Wednesday 25 January 2017

dust bunnies

I have some good news, and I have some bad news.  Which do you wanna hear first?

Okay, so the good news is, we cats have not been cut off from the livin' room.

The bad news is, we cats have not been cut off from the livin' room... YET.

But I can see it comin'.


I know, I know...  I know what you're thinkin'.  You're thinkin', what has Rushton done this time?

Well sit back and I'll tell you.


So the other day, even though Rushton had taken over the livin' room chesterfield, declarin' the whole thing was his, and only his, he wanted to visit his ol' stompin' ground.  His ol' stompin' ground underneath the livin' room chair.  The big one.  The big chair that matches the chesterfield.

Now this came as a surprise to me 'cause when Rushy said he was gonna go under the chair, my first thought was, "You still fit under there?  MOUSES!"

But with a flip of his tail, Rushton managed to squeeze himself underneath.

It was a tight squeeze, my friends, but he did manage.  He even managed to get himself out afterwards.  Wonders never cease.

Anyway...  From under the chair I heard Rushton cry, "What happened to my hammock?"

Of course, I had no idea Rushy even had a hammock under there, under that chair, so I poked my head underneath it to see.

"That wasn't a hammock," I explained.  "It was a dust thing-a-ma-gig."

"You mean like a dust bunny?" Rushton asked.

"Nah, it was a mesh cloth designed to prevent dust bunnies from gettin' into the bowels of the chair. Come to think of it, Rushton, I think it was supposed to prevent YOU from gettin' in there, too. MOUSES!"

Well that was when Rushy squeezed himself out from underneath that ol' chair.  You know, like I previously mentioned he did.  Then he started stomping around the living room, huffing and puffing and fuming, like only a Rushy can do.  MOUSES!

"No need gettin' your tail all knotted up in a tizzy," I told him.  "Peep #1 disposed of that dust thing-a-ma-g..."

Rushton glared at me.

"I mean, she disposed of your hammock weeks ago," I continued.  "I saw her doin' it.  Yup, I saw her with the scissors, hackin' away at it.  Then she tossed it in the trash."

"In the trash?"  The beginnings of smokey plumes started to drift out of Rushton's ears.

"Rushton, if you're thinkin' of complainin' to the peep, I suggest you start thinkin' of doin' somethin' else. Peep #1 wasn't too thrilled to have to remove that ol' dust thing-a-ma-gig from underneath that ol' chair."

Then even more smoke came pourin' out my brother's ears.

"Yup, yup...  That's the look she had. Great impression of the peep, by the way.  MOUSES!"

Rushton sat back on his haunches. The smoke began to subside.  "But I finally had my hammock just the way I liked it," he sulked.

"Yeah, well, the peep wasn't too thrilled when she saw it hangin' down like it was.  Said somethin' about how it was supposed to be stapled up around the base of the chair and kept out of sight."

Rushton sniffed.  "But I had to tear one side open.  I tore it open with my claws.  I had to do it in order to get inside."

"Uh-huh, uh-huh..." I murmured, like a psychiatrist listenin' to a patient.  "And tell me, how did ripping open the dust thing-a-ma-gig make you feel?"

"Ummm...  I don't know.  Like a cat with a hammock, I guess.  It was an awfully comfortable hammock, Seville.  I even managed to drag a toy or two in there with me."

"Yes, Peep #1 found toys.  I saw her hauling 'em out, one by one.  MOUSES!"

Rushton sighed.  LOUDLY.  "I'm going to miss my mancat-cave, inside that big living room chair. Without the hammock, it's nothing more than a stupid old empty space.  An empty space inside of a chair."

"You know, you could try curling up on top of the chair," I suggested to my brother.

"But then everyone would see me!" and Rushton shook his head in disbelief.

"You weren't too concerned with everyone seein' you when you were takin' over the chesterfield."  I rolled my eyes.  "Not to mention pushin' everyone else off it," I added.

"That's different," Rushton declared.  "That was over there.  And this is here.  And..."


"And uh...  Well it just is.  I can't believe the peep threw my hammock in the trash, ruining my secret hiding place and..."


"AND RUINED ALL MY FUN!" Rushton cried.

"I see."  I narrowed my eyes.  "You know, Peep #1 was pretty annoyed when she discovered the dust thing-a-ma-gig all torn up like you tore it.  She wasn't happy at all.  She even said somethin' about..."

