Wednesday 10 August 2016

puddle water!

Whatcha doin', Peepers?  It's like...  two-thirty in the morning.  Little early to be getting up, don't you think?

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.  I forgot that Mason didn't come in earlier when you called her.  You goin' out to check on her again?

Nah, I'll just watch from a window.

Little did the peep know, Mason was busy outside, countin' her thumbs.

Just kidding!  Not about the having thumbs part.  My sister Mason does have thumbs. She just doesn't waste her time counting 'em.  Why would she?  She already knows she has two.  MOUSES!

"I'm coming!  I'm coming!  Oh no! MOUSES!"  And that was exactly what Mason cried as she watched the mouse she had been carrying in her mouth, scamper across the driveway, before hiding in a flower bed.

"OH NO!  MOUSES!" And THAT was what Mason cried as Peep #1 swooped down from above, grabbed my sister around her middle, and hauled her up into her arms.

"Let me go!  Let me go!" Mason cried as she did the squirmy-wormy dance, trying to get out of the peep's grasp.  "He's getting away!  He's getting away!  Let me at him!  LET ME AT HIM!"

Needless to say, my sister Mason was brought inside for the night and the mouse escaped further capture.  MOUSES!

"Of all the ungrateful...  MOUSES!" and Mason stomped off into the family room, grumbling the entire way.

"She's not listening to you." I told my sister.  "Be thankful it's two-thirty in the morning and she's too tired to lecture you on the catchin' of critters."

"But I was bringing that critter home for her!" and Mason stomped a paw once more for effect.  "As I said, of all the ungrateful..."

"She's already back in bed, Mason.  Give it up."  I snickered as I added, "Just like you had to give up the critter.  Hehehehehee..."

"It took me a really long time to catch that mouse in the first place," Mason grumbled and lifting a hind leg, she began to give herself a bath.  "Mice are hard to come by in our yard," she muttered between licks.  "We've pretty much moused the whole place out.  And there I was, so exciting to bring the one little guy I managed to catch, home to Peep #1 and..."

"Yeah, yeah...  That's me back to bed.  Night Mason!" and I walked away, leaving my sister still grumbling as she washed her other hind leg.

But to tell you the truth, Mason was right.  It is hard to find mice around our house.  We really have kinda moused the whole place out.

Birds, though, are a totally different story.

You should SEE the birdies out there.

Why just this morning, a small flock of black birds of some kind were playing on my driveway, 'cause Peep #1 had put the sprinkler on for the pansies, and some of the water was hitting the pavement.  Those birdies were splashing about in the water, taking a sip now and then, and then splashing some more.  Fluffing their feathers and preening.  They were having such fun!

Frolicking.  Yup, that's what those birdies were doin', for sure.  Frolicking.

In fact, the birdies were havin' such fun that the peep didn't have the heart to turn off the sprinkler until they all flew away.

Of course...

Of course, the reason they flew off was none other than my sister Mason.

Yup, she sure does get around.

After sleeping in, on account of her late night the night before, Mason enjoyed a bite of brunch.

You know, brunch.  That meal eaten between - not necessarily in place of - breakfast and lunch, although in this case, Mason did miss her breakkies 'cause like I said, she had slept in.

Anyway...  Mason had some brunch before heading outside.  I think she was planning on checking out those flower beds, to see if she could find her mousie from the night before.

No sooner was Mason outside, but she spotted...

Bet you're thinking she spotted those birdies, huh?  Yeah.  Bet you're thinkin' that, for sure.  But if you are thinking that, you'd be totally wrong.

Well not totally.  I'm sure Mason did see the birdies but the birdies were not what caught my sister's attention, and I know this to be true because all of a sudden I heard a cry of...


Oh yeah, my sister Mason is a connoisseur of the puddles.  Just as some peeps enjoy a fine wine, my sister enjoys a fine puddle, for sure.  MOUSES!

Doesn't matter how many bowls of clean, cool, fresh water the peeps put out for us in the kitchen and stuff, Mason ALWAYS prefers a puddle.  She says puddle water is tastier and to tell you the truth, I have to agree with her 'bout that.  MOUSES!

Anyway...  The next thing I knew, Mason had raced toward the sprinkler and skidded to a stop next to the largest of the puddles.

And that, my friends, would be 'bout the same time when all those birdies flew away.

Now some cats might be offended by such rudeness but not my sister Mason.  No sirree.  Mason just looked around and grinned happily, "All the more puddle for me!"

After downing 'bout half a puddle, she headed back toward the house, looking for that mousie from the night before.

And if I'm not mistaken, I think I might have heard Mason saying under her breath, "I'll save the rest of that puddle for later, to wash down that mousie. Now where is he..."



  1. mason....we canna say how ab sew loot lee buzzed happee we iz ya dinna get a BURD.......

    N for sure....when ya went bak out side after brunch...we thinked ..ya saw de mouz that getted a way......

    oh well, may bee him will be bak two nite !! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

    N joy yur puddle water in de meen time ~~~~~~~~~

    1. Mason is really hopin' her mousie returns but so far, no luck. MOUSES!

  2. That Mason is a busy kitty!

  3. Seville, how cool that Mason has *thumbs*. Two of my 12 kitties have thumbs also. Polydactyls are really cool -- I have been trying to teach my one who has 24 toes, to shake hands, er, paws. . . really cute post!! Mason, keep up the good work -- and enjoying the puddles!! ♥♥♥

    1. I'm hopin' the peep can teach Mason how to knit! purrs

  4. Oh we love puddles of water too. Rain water is just the best but sorry you lost your mouse. Maybe you find it again, Mason.

