Sunday 4 December 2016

you're it!


Shhhh...  Don't tell her where I am.  Mason, I said, don't tell her where I am.  Don't tell Peep #1 where I'm hiding!



Mason, you and I are gonna need to sit down and have a little chat about the concept of hide and seek, for sure.

Need I say it again?  Of course I do.  MOUSES!

So anyway, the first peep got a new pair of earrings.  Yup, she splurged.  Splurged on all of three dollars and ninety-nine cents worth of earrings.

And that was for the pair, by the way.  MOUSES!

So anyway...

So anyway, she got this pair of cheap and trashy...

What's that, Peepers?  They were inexpensive and sparkly, you say?

Hmmm...  You can call 'em what you like, Peepers, but I'm calling 'em as I see 'em, and the way I see 'em is that they're CHEAP and TRASHY, for sure. MOUSES!

So anyway, Peep #1 splurged on a pair of cheap and trashy earrings, and the first thing I said to her when I saw 'em was...


Then I found out she paid under four dollars for the complete set and I said...

"Never mind.  Not all that much, I suppose.  MOUSES!"

But that's when I realized something.  That's when I realized that those earrings that looked like Christmas prezzies all wrapped up, and were danglin' from the peep's ears like no other pair of earrings had ever dangled before, were OBVIOUSLY meant...


So I got up all close and personal with the peep.  Yup, that's right, I sidled up to her, right there on the couch.  I started to purr, so as to get her to let her guard down.  I allowed her to tickle my chin and give me scritches behind the ears.  Then I walked onto her lap.  And then, I stretched way up so that we were practically nose to nose, and I just knew...  I just knew she thought I was gonna give her nose kisses which, by the way, is somethin' peeps absolutely LOVE when cats do.

And then...

And then...

And then I lifted a paw...

And with one mighty swipe, I swatted one of those earrings with the mightiest of swats, cried "YOU'RE IT!" at the top of my lungs, and ran like no kitty has ever been seen runnin', before.

And that would be about the time when Mason told the peep where I was hidin' and ruined all of my fun.



  1. I think you're right. Buying cheap n trashy earrings that look like kitty toys is exactly what Peep #1 had in mind when she paid under four dollars for them. Here at my house, my mom put a village together with a tree. She didn't try to make it all fancy and purrrfect cuz she knew Dori would want to put in her own special touches...which of course Dori has been doing non-stop since the village went up. Christmas is for Kitties! Yay!

  2. MOL! I don't think my momma would be too happy if I used her earrings for toys.

  3. Pfffft! If they sparkle and dangle, then they are kitty toys. Surely your peep knows that.

  4. Boy, I have filed away that must excellent move for my own use when possible!

  5. I can't believe she spent what clearly should have been catnip money on herself! How dare she!? I say you hide those earrings in your litter box and she how long it takes her to find them!

  6. Seville, your story has made the mom bean happy that she doesn't wear earrings of any kind. We kinda wish she did. :)

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  7. Thank you for that terrific giggle. We can just see it. Our Mom has a couple of those wild, cheap holiday earrings. One pair even has bells. That just screams (er...jingles) cat toy to us. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  8. Bwahahaha! That sounds just like TKS today when the peep were tryin' to decorate their tree. TKS kept on getting into the "low hangin' fruit"'mean??

  9. Look at it this way, Seville - at least you don't have to wear those earrings!

  10. What I wants to know being and enquiring Princess, is, will peep #1 be wearing them wonderfully trashy earrings toys again for Christmas? I mean gifts are for giving, trashy or not, and if they're toys they just have to be played with! purrs ERin PS $4 worth of Nip hanging around the ear lobe area sounds an quite enticing idea, if a mite dangerous for peep #1. Mouses!

  11. It's a bit miffing when everyone doesn't play by the proper set of rules! But, that was a great move on the earring!

    The Chans

  12. MOL Oh Seville, not sure dat was a good idea. Me did dat once. It was not a good idea. MOL Big hugs to all.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  13. We still think nip would be more fun!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

    Thank you for your kind thoughts for Treasure.
    We miss him.

  14. Excuse me...I have a jewelry box to go through.
    Have a wonderful week...

    Noodle and crew

  15. I bet they were fun to play with.

  16. Everyone knows that anything we want to play with are our toys. I can't believe Mason tattled on you though!

  17. MOL ! We're not sure that Claire would be happy if we played soccer with her earrings ! Purrs

  18. Our mom says, there is noting like cheap earrings, because you can have lots and lots of them.

  19. MOL! And THAT is why I don't wear dangly earrings. Cheap or not. I mean...inexpensive or not.

  20. * helpless giggles * OOOH BOY Seville, I bet you are in trouble!!!!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.