure. Maybe *all of the above*?

  2. hee hee--that lost option reminds me a lot of something Amarula would do!

  3. I think you should find a comfy place to contemplate your navel!! And stop being a brat!!

  4. It sounds to me like you have it covered, Seville!

  5. Hang on you're going too fast... I just need to jot these down. Right, got them. I love the last option sadly I have no fur sibs to wallop. Of course I could use the peep.... or could I borrow Andy from you?

  6. MOL, da last opshun duz sound fun!

  7. Pulling on the yarn does sound like fun to me!

  8. dood....we likes opts shun two !! ☺☺♥♥

  9. Now you sound like brofur Rumpy Bump MOL

  10. I can see that you never run out of fun things to do :)

  11. You wouldn't go after her knitting!!!!!!

  12. Seville, we all know you'll never run out of ways to be mischievous. So many options ... so little time ;)

  13. Go for the yarn!
    How bad could it be????
    Have a super weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  14. Wow, you sure do have a lot of choices to pick from! That will sure keep you busy for a long time to come.

  15. Awww Seville can you just find something to do that WON'T get you into trouble....try a be good day..xπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸ˜»πŸ˜»πŸ’•πŸ˜ΈπŸ˜Έ

  16. Wow, those are some real good options! Hmm... it is hard to choose a favorite. Each one, if carried out, should bring effective results! Maybe you could entertain the idea of doing more than one, Seville? Tee hee hee!

  17. so many choices and so little time...go for all of 'em


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