    1. Yup, puddle water 2016. A very fine year, indeed. purrs

  5. What's a cat gotta do to get a mouse around here?

    1. I know! I KNOW! And then when you do get one, the peep helps it escape. MOUSES!

  6. Puddles and gifts for Peepers, MOUSES!

    1. Yup, peeps LOVE gettin' gifts of mousies, for sure. I think. Well that's what Mason tells me, anyway. purrs

  7. We have lots of mice around if Mason would like to wander over and catch some. We saw 6 dead ones on the road last week and Hailey caught one in the yard.

    1. Six of 'em? Just lyin' out there on the road? They really need to start lookin' both ways before crossin'. MOUSES!

  8. Our mom always wonders why when we have perfectly fresh water in a clean bowl on the porch that we'll drink puddle water. MOUSES! Humans just don't understand. Mom got a good laugh imagining frolicking birdies. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Well it tastes better. Simple as that. I have to admit, I enjoy a good puddle myself. purrs

  9. Hehehe, Mason is quite the water baby, isn't she. Maybe for ultimate pleasure you could invite some watery fowl to the puddle too.... might have to up your puddle size though! purrs ERin

  10. Good luck with dat mousey. Mommy doesn't think we'd be very good mousers. Altho' Raena sure does like to carry round those furry little toy mice. MOL Ya'll have a great day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  11. Oh! Puddle Water! My hairy slobbery sister Cinnamon loves puddle water too! Mes is more a drink water out of the river kind of girl...mes misses being able to does that - like mes could in Midway!

    1. I've never had river water before. Is it yummy? purrs

  12. MOUSES and puddle water ... Mason sure does have a discriminating palate! :)

    1. She really does. Bet she could be a chef or somethin' if, you know, the peep allowed us to do stuff like that. MOUSES!

  13. We're so sorry you lost your mousie because of your peeps, Mason ! Puddles of water are the best, we wish the mouse loves it too and comes back to you ! Purrs

    1. Maybe tonight... Maybe tonight that mousie will return. We'll see. purrs

  14. The way I see it, your peeps owe Mason a mousie. I mean ... what were they thinking?!?
    Thanks for stopping by our blog, Seville! We love making new friends.
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  15. Oh Mason, that just wasn't right. After all your hard work, and wanting to get the purrfect gift.... meanies.

    1. I know! I KNOW! And Mason is really upset 'cause next month is Peep #1's birthday and she was plannin' on givin' her another mouse and.. well... *sighs* MOUSES!

  16. That was not very nice of the peep to make Mason lose her mouse. At least she got to enjoy her puddle :)

    1. And she really did enjoy the puddle, for sure. Mason loves her puddles. purrs

  17. Mason, did that puddle water taste? Was there a first sip that tingled you taste buds followed by a bit of the flavor of soil and grass on the after palate??? ahhhhh...superb blend

    1. Mason asked me to tell you that the puddle was an EXCELLENT vintage, for sure. purrs

  18. Well shoot Mason, all that work and not so much as a pat on the back Mason! We're happy you got to enjoy your puddle though.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. So is she! Mason LOVES those puddles, to be sure. purrs

  19. Mason! Has anyone told you lately how gorgeous your beautiful furs are? WHAT a color! I am sorry that you lost the gift mousie BUT your mom cared enough for you to come out looking...all for your safety.

    1. Peep #1 always says Mason's colouring is fawn but, I believe, technically, she's cream. Oh gosh, now I'm thinking 'bout dishes of cream. purrs

  20. Oh this is so true!!! The Staff cannot understand why I won't drink the nice clean fountain water!! But I say the water in next door's gutter is so much more full of minerals and vitamins!! Makes sense, eh!! xxx

    1. Yup, those puddles are FILLED with vitamins and minerals, for sure. purrs

    2. Plus, they taste really, REALLY good. purrs

  21. Is that puddle water like water that stands in the garden for a long time, with little creatures in it, like fishies, Mason...well, than I like it too...MOL :D Hope you find your mousie..I hope it is nipped like mine ;) Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday :) <3

    1. Hmmm... Smaller than that, I think. The puddles don't stick around for very long. They dry up really quickly. Way too quickly if you ask me. purrs

  22. Oh there's nothing wurse when mew find a tasty mousie-morsel and your peep ruins it all by:- A - grabbing mew and bringing mew indoors & B - Grabbing mousie-morsel fur a catch and release somewhere far far away programme - SO NOT FAIR! We feel your pain, really we do! MOL


    Basil & Co xox

    1. I know! These catch and release programs the mice and chippies and squirrels have set up are not fair to us cats, at all. MOUSES!

  23. First of all, your Peep needs to be more appreciative of gifts! We are going to have to try one of those sprinkler puddles, it has been so dry here all the rain just soaks right in!

    1. We're finally gettin' some proper rain now. FINALLY. It took a really long time. purrs


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.