"About what?" Rushton interrupted. "Did she happen to mention if the chesterfield has a potential hammock, too?  Because if it does, that would make the most wonderful of hammocks ever.  The most wonderful of hammocks in the whole wide world! Even bigger than the one inside the chair and..."

"RUSHTON, NO!!!!" I cried as Rushy dashed toward the livin' room chesterfield.


And this, my friends, is why I say, "We cats have not been cut off from the livin' room...  YET."



  1. Our Elvis made himself a big ol' hammock when he joined us; his bed, in his room, had a net bottom, and he clawed it all open. Servant can't get under there to clip it, so there is is.

    1. Peep #1 had to turn the chair over on its side. MOUSES!

  2. I feel a protest coming on!
    Have a super Wednesday...

    Noodle and crew

    1. I wonder... Should we cats all be wearin' hats? purrs

  3. MOL - we hasn't done dat, but some previous cats did something similar.

    1. You haven't done that or, you haven't done that.... yet.

      Inquirin' minds wanna know. purrs

  4. Well that is awful, you'll have to start all over designing a new mancat cave!

    1. Yeah, I kinda think that's exactly what he's thinkin'. MOUSES!

  5. Seems this is quite common! I had to remove ours after Mousie shredded ours. Great Blog!

  6. Saku did that too Rushton, and the mom bean removed the hammock and tacked cardboard under the chair. Then he scratched that off too!

    She says he can't get under the couch. He says that's true but he can scratch at the dust thing-a-ma-gig and make holes in it. MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  7. I hear that Sparkle had an awesome hammock under the box springs of the bed the humans used to have before the one they have now. Sadly, nothing we have here now can make a hammock.

  8. I have a horrible story about an under the couch hammock. I once had a kitty that made his way under the couch like that and he would poop under there instead of using his litter box. I kept smelling it and pulling the couch and other furniture away from the wall looking for the source to no avail. Finally I flipped the couch over and there it was. This was my very sweetest kitty who I loved very much. I was pretty young back then and didn't know I should take him to the vet to see what was going on. He had a litter box in the house that was always kept clean. He disappeared one day and I cried for days. Maybe he was sick.

    Anyway, I can understand why your mom would not want to have kitty hammocks under the furniture. But hopefully you kitties wouldn't want to use those spaces for anything except sleeping and hiding toys.

    1. Hmmm... Yup, sleepin' and toy hidin' is pretty mild in comparison. I'm sorry 'bout your lovely kitty. purrs

  9. Poor Rushton ... everycat and Peep against him! Maybe you can work together with Mason and make him a special mancave away from all your favorite spots?

    1. Problem is, our favourite spots are what he likes. MOUSES!

  10. Hehehe I do feel sorry for Ruston, just a tiny bit..... OK thats gone, but the image of a marmie with smoking ears will last for a while purrs. I like the idea of a hammock though, maybe peep one could make Ruston a new mancat cave under something else, like a foot stool?

    1. Rushy says the makin' of the mancave himself, is half the fun. MOUSES!

  11. Hahaha! The trials and tribulations of being a cat.😻

  12. Debbie and the kitty klan26 January 2017 at 13:22

    Hahaha! The trials and tribulations of being a cat.😻

  13. Oh my Cat you pooRushton - no hammock. BUT

    I can see Peeps point - really I can! Furniute does not come cheep. ;-)

    1. Rushy says, "It was only the bottom I tore!" Peep says, "MOUSES!" Yup, she uses mouses, too. purrs

  14. dood...ya did knot heer thiz frum uz...but de BOX SPRINGZ...that big square thing under de bed matrezz....haz a
    HUGE hammick....we R talkin like... fitz 7 catz quite comfee like ~~~~~~ just sayin ☺☺☺♥♥♥

    1. I have told Rushy and he's gonna try that out, for sure. MOUSES!

  15. Please tell the peep that there are kitty hammocks you can tie under chairs- maybe she should get a few. XO

  16. yowl-ch! no living room? have you tried the hammock under the bed??? we loves that on - looks like da tabbies doo too.
    -Lulu who likes hiding in hammocks...

    1. Haven't tried it yet but we've been hearin' good things! purrs

  17. Replies
    1. I know. Even I'm beginning to feel sorry for the guy. MOUSES!

  18. Awwwww Rushton dude we feel your pain, we do really but purrhaps mew could tie a couple of the curtains together and make a new hammock swing in the window, be great fur catching sun puddles! MOL Purrs Basil & Co xo


